Bad Company 2...I just dont get all the I the only one?

I installed it and quickly became disappointed there was no LAN play. I require local network play for my FPS multiplayer games. DICE, you have failed me.
There is still more people currently PLAYING MW2 than BFBC2, thats including all systems. Xbox alone its not even close. but for computer its not even close for BFBC2.
MW2 is best for consoles
BFBC2 is best for PC

Hard factual proof of these numbers?

For me having no dedicated servers is a huge deal, living in rural america comes with advantages and disadvantages (granted I am now considered in city limits, but dont let the fancy trash can fool you) High Speed internet connection speeds are not widely offered as much outside city limits as they are inside. So being a DSL owner does not always a yield good result while gaming. Sometimes you get great connections other times you get shoved off with the foreigners during a match making "event"

That is a whole other monster in its self. In a perfect high speed connection world ,match making would be great fun way to play games, but in todays technologically inept state of isp's not one person has a pure connection to another unless your sitting right next to each other via LAN.

You may be saying to yourself right about now "omg this guy is a retard, same thing has been said already" The reason you here it so much is cause its a true headache to everyone, lack of admin, lack of control, equals total chaos and eventually less players in the community.

Look at what happened to Combat Arms, was a fun fast paced shoot em' up game (much like MW2 in some aspects) and a huge community, hackers totally ruined the game despite the developers attempts at blocking the hacks. If you have a third party (I.E. admins in servers) people who are hacking get spotted, reported and banned/kicked appropriately leading to overall better game play for everyone.

I own MW2 ,is it a fun game? Yes
Would I recommend it to a fellow PC gamer? No

End Note- Both games have their pros and cons. Both games are on different ends of the FPS spectrum. But from a feel good/play happy stand point I find less frustration in BC2 than I ever will in MW2.

Just my $.02

Good Morning America
I maintain that BC2 sports the best graphics quality/performance ratio ever seen in the gaming industry. Comparisons to Crysis might be made, but I am much more impressed by what has been done in BC2. Don't get me wrong, I've spent hours upon hours tweaking the Crysis config file and it holds a special place in my heart, but it has been effectively dethroned by this game. End of story.

I mean, really, the performance is staggering for how good the graphics are. They have optimized the hell out of this game. The horizon-based ambient occlusion IS the best implementation of the AO the gaming community has seen. How can anyone not be amazed by how good it looks? I'll be playing and get caught staring at a pile of rocks because the HBAO is so amazing looking. It makes crysis look like shit. This effect is the most important thing to hit realtime computer graphics in a long time - and it boggles my mind that some people don't notice it. It marks the beginning of a new era in graphics.

Not to mention, I'm getting a constant 60fps @ 4xAA, 8xAF w/ HBAO and all I have is a 5850. I am extremely impressed by the graphics programmers at DICE.
Rofl rofl. Sorry had to get that out.

Ok now I can say what I wanna say. At the risk of sounding like an arrogant ass let me just say I'm pretty fucking good at both mw2 and bc2. I am good at em both and enjoy them both for what they are and in different ways. Ya ya mw2 would be better with dedicated servers no doubt about it but I promise you guys its still a fun fuckin game. I'm not kidding, scouts honor lol.

All that being said I have always been a fan of the cod series since the orignal on pc and of the bf series on pc since 1942. So sue me, I like em both. I'm nuts amirite?
The game is pretty weak, maybe slightly above MW2, which is trash.
Rofl rofl. Sorry had to get that out.

Ok now I can say what I wanna say. At the risk of sounding like an arrogant ass let me just say I'm pretty fucking good at both mw2 and bc2. I am good at em both and enjoy them both for what they are and in different ways. Ya ya mw2 would be better with dedicated servers no doubt about it but I promise you guys its still a fun fuckin game. I'm not kidding, scouts honor lol.

All that being said I have always been a fan of the cod series since the orignal on pc and of the bf series on pc since 1942. So sue me, I like em both. I'm nuts amirite?

Me too, and I liked both since they were both released. It's pretty fair to say quite objectively that the MW games are a departure from what made CoD good, both online and in singleplayer.

But that's not what this thread's about. This thread's about someone saying that BC2 doesn't do all the things it does do, which is why it's silly and we ought to ignore it.
Destructible environment has added a ton new angles of gameplay. I don't even care about the singleplayer aspect, all I play battlefield games are for the multiplayer.

Am I the only one here who thinks that the original Red Faction for PC did destructible environments the best still?

I played Red Faction Guerilla, and others but I just feel like the original Red Faction's destructible environments were the most memorable and best even considering now how long ago it came out.
Me too, and I liked both since they were both released. It's pretty fair to say quite objectively that the MW games are a departure from what made CoD good, both online and in singleplayer.

But that's not what this thread's about. This thread's about someone saying that BC2 doesn't do all the things it does do, which is why it's silly and we ought to ignore it.

Amen brother. I happen to think bc2 has just the right combination of graphics, performance and fun addictive gameplay. Course the ctd and freeze issues asside its a goid game.
MW2 online is fun, and fast paced. But my award goes to BC2. MW2 is just chalk full of glitches bugs and hacks that ruin the game. Some of the perks are down right annoying like the tractor beam knife kill with the commando perk. Felt like IW ran out of ideas for perks and started adding some b.s ones to fill the gap. Definitely felt like a rushed game. But the game that still is still tops for me is CoD4. An overall amazing package. All the perks seem pretty reasonable and fair. BC2 is a very close 2nd place to CoD4.
I maintain that BC2 sports the best graphics quality/performance ratio ever seen in the gaming industry. Comparisons to Crysis might be made, but I am much more impressed by what has been done in BC2. Don't get me wrong, I've spent hours upon hours tweaking the Crysis config file and it holds a special place in my heart, but it has been effectively dethroned by this game. End of story.

I mean, really, the performance is staggering for how good the graphics are. They have optimized the hell out of this game. The horizon-based ambient occlusion IS the best implementation of the AO the gaming community has seen. How can anyone not be amazed by how good it looks? I'll be playing and get caught staring at a pile of rocks because the HBAO is so amazing looking. It makes crysis look like shit. This effect is the most important thing to hit realtime computer graphics in a long time - and it boggles my mind that some people don't notice it. It marks the beginning of a new era in graphics.

Not to mention, I'm getting a constant 60fps @ 4xAA, 8xAF w/ HBAO and all I have is a 5850. I am extremely impressed by the graphics programmers at DICE.

See...shit like this...BC2 graphics are, I think, no where near AWESOME or IMPRESSIVE...yeah they arent bad...but theres nothing about them that is above any other game out say it makes Crysis look like shit? GTFO! Crysis has SSAO already on everything...OMG theres no individual option for it...its still there...youre an idiot. "The most important thing to hit real time computer graphics in a long time"...that genuinely made me LOL...oh my God...cant breathe...
I don't get all of this crap about "BUT MW2 IS GREAT ON CONSOLES!" If it's shit on PC it's shit on console.
Am I the only one here who thinks that the original Red Faction for PC did destructible environments the best still?

I played Red Faction Guerilla, and others but I just feel like the original Red Faction's destructible environments were the most memorable and best even considering now how long ago it came out.

Dude you have no idea... i seriously spent hours with friends on that game just making tunnels... so damn fun...

This game takes that to building and stuff, but you cant go digging a hole in the ground, but hey, its realistic. try making a 40 ft crater without a nuke? if even that its possible... something goes boom the force is directed away from the ground unless its designed otherwise (anti tank missile)

wait... what does this have to do with this game kicking more ass then MW2?
Only good thing I can really say about the game is multiplayer...

Exactly. If you bought the game for the single player, you were just ignorant. Battlefield games will always be about MP. Single player is icing.

Have you ACTUALLY played the multilayer for any extended period of time? It can be difficult to get used to at first, but it's extremely well crafted, and when you get a good team, battles can last a long time....tons of fun.
I don't get all of this crap about "BUT MW2 IS GREAT ON CONSOLES!" If it's shit on PC it's shit on console.

They have lower standards. My standards for games used to be pretty shit when I was exclusively a console player, too. You don't know what you've got until you get showed what you're missing, and such.
Geez Guys.... I'm impressed by both. I'm old enough to remember how impressed I was when Pong came out. Now that's old. We didn't split hairs about game graphics back then. LOL!
There is still more people currently PLAYING MW2 than BFBC2, thats including all systems. Xbox alone its not even close. but for computer its not even close for BFBC2.
MW2 is best for consoles
BFBC2 is best for PC

MW2 is for retarded Neanderthals
BFBC2 is for people who wanna use their brain
I maintain that BC2 sports the best graphics quality/performance ratio ever seen in the gaming industry. Comparisons to Crysis might be made, but I am much more impressed by what has been done in BC2. Don't get me wrong, I've spent hours upon hours tweaking the Crysis config file and it holds a special place in my heart, but it has been effectively dethroned by this game. End of story.

I mean, really, the performance is staggering for how good the graphics are. They have optimized the hell out of this game. The horizon-based ambient occlusion IS the best implementation of the AO the gaming community has seen. How can anyone not be amazed by how good it looks? I'll be playing and get caught staring at a pile of rocks because the HBAO is so amazing looking. It makes crysis look like shit. This effect is the most important thing to hit realtime computer graphics in a long time - and it boggles my mind that some people don't notice it. It marks the beginning of a new era in graphics.

Not to mention, I'm getting a constant 60fps @ 4xAA, 8xAF w/ HBAO and all I have is a 5850. I am extremely impressed by the graphics programmers at DICE.

HBAO is on consoles, and HBAO is a basic lighting technique that was created in the 90s
its been around longer than SSAO which is a more advanced technique and looks better

Optimized for the PC my ass, if that were so then why does it require a gtx 260 to play at recommended settings.
I think its unfair to compare the 2. They are very different games.

-Close range. Its an arena game. I laugh at the fact that it has sniper rifles.
-Fast paced CS style play. You die, you respawn.. rinse and repeat about 20 times.
-Small maps. Some go inside and outside but for the most part you feel very boxed in.
-No vehicles.
-No squad play. You get in and lolkillpeoplelolololol.

-Large maps that feel open.
-Want fast pace? Go fast pace. Want to slow it down and take your time? Slow it down and play a little defensibly.
-Cover. Its tough to see a sniper at 200 yards sitting in a bush.
-Vehicles play a vital role.
-Team play is key.

The only thing that I consider better in BF is the fact that if somebody is cheating, the admin can kick. In MW2, your screwed, go find another hosted game to play in. No dedicated servers for you.

I really need to get this game! That is the kind of multiplayer I live for
No,, CoD2 was legitimately good. The last legitimately good multiplayer. Possibly CoD5.

fair enough on CoD2. I actually liked CoD5 for the fact that they added a feature I like. Co-op. Zombie mode was a plus. But I had l4d for that. But the fact that Treyarch tried to add new stuff makes me respect them more then IW.
BC2 and MW2 are both great games, it doesn’t have to be a contest, and if there was, the winner will be your personal preference.

comparing a game graphics to Crysis to say that the game graphics are not that good is not fair ,I guess if someone said “it’s like Crysis” they were just talking about the general look especially that jungle map (Valparaiso?). the destructible environments are great IMHO and good for a start even if it wasn’t dynamic.

I hate snipers, especially when there is a lot of them, and when they are with the attackers team and yet still base camping. And I just hope Isla Inocentes map won’t be a favorite :(

p.s. team play people TEAM PLAY. And stop saying “that’s what she said” when I say “push push” I know members of this site are who says that :D
How is MW2 anything new or great? You say this game is not great because its nothing new but MW2 is the same rehash of the old with new graphics.

I think the reason people like BC2 is because it is the next iteration of a team FPS.

And most people like the idea of a team FPS because as individuals most people suck at FPS.
Hard factual proof of these numbers?

That is a whole other monster in its self. In a perfect high speed connection world ,match making would be great fun way to play games, but in todays technologically inept state of isp's not one person has a pure connection to another unless your sitting right next to each other via LAN.

You may be saying to yourself right about now "omg this guy is a retard, same thing has been said already" The reason you here it so much is cause its a true headache to everyone, lack of admin, lack of control, equals total chaos and eventually less players in the community.


Heres the proof, sorry i cannot provide PS3 data, and that may have been a deal breaker but it's a landside for both on their respected system. i think the numbers difference on Xbox is substantiol enough to say that thier are more players palying MW2 though.

I understand the frustrations with no DS, i get, it sucks your right in aperfect world it would work. it might be the one thing that keeps MW2 from reaching its potential as its place in history within the gaming community. but there is no sense in bashing the game as a whole for that reason alone. it was designed for the console and intergrated to the PC. while BFBC2 seems to be the oposite.

Heres the proof, sorry i cannot provide PS3 data, and that may have been a deal breaker but it's a landside for both on their respected system. i think the numbers difference on Xbox is substantiol enough to say that thier are more players palying MW2 though.

I understand the frustrations with no DS, i get, it sucks your right in aperfect world it would work. it might be the one thing that keeps MW2 from reaching its potential as its place in history within the gaming community. but there is no sense in bashing the game as a whole for that reason alone. it was designed for the console and intergrated to the PC. while BFBC2 seems to be the oposite.

we can sit her and bash MW2 all we want because at the end of the day MW1 was a better game than MW2 which is sad.

Heres the proof, sorry i cannot provide PS3 data, and that may have been a deal breaker but it's a landside for both on their respected system. i think the numbers difference on Xbox is substantiol enough to say that thier are more players palying MW2 though.

I understand the frustrations with no DS, i get, it sucks your right in aperfect world it would work. it might be the one thing that keeps MW2 from reaching its potential as its place in history within the gaming community. but there is no sense in bashing the game as a whole for that reason alone. it was designed for the console and intergrated to the PC. while BFBC2 seems to be the oposite.

hahahahah gamestop. Wow that is totally reliable.
I like the Game for a number of reasons, Dedicated Servers, Destructive Environments, Nice Maps, Great Gameplay, Great graphics.

An all around nice package
I loved playing through COD4. Great graphics and a decent story. Then MW2 comes along. Same graphics of the first but now instead of a story, it was just a bunch of 80's/90's action movie clips thrown together. Really, I have seen The Rock and Navy SEALs, I don't need to play through them.:rolleyes:
I haven't played the game yet so I'm asking this based on hearsay so forgive me if I'm way off:

I've seen some people complain about bunny hopping in BC2...which I always laugh when I see that lameness in any FPS...and no ability to prone.

Good? Bad? No big whoop up or down?
I haven't played the game yet so I'm asking this based on hearsay so forgive me if I'm way off:

I've seen some people complain about bunny hopping in BC2...which I always laugh when I see that lameness in any FPS...and no ability to prone.

Good? Bad? No big whoop up or down?

Not saying it doesn't exist, but I haven't seen any bunny hopping in BC2 yet, at least no one who did it successfully.

As to why the hype for BFBC2? Well, what's the with the hype for any FPS game? You're sitting infront of your PC clicking buttons to shoot a virtual dude on a screen, doesn't sound like anything to get terribly hyped about. But when it comes to sitting infront of a screen shooting virtual dudes, BFBC2 does it well. I find it quite addictive. As I found MW1 quite addictive. Didn't find MW2 addictive though, dont know why, just didn't.
Not saying it doesn't exist, but I haven't seen any bunny hopping in BC2 yet, at least no one who did it successfully.

Good enough. And I asked about it lightheartedly because I've been known to bunny hop in an occasional desperate situation myself. :p
Not saying it doesn't exist, but I haven't seen any bunny hopping in BC2 yet, at least no one who did it successfully.

As to why the hype for BFBC2? Well, what's the with the hype for any FPS game? You're sitting infront of your PC clicking buttons to shoot a virtual dude on a screen, doesn't sound like anything to get terribly hyped about. But when it comes to sitting infront of a screen shooting virtual dudes, BFBC2 does it well. I find it quite addictive. As I found MW1 quite addictive. Didn't find MW2 addictive though, dont know why, just didn't.

I'm in the same boat as you. I played the crap out of MW1, and I went to pickup my copy of MW2 at midnight with some friends. However, I never really got into MW2 like I did the original. I think I only got up to rank 40 or so before I stopped playing the game. I don't know what it is about that game, but it just didn't hook me like the original did. I picked up BFBC2 last week, and while I haven't had time to put too much time into the game, I actually enjoy the game enough to even want to go play a few matches on my own (normally I wait until I have friends playing).
Bunny hopping is too slow to be used as a failsafe. Just noob tube the sluts.

Anyway, BC2 overhyped? Maybe, maybe not. I find it more fun than MW1 and MW2. Real teamplaying is satisfying, even with the occasional lone wolf recon idiot. To me, picking a server full of people I like playing with and playing a map I enjoy is a big deal.

Obviosly there are going to be people who like twitch based games more, IMO that is fine, I like a good twitch based fps from time to time too.
Good enough. And I asked about it lightheartedly because I've been known to bunny hop in an occasional desperate situation myself. :p

That's about the only time anyone seems to do it. Nobody makes a habit of it, but you will be firing away at a guy and see him shit his pants and try to make a desperate jump away before he gets put down.
After 4 hours of playing - not too impressed so far. Maybe I need to paly a little longer to get a better feel for it, but that is my first impression.
How would Bad Company 2 run on my signature machine? I'm not someone who likes to turn settings down but want fluid gameplay at the same time. lol it's requirements scare me.