Bad Company 2...I just dont get all the I the only one?

OP is a MW2 fanboi...

a team based tactical FPS
has air/land/sea vehicals
massive maps compared to mw2
terrain destruction
real world bullet physics
DX10 and 11 graphics look fantastic

is deathmatch
no emphisis on team play
uses laser guns (instant travel)
encourages camping to maintain killstreaks

I own both games and mw2 sucks donkey balls compared to BC2
the game play and graphics are a let down. Wish they took more time on it instead of releasing this crap. It brings nothing new to the table over Bad company 1.
I really enjoy the multiplayer, but really, if your just going to join a lobby, its not very fun... its fun if you've got 3 friends to make a squad.. and thats about it.. I have some fun rush sniping while my brother heals and revives me too, but get in a game alone, and i get bored....

As far as single player.. i completely agree... this campaign is ABSOLUTE SHIT. 2 hours in, and i've already quit 6 times? come on.. thats pathetic... I though MW2's campaign was terrible.. but at least i managed to play for more than 20 minutes. . . I played the first BC campaign and enjoyed it .. but this one.. is just all around bad...

Everyone keeps saying OP is a MW2 fanboy.. but what does that make you? unless your pointing out the cons of both, you, yourself are a fanboy, just on the opposite side.

Your right, MW2 has camping whores, encourages camping, laser guns, and has LITTLE emphasis on team play... but is not about the emphasis on team play...

For example, BC2 might encourage team play, but what if you get on and none of your friends are online... you'll join a game and realize that everyone is doing their own thing. Both games benefit from team play.. don't believe me? then explain how my friends and i went on a 50 game win streak a few weekends ago

To me, each game has its benefits so i play both, but my ideal game would be somewhere in between... I love the physics on the guns of BC2, but theres also alot of elements of MW2 I like.. I guess that means i'd like a medium map size game, with a mix of action and strategic gameplay.. its hard to say and my whole post makes little sense due to the fact that these games just aren't all that similar deep down and should stop being compared
OP is a MW2 fanboi...

a team based tactical FPS
has air/land/sea vehicals
massive maps compared to mw2
terrain destruction
real world bullet physics
DX10 and 11 graphics look fantastic

is deathmatch
no emphisis on team play
uses laser guns (instant travel)
encourages camping to maintain killstreaks

I own both games and mw2 sucks donkey balls compared to BC2
Any points you tried to make just vaporized.
Oh, right, that's how it works.

OP started off with a valid "question"...why all the hype, when in his opinion, the game doesn't live up to it. Then we get all the 12 year olds going on and on posting their "MW2 sucks a**" comments like they are gospel. This is like having an nvidia vs ati thread...oh wait...there are tonnes of those here too. Throw a little food on the floor and out come the many.
OP started off with a valid "question"...why all the hype, when in his opinion, the game doesn't live up to it. Then we get all the 12 year olds going on and on posting their "MW2 sucks a**" comments like they are gospel. This is like having an nvidia vs ati thread...oh wait...there are tonnes of those here too. Throw a little food on the floor and out come the many.

No, he didn't start off with any question. The question was a flimsy pretext for a voicing of his own opinion (which would've been fine, no need to dress it up, he's allowed to think what he wants); however, he spurred all the comparisons by filling his initial post with many of his own, largely based on conjecture. People are contesting that.

It's not really hard to make the distinction if you're capable of thinking. Did you really not see how that's exactly what he was doing himself by starting this thread? It wasn't "Oh, I don't really get it, anyone else?", it was a case of "I don't like it and also everyone says it looks better than Crysis and the destructible environments don't change the gameplay at all. Anyone else?".

He may as well have titled it "transparent trolling/blatant flamebait". I don't think people repudiating the assertions he tried to make is fanboyism. That's just a poor crutch for people who aren't able to validate their claims to lean on, ad hominems and so on. "lol.....u disagree with me.......that means.... ur a fanboy therefore.................................everything you wrong......."

One thing I was going to mention was that "hype" to me refers to advertising and so on, the build-up to the release of the game. People going "I just bought and played this and it blew me away" doesn't constitute hype according to my understanding of it, those are testimonials. BC2 had basically zero "hype", I only saw one advertisement and that was on YouTube.
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No, he didn't start off with any question. The question was a flimsy pretext for a voicing of his own opinion (which would've been fine, no need to dress it up, he's allowed to think what he wants); however, he spurred all the comparisons by filling his initial post with many of his own, largely based on conjecture. People are contesting that.

Which part of the definition of a question is escaping you? Even the stating of ones opinion can lead into a question. People are trying to rebut opinion with opinion, which is where this whole thing turns into a pile of s**t.

What we have here are two groups of fan boy's going back and forth. There are a few that appreciate both sides, but on the whole, the posts are cemented in either one camp or the other. Which equals 7 pages of noise, which i will stop adding too now.

I don't think people repudiating the assertions he tried to make is fanboyism

True. But how many people are actually posting a logical argument vs straight up "mine is better than yours" (i.e. fanboyism)?

Note: Hype covers all forms "advertising" (typically of an upcoming event) whether paid or not. Word of mouth = hype. If someone played it and loved it, then depending upon whether the game was out and the nature of their comments, probably testimonial with a hype factor of +1. But I definitely heard / saw a tonne of build up for BC2. MW2 had a heap as well to be fair.
Which part of the definition of a question is escaping you? Even the stating of ones opinion can lead into a question. People are trying to rebut opinion with opinion, which is where this whole thing turns into a pile of s**t.

What we have here are two groups of fan boy's going back and forth. There are a few that appreciate both sides, but on the whole, the posts are cemented in either one camp or the other. Which equals 7 pages of noise, which i will stop adding too now.

Then we're arguing at cross-purposes. I thought you were claiming that the people contesting the OP's assertions were incorrect and "fanboys", which is what prompted my response. If you're saying the fact that the back-and-forth is daft on both sides then that's fair enough. I guess I misinterpreted your post.
I somewhat agree with the OP. I don't think the game is all that great. It's not bad, but not great. Some maps have pretty impressive graphics while others look like crap. None look anywhere near as good as Crysis.

I'm a big fan of the Battlefield series so I tried really hard to convince myself the game is as good as the hype says it is, but at the end of the day, I find myself playing only a round or two at a time becuase I get a bit bored with it. I'm sure BF3 will be much more to my liking.
I somewhat agree with the OP. I don't think the game is all that great. It's not bad, but not great. Some maps have pretty impressive graphics while others look like crap. None look anywhere near as good as Crysis.

I'm a big fan of the Battlefield series so I tried really hard to convince myself the game is as good as the hype says it is, but at the end of the day, I find myself playing only a round or two at a time becuase I get a bit bored with it. I'm sure BF3 will be much more to my liking.

you can keep telling yourself that while i play BC2
OP started off with a valid "question"...why all the hype, when in his opinion, the game doesn't live up to it. Then we get all the 12 year olds going on and on posting their "MW2 sucks a**" comments like they are gospel. This is like having an nvidia vs ati thread...oh wait...there are tonnes of those here too. Throw a little food on the floor and out come the many.

all the 12 year olds are still playing MW2
you can keep telling yourself that while i play BC2

um, ok? What's your point? You say that like I'm suppose to be jealous. I own the game, I can play it all i want, i just don't want to because it's not that good.
Same here. Buildings just aren't the same things they used to be. They are barely cover anymore. At best they are concealment. At least, until the things collapse.

Yeah it's strange getting used to that when you constantly rely on them for cover in other games especially tactical shooters. I've started to adapt quite fast and use this to my advantage a LOT.

For example if you're defending an M-COM station and an enemy(s) manage to set a charge, and it's one on the top floor of a multi story house, people almost always camp above the staircase, but behind it so that you're shot in the back when running up the stairs, well that puts them right next to a wall and Carl Gustav or a 40mm grenade right at that corner will make quick work of them :)


*fffffFFFFRRRRROOOOMMM* I look towards the oncoming quad,"Flip, chk, click...POOMP!" "BOOOM!" Screaming wreck burns and tumbles as it passes by harmlessly.

Kill +50; Kill +50; Double Kill +50; Vehicle Destroyed! +100 ;Flag Defense! +60


Yeah, 40mm nades are fun but a bit cheap. Although I was defending Isla Inocentes on the first island as assault (for some reason) and managed to use the 40mm grenade to hit the underbelly of an already smoking blackhawk which exploded just as everyone bailed out, giving 3-4 kills and a vehicle destroyed.

I love the behaviour of the heli's when they're hit, taking out the driver makes them drop out of the sky like a boulder. Out of control heli's just speed towards the ground uncontrolably and smash into things taking out any scenery and people unlucky enough to be at the crash site.

One thing I was going to mention was that "hype" to me refers to advertising and so on, the build-up to the release of the game. People going "I just bought and played this and it blew me away" doesn't constitute hype according to my understanding of it, those are testimonials. BC2 had basically zero "hype", I only saw one advertisement and that was on YouTube.

I was going to say soemthing similar actually, there really wasnt a massive amount of hype for BC2, there were some promo vids and some interviews and a bit of PR milking MW2's lack of dedicated servers etc. Most of the positive comments has come from people playing it and actually enjoying it.
you're not alone... i didn't like anything about the demo and passed on it... no regret either.

in my book hype also includes things like nearly every other thread is bad company 2 related.
you're not alone... i didn't like anything about the demo and passed on it... no regret either.

in my book hype also includes things like nearly every other thread is bad company 2 related.

To be fair that happens every time there's a big new release. The place is saturated with threads on the game regardless of what the game is, so I would be reluctant to call it hype when it seems pretty much standard.
I somewhat agree with the OP. I don't think the game is all that great. It's not bad, but not great.

I'm a big fan of the Battlefield series so I tried really hard to convince myself the game is as good as the hype says it is, but at the end of the day, I find myself playing only a round or two at a time because I get a bit bored with it. I'm sure BF3 will be much more to my liking.

These are my exact thoughts. While the graphics and sounds are probably the best I have ever seen/heard, the game-play isn't all that great to me. I've have played a lot of FPS games, including BF2 (one of my all time favorites) yet I can't seem to get into BC2. It's just not fun to me.
I find the browser very inadequate.

i tried playing on launch day, servers were down.

tried playing for the first time since then today

Used the server browser to find a game with a low ping

I join and immediately I see everyone has a high ping and shit, it's like the 32 ping I was quoted was vastly inaccurate

Joined a different game with the same low ping quote.

Same thing happened, BFBC2 is an unplayable mess, I can't believe how shitty their server browser is, and you have to wait for it to load everything before finding a server.

Man, DICE really fucked up on this one.
I find the browser very inadequate.

i tried playing on launch day, servers were down.

tried playing for the first time since then today

Used the server browser to find a game with a low ping

I join and immediately I see everyone has a high ping and shit, it's like the 32 ping I was quoted was vastly inaccurate

Joined a different game with the same low ping quote.

Same thing happened, BFBC2 is an unplayable mess, I can't believe how shitty their server browser is, and you have to wait for it to load everything before finding a server.

Man, DICE really fucked up on this one.

You say it's an unplayable mess because there's a discrepancy between the latency shown in-game and in the server browser, but did you actually try playing? Every game I've played since release has done the same for me and I've not joined a server that showed any ping below 150ms for me, but it plays perfectly. The ping display is broken but it is not an "unplayable mess" by any stretch of the imagination.

Next time you join a server ignore the quoted ping and rely on the one shown in the browser. Then go and have incredible fun.
I've decide not to purchase this game and wait for BF3

I ate my words and bought it but only because it was only $20 on the EA Store deal a few months ago. That's still about as much as I think this game is worth as I hardly play it. KDR is over 1.00 though.
I agree that BC2 is a better game than MW2 and is more fun to play...BUT there is no reason for all the hate against MW2 because it is also a fantastic game. People can be bitter about paying for map packs (I agree their asking price was way too high, so I did not buy it) and how there are no dedicated servers, blah blah blah but at the end of the day from a gameplay perspective both games are great for what they aim to do.
This game has been quite great for me

I have a pretty abusive love/hate relationship with the game. Sometimes it's good to me , but other days I absolutely hate it and it makes me want to throw it away for good. It continues to this day. :eek:
I loved this game and just got around to finishing it this weekend (after a couple months of not playing it). I agree that the ending was kinda anti-climatic but the eye-candy and level of detail was fantastic. I pretty much bought my current Q9650 just so I could play this game.
The default is Q.
I pretty much bought my current Q9650 just so I could play this game.
Reason for my Q9550 purchase. Even @ 3.6Ghz compared to my E8400 @ 4.0Ghz, mp gameplay has smoothed out. I would guess a 25% improvement in avg FPS and as much as 50% in min FPS. On a GTX 260 216 I get roughly 45 as a bare minimum now @ 1680x1050 w/ all high details in DX10 HBAO off, No AA.

I might turn shadows to low, bloom to false, and run in DX9 mode so I can get rid of the slowdowns completely. But overall, the game has become much more playable now w/ the quad.
nvidia lol

I like how both rigs in my sig can max everything perfectly fine, but people with much better systems than us can't seem to even get it playable. I don't get it
Should I sell my GTX 260 for a 4850 then? Will that allow me to max my settings? I do feel kinda stupid for picking Nvidia over ATI since ATI is made in Canada and their logo is red.