ATI Radeon HD 3870 X2 Drawing

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Awesome Heres to hoping!!! Want to definitely do some 8800 Ultra vs 3870X2 benchies and of course gaming:p

Posted here ONCE!
All I can say is I want one, and then another one to run with my Abit X38 QuadGT :)
Gotta love everyone at [H]ard for their random giveaways! Haven't won one yet, but I can only hope!
*post poor boy reasoning why I'd enjoy winning a prize*
I never win anything. I can't even win an insurance settlement after the other guy t-boned me. :p
In other words, I'm in for it.
Instead of saying I want it. I'm just posting so that I get my post count up. However If by some random miracle I win. I still won't say NO to taking a new card.

However also reading the first post.

One Time.
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