Athlon x2 4600+ to Phenom II x2 550BE

Prolly a small boost. Since your playing on your 2407WFP I assume you are playing at 1920x1200?

Consider a videocard upgrade as well.
Prolly a small boost. Since your playing on your 2407WFP I assume you are playing at 1920x1200?

Consider a videocard upgrade as well.


in other areas you will see a larger boost
OC it to get the maximum from it. Kyle's tests showed a good improvement when oc'ing the cpu's he tested to 3.5 or thereabouts.
yep i second overclocking the cpu.. the 550 will easily hit 3.8ghz if not more..

you will see a performance difference in some games.. not all but some.. especially the shitty console ported games like GTA4..
+1 for the 3.8 easily :p i run at 3.7(whenever i feel like OCing) with only a small voltage bump [1.350, instead of 1.325 stock] stable in all applications
The 555 is not that much more, would that have been a better choice?
Unlock the 550be to quad core and see massive improvements in battlefield bad company 2!
Thats what i did prime95 12h stable @ 3600mhz @ 1.48v
Thanks for the replies everyone. Currently running at 3.6GHz very smoothly. Grabbing a 4870 in a week or two.