Asus P5E-VM HDMI: best matx ever?

Hi people

Have you ever done a BIOS update on the Asus P5E-VM HDMI ?

I would like to update my BIOS from 03/01 (10/30/07) ... to ... 06/04 (06/08/08) but am scared to death to mess up :(

Can you tell me the most easiest & fool proof way to do that please ?

I guess I wouldn't get around it when upgrading to quadcore or getting a SSD drive anyway, right ?

Thank you very much !
I'm determined to get 3.4GHz which I still believe I can get with this heatsink but I don't expect higher until I'm able to sell it and buy the Xigmatek HS so don't worry, I've not considered giving up just least not for as long as others keep trying to help me and I have ideas to try. I will admit that my confidence for success is low because I thought I've tried a lot already. So unless everything has to be perfect and only one combination is right for my system then I agree that this will be time consuming...but I don't mind if it means I'll get what I want.

By the way the 5-6-6-18 seems ram factory specs are 5-4-4-15. Just letting you know in case you didn't(I do have 5-5-5-15 in my signature only because that's what I OC'd with).

Anyway, I'll try your settings right now and EDIT this post shortly...

OK. I made the changes you suggested here and left the other settings as you said in the other thread. I had to set the ram to 5-6-6-15 though as I only had the option of choosing from 9-15 for the RAS Activate.

Starting full load now...

OK...ran the same load for 13 mins. successfully where before it wouldn't last 3. Btw, what program should I test with? Prime95 is good but slow. The Intel Burn Test is really good and very fast, but temps go crazy on that...+20 more than what I'd get with Prime95 as load.

Awaiting further instructions...

I only suggested 5-6-6-18 because it was JEDEC 2 for your RAM and I didn't want to use EPP just yet. One thing at a time. How about you try it now 5-4-4-15 and VDIMM 2.0V as per your EPP specs.
I personally use ORTHOS and monitor temps with HWMonitor (for min/max). I'd be curious to see the temps you're getting running ORTHOS for a little while (just to check your cooler is good enough.... or not). My next post won't be for 6-7 hours though minimum. It's 3:13 for me and I need some sleep.
I only suggested 5-6-6-18 because it was JEDEC 2 for your RAM and I didn't want to use EPP just yet. One thing at a time. How about you try it now 5-4-4-15 and VDIMM 2.0V as per your EPP specs.
I personally use ORTHOS and monitor temps with HWMonitor (for min/max). I'd be curious to see the temps you're getting running ORTHOS for a little while (just to check your cooler is good enough.... or not). My next post won't be for 6-7 hours though minimum. It's 3:13 for me and I need some sleep.

Update: I still had my load running (from previous post) and it failed after 60 mins (BSOD). It was OK at 30 mins when I made that post. Do you still want me to do 5-4-4-15? I'd guess not.

Since I won't hear from you for a while I switched back to my 3.25GHz profile (for stability reasons until you get back to me).

Running ORTHOS now with default settings (Blend - Stress CPU and RAM)... Unfortunately when you wake up I'll be at work then so I won't be able to try your next suggestion until after 5 pm EST. I'm not sure ORTHOS works properly though as it's showing my speed as 2.4GHz when it's actually 3.25GHz. Screenshots taken from my 3.25GHz profile:

Hi people

Have you ever done a BIOS update on the Asus P5E-VM HDMI ?

I would like to update my BIOS from 03/01 (10/30/07) ... to ... 06/04 (06/08/08) but am scared to death to mess up :(

Can you tell me the most easiest & fool proof way to do that please ?

I guess I wouldn't get around it when upgrading to quadcore or getting a SSD drive anyway, right ?

Don't do it unless you have a good reason to.

I went from 0301 to 0604 and completely botched my OC. I was running an E6400 at 3.2Ghz for a year on 0301 but going to 0604 killed it. I think it introduced some modification to the board that I could not get rid of. I even flashed back to 0301 with the DOS utility and my OC just would not work any more. I'll never do a firmware update again. It's best to leave well enough alone.
Don't do it unless you have a good reason to ...
Alright then :cool: thanks for the head up ... and sorry for your misfortune.

Are you still using that board ? I wonder what could have caused that ?
I wished mainboard manufacturer would come up with some smarter way to update.

How do we know the temps of Northbridge? I changed the stock NB into Noctua NC-U6 and im still thinking if I need to put a 40mm fan or leave it as passive.


How do we know the temps of Northbridge? I changed the stock NB into Noctua NC-U6 and im still thinking if I need to put a 40mm fan or leave it as passive.


Good question. I see "SYSTIN" and "CPUTIN" temps using the monitoring tool CPUID HWMonitor. SYSTIN is always really low, so it can't be the NB. Maybe CPUTIN is the NB temp? It's usually about 5-10C higher than the core temps, so it seems likely to me that it is actually the NB temp.

BTW, how did mounting that NC-U6 go? Any issues? And what CPU cooler are you using?

Also, on a related note I see three fan speeds listed in BIOS, but only two with software tools, and none are controllable with say, SpeedFan. :(

I'm running the E8400 at 4GHz now, RAM at 891MHz. Once it's absolutely stable I'll post my settings.
Don't do it unless you have a good reason to.

I went from 0301 to 0604 and completely botched my OC. I was running an E6400 at 3.2Ghz for a year on 0301 but going to 0604 killed it. I think it introduced some modification to the board that I could not get rid of. I even flashed back to 0301 with the DOS utility and my OC just would not work any more. I'll never do a firmware update again. It's best to leave well enough alone.

I thought you had sorted your problems out.
Update: I still had my load running (from previous post) and it failed after 60 mins (BSOD). It was OK at 30 mins when I made that post. Do you still want me to do 5-4-4-15? I'd guess not.

Since I won't hear from you for a while I switched back to my 3.25GHz profile (for stability reasons until you get back to me).

Running ORTHOS now with default settings (Blend - Stress CPU and RAM)... Unfortunately when you wake up I'll be at work then so I won't be able to try your next suggestion until after 5 pm EST. I'm not sure ORTHOS works properly though as it's showing my speed as 2.4GHz when it's actually 3.25GHz.

These settings failed? That suck. We need to get them stable before we go any further. Try CPU Voltage 1.35V, RAMM settings as per my previous post (EPP) and leave the rest unchanged. We'll trust that the RAM being run at its rated specs can't be the problem and by pushing the CPU voltage I'm trying tp isaolate the problem. I would say that 1.35V should be enough to stablilize your setup if that's the problem. We shall see.

Don't worry about ORTHOS not reporting the correct speed. I get that all the time.
Good question. I see "SYSTIN" and "CPUTIN" temps using the monitoring tool CPUID HWMonitor. SYSTIN is always really low, so it can't be the NB. Maybe CPUTIN is the NB temp? It's usually about 5-10C higher than the core temps, so it seems likely to me that it is actually the NB temp.

BTW, how did mounting that NC-U6 go? Any issues? And what CPU cooler are you using?

Also, on a related note I see three fan speeds listed in BIOS, but only two with software tools, and none are controllable with say, SpeedFan. :(

I'm running the E8400 at 4GHz now, RAM at 891MHz. Once it's absolutely stable I'll post my settings.

Im using Noctua NH-U12P using Push-Pull config, I mount the Noctua NB cooler with stock mounting parts but I changed the push pin into nuts & bolts + screw to secure the NB. Could be the Motherboard temp in Everest is also the NB temps? I love this board it can run 500x8 on E8400 E0 :) But failed after 1hr & 10mins on OCCT :( Neet to tweak more on BIOS :) Btw, here's my setup:

Im using Noctua NH-U12P using Push-Pull config, I mount the Noctua NB cooler with stock mounting parts but I changed the push pin into nuts & bolts + screw to secure the NB. Could be the Motherboard temp in Everest is also the NB temps? I love this board it can run 500x8 on E8400 E0 :) But failed after 1hr & 10mins on OCCT :( Neet to tweak more on BIOS :) Btw, here's my setup:


You love your Noctuas, don't you. For my money, the Pull in your Push/Pull is overkill. You already have the case fan just behind. I don't think you gain that much. I would think that 500*8 can be handled without a problem by your cooler. That's why the 2nd fan is a bit overkill IMO. Also the Noctuas are great when you don't want to manage their speed (it remains constant), but when you want to have flexibility with speed management, I prefer the Nexus.
These settings failed? That suck. We need to get them stable before we go any further. Try CPU Voltage 1.35V, RAMM settings as per my previous post (EPP) and leave the rest unchanged. We'll trust that the RAM being run at its rated specs can't be the problem and by pushing the CPU voltage I'm trying tp isaolate the problem. I would say that 1.35V should be enough to stablilize your setup if that's the problem. We shall see.

Don't worry about ORTHOS not reporting the correct speed. I get that all the time.

It sure sucks! By the way, I just bought some OCZ Freezer thermal paste and will be replacing the AS5 I've always put on before. The AS5 was really old (maybe 2 years) but I still doubt that's the problem. I think I just happened to buy a sh*t P5E-VM HDMI board since the pencil mod I tried didn't work.

I also just bought a used Q6600 for my kids computer (overkill for them) so maybe I'll try that CPU and see if there's a difference. Again, I doubt it. Considering how others here get 3.4GHz at 1.35V or less and I can't even get 3GHz with 1.325 (I tried it a bit higher afterwards but it still failed) I think you can begin to see why I've had no success getting 3.4GHz stable at reasonable temps.

If I was able to get rid of my ram, which ram would you recommend for OC'ing on this mobo? I assume it'd be PC-6400 too unless you think I should go PC-8500 even though this motherboard only supports PC-6400 max. The ram can't be expensive though as I'm low on cash (if it comes to the ram as the possible problem). And replacing 8GB for anything else will cost me a lot I think as I got this ram brand new but for really cheap (just bought another 4GB of the exact same ram for my kids' pc for $60CDN-$30)rebate) so I know I won't find 8GB for $60 anywhere. I'd be surprised if it was the ram though as I remember when I was thinking of buying it that the reviews liked its overclocking.

Lastly, I tried reverting to 0301 BIOS but unfortunately it won't allow flashing with older firmware. I'm hoping there's a way around that but I haven't had time to research it. Just as another thing to try. Again I doubt that'll help as I read another guy here saying he went from 0604 to 0301 (so it must be possible) and that didn't resolve his problem.

I'll try your settings when I get home from work in about 9 hrs.
The pencil mod should ALWAYS work. Check you got the right resistor and dont be shy about pushing down (blow away any dust afterwoods and check its become shiny).
It sure sucks! By the way, I just bought some OCZ Freezer thermal paste and will be replacing the AS5 I've always put on before. The AS5 was really old (maybe 2 years) but I still doubt that's the problem. I think I just happened to buy a sh*t P5E-VM HDMI board since the pencil mod I tried didn't work.

I also just bought a used Q6600 for my kids computer (overkill for them) so maybe I'll try that CPU and see if there's a difference. Again, I doubt it. Considering how others here get 3.4GHz at 1.35V or less and I can't even get 3GHz with 1.325 (I tried it a bit higher afterwards but it still failed) I think you can begin to see why I've had no success getting 3.4GHz stable at reasonable temps.

If I was able to get rid of my ram, which ram would you recommend for OC'ing on this mobo? I assume it'd be PC-6400 too unless you think I should go PC-8500 even though this motherboard only supports PC-6400 max. The ram can't be expensive though as I'm low on cash (if it comes to the ram as the possible problem). And replacing 8GB for anything else will cost me a lot I think as I got this ram brand new but for really cheap (just bought another 4GB of the exact same ram for my kids' pc for $60CDN-$30)rebate) so I know I won't find 8GB for $60 anywhere. I'd be surprised if it was the ram though as I remember when I was thinking of buying it that the reviews liked its overclocking.

Lastly, I tried reverting to 0301 BIOS but unfortunately it won't allow flashing with older firmware. I'm hoping there's a way around that but I haven't had time to research it. Just as another thing to try. Again I doubt that'll help as I read another guy here saying he went from 0604 to 0301 (so it must be possible) and that didn't resolve his problem.

I'll try your settings when I get home from work in about 9 hrs.

Leave your BIOS at 0604 it should be fine. If anything you could clear the CMOS (not sure that'd help). Don't worry about getting other RAM. If you're aiming for 3.6GHz that's 9*400 with your RAM on 1:1 divider that's exactly 800MHz. No need for anything else for the moment.

We need to change tactics. We need to take the CPU out of the equation first to make sure that the other settings work. Drop the CPU multiplier to 8.0, stick with 333MHz bus and 1.30V for CPU voltage. If that still fails, we can be pretty certain that it's not the CPU.
The pencil mod should ALWAYS work. Check you got the right resistor and dont be shy about pushing down (blow away any dust afterwoods and check its become shiny).

I still haven't tried it. Need to give it a go.
I still haven't tried it. Need to give it a go.

I don't think he's the only one. There are a few of us where the pencil mod just won't work. On the pic posted on this forum somewhere, I think it said you can pencil in the left or the right resistor. Do you know if I can do both (try the left one now, leaving the right one still penciled)?

From one user that posted on the Asus forums he said his board is not the 1.00 G0A but something else. Mine is also different (1.00 G0) and from what I read it seems the users that did get it to work all have the 1.00G0A (or GA0, I forget now)). Perhaps that's the reason why I can't OC this sucker...though I'm hoping that's not the reason.

One other thing. I have Vista x64 Ultimate. I'm not sure if this is normal or not as I never bothered to compare but when viewing the System Properties it shows my CPU as 2.40GHz which is right, but beside that it shows 2.39GHz which I think is how windows reports what it's actually currently running at. For example, when your CPU is 2.4GHz but your laptop is running on batteries it may show a lower speed to optimize battery time. Is yours the same even when OC'd? Can anyone confirm this on Vista x64 Ultimate?


Don't worry about the 8GB. I only use it when your suggested OC settings don't work. With your settings I always use 2x2GB instead.
I am on windows 7 and getting up there, also did it on vista home premium.
I am on windows 7 and getting up there, also did it on vista home premium.

Can you be more specific please? It depends how you mean by "Getting up there." Does Vista x64 show you 2.40 GHz and 2.39Ghz like it does for me after OC'ing? Unless you're referring to someone else's post then I would recommend using the Quote button for replying next time so as not to confuse us.

Oh you just have C1E enabled, I assume you are trying to get a 400mhz FSB? If you dont want it to clock down during idle go into the CPU menu in the bios. By getting up there I mean I have reached anywhere from 400-500mhz. For my board I found that the latest 604 bios reacted very well.
Oh you just have C1E enabled, I assume you are trying to get a 400mhz FSB? If you dont want it to clock down during idle go into the CPU menu in the bios. By getting up there I mean I have reached anywhere from 400-500mhz. For my board I found that the latest 604 bios reacted very well.

Right now I'm having trouble getting over 360MHz FSB, never mind 400 and we can't figure out why. I have it set at 360MHz now actually, giving me 3.25GHz but I had to use a voltage of 1.4875 and my temps are too high for my liking (74C on the cores). Plus I'm vdroop'ing significantly, even though I tried the pencil mod already.

My goal is to reach at least 3.5-3.6 GHz preferrably, but will settle for 3.40GHz without scary temps.

As for C1E...ok I'll try disabling that though I don't think my system actually goes down to 2.39GHz even at idle because CPU-Z displays my speed correctly. It's just Windows that always shows 2.39GHz, regardless of whether I check during load or idle. This doesn't happen to you?

Btw, is it just me or does this forum have a ridiculously short time before a user is required to sign in again? A couple of times already I couldn't even write a message without it timing out. And I leave the browser on all the time at the last page I viewed. The cookies seem like they're set to 5-10 mins. I think I've entered the password on this forum over the past 2 days more than I have on all forums I've used in the past month!
Btw, is it just me or does this forum have a ridiculously short time before a user is required to sign in again? A couple of times already I couldn't even write a message without it timing out. And I leave the browser on all the time at the last page I viewed. The cookies seem like they're set to 5-10 mins. I think I've entered the password on this forum over the past 2 days more than I have on all forums I've used in the past month!

No it's not just you. Drove me nuts.

Not home yet, I assume?
No it's not just you. Drove me nuts.

Not home yet, I assume?


Another long 4 hours to go...Where abouts do you live? My guess is somewhere in either Europe or Asia. I'm in Toronto.

Glad to hear it doesn't drive you nuts anymore at least...I hope to be able to say the same after a few more weeks but knowing me I doubt it. Too bad there's no setting to change this like some other sites have.

You didn't answer my questions though, like what ram you'd recommend I change to if I wanted to get better OC'ing?

How about this one? I'd just get two of these kits for 8GB:

Or should I go with PC-8500 on my mobo? I think I tried PC-8500 once before and had trouble booting up (I assumed incompatible ram then) and exchanged the ram for the PC-6400 I have now. But if I should be getting better OC'ing on PC-8500 then I'll consider it over PC-6400 if it's not much more expensive.

Another long 4 hours to go...Where abouts do you live? My guess is somewhere in either Europe or Asia. I'm in Toronto.

Glad to hear it doesn't drive you nuts anymore at least...I hope to be able to say the same after a few more weeks but knowing me I doubt it. Too bad there's no setting to change this like some other sites have.

You didn't answer my questions though, like what ram you'd recommend I change to if I wanted to get better OC'ing?

How about this one? I'd just get two of these kits for 8GB:

Or should I go with PC-8500 on my mobo? I think I tried PC-8500 once before and had trouble booting up (I assumed incompatible ram then) and exchanged the ram for the PC-6400 I have now. But if I should be getting better OC'ing on PC-8500 then I'll consider it over PC-6400 if it's not much more expensive.

In Sweden (but I'm french).
I kinda answered your question on the previous page of this thread. For me you can stick with the RAM you got (provided it's not deffective) and achieve a good OC without a problem. As I said 9*400 with your RAM at 800 is very decent. But you could also choose 8*450 with your RAM at 1080 (im that case you need a good PC8500 kit). Up to you really. It will make a difference for SuperPi and the likes, but in real world apps (even games) you probably won't notice the difference. I'd say don't worry too much about the RAM yet.
In Sweden (but I'm french).
I kinda answered your question on the previous page of this thread. For me you can stick with the RAM you got (provided it's not deffective) and achieve a good OC without a problem. As I said 9*400 with your RAM at 800 is very decent. But you could also choose 8*450 with your RAM at 1080 (im that case you need a good PC8500 kit). Up to you really. It will make a difference for SuperPi and the likes, but in real world apps (even games) you probably won't notice the difference. I'd say don't worry too much about the RAM yet.

Ok but what 9x400? Remember I can barely get 9x360 (3.25GHz) so far and that's with already too high a voltage. Anyway, if you think it can still be done I won't bother's just that I had 2 buyers for the 8GB (one I'm sure will still take 4GB today) so I thought if it'd make a big difference I'd get the 8GB G.SKILL PC6400 or PC8500 since it's only $4 more than PC6400. I'd only have to pay around $35-$45 out of my own pocket for this exchange. However, you seem to think that I should be able to get 3.4GHz at least with this ram (I do too) so we'll stick to the plan for now. It's easier this way.

Swedish, French, and English...must be nice to be able to speak at least 3 languages (I assume you speak Swedish too). My wife speaks 4 but that's another story heh. Only English & Polish for me.
Ok but what 9x400? Remember I can barely get 9x360 (3.25GHz) so far and that's with already too high a voltage. Anyway, if you think it can still be done I won't bother's just that I had 2 buyers for the 8GB (one I'm sure will still take 4GB today) so I thought if it'd make a big difference I'd get the 8GB G.SKILL PC6400 or PC8500 since it's only $4 more than PC6400. I'd only have to pay around $35-$45 out of my own pocket for this exchange. However, you seem to think that I should be able to get 3.4GHz at least with this ram (I do too) so we'll stick to the plan for now. It's easier this way.

Swedish, French, and English...must be nice to be able to speak at least 3 languages (I assume you speak Swedish too). My wife speaks 4 but that's another story heh. Only English & Polish for me.

Man I don't want to sound too sure of anything. Because I'm not. I'm certainly hoping that you'll get to 9*400. If not, and you get stuck around 9*360, then you might as well choose 8*400 to make better use of your current RAM or bite the bullet and get a PC8500 kit to run at 1080 (3*360 on a 266 strap? would that work?). Clearly when I look at officermartinez's settings in this thread:
(check also page 59)
you'd be pretty unlucky not to hit 3.4. It's just that you need to get a kind of intuitive understanding of this particular combo (your CPU your board) to get it to do what you want (hopefully). And that requires a lot of methodical trial and error. By dropping the CPU multiplier and running the RAM at its rated speed, I want to take both the CPU and the RAM out of the equation. So you get the other settings right. Then we go further.

PS: I used to speak spanish ok, but it looks like my brain has decided that 3 is the max number of languages I'm allowed, so for every new word of swedish I learn (ongoing process) I seem to forget some of my spanish.
Man I don't want to sound too sure of anything. Because I'm not. I'm certainly hoping that you'll get to 9*400. If not, and you get stuck around 9*360, then you might as well choose 8*400 to make better use of your current RAM or bite the bullet and get a PC8500 kit to run at 1080 (3*360 on a 266 strap? would that work?). Clearly when I look at officermartinez's settings in this thread:
(check also page 59)
you'd be pretty unlucky not to hit 3.4. It's just that you need to get a kind of intuitive understanding of this particular combo (your CPU your board) to get it to do what you want (hopefully). And that requires a lot of methodical trial and error. By dropping the CPU multiplier and running the RAM at its rated speed, I want to take both the CPU and the RAM out of the equation. So you get the other settings right. Then we go further.

PS: I used to speak spanish ok, but it looks like my brain has decided that 3 is the max number of languages I'm allowed, so for every new word of swedish I learn (ongoing process) I seem to forget some of my spanish.

I've already tried a lower multiplier and a higher FSB but my system wouldn't even post. Hopefully I just didn't set things exactly right in the BIOS.

As for officermartinez's posts...ya, I saw those but he doesn't share his BIOS settings :-(

Otherwise nice 3.6GHz...though I notice he's using G.SKILL 1066MHz ram instead and I'm still assuming his HS isn't THAT much better than mine. Not to mention he was able to vdroop his board successfully whereas I couldn't (and assuming that's vdroop with the pencil mod and not some soldering).
Man I don't want to sound too sure of anything. Because I'm not. I'm certainly hoping that you'll get to 9*400. If not, and you get stuck around 9*360, then you might as well choose 8*400 to make better use of your current RAM or bite the bullet and get a PC8500 kit to run at 1080 (3*360 on a 266 strap? would that work?). Clearly when I look at officermartinez's settings in this thread:
(check also page 59)
you'd be pretty unlucky not to hit 3.4. It's just that you need to get a kind of intuitive understanding of this particular combo (your CPU your board) to get it to do what you want (hopefully). And that requires a lot of methodical trial and error. By dropping the CPU multiplier and running the RAM at its rated speed, I want to take both the CPU and the RAM out of the equation. So you get the other settings right. Then we go further.

PS: I used to speak spanish ok, but it looks like my brain has decided that 3 is the max number of languages I'm allowed, so for every new word of swedish I learn (ongoing process) I seem to forget some of my spanish.



Well, that's only 20 mins now so I'll have to wait at least 40 minutes more to get to where it crashed last time around. I'll be back to update this message then.
Oh you just have C1E enabled, I assume you are trying to get a 400mhz FSB? If you dont want it to clock down during idle go into the CPU menu in the bios. By getting up there I mean I have reached anywhere from 400-500mhz. For my board I found that the latest 604 bios reacted very well.

Ok, I disabled C1E. Still shows 2.40GHz followed by 2.39GHz.
In Sweden (but I'm french).
I kinda answered your question on the previous page of this thread. For me you can stick with the RAM you got (provided it's not deffective) and achieve a good OC without a problem. As I said 9*400 with your RAM at 800 is very decent. But you could also choose 8*450 with your RAM at 1080 (im that case you need a good PC8500 kit). Up to you really. It will make a difference for SuperPi and the likes, but in real world apps (even games) you probably won't notice the difference. I'd say don't worry too much about the RAM yet.

Damn, it's not until now that I realized I missed that post you made so I the screenshots I just posted above are not with the new tactics you mentioned, but rather a combination of it and the original post you made. I just lowered the timings to 5-4-4-15 and raised vCpu to 1.35 and vDRAM to 2.00V.

Whatever the outcome, I'll create a new post with the new tactics I missed earlier.
Update #1:


It's now just over an hour and so far Orthos or Windows has not crashed so I guess we can assume these settings are stable. I'll save this as the latest OC profile in BIOS and proceed to configuring it as in the post I missed from you.

So to recap:
CPU Ratio - 9
FSB Strap - 333MHz
FSB Freq - 333
PCIE - 100
DRAM Freq - DDR2-800MHz
DRAM Timings - 5-4-4-15
vCPU - 1.35
CPU Volt Damper - Enabled
vPLL - 1.54
vDRAM - 2.00
vFSB Termination - 1.28
vNB - 1.33
vSB - 1.20

The rest on default.

Speed = 3.01GHz

Update #2: Tried these settings using Intel Burn Test as the load and Windows crashed pretty quick. I decided to use Intel's Burn Test since it gives you the result much quicker but at the cost of higher temps. Let me know if you don't want me to do that.
Leave your BIOS at 0604 it should be fine. If anything you could clear the CMOS (not sure that'd help). Don't worry about getting other RAM. If you're aiming for 3.6GHz that's 9*400 with your RAM on 1:1 divider that's exactly 800MHz. No need for anything else for the moment.

We need to change tactics. We need to take the CPU out of the equation first to make sure that the other settings work. Drop the CPU multiplier to 8.0, stick with 333MHz bus and 1.30V for CPU voltage. If that still fails, we can be pretty certain that it's not the CPU.

I changed vCPU back to 1.30V and vDRAM back to 1.80V. Changed CPU from 9 to 8.
This posted fine and Orthos so far is running fine, though only 6 mins so far. This gave me 2.6GHz. Cancelled the Orthos test and ran maximum stress for 5 loops under Intel Burn Test and it passed but with high temps, 70C on the cores.

Tried IBT again with CPU x9, 5-6-6-15 timings, 1.35V cpu, 2.00V DRAM and it BSOD'd with a Parity error so it seems to point to the ram at these settings.

Awaiting further instructions.
I've been considering getting the P5E-VM HDMI for quiet some time. Is this still THE board to get? Are there any upcoming matx c2d boards that are promising? I don't intend to overclock, but I will be gaming on it.
You love your Noctuas, don't you. For my money, the Pull in your Push/Pull is overkill. You already have the case fan just behind. I don't think you gain that much. I would think that 500*8 can be handled without a problem by your cooler. That's why the 2nd fan is a bit overkill IMO. Also the Noctuas are great when you don't want to manage their speed (it remains constant), but when you want to have flexibility with speed management, I prefer the Nexus.

Yeah, it's kind of overkill:) Btw, I did the pencil mod. I noticed that the Vcore in BIOS is the same results in CPU-Z, is that a sign the the pencil mod works now? Thanks
Yeah, it's kind of overkill:) Btw, I did the pencil mod. I noticed that the Vcore in BIOS is the same results in CPU-Z, is that a sign the the pencil mod works now? Thanks

Yes. What revision is your P5E-VM HDMI board? 1.00GA or 1.00G? (Look on the motherboard between the ram and cpu.
I changed vCPU back to 1.30V and vDRAM back to 1.80V. Changed CPU from 9 to 8.
This posted fine and Orthos so far is running fine, though only 6 mins so far. This gave me 2.6GHz. Cancelled the Orthos test and ran maximum stress for 5 loops under Intel Burn Test and it passed but with high temps, 70C on the cores.

Tried IBT again with CPU x9, 5-6-6-15 timings, 1.35V cpu, 2.00V DRAM and it BSOD'd with a Parity error so it seems to point to the ram at these settings.

Awaiting further instructions.

Why don't you try CPu multi at 8, vCPU 1.30V RAM 5-6-6-15 2.00V? I'm trying to figure out where the error is coming from. Signs point to RAM but I just wanna make sure.
Just some random thoughts, hopefully one will help.

If you want to rule out RAM, try this kit.

$32 per 2GB now, it was more than double that when I first started buying it a year ago. Spec'd to 2.2v, it's running stable at 891Mhz @ 2.1v and stock timings 4-5-4-11-2T (1:1) in my main system. Great support forum too, and not just from end-users, mushkin actually has tech's that man their forums and in my experience they are very helpful. Anyway, I'm running 4GB's of the stuff, 445*9, 333 strap, w/ an E8400 @ 4.02GHz.

I've never had a BSOD while running IBT. My BSOD's are almost always "STOP: ..." errors which I believe points to USB ports. So now I don't have unnecessary USB devices plugged in to any machine. Main system has a USB XBox controller and Logitech Keyb/Mouse, plugged in to the rear (mainboard) and that's it. No more permanently attached flash drives for ReadyBoost. With 4GB of RAM I don't think that helps much anyway.

I have said this before so sorry for being redundant, but IBT really stresses much more than Prime95 or anything else I've tried. Errors show much sooner with IBT. The fact that it always generates more CPU heat than other tools tells me it's a good tool, I've heard it's what Intel themselves uses for burn-in (Linpack.) I have not tried Orthos, but I'd bet a dollar that temps are much higher with IBT.

That said, MemTest shows RAM-specific errors quicker than IBT. I use the Windows version of MemTest, multiple instances (required under Win-32) to max out the available RAM. I usually use two instances at 1GB each, then a final instance at "All available RAM."

Finally, I saw above that someone mentioned officermartinez had not posted his BIOS settings. He posted BIOS screenshots to help me out, look back a few pages. It's one post above a long post of mine with my BIOS screenshots (since modified.) Also, he posted his settings written out, many months ago, and I believe that list was more complete. Search this thread to find the post.
Main system config -- E8400
CPU Ratio - 9
FSB Strap - 333MHz
FSB Freq - 445
PCIE - 100
DRAM Freq - Auto -- DDR2-891 Dual-Channel Interleaved (in BIOS startup screen | 445MHz - CPU-Z)
DRAM Timings - Manual -- 4-5-4-11-2T
Clock Over-Charging Mode - 0.80
CPU Spread Spectrum - Disabled
PCIE Spread Spectrum - Disabled
vCPU - 1.3750 set in BIOS | 1.320-1.328 Idle - CPU-Z | 1.248-1.256 IBT Load - CPU-Z
CPU Voltage Reference - 0.63x
CPU Volt Damper - Enabled
vPLL - 1.60
vDRAM - 2.10
vFSB Termination - 1.30
vNB - 1.35
NB Voltage Reference - Auto
vSB - 1.20
C1E Support - Enabled
Max CPUID Value Limit - Disabled
Vanderpool - Enabled
CPU TM Function - Enabled
Execute Disable Bit - Enabled

CPU - 4.02GHz
FSB - 1780MHz
RAM - 891MHz - Dual channel

All (4) RAM slots populated, 5 SATA ports populated, 9800GTX+ GPU














Last thoughts, I think my vCPU can come down one notch.

For CPU Voltage Reference I used 0.63x as that is the starting point listed in this article.

I would've used the same for NB Voltage Ref but that value is not an option, so I've left it at Auto.

For the vPLL, vFSB Termination, vNB settings, I simply set them together in a bunch, based on where they sit in the given range of optional values. For the E8400 I used the third set of informational values up from the bottom on the range listed in the BIOS screen. For example, vFSB Termination is 1.30, third up from the bottom in the list on the right of this image.


To get the E5200 to 3.5GHZ I had to use the set at the bottom of the set of information values. Since even with this set I'm not past the mid-point for available values, it seems safe to run with stock NB cooling, etc.

For vSB I used 1.20 as I have a lot of SATA devices, and at least two USB devices.
Why don't you try CPu multi at 8, vCPU 1.30V RAM 5-6-6-15 2.00V? I'm trying to figure out where the error is coming from. Signs point to RAM but I just wanna make sure.

I did. I think I mentioned that. 8x, 1.30V and even 5-4-4-15 @ 1.80V works fine. It's when we go into 9x that there's a problem. You said if that failed then it's probably not the cpu, but it didn't fail.
Now, 4ghz is much more stable (not to mention, I didn't even hit 1.6vcore).

OFFICERMARTINEZ: (Sorry, I can't seem to quote you properly)

I'm just trying to clarify something. You say you didn't hit 1.6V but in the BIOS you said you have 1.6V. Did you just mean that Windows hasn't reached 1.6 under load? And you said you could run 4GHz stable, why don't you if that's the case? Temps too high?

Also, I read about how you tried a different pencil. I think I'll have to try the same as my pencil mod didn't work. I guess I'll clean off the resistor and try another pencil....tried finding one that's 2G or but none of them say that. I'll have to stop by office depot or something to pick one up.

I'm fighting just to hit 3.4GHz. I can only get 3.25GHz so far but at high temps. What temps did you get on that 4 hour run with Prime95 @ 1.6V and then at 1.3875V?

Referring to your post (#1172, pg. 59) again, what is that cooler on just beside the CPU? What brand and where can I get it? Is it sitting on your northbridge chip?

I may have to get my ram replaced and possibly the cpu cooler as that may be a problem in my case. I noticed you use 1066MHz ram from G.SKILL so if it comes to that I'll be buying some from I guess. Unfortunately they charge an arm and a leg for shipping and handling. You wouldn't know where to buy it in Toronto?