ASUS Official Z68 Chipset Motherboards - Support Thread

Also, a weird thing is happening at boot. The computer spins up for 5 seconds, turns completely off for 5 seconds then starts up normally. Anyone ever experience this, is it a z68 thang?

It seems to do this for each of the controllers, whether its the Marvell or the Intel controllers. Did you happen to turn one of them on?

I'm getting these 10 second lockups just in windows where the system will become unresponsive. Event viewer sited this error at the same time : "The device, \Device\Ide\iaStor0, did not respond within the timeout period". I have rst 10.6 running with the Z68 Deluxe. This is a real mystery to me. Anyone have ideas or can help?


Also that disk is being cached by the SSD I'm running from. Disk 0 in disk manager points to that '0' drive...

I'd also try the LPM registry 'fix' on both the SSD port and the HDD drive you're caching. When I did this on my Vertex2 running on a laptop I saw a very nice increase in 4k writes, but I didn't see any improvement with my M4 on the desktop.

Anyhow, now I've got a new 'problem'. I've seen it few times and it relates to the OC and max. Multiplier. I had it set to 46 Multi @ 100.5 but when I push it, it maxes out at 45 Multi @ 100.5. I've reset BIOS back to factory and did the settings again but it still only maxes at 45 Multi.

So now I'm having to 'cheat' by leaving it at 45 Multi and raising BCLK to 103 to get a similar clock. Anyone seen this...?
3 pin fans - this board cannot control them when they're in the 4 pin sockets? Is that correct?

So CPU / CPU_OPT / CHA_1 are all out? Only option is CHA_2 near the DIMM slots?
Ok, so I have a very weird issue. Whenever I have either of my two non-OS RAID arrays attached to my system, I will get pauses that can last for a minute or two and I have to restart my system. This has happened on three different boards, so I know it's not the board, but I thought maybe someone might have an idea of what the issue is. Here is my setup:

I7 2500K - stock or overclocked it happens
Asus Z68 Pro - Happened on a MSI Z68 G55 board and a Asrock Extreme4 also.
8GB of ram - tried to different sets, one was a 2Gb x 4 combo and the other was a 2 x 4GB setup.
GTX480 or HD6970 or HD6970 CF - Happens with any of the three setups.
Crucial C300 64GB x2 in a RAID 0 for the OS.

The two arrays are 2 x Hitachi 2TB in a RAID1 and 2 x Hitachi 1TB in a RAID0 setup, happens with either of these connected to the system. If I do not have them connected I have no issues. I tried two full re-installs of the OS doing a HDDERASE each time. I am running Windows 7 Ultimate x64 with all the latest drivers. No errors are reported on the two suspect RAID arrays, both sets of memory have passed MEMTEST and the Windows 7 memory test. Minimal applications installed, meaning I did not not have AISUITE installed, Office or any other applications. This will happen with me just surfing the net. It just starts pausing and Task manager shows programs not responding such as Firefox. I am really banging my head against a wall on this. If I do not have either of the Hitachi RAID arrays attached there is no issue. Anyone have an idea of what might be happening?
3 pin fans - this board cannot control them when they're in the 4 pin sockets? Is that correct?

So CPU / CPU_OPT / CHA_1 are all out? Only option is CHA_2 near the DIMM slots?

You can control CPU_FAN, CHA_FAN1 and CHA_FAN2.
But CHA_FAN1 and CHA_FAN2 are connected in parallel so both getting the same voltage at the given moment.
No requirement for 4-pin coolers and if you connect those with 3-pin plugs the board will use CPU temperature reading for controlling CPU_FAN and Motherboard temperature reading for controlling CHA_FAN1/2.
Well... at least in UEFI.
Because as I stated earlier in the thread for some unknown reason Fan Xpert in windows uses only CPU temperature reading to adjust rpm of all three fans. Why? I don't know. And I see nobody cares.
...on a similar note--

When will I be able to control CPU_FAN_OPT?

Don't know but not this time.
Fortunately CPU_FAN header can withstand 1A of load according to Asus. Typical 12cm fan takes around 0.25A at full voltage. So you can plug-in up to 4 such fans in parallel to CPU_FAN connector and link their speeds to cpu temperature sensor.
Hi Raja,

I got a new P8Z68 Deluxe and have some problems with it. First, I had it running stable at 4.4 GHz, but it's now back to stock speeds. If I hibernate the system, it prepares this and shuts off the system. After about 5 second it switches back on and starts the system the same way as the power button was pressed. This happens in 30% of all attemps. I do not use hybrid mode for this. If I shut down the system, this doesn't happen.

Asus P8Z68 Deluxe BIOS 0501
Marvel and Jmicron controller disabled, same for BT and Realtek NIC
CPU Intel 2600K
RAM AData 4x4GB (off QVL)
Harddisk Intel m25-v 40 GB
Supply Enermax 600W (off QVL)
Graphics ATI 4550
PLL Overvolt is disabled, (didn't make a difference and Intel should have fixed this by now)

The other issue is, that if I use TurboBoost with four values "(cannot change in OS)" it remains at stock speed, no matter which values I use. I had this issue before with those old buggy BIOSes for the P8P78 board, but it was gone there.
Don't know but not this time.
Fortunately CPU_FAN header can withstand 1A of load according to Asus. Typical 12cm fan takes around 0.25A at full voltage. So you can plug-in up to 4 such fans in parallel to CPU_FAN connector and link their speeds to cpu temperature sensor.

Good point. I'd be using this with a dual fan H50 setup.

But (different subject)!~ What do you guys use to monitor CPU temp with the sandy bridge? I think it's about 10 degrees off.
I was just wondering in bios where it says Oprom why should I bother enabling it???


Also side note: If any Asus board design layout engineers are reading this it would be a good idea to put the sata ports a little higher up away from any possible extra long video cards that could obstruct access to those ports.

Also: Didn't asus use to have a web browser built into the bios once upon a time? Cool feature to have so you could google what oprom is and why to enable...

Thanks again..

Edit: After much googling I think I figured out what the Oprom enable switch in bios is all about. Seems like you would enable it if you want to make changes to your raid array such that the <Ctrl-J> key request is as result of enabled oprom. Disabling oprom speeds up the boot process so I read. Anyone want to add to that or make corrections please?

Thank you.
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But (different subject)!~ What do you guys use to monitor CPU temp with the sandy bridge? I think it's about 10 degrees off.

I went through this painfully a few weeks ago. The bios reads before reseating and reapplying TIM 5 times :confused: .... try RealTemp or Core Temp. The bios temps were reading around 15 deg higher for me.
Question about SRT in general. Will it work if i have multiple hard drives/partitions? Or does the SSD only map to one partition?

Thanks a bunch.
SSD is assigned to a volume - disk or bunch of raided disks (except Matrix raid which is not supported).
Not partitions but volumes. Volume consists of one or more physical disks. So if your hdd has two partitions you cannot assign cache drive to only one of them. Only to the disk as a whole... or a bunch of raided disks as a whole.
Alright I need some info guys.
My setup:
i7 2600k @ stock
Stock intel heatsink (for now)
Asus P8Z68-V Pro

I'm wondering about a few odd things that are happening:
- Booting up takes a good 30 seconds before I see the Asus bios screen. (I have turned off the SATA controller messages)
- While booting my GPU fan goes crazy (100% speed?) until the Asus bios screen comes on. (Never did this on my old motherboard)
- In the bios my cpu is reading 65C but in Windows 35C with CoreTemp/Everest/Coretemp - whats up with that?
- When I do a system reset from Windows or the reset button on my case, after Windows shuts down, i hear a small beep for like 15 seconds (which is pretty long) then it boots back up (my gpu fan doesn't get loud like on a normal boot). I don't seem to get a beep at all when I boot up normally

wondering if i should RMA my board if these arent common things.
Any info on this would be appreciated
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I have a problem with my P8Z68-V Pro.
I can't get my SATA/SAS controller (Highpoint 2640x4) to work in conjunction with intel onboard RAID.
Each time I set intel's integrated controller to RAID mode in UEFI the computer stops with blinking cursor right after Highpoint's rom execution and before AMI boot screen.
Setting intel to AHCI or IDE mode resolves the issue but I'm loosing intel's rapid technology raid and smart response (caching feature) as a result.
Did you guys experience that or I'm alone?
I have a problem with my P8Z68-V Pro.
I can't get my SATA/SAS controller (Highpoint 2640x4) to work in conjunction with intel onboard RAID.
Each time I set intel's integrated controller to RAID mode in UEFI the computer stops with blinking cursor right after Highpoint's rom execution and before AMI boot screen.
Setting intel to AHCI or IDE mode resolves the issue but I'm loosing intel's rapid technology raid and smart response (caching feature) as a result.
Did you guys experience that or I'm alone?

The motherboard is probably out of option ROM space. I've run into this on quite a few newer boards even with their own onboard RAID controllers.
The motherboard is probably out of option ROM space. I've run into this on quite a few newer boards even with their own onboard RAID controllers.
I have disabled all other roms (Marvel, JMicron) to no avail.
I'm not booting from Highpoint but unfortunately I'm not able to disable Highpoint's rom (like in some LSI).
What else I can do?
I have disabled all other roms (Marvel, JMicron) to no avail.
I'm not booting from Highpoint but unfortunately I'm not able to disable Highpoint's rom (like in some LSI).
What else I can do?

Sometimes consumer / desktop boards just don't play nice with RAID controllers like that. They seem to do absolutely no QVL on them at all. I'm not sure what else you can do. I'm assuming your PCIe clocks are at 100.00? Are you using onboard video or a discrete adapter, or both?
Sometimes consumer / desktop boards just don't play nice with RAID controllers like that. They seem to do absolutely no QVL on them at all. I'm not sure what else you can do. I'm assuming your PCIe clocks are at 100.00? Are you using onboard video or a discrete adapter, or both?
Onboard video (no discrete card), all is now at the default (except option roms and integrated controllers - Marvell, JMicron which are disabled). This is a permanent flaw or can it be repaired by uefi update?

Take out the Highpoint card (it has its own firmware/controller onboard) until you get the Intel setup.
From ASUS website/downloads SATA:
Intel(R) Rapid Storage Technology Driver Software V10.5.0.1026 for Windows XP 32bit & 64bit.

Intel(R) Rapid Storage Technology Driver Software V10.5.0.1026 for Windows Vista/7 32bit & 64bit.(WHQL)
Note: For proper operation, please ensure to update Intel Rapid Storage Technology driver to version and BIOS to version 0501 before enabling Intel Smart Response Technology.

Update procedure for users needing Intel Smart Response Technology:
(1) Enter OS, and ensure Intel Smart Response Technology has been turned off under Intel Rapid Storage Technology interface.
(2) Install version Intel Rapid Storage Technology driver to version
(3) Reboot the system, and update BIOS to version 0501, then reboot.
(4) Enter the BIOS setup screen, press F5 to load BIOS default, then change the Intel SATA Port to RAID mode.
(5) Boot into OS, and re-enable Intel Smart Response Technology under Intel Rapid Storage Technology.
Actually last line should be install Win 7 with RAID set on Intel controller, go into bios and re enable SRT
As general info, you can during boot press F8 repeatedly and get the boot options for everything installed and select/boot into it - the boot override. And disable full screen logo when doing all this.

Theres tons of stuff on the internet about this.

Didnt realize he already had the SRT running.
My bad.
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Onboard video (no discrete card), all is now at the default (except option roms and integrated controllers - Marvell, JMicron which are disabled). This is a permanent flaw or can it be repaired by uefi update?

I don't know if it can be fixed or not. I've told the manufacturers of the last several motherboards I've looked at that their boards do not boot with multiple controllers set to RAID mode. It's just sad as hell that the motherboard manufacturers have gotten this sloppy. I've seen this problem with none of the older X58 chipset based boards. Only the most recent X58 board I tested had this issue and that was the Intel DX58SO2. Older P55 and X58 boards didn't have these problems. I'm not certain why I'm seeing it on late X58 based boards, 990FX, P67, and Z68 boards. Though the difference in some cases may be that they are integrating USB 3.0 controllers in virtually all boards now. Some boards have two or more controllers even. So I'd hazard an educated guess and say they are shoving tons of features onto the boards to ensure that they've got all their check marks in their feature comparison charts when comparing their boards to another manufacturer. No one seems to give a damn if these features actually work properly or not. You should be able to have one or two video cards and all the motherboards integrated hardware enabled at once, in any mode you desire. Anything less is unacceptable. If they can't actually have that much onboard crap, they should trim the fat and not include so much on the boards.

I'm wondering if we'll continue to see these issues until Intel integrates USB 3.0 support into their chipsets.
You gave absolutely no info on HDD models and size and RAID type, ports in play. Dont even know if you actually want trad RAID, or just SRT
Take out the Highpoint card (it has its own firmware/controller onboard) until you get the Intel setup.
From ASUS website/downloads SATA:
Intel(R) Rapid Storage Technology Driver Software V10.5.0.1026 for Windows XP 32bit & 64bit.

I have SRT setup running for some time now.
The problem appeared when I tried to hook up Highpoint controller to already configured system and that locked the bootup procedure before any operating system even started to load. The board hangs between option rom and AMI startup summary (which is visible when you turn off Asus logo). Definitely this is uefi issue.
I have 5 drives connected to intel controller: intel 320 series -> sata6Gbps port, Two Samsung hdds configured in raid-0 -> sata3Gbps ports, Two Seagate hdds configured in raid-0 - sata3Gbps ports. 320 is used as cache drive.

I don't know if it can be fixed or not. I've told the manufacturers of the last several motherboards I've looked at that their boards do not boot with multiple controllers set to RAID mode. It's just sad as hell that the motherboard manufacturers have gotten this sloppy. I've seen this problem with none of the older X58 chipset based boards. Only the most recent X58 board I tested had this issue and that was the Intel DX58SO2. Older P55 and X58 boards didn't have these problems. I'm not certain why I'm seeing it on late X58 based boards, 990FX, P67, and Z68 boards. Though the difference in some cases may be that they are integrating USB 3.0 controllers in virtually all boards now. Some boards have two or more controllers even. So I'd hazard an educated guess and say they are shoving tons of features onto the boards to ensure that they've got all their check marks in their feature comparison charts when comparing their boards to another manufacturer. No one seems to give a damn if these features actually work properly or not. You should be able to have one or two video cards and all the motherboards integrated hardware enabled at once, in any mode you desire. Anything less is unacceptable. If they can't actually have that much onboard crap, they should trim the fat and not include so much on the boards.

I'm wondering if we'll continue to see these issues until Intel integrates USB 3.0 support into their chipsets.

I'm feeling like a betatester with this whole P8Z68-V Pro. If I place my dvb-s PCI sat controller in PCI1 slot the card is recognized by a system (win7 64) but i cannot autointall the driver (persistent Error: 28) and after forcing the driver all what I get is Error: 10.
The same card works ok in PCI2 slot.
When I configure the third long PCIEx to 4x mode and place a card in it I'm starting to get strange double boots when system powering on for a second (literally) and then shutting down and starting normally after 4 seconds.
Complete mess. It is giving me a feel that all this hardware can fall apart into pieces within a minute. One additional device, small pendrive or something added and bang. And I haven't overclocked yet.
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Anyhow, now I've got a new 'problem'. I've seen it few times and it relates to the OC and max. Multiplier. I had it set to 46 Multi @ 100.5 but when I push it, it maxes out at 45 Multi @ 100.5. I've reset BIOS back to factory and did the settings again but it still only maxes at 45 Multi.

So now I'm having to 'cheat' by leaving it at 45 Multi and raising BCLK to 103 to get a similar clock. Anyone seen this...?

Bumpy. Anyone have any ideas why I'm stuck at 45 Multi? I've reset cmos, went back to Asus chipset and RST drivers and nothing helps. It OC fine to 45 but if I try 46 Multi it will start as normal but will only clock to 45.

Tried manual and offset modes and as earlier, already reset bios to factory defaults and I just can't find the reason for this. TPU is not on and Asus tools has nothing for Volts/OC (just monitoring).

add: just to clarify; that BLCK works so 45x103=~4.63Ghz so there's nothing wrong with the temps etc.

I am not sure if this is the same issue or not, but some assistance would be appreciated.

I recently bought some new parts for my system and put together the following:

Intel Core i5-2500K Quad Core 3.3GHz
G.SKILL Ripjaws X 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3

The system was put together last weekend, and everything has been working swimmingly, until the last two nights. Both nights, I've left the system running, and when I get to it in the morning, it's powered down, almost in a sleep mode. Pressing the power button on the front results in two sets of three short beeps then nothing. I have to power off the system completely to get it to reboot correctly. There were applications/downloads running in the background, so the system wasn't completely idle.

I updated the firmware this morning to 0501, so I'm not sure if that's going to fix it. I've disable the Marvell controller on the board, and there's no overclocking enabled.

Thanks for any assistance!
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In Win 7 power options in cntrl panel
Change power to high perf
on first change settings page set turn off monitor to 25 min
Sleep - never

If you set turn off the monitor, will look like PC is dead so you will have to move mouse or something to re start it - dont hit PC on button

In Win 7 power options in cntrl panel
Change power to high perf
on first change settings page set turn off monitor to 25 min
Sleep - never

If you set turn off the monitor, will look like PC is dead so you will have to move mouse or something to re start it - dont hit PC on button

Hi there,

I'll have to check on that. Any reason why it wouldn't have affected things the first few days, but now it is? And why the three beeps?

I will receive my Asus Z68 tomorrow , and I am wondering if there are extra motherboard jumpers will be included in the box? just in case user lost/miss the jumper on the mobo. Also, I have read a lot of posts saying the double POST issue, do we have solution for it ?
What is the average boot time for any of you with this board? My 30 second boot time does not seem normal. I have disabled the SATA controller messages
Corsair Vengaence do a lot of trouble.

My advice: Get ram without XMP profiles.

I have this kit and no problems at all:

You are lying.
Repeatedly. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :eek:

Nowhere on Hardwareluxx (large German hardware site) do people report
problems with Corsair's Vengeance Ram, be it the large cooler version or the low profile
Quite the contrary even. On both Hardwareluxx' P8Z68 and their P8P67 threads, people
are happy to report compatibility of this type of RAM with the boards.

What are your motives? :confused: :confused:
I currently don't have graphic card in my desktop coz I don't play games, so I am wondering if Z68 V-Pro +2600k on board GPU can handle Photoshop CS5, lightroom? how about video editing?
So I'm sure there are future BIOS updates coming still. Can I please ask that Asus look at fixing what I think it the wrong behavior when one disables C3 and C6 - it should not disable C1E as it does.

As per previous testing, it does start working when using Balanced mode and Min processor mode @ less than 49%. Performance mode.. it will not clock down from Max turbo at all - but as I've said, I can use another tool to enforce C1E and then it works as expected (Performance mode and Min. processor @ 100%).

Second problem relates to the OC and Multiplier getting stuck - I'm not exactly sure how, but I did fix that yesterday. I ran out of ideas so I installed and ran TurboV; once it hit 6Ghz with 1.456vcore (lol) it was a safe bet that all the tools I have were right and the Multi was not going past 45. So I reset everything again and tried to OC - it was then stuck at 38 Multi (no OC was being added).

But after I changed BOTH Turbo Ratio modes (per core and the other one) to match, it finally used the Multi I set. I'm sure I haven't had to make them both match previously - only the one I'm actually using.

Also.. I'd like to hear from anyone else on this - is your TPU switch on the mobo set wrong for 'disabled' position when compared to the manual? Manual shows it should be facing down (opposite to the EPU switch) but both of mine need to face up to be off.
One annoying feature of the ASUS mobo is it requires a couple of full posts for stuff to stick
And if the TPU LED is on - its on!
No way around that.
One annoying feature of the ASUS mobo is it requires a couple of full posts for stuff to stick
One straight example: try to change the PCIE16x_3 mode from Auto to 4x...
And watch how the board torture itself with two or three full restarts to do such a simple change. C'mon Asus. This is not so hard... and yes... it's doable.
I have tested Asrock Z68 Extreme 4 as well as P8Z68-V Pro. Aside one thing if I had to choose between them I wouldn't hesitate even one second. And chose Asrock. This one thing mentioned is that Asrock simply could not boot with my hardware encrypted hard drive. Stuck in endless reboot loop. That way I will have to live with the astonishing level of engineering awkwardness P8Z68-V Pro has to offer. This piece of PCB is strange, believe me.
Asrock is simply a better product. More predictable. More compatible. Not perfect, by any means, but better.
So I'm sure there are future BIOS updates coming still. Can I please ask that Asus look at fixing what I think it the wrong behavior when one disables C3 and C6 - it should not disable C1E as it does.

As per previous testing, it does start working when using Balanced mode and Min processor mode @ less than 49%. Performance mode.. it will not clock down from Max turbo at all - but as I've said, I can use another tool to enforce C1E and then it works as expected (Performance mode and Min. processor @ 100%).

WRT to C1E and C3/C6 being tied I will ask about that next week (mid-week). The rest might be down to how the OS kernel handles low power states when you change modes. In which case the solution is to use the mode that works and not the others.

My system setup, no OC, use 2600k GPU.
I have the latest BIOS and Drivers.
Asus P8Z68 V-Pro
Intel i7-2600k, stock
Kingston 96G SSDNow V+ & WD Green + Ocz Vertex
Seasonic MII 620W

1. I have double posts everytime when I restart the computer, the first POST says no hard drives find, then the second POST find the hard drive.
2. When I turn off TPU on mobo, and restart the computer, the computer keep restarting all the time at POST state until I turn off the power supply , then back to normal.
3. I have Corsair 8G(2x4G) 1600 memory, but the system only shows 1333, is there any thing I have to change in my mobo?
My system setup, no OC, use 2600k GPU.
I have the latest BIOS and Drivers.

1. I have double posts everytime when I restart the computer, the first POST says no hard drives find, then the second POST find the hard drive.
2. When I turn off TPU on mobo, and restart the computer, the computer keep restarting all the time at POST state until I turn off the power supply , then back to normal.
3. I have Corsair 8G(2x4G) 1600 memory, but the system only shows 1333, is there any thing I have to change in my mobo?

1. Set BCLK manually to 100.0MHz and disable any unused controllers.

2. Turn TPU on or off ONLY when the board is switched off.

3. Set the memory ratio to 1600 in BIOS.

I have a brandnew P8Z68 Deluxe waiting to be installed and some questions regarding the fan connectors.
My system has 3x120mm fans for the radiator + 2x120mm case fans. All in all 5x120mm fans need to be connected.
Now the P8Z68 board (sadly) only has
2x PWR_FAN (not readable/controllable according to manual)

My last board was a P5K Deluxe and featured

So there was no problem connecting everything. Now I'm not sure what to do. Seems I have 3 options:
  1. Should I connect the 3 radiator fans to 1xCPU and 2xCHA and the other 2 case fans to 2xPWR? Is that even allowed to connect a random fan to CPU_FAN?
  2. Should I connect some of the fans to the power supply (Dark Power with thermal management)? But I don't want the power supply to be in control of my radiator fans. I heard the fans spin very slow when connected to the power supply until the PSU hits temps of 75° C or something, which it will never do in my Stacker case.
  3. Should I go and buy a Scythe Kaze Master fan control unit? I could connect the 3 radiator fans to it and 1 of the case fans.

When I bought the board I hadn't even thought of the possibility of it having less fan connectors than the older one :(