Assassin's Creed Shadows

Expect it's accurate... the Character of Yasuke in AC:S is based on the legendary historical figure of the same name. Who was a black man who became a samurai during the era the game is set...
Yes. We all know that already. And nobody cares. They're also playing very loose with his "history" here. My point remains the same. The issue isn't that he's black, it's that he's non-Japanese. And like all things the woke touches, if you don't like the stupid decisions they've made, you're considered "racist."

Blah blah blah
Again, the issue isn't that he's black. It's that he's not Japanese. They're also trying to make it seem like he was some legendary samurai, when he was a big nothing burger. People would still be having the same issue with the game if he was a white samurai, but if they went with a white guy, the left would be all over it crying about "white washing."
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Yes. We all know that already. And nobody cares. They're also playing very loose with his "history" here. My point remains the same. The issue isn't that he's black, it's that he's non-Japanese. And like all things the woke touches, if you don't like the stupid decisions they've made, you're considered "racist."

Haha ok so you're telling me there being a non Japanese character here based on an actual person is somehow more contrived than your character in Valhalla being the literal reincarnation of a "God" who isn't actually Norse but actually one of the many hyper advanced precursors to humankind that got their asses whipped in a great war between Adam and Eve and a bunch of caveman or some convoluted horse shit
Haha ok so you're telling me there being a non Japanese character here based on an actual person is somehow more contrived than your character in Valhalla being the literal reincarnation of a "God" who isn't actually Norse but actually one of the many hyper advanced precursors to humankind that got their asses whipped in a great war between Adam and Eve and a bunch of caveman or some convoluted horse shit
Do you even proofread your comments? I can't imagine you sat there, typed all this, and was satisfied with the result. There are plenty of things wrong with Valhalla as well. Ubisoft sucking lately isn't a justification for Shadows also sucking. Ubisoft is a terrible company full of woke white people that think they're doing the right things. But, believe it or not, people are allowed to vent their frustrations. You're not the thought police, in case nobody has told you yet.
Yeah dude it was pretty immersive when the series established that a lady with a magic spear did, in fact, historically kill a minotaur. And a Medusa. In a story about a Greek Mercenary.

So you're telling me all the wacky bullshit has only just now become a problem when it landed on the Yasuke character. This is finally what tipped the scales?
I mean it's a false equivalency, magic spears and minotaurs aren't real. Yasuke, black men, and Japanese people are all real things.
You can suspend your disbelief for things like magic, dragons, etc. But swapping a Japanese person with a black person is tangible.
I mean it's a false equivalency, magic spears and minotaurs aren't real. Yasuke, black men, and Japanese people are all real things.
You can suspend your disbelief for things like magic, dragons, etc. But swapping a Japanese person with a black person is tangible.
While also upsetting Japanese gamers in the process due to the racial tensions between blacks and Asians. Kind of like the optics of making trans flag bullets in Call of Duty during the wake of recent mass shootings done by trans individuals.
While also upsetting Japanese gamers in the process due to the racial tensions between blacks and Asians. Kind of like the optics of making trans flag bullets in Call of Duty during the wake of recent mass shootings done by trans individuals.

Yasuke's been featured in Japanese games, anime and manga tons of times for many many years. I swear, the hyper sensitively to woke crap is making this feel extremely stupid. Especially with AC and all it's shenanigans as it's toyed and played around with historical stuff through out it's entire existence.
I mean it's a false equivalency, magic spears and minotaurs aren't real. Yasuke, black men, and Japanese people are all real things.
You can suspend your disbelief for things like magic, dragons, etc. But swapping a Japanese person with a black person is tangible.

The context is Assassin's Creed - and as far as the game is concerned, it's all real. These are all actual events that happened in universe.

Suddenly clutching pearls after almost two decades of insane shit happening across a double-digit number of games with countless other historical figures is an absolute joke.

So, it's cool that they hype historical figures into absurd eccentricities like Ben Franklin inventing the grenade launcher and Leonardo DiVinci making flight work 400 years before it actually did - but once they get to the Yasuke character, it's way too ridiculous?

While also upsetting Japanese gamers in the process due to the racial tensions between blacks and Asians. Kind of like the optics of making trans flag bullets in Call of Duty during the wake of recent mass shootings done by trans individuals.

I'm sure they're absolutely mortified and completely blindsided by this debacle because never before has the character been used in their media before

I'm also sure these swaths of people are going to vote with their wallets and there will be a gigantic sales disparity making it abundantly obvious just how upset they really are
Haha ok so you're telling me there being a non Japanese character here based on an actual person is somehow more contrived than your character in Valhalla being the literal reincarnation of a "God" who isn't actually Norse but actually one of the many hyper advanced precursors to humankind that got their asses whipped in a great war between Adam and Eve and a bunch of caveman or some convoluted horse shit

Odyssey is when the series slid off into a more fantasy style realm, fighting monsters. Shadow's seems to be a continuation of it. The thing with the older games is they generally fit within history decently well. There were small things like artifacts but those were hidden from the general population by secret societies. With Odyssey you have literal monsters, which would be too hard to loose to history. There is also Atlantis, which was comically easy to find for the character's in the modern day. The over the top ridiculousness was too much. But Ubisoft clearly wanted to move the game into a different direction/genre, and they did that.
I'm sure they're absolutely mortified and completely blindsided by this debacle because never before has the character been used in their media before

I'm also sure these swaths of people are going to vote with their wallets and there will be a gigantic sales disparity making it abundantly obvious just how upset they really are
Did you just ignore the parts of my comment that said his race isn't the issue? That people would be having the same problem with the game if he was white? It's not about Yasuke. It's about the character not being Japanese. That's what people wanted. I don't want to play as some white dude in feudal Japan either, even if he was also a historical figure.
Did you just ignore the parts of my comment that said his race isn't the issue? That people would be having the same problem with the game if he was white? It's not about Yasuke. It's about the character not being Japanese. That's what people wanted. I don't want to play as some white dude in feudal Japan either, even if he was also a historical figure.
... yes because two of the most popular pieces of media about/set in Japan this year weren't about a non-Japanese white dude in Japan... oh wait... SHOGUN & Tokyo Vice both were.

But I get it. You don't like the character, thats fine.
... yes because two of the most popular pieces of media about/set in Japan this year weren't about a non-Japanese white dude in Japan... oh wait... SHOGUN & Tokyo Vice both were.

But I get it. You don't like the character, thats fine.
Shogun is based on a book. Tokyo Vice is not set in feudal Japan.
Odyssey is when the series slid off into a more fantasy style realm, fighting monsters. Shadow's seems to be a continuation of it. The thing with the older games is they generally fit within history decently well. There were small things like artifacts but those were hidden from the general population by secret societies. With Odyssey you have literal monsters, which would be too hard to loose to history. There is also Atlantis, which was comically easy to find for the character's in the modern day. The over the top ridiculousness was too much. But Ubisoft clearly wanted to move the game into a different direction/genre, and they did that.

I mean they rug pull you at the end of the first game and literally flip all religion and known history of humanity completely upside down by the second game.

Instead of finishing their thought on the Isu living in a city like this 80,000 years ago, they kind of loosened the belt on some of the weird biblical sci-fi hocus-pocus and let mythos drift in more recent incarnations.

It's not even that the series was exceedingly tamer at the start, it's just a different kind of crazy. The series was originally going to end the trilogy with this whole starship thing where they fuckin Noah's Ark that shit into space to start a new civilization or something whacky.
I guess that ultimately Ubisoft is all about making money, which is pretty much what any business is all about.

So, as a business, you have to please your customers.

Fans of Assassin’s Creed have been requesting a game set in feudal Japan for years now - do they want to play as a Japanese samurai, or do they want to play as a black man?
Nobody took issue with Adéwalé in Freedom Cry because it made sense for the setting. Picking an obscure historical person to create fan fiction out of just because they were black in Japan makes no sense. If they just focused on Naoe without inserting the token black character I'm sure nobody would have taken issue.
All new games with RT:
Please wait patiently for the next frame to preview or turn on our new blur feature to add one more frame :ROFLMAO:
I have a better time with the new games that utilize RT than the old ones that patch in as an after thought.
At least the new games tend to work without CTD,...sometimes.

I'm looking at you Crysis Remastered Trilogy. :mad:
All new games with RT:
Please wait patiently for the next frame to preview or turn on our new blur feature to add one more frame :ROFLMAO:
They're referring to the console version, by the way. I think most of us commented that ray tracing on consoles is still a pipe dream when gen 9 was initially revealed.
Nobody took issue with Adéwalé in Freedom Cry because it made sense for the setting. Picking an obscure historical person to create fan fiction out of just because they were black in Japan makes no sense. If they just focused on Naoe without inserting the token black character I'm sure nobody would have taken issue.
But ... but ...

judging from the gameplay footage, they needed a brute force character. Clearly an ethnically Japanese one wouldn't have suited.
They're referring to the console version, by the way. I think most of us commented that ray tracing on consoles is still a pipe dream when gen 9 was initially revealed.

You're telling me 4 year old mid range AMD hardware can't do ray tracing well? :p

With luck AMD gets a lot better with ray tracing over the next two gens so the PS6 and Xbox (if it is still around) are better.