Assassin's Creed Shadows

That's for sure I don't think innovation is part of their vocabulary
I think Ubisoft sees it as a brand, which is why despite some light RPG mechanics being added since Origins the game has still largely followed the same overall design.

I didn’t even notice that when watching the trailer the first time. That is hilarious. I kind of get what they were going for. The idea of having unique combat music for both characters is a good one but they maybe could have picked something different. Generic sounding hip-hop style music combined with a black character that has the same hairstyle as every Black and/or African American main character in every video game these days (and that I’ve seen several African American content creators crap on) might come off as a bit tone deaf.
that's not really hip hop music...sounds like remixed 'Asian' music that is played to denote an Asian theme
its a hip hop beat with an asian flare ala wu tang, completely out of place for 1200s japan.

The series has never exactly been known for having music that exactly fits the time period of the setting. Given the premise of AC being that you're in a virtual world created from genetic memory, any music would technically come from the Animus or have been placed there by Abstergo.
At the end of the day, it's obvious AC is less and less about historical immersion and more and more about fantasy settings. Which is fine, some people could care less about immersion and may prefer a more fantastic themes for their games. For those that prefer historical accuracy there are always games like Kingdom Come Deliverance. At the end of the day, life is too short to get upset about these types of things. Market will ultimately have its say on what people want.
The series has never exactly been known for having music that exactly fits the time period of the setting. Given the premise of AC being that you're in a virtual world created from genetic memory, any music would technically come from the Animus or have been placed there by Abstergo.
not the only point being made.

Market will ultimately have its say on what people want.
we are part of that market.
I think Ubisoft sees it as a brand, which is why despite some light RPG mechanics being added since Origins the game has still largely followed the same overall design.
Gamers being complacent has allowed developers to be the same, in particular the big brand reliant studios. I know I am guilty of contributing to this and have been subsequently burned by mediocrity. Time to tighten that wallet.
When you're so woke that you don't even bother to get Japanese right when sending swag to Japanese influencers.

When you're so woke that you don't even bother to get Japanese right when sending swag to Japanese influencers.

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Translation is always hard. But I recall they hired some oddball Japanese-American woman for their DEI checkbox and she did a blurb about this game. Maybe they should have hired a Japanese translator who know what they were doing instead.
Translation is always hard. But I recall they hired some oddball Japanese-American woman for their DEI checkbox and she did a blurb about this game. Maybe they should have hired a Japanese translator who know what they were doing instead.

I mean do you think this woman literally designed and produced all the art for the figurine, box, typography, etc.?

Or some possibly outsourced market flunkies fucked it up. She and 99.9% of the devs probably never saw or gave a shit about the thing - not their job.
Man this is a truly terrible time to be a video game designer

If you're not getting laid off you're getting meme dragged by the internet
Stop making shit games then, the market (i.e. gamers) does not owe them anything.
It really is that simple. You cater to the 95% of your customer base that wants nothing to do with any of this, not the loud and annoying 5%. People just want to play games and enjoy themselves. This garbage often interferes with time that could have been dedicated to a better storyline or gameplay.
When you're so woke that you don't even bother to get Japanese right when sending swag to Japanese influencers.

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Oh my god… the Toyotomi clan crest appearing where it shouldn’t… and then the wrong crest stitched onto the clan banner… I’m not buying this game anymore!

Yes I am because I don’t actually care. Too many nerds focusing on the wrong things to prove how smart they are.
Oh my god… the Toyotomi clan crest appearing where it shouldn’t… and then the wrong crest stitched onto the clan banner… I’m not buying this game anymore!

Yes I am because I don’t actually care. Too many nerds focusing on the wrong things to prove how smart they are.

I would think it makes the collector's edition less valuable. That being said who the hell would buy a modern Ubisoft collectable edition? I understand the game, but an expensive collectible edition for an Ubisoft game is kind of funny. I just can't imagine anyone being into the game that much.
I would think it makes the collector's edition less valuable. That being said who the hell would buy a modern Ubisoft collectable edition? I understand the game, but an expensive collectible edition for an Ubisoft game is kind of funny. I just can't imagine anyone being into the game that much.

Collectors editions for pretty much all games these days are dumb. Way too expensive for some cheap tat.
I would think it makes the collector's edition less valuable. That being said who the hell would buy a modern Ubisoft collectable edition? I understand the game, but an expensive collectible edition for an Ubisoft game is kind of funny. I just can't imagine anyone being into the game that much.
Based on my experience on the AC subreddit there are a lot of people dedicated to these games.
Seems to be a bit of an echo chamber though.

Or they're tired of the fucking posts that drag in retarded ass political shit

These people are so comically full of shit and it is so obvious the only goal is to stir the hive.

The series rewrote and touched some of the biggest historical events the world has ever seen to shoehorn in the game narrative. Protagonists have been literal reincarnations of gods, fought beings of myth, could light their weapons ablaze with a wave of their hand, and effortlessly punch their way through 40 armed guards monitoring a fortress.

And that's not even the series jumping the shark. The literal first game has supernatural elements, and you meet magic super people who can predict the future in the second game.

But big black dude with big murder club is apparently where the line is drawn. That irreparably shatters the deep Japanese fantasy.
Or they're tired of the fucking posts that drag in retarded ass political shit

These people are so comically full of shit and it is so obvious the only goal is to stir the hive.

The series rewrote and touched some of the biggest historical events the world has ever seen to shoehorn in the game narrative. Protagonists have been literal reincarnations of gods, fought beings of myth, could light their weapons ablaze with a wave of their hand, and effortlessly punch their way through 40 armed guards monitoring a fortress.

And that's not even the series jumping the shark. The literal first game has supernatural elements, and you meet magic super people who can predict the future in the second game.

But big black dude with big murder club is apparently where the line is drawn. That irreparably shatters the deep Japanese fantasy.
It literally does pull us out of an immersive Japanese fantasy/experience. It has nothing to do with racism and everything to do with having an immersive experience in a game set in feudal Japan on the grand scale that generally encompasses AC games. People making this about racism are dumb. It would be just as annoying if one of the protagonists was a white guy. The problem is the protagonist not being Japanese, not the fact that he's black.
Or they're tired of the fucking posts that drag in retarded ass political shit

These people are so comically full of shit and it is so obvious the only goal is to stir the hive.

The series rewrote and touched some of the biggest historical events the world has ever seen to shoehorn in the game narrative. Protagonists have been literal reincarnations of gods, fought beings of myth, could light their weapons ablaze with a wave of their hand, and effortlessly punch their way through 40 armed guards monitoring a fortress.

And that's not even the series jumping the shark. The literal first game has supernatural elements, and you meet magic super people who can predict the future in the second game.

But big black dude with big murder club is apparently where the line is drawn. That irreparably shatters the deep Japanese fantasy.
I’m not sure I agree with what you’re saying here though?

Many of us have been waiting for years for Ubisoft to set one of its AC games in feudal Japan, and since the setting is half the reason we play these games (it’s just so important), and since we’ll never get to experience this setting in an AC game ever again, it just seems a little ridiculous to create a protagonist who isn’t even Japanese.

You seriously believe that this choice isn’t awkward, and doesn’t scream DEI?

Those other things you mentioned actually do fit, because they’re sci-fi, and the AC series has always had that quirky sci-fi feel to it.

This DEI crap, on the other hand, just feels forced. It feels like present day politics are being shoved down our throats. Is it really asking too much for the main protagonist in a game that takes place in feudal Japan to be… you know, Japanese?
It literally does pull us out of an immersive Japanese fantasy/experience. It has nothing to do with racism and everything to do with having an immersive experience in a game set in feudal Japan on the grand scale that generally encompasses AC games. People making this about racism are dumb. It would be just as annoying if one of the protagonists was a white guy. The problem is the protagonist not being Japanese, not the fact that he's black.

Except it's accurate... the Character of Yasuke in AC:S is based on the legendary historical figure of the same name. Who was a black man who became a samurai during the era the game is set...
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Expect it's accurate... the Character of Yasuke in AC:S is based on the legendary historical figure of the same name. Who was a black man who became a samurai during the era the game is set...
Why is Naoe a fictional character but Yasuke isn't? In fact why are all AC protags, except Yasuke, fictional people? Why not create a fake black Samurai?
It's like Ubi saw the complaints coming and tried to get ahead of them. Fact of the matter is, the AC version of Yasuke is likely going to be fictionalized also and they only attached a real name to him to kneecap the criticisms.

In a game about ninjas and samurais, people want to play as Japanese characters because it is more immersive. Yasuke being real isn't going to make it more fun to play as him.
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Expect it's accurate... the Character of Yasuke in AC:S is based on the legendary historical figure of the same name. Who was a black man who became a samurai during the era the game is set...

yasuke being a samurai is lefty fan-fic, at best he carried Oda's swords. when Oda died, he was given back to the Portuguese Jesuits, then "he went to market and was never seen again" aka probably got sold back into slavery, according to the Jesuits. but wiki likes to leave that part out...
yasuke being a samurai is lefty fan-fic, at best he carried Oda's swords. when Oda died, he was given back to the Portuguese Jesuits, then "he went to market and was never seen again" aka probably got sold back into slavery, according to the Jesuits. but wiki likes to leave that part out...

Practically everything in this game is a fan fic.

Believe it or not, the World Wars in real life were not a Templar illuminati scheme or some shit.

And Leonardo DiVinci didn't actually help an Italian man fly 2 miles over a city in a hang glider. And Ben Franklin didn't actually create the grenade launcher.

Also the Pope probably wasn't punched to death trying to meet God who was actually a hyper advanced magic lady who can see the future.

Or were you under the impression that George Washington actually used a magic artifact to win pivotal battles?

They fuck with historical figures and history in literally every single game and it's impossible to believe that like 14 games in, people are just now gaining some lucidity into this. They rug pulled the fuck out of everyone in 2007 by going on and on about how much attention they paid to historical accuracy only for the ACTUALLY THERE'S MAGIC ARTIFACTS MacGuffin to drive the narrative for literally the next... SEVENTEEN YEARS AT THIS POINT.

It has literally been almost two decades - this is what the series has done and will do. They do this in _every game_.

In a game about ninjas and samurais, people want to play as Japanese characters because it is more immersive. Yasuke being real isn't going to make it more fun to play as him.

Yeah dude it was pretty immersive when the series established that a lady with a magic spear did, in fact, historically kill a minotaur. And a Medusa. In a story about a Greek Mercenary.

So you're telling me all the wacky bullshit has only just now become a problem when it landed on the Yasuke character. This is finally what tipped the scales?