Assassin's Creed bundle @ Humble Bundle - pay what you want, up to $15 for everything


More [H]uman than Human
Aug 7, 2004
For those who somehow have missed some or all of these, most of them (particularly the main ones) are awesome games (with some being better than others) but they can get repetitive, especially if you are a completionist and choose to do the optional missions/side quests/fetch quests/etc. But most of the ones that I've played (all of them up to Black Flag) are worth playing for the gameplay and story.

Pay what you want gets you:
Assassin's Creed
Assassin's Creed Chronicles: China
Assassin's Creed Chronicles: India
Assassin's Creed Chronicles: Russia

Beat the average (currently $5.91) to add:
Assassin's Creed II Deluxe Edition
Assassin's Creed III + The Tyranny of King Washington: The Infamy DLC
Assassin's Creed Liberation HD

Pay $15 or more to get:
Assassin's Creed Brotherhood
Assassin's Creed Unity

I'm guessing when the next games get unlocked/added to the bundle we will see some combination of the following:

Assassin's Creed Revelations
Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag
Assassin's Creed Rogue
Assassin's Creed Syndicate
Assassin's Creed Freedom Cry
And/or more DLC for some of the above

Damn, that's a lot of Assassin's Creed. :confused: There is a ton of gameplay here for the price, no matter which bundle you opt for.
Finally got AC1 added to my uplay account. Was more of an OCD thing. Had every other one, except that one as I have it on DVD and Amazon, but neither has a key code. Did not want to buy it 3 fucking times, but for $1 along with the Chronicles games I bit.
Hmm....might get in on that, I never bought Unity. I doubt Syndicate will be included but that would be awesome.
If I didn't already own most of these I would probably all over this. I know I am probably in the minority but I have enjoyed all the ones I have played so far but I haven't played anything after 3 so I cant really comment on the newer ones.
Even games on Steam now require Uplay so this retarded mentality of No steam no buy needs to go :rolleyes:
Anyways, that's a lot of Ass for 15 bucks. I strongly recommend 2, Brotherhood and Unity. Main quest alone across these 3 games is about 30 hours combined.
I do not see how people can play Unity as the LOD changes on the NPC's clothing were so distracting that I had had enough after less than 30 minutes. Heck even NPCs themselves could pop in out of thin air right in front of you.
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Pretty sure there was a massive patch to fix it. Or maybe I wasn't noticing how my cloth was changing and actually playing the game. :). However, on its own merits, game was pretty good.
Syndicate is even better.
Unity has been nearly fully patched since the buggy initial release version. Good performance and scaling, plays nice with mGPU, no more texture issues. I just replayed it after having finished Syndicate. I'd posit Unity is the best AC entry next to Black Flag. The textures, fight mechanics, content and detail is pretty incredible. The story is a bit abbreviated, but there so many quality side quests it really doesn't matter. I'd recommend picking up the Dead Kings DLC as it has a quality story and has a lot of extra content. It's really a shame it got a bad wrap because Ubisoft rushed it to the gate.

Having compared the two in a short period, Syndicate feels like a game from 2005. Compared to Unity, it feels "empty", is a big step down in graphics, lacks in-game content, and has and dumbed down mechanics. The only thing better is the story. I think the brass at Ubi got sheepish and seriously paired back the scope after the bad response to the bugs in the initial Unity versions.
Pretty sure there was a massive patch to fix it. Or maybe I wasn't noticing how my cloth was changing and actually playing the game. :). However, on its own merits, game was pretty good.
Syndicate is even better.
Syndicate and Black Flag are my two favorite AC games, sadly neither of them are in this bundle... -_-
Thought about this but tbh I've never been able to finish any AC game, don't know why, just don't click with me for some reason.
I envy you guys who can put more than 10 hours into these games. Seriously, teach me
I haven't played any of these yet either. I might have to bite at this price, and even if I end up not liking the games, the charities it supports are worth it - as is the entertainment value of listening to the guy in the video (at the bottom of the Humble Bundle page) say Humble Bundle in french - LoL. Even the guy saying it thinks it sounds funny ; )
AC2 is still my favorite in the series. I've played them all.
Black Flag is probably the best pirate game ever. Shame it's not in the bundle.
While I won't comment on gameplay or story, Unity is the best "looking" Assassins Creed. Syndicate was down graded to improve performance.
Black Flag is probably the best pirate game ever. Shame it's not in the bundle.
I'd play just the pirate game from Black Flag if the did a spin off. That was my favorite part of that game, plus the mini pirate trade routes game you could run.
Pretty sure there was a massive patch to fix it. Or maybe I wasn't noticing how my cloth was changing and actually playing the game. :). However, on its own merits, game was pretty good.
Syndicate is even better.
I bought the game 7 months ago so it had been fully patched long before that. It just boggles my mind at the small petty graphics stuff people complain about yet most people act like this game looks fine. I have never seen LOD changes anything like this and it just kills any immersion at all watching pants literally pop in and out on NPCs. And really I think the graphics look like washed out blurry shit.
While I won't comment on gameplay or story, Unity is the best "looking" Assassins Creed. Syndicate was down graded to improve performance.

By far I'd say. Unity is a gorgeous game. Syndicate was so paired down in graphics it looked downright silly in some areas. The lower-level boroughs in particular looks like they only spent a few days designing building with drab, generic assets. That and it seemed like there were only about 5-6 NPC models. Worse, the number of buildings you can enter in Syndicate are extremely limited compared to Unity. Extremely annoying not being able to go into St Paul's Cathedral when you can enter any number of edifices (each with their own detailed design) in Unity. Further, the menus and item management was very Dragon Age-y 2 in the worst way in Syndicate.

All in all, I'm pretty salty that Unity got such a bad wrap due to the initial bugs. Had it been a clean release, I think it would have been reviewed much, much higher. Not having Syndicate in this bundle is no huge lost, IMO.
I do not know how anyone with normal vision can say Unity looks better than Syndicate. Unity looks like blurry washed out garbage with what looks like almost no texture filtering. Syndicate looks much sharper and cleaner and also does not have the laughable LOD pop in.

This was with max settings and 2x MSAA. Really how the hell does anyone think this looks great?

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Your opinion's valid, but I still think Unity looks astoundingly better and more detailed than Syndicate. Check out the below comparison. Shadows, weather, NPC animation, population density, textures, depth of field, draw distance are all superior in Unity. I'll take a those improvements over few pop ins. Most noticeably, however, is the detail in Unity compared to Syndicate (the detail and textures in the video on the Syndicate's NPC clothing and interiors are quite poor comparatively). Syndicate does run better on lower-powered systems, and there's a reason for that (and it's not optimization). This is a PS4 comparison, but the comparison carries over to PC...

You can find a good number of Steam, Ubi and other, gaming site threads on how Syndicate's graphics are significantly nerfed compared to Unity.

I have a sneaking suspicion there's an early dev build of Syndicate out there, however, with far better graphics before the initial release debacle of Unity.
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Thanks for the comments, guys. I just went in for the $15 bundle. I already owned several of the games in the lower tiers but I wanted Unity and eh, it's charity and I'm hoping that they'll add some of the other games to the bundle in a few days like they normally do.
I'm going to hold off and see if Syndicate shows up on the $15 tier. $15 for (essentially) Unity is not a good deal IMO, and I have played most of the other games.
I'm going to hold off and see if Syndicate shows up on the $15 tier. $15 for (essentially) Unity is not a good deal IMO, and I have played most of the other games.

$15 isn't a smoking deal for Unity alone, no, but I didn't have any of the Chronicles games, nor Liberation HD. I think $7 for Unity and $2 per the other 4 that I didn't have was worth it, but as always YMMV.
If I didn't already own most of these I would probably all over this. I know I am probably in the minority but I have enjoyed all the ones I have played so far but I haven't played anything after 3 so I cant really comment on the newer ones.

I've played them all except for some of the smaller DLC ones and enjoy all of them except AC3, with AC Brotherhood was my favorite. Blackflag was a lot of fun once you upgraded your ship, learned how to attack and what areas to avoid. Definitely worth checking out.
Black Flag is probably the best pirate game ever. Shame it's not in the bundle.

Sid Meier's Pirates, okay? >_>

"Cap'n, we've been out to sea for like 10 years!"

Anyway I don't remember if I finished Revelations and I'm sure I haven't done 3 or Black Flag yet (I'm strictly limiting my gameplay in Black Flag till I finish the ones before it, which hasn't happened in a while lol). I don't even remember which ones I have anymore... Seems pointless to add to my backlog at this point.
Hm... - haven't played one since Ass2. This possible to stream via the steamlink? I drunk-ordered one on blackfriday and haven't touched..