ASRock 939Dual-SATA2

sumofatguy said:
hey does anyone know if it is possible to mod the bios to increase the vcore and vdimm? I heard talk about it on the xtreme forums, but I really found no conclusion. I know it is possible because I have also "heard chat" that asrock was considering increasing these for the next bios upgrades... but I kind of want the vdimm and vcore increases as well as an unlocked htt above 274. I know the vcore controller can handle voltages up to 1.55v, so its not a hardware restriction. If anyone knows more about this than I do feel free to post... I was wondering if a modded bios with increased vcore and vdimm is out at all. Right now I have the OCW beta2 bios with my opteron 146 and its doing fantastic, but a little more vcore and vdimm would be nice without doing any hardware modifications.

As well, does anyone know anything about incorrect motherboard temperature readings with this board? right now, it says my motherboard is sitting at a solid -4C... Is there a fix for this or what? I dont really want to RMA my board because I have already had it for probably 2-3 months so it may be too late, and that would leave me computerless for quite some time... its no big deal, but I would like to know what my temps are at since its overclocked pretty high right now. anyways, thanks dudes
so no one knows...?
alright ive had it with this motherboard!

USB 2.0 and the onboard lan do not work when the cpu is overclocked to 250HTT or higher. Vcore and multiplier keep resetting to 5x and 1.4volts everytime i do a cold boot. Cold boots are not always successfull (no POST, have to reset untill it boots and if you reset 3 times the motherboard resets the bios options to default meaning i have to redo my overclocking settings).

This board had soo much potential with AGP + PCI-Express. Oh well time to upgrade the x800xt and get a true pci-express motherboard. I knew I should have stayed with an nforce or ati chipset. Something inside was saying i would regret buying this motherboard. Oh well atleast it was cheap heh.
meh its not a bad board. I know what you mean with the vcore reseting itself after every boot which sucks cause i need all 1.45v of it to start up. but, if you leave your comp. on it works out just fine. I have the HTT at 300 (x10) and my usb and everything works just fine...
Sorry bout your luck. Ive been running 300x9 on my opty 144 for awhile now with no real issues. Using onboard sound but have lan disabled. What bios are you using?
pandora's box said:
alright ive had it with this motherboard!

USB 2.0 and the onboard lan do not work when the cpu is overclocked to 250HTT or higher. Vcore and multiplier keep resetting to 5x and 1.4volts everytime i do a cold boot. Cold boots are not always successfull (no POST, have to reset untill it boots and if you reset 3 times the motherboard resets the bios options to default meaning i have to redo my overclocking settings).

This board had soo much potential with AGP + PCI-Express. Oh well time to upgrade the x800xt and get a true pci-express motherboard. I knew I should have stayed with an nforce or ati chipset. Something inside was saying i would regret buying this motherboard. Oh well atleast it was cheap heh.

Dude. I know things are not working "perfectly" for you, but that does not make this MB a good one. The second you decide to overclock you know you take the risk of anything happening, PERIOD. If you were to take an engine from a car and run it at full throttle for days on end, you know it would not last forever or maybe the air-conditioner would give you problems. This MB is an answer to the "I want to use my AGP card in a Socket 939 MB with the option to upgrade to PCI-E later". It is not the end-all of overclocking dreams. Also, VIA, NVidia, and ATI have all been in the game MUCH longer than ULI or ASRock. I do recall that the first boards and chipsets of the "big-boys" didnt give great overclocking results either. Finally, when overclocking "YMMV".

Sorry to hear your problems. My ASRock is working great. I hope you can find a replacement that makes you happy.

This board is too weird. I got some g.skill ddr500 ram recently, and not wanting to OC my processor too much I set the HTT to 250 and the multiplyer to 8x (since it is defaulted to 10x on my processor, an athlon 64 3200+) well, long story short, after a few resets, I notice my CPU temp is a bit higher than normal, so I do stress testing with sisoft sandra, then benchmark and I notice that my clock speed is not 2500mhz with a multiplyer of 10x.

Long story short, this board is not for the timid overclocker, it obviously wants the user to overclock their processor as much as possible.

I wouldn't be suprised to come home from work today with my HTT magically set to 300 and my athlon 64 running at 3ghz.
I don't know, personally I have never been this happy with a purchase before, it has let me do my upgrading as I have the cash and i'll be able to get a m2 expansion card in the future.

But, I haven't tried to overclock much yet, I have as silent as possible cooling in my rig so if I do decide to one day maybe it will be time for a new mobo.

Also, I'm pretty sure that alot of other mobos with less features have just as much trouble overclocking so I wouldnt knock the board too much.
I think people are gettin way to into OC'in with this board. When it comes down to it, its preety much a budget board that allows agp and pcie usage. If you wanna oc heavily go Asus or DFI ya kno? But dont get me wrong i still wanna oc it as much as possible but im not gunna freak out and get upset if it doesnt cause in the end i only paid 50 bux for it LOL Also to answer some other questions i have noticed that more HTT the more odd tendencies the system has with weird operations and such.
desrin said:
I don't know, personally I have never been this happy with a purchase before, it has let me do my upgrading as I have the cash and i'll be able to get a m2 expansion card in the future.

But, I haven't tried to overclock much yet, I have as silent as possible cooling in my rig so if I do decide to one day maybe it will be time for a new mobo.

Also, I'm pretty sure that alot of other mobos with less features have just as much trouble overclocking so I wouldnt knock the board too much.

I really hope they support that m2 board down the road, if they do that will be really really cool.
Pardon my lazyiness to search, but school comps alas arent that good..

Can this mobo take OCZ Gold ram (2-3-3-5 edition) without any problems? I'm eyeing this option for a while and if it can do it (and assuming a few exist in 2 months), then cool.
Has anyone had any problems with this board just completely freaking out? Since yesterday morning when I woke up, it seems whenever I go over 1.35v vcore and start doing stuff, everything gets incredibly laggy, cpu usage shows 100% and if I look at cpu-z it just shows everything fluctuating like crazy, clock speed, htt and voltage. I thought power supply, but the power supply guys accused the motherboard.
Can this mobo take OCZ Gold ram (2-3-3-5 edition) without any problems?

I'm running 2GB (2x1gb) of OCZ gold at 2-3-3-5 timings right now and no issues. The only issue I ever had with this board and ram was when I had 4x512 hyper x, it wouldn't keep my timings. Nothing like that has happened with the ocz, I'm attributing that to the fact that all 8 banks were filled vs only 4 now, and not a mobo issue, more of a cpu ram controller issue.
Here's hoping it fixes 1T problems. (until I know more I won't apply it though, always a good idea to just leave things as they are if it's working fine, IMO)
thefremen said:
Here's hoping it fixes 1T problems. (until I know more I won't apply it though, always a good idea to just leave things as they are if it's working fine, IMO)

Ah come on now thats no fun!!!
somecallmeTim said:
I'll load it up tonight - at least I hope I have time to. Each BIOS update of this board has been a nice improvement, looking forward to more goodness :)


all i want is removal of the ht lock and the voltage lock
Okay... got home, played with my grand-daughter, downloaded the BIOS, flashed and away we go.

I let the system boot without touching anything in the BIOS, had to go in because it thought stuff changed, pretty common. No issues, everything ran fine and dandy - ran Everest, few benchies in Sandra, all good.

Reboot - into the BIOS.
I pretty much left the memory settings at AUTO for now. I upped the HT to 230 MHz, was running at 225, so now my CPU is at 2.53 GHz. Forced the HTT to 1000, and left the voltage to "auto"... this is interesting as in the 1.5 bios, the vCore would "not" go over 1.45, and now it's at 1.47 and the system is stable - ran all the benchies in Sandra, Prime95, MemTest - no errors. Can't manually set the vCore, but the AUTO seems to work. My Ballistix PC3200 seems to not mind running at 230 (timings are auto'd to 2.5-2-2-6-2T) and I forced it to 200Mhz and all is good - even runing 4 x 512MB sticks I'm not seeing any issues. Granted I'm only at a 15% overclock, but before this flash I could not get it to run at 230 without locking up after about 10 to 15 mintues.

So... We'll continue to run things tonight and give another report. Not sure how much game time I'll have as I have a lot of things to do server wise for my upcoming fundraiser LAN.

So far, the 1.6 = good. Still a bizzare little board, and my bastard child 3400+ seems to like it.

Well over at OCW they are saying there really has been any improvements. HTT Lock is still in effect at 274 no vmod changes. Saying 1T is still unstable so its preety much the same from the sounds of it.
i just got my board in today, ordered from the egg, refurbed, still came with the original box and accessories too.
i expected just the board and nothing else.

alright, i dont really feel like reading 15 pages, sorry, but am i right in thinking i can use agp AND pci-e at the same time?

i have a agp x800xt pe right now, but it needs to be rma'd, i play final fantasy xi and would like to keep playing, so im considering buying a x1600pro pci-e card to get by with till the rma gets back to me, i would then like to keep the x1600 and the new x800xt pe running together as i have a dual monitor setup

fyi i havent gotten this board yet, yesterday i ordered this board, a 3800x2, and 74g raptor, should be in early next week
I need a backplate for the mobo to mount my water block. I found some at heatsinkfactory but how do I know which one fits this motherboard? Any help?
any a64 backplate should be moddable enough to work. I had an a64 one from my brothers 3200+ which he replaced the heatsink on. all i had to do was grind a couple notches in it because the pins from the heatsink retainer thingy on the front were in the way. a couple of notches later i had a perfectly good metal backplate.
i read on one of the mod tutorials that you shouldn't do both the vcore and vdimm mods, but i can't seem to find the tutorial that states that, again. the last tutorial i found didn't mention anything about not doing both. anyway, what's the general take on doing both?
I've never heard that you shouldn't do both vdimm and vcore, but there are TWO different (at least) vcore mods, and you shouldn't do both of THEM.
hi all.. after being refered to this forum by a good friend on another froum i vist.. i thought after a couple of days reading most of these posts..i might be able to get some more answers to why none of my games will work .
I am a new AMD user..not to mention i kind of went overboard by getting the X2 3800+ cpu after my expert geek friend raved about it and after reading alot of reviews..,which also apply to this board.
Most all of you seem for the most part very impressed with this baord and i won't discount that....yet. My inherent problems are ONLY with games. My system runs very good and fast in all othe areas..including videos..internet,programs etc..
After conversing with like two of my close forum buddies who have many years experience with AMD systems and both use this board...I have been trying to get answers... I have tried most evrything..and not a day goes by when i myself think of something else that may be it.

I am using 1 GB of good Corsair Platinum XMS low latency ram (DDR 400 ) at 2-3-2-6 timings cas 2 and it seems to work fine...
I hav a FX5900 video card( power hooked up ) and its locked in place. My sound card works beautiful and have a Audigy 2 ZS. PSU is an Aspire 520Watt 2.0 approved PS.
Voltages are stable and good all rails...
Right now i have the AsRock site 32bit AGP ULI 1695 drivers and the basic Lan drivers updated installed.. i have use both the Forceware 81.98 drivers and also the earlier 81.85 drivers and same results..screens go black.. which is mostly all i get in most games..upon entering main menu in game...
I have XP pro SP2 installed... but it may not have all the latest updates to present....
Most if not all people have some problems with some games..but not all of them. I have already tried to set affintiy to one core and same result.Have already set the last entry in bios under chipset ( can't recall..but it is IT 2T or Auto ) used all of them and am using 2T now... T1 is not working well for me.Bios is version 1.06 updated. Board came with version 1.04

I'm lost still... will read some mor in this forum..but mostly i know you guys like to OC and do settings more than discuss other issues....
Next post will be much shorter... so forgive my lengthyness here...LOL :)
Surrealistic said:
i can use agp AND pci-e at the same time?
Yeah sure. I don't think there have been many issues with that kind of setup. People have nvidia and ati cards working together, so I imagine it'll be much easier in your case.
eloj.., yeah i got that one saved already.. i've done a few things they suggest for the fixes already...but you can understand.... I hate editing registries as some fixes... and was looking for one specfic fix.
Being new to AMD archetecture and systems..unlike alot of you here...I guess it seems daunting..
A good friend upstairs who is a bit old has worked on these for one of the ones who bragged and talked me into getting this...( he has built like seven for other people ..same CPU and mobo ) He said he will help me work out my bug..but he is always sick and is whenever is the word for that. He thinks i know nothing...kind of pompous..but really I am very smart and just new to this setup.

The CPU ( X2 3800+ and those lines of processors is just complaints there.
Audio is just fine on this board ( AC 97 is still one of the best ) I had that on my first Intel board...It rocks... Sound is very good and unlike some.. i do not get any hissinig at all..nor any major static. All else is good to go. I am beginnning to beleive this board is actually a very good board.. Bios settings have more to offer than my intel Asus P 4 board for settings... looks the same in layout... ( AMI bios )

Should the mobo basic UL:I 1695 AGP work or should i go ahead and try another as listed on the ULI Ent. webpage for this board ??
rabbit, I'm not sure if this could be the problem. But you state you are using the AGP driver from the asrock site. Many people don't use the asrock driver instead they go with the Uli unified driver located here

Maybe the issue has something to do with the driver, when the agp bus gets used more, for instance when gaming, there is an issue. good luck on troubleshooting.
BBG... I finally got some of it fixed.... I didn't have the AGP to ULI controlller installed from ULI site. I installed it...( used the 2.13 version ) reinstalled the Nvidia current set drivers ..81.98 and some games worked fine ..but since then some do and some shutdown..after playing it for awhile... FarCry would play fine and then somewhere along in the game after i played it for quite awhile it would freeze somewhere... and i would have to reboot...
I just got done opening CSS and that finally came up fine and played a couple ofd new servers... ( mine were not online )..and that played good..then just awhile ago it just rebooted...also.
Earlier i got viirtual memory errors like insufficient VM and reset to pretty high like 3000 and it eventually took and worked.. Just no consistency.. never know if a game is going to play for s long as i play or shutdown.i've had to reboot like twenty times earlier last night.
When things do play look better and it seems more fluid overall..
Maybe another set of drivers would some had problems with the latest dual core optomizations they put in. I can only keep guessing....but intuition or logic.... no clue.

Anyways... I guess one could try differnt AGP drivers yeah.... I wonder what drivers and AGP controllers others use with these older nividia cards...?? Thanks! LOL
Mine just died yesterday after 3 months of usage. It simply died. I checked the videocard, new PSU, memory and processor in different PCs and they seem allright, but the mobo simply doesn't post anymore. Almost as if the BIOS was wiped out (no, i didn't update the BIOS when it died, not even close to that time; last BIOS update i made was in December).

BTW, all this was on stock o/c involved.

I'm not gonna RMA it since the board was dirt cheap and shipping is not worth it and i need the computer running quick anyways.

Not sure if i want another one or go with a different board this time. I'm kinda careful now, that it has died.
I have bios v1.20 and a 3200+ Rev.E4 (ADA3200DKA4CG) and it doesn't boot. Nothing happens when I press F2 to load bios.

****** Warning: Unknown Processor Revision ******
The processor(s) installed in your system are of an unknown revision.
Please contact your BIOS vendor for appropriate updates.
Fatal Error... System Halted.

How do I update the bios? Do I have to borrow an older CPU or does EZ-Flash work with this motherboard like my old Asus A7V880?
IF you can get another cpu to flash bios from dos thats the best i dont think u can ezflash these without problems. if you have another 939 layin around thats your best bet.
Most users of this board already know that the earlier bios for this board had issues booting ..( posting.)..these are some of the reasons for bios upgrades.... The latest being bios version 1.06. I believe you will need bios vrsion 1.04 at least to be good to go... then its a mattr of proper HW connection..system build...Video card locked and power connected..ect... If indeed the bios was messed with or wiped out then....sometimes a camos reset is in order.

Mine orginally would not post either...and i had issues galore... Turns out that the memory is something that is necessary to configure..and put in right slots.., meaning AMD boards use slot one and two..closest to the CPU..then 3 and 4 etc.... memory type that is compatible is most important also...check that it is compatible enough... PSU usually is preferred to be a 2.0 compliant... even though it uses a 20 pin connector.

Yes the board has a auto flasher utility that is pretty quick and easy... :(
Yea like he said i would try resetting cmos possibly pulling batt out for 20mins or so then try seeing if you can boot and then d/l flash and install... i would go 1.05 or 6 im running ocwb1 right now which seems to work well it eliminates the 274htt cap if you want to oc. try 1 stick of ram too might do somethin weird
Anybody know what the temp monitors in speedfan mean?

I have

Temp1 30c
Temp2 32c <--- I think this is the cpu
Temp3 31c
Local 35c
Remote 37c
hd0 25c <--- I know what these are
hd1 30c <--- and this