Armored Core 6: Fires of Rubicon

Keyboard & mouse controls are fantastic. If you're having issues with bosses, you need to be more aggressive. The first boss in the game is the perfect example: Best strategy is flying right up in its face and using melee. Trying to use ground cover will just get you killed slowly.
If you're having issues with bosses, you need to be more aggressive. The first boss in the game is the perfect example: Best strategy is flying right up in its face and using melee. Trying to use ground cover will just get you killed slowly.

I hear that's what makes the game pretty easy...all you need to do for every boss is be aggressive (don't play defensive) and try and build up their stagger meter and get critical hits...also use melee attacks frequently
I hear that's what makes the game pretty easy...all you need to do for every boss is be aggressive (don't play defensive) and try and build up their stagger meter and get critical hits...also use melee attacks frequently

Just got the VE-67LLA melee weapon. This thing is insane.

I turned myself into a fucking mechsuit, Morty! I'm Armored Core Rick!!!!!
No restarting from checkpoints sucks. Maps and textures are bland and it just doesn't feel like I'm in a 40 ft mech.
No, like if you turn your computer off at a checkpoint before a boss it won't save from that point. You have to restart the whole mission. Minor gripe
the missions are really short though, like 15 minutes short with a good build and knowledge of the map. Game doesn't really need a checkpoint system.
the missions are really short though, like 15 minutes short with a good build and knowledge of the map. Game doesn't really need a checkpoint system.
Outside of the boss checkpoints I'm surprised there are any at all in AC6. Between that and the supply Sherpa/refrigerator the game is much, much more forgiving than I expected.
Outside of the boss checkpoints I'm surprised there are any at all in AC6. Between that and the supply Sherpa/refrigerator the game is much, much more forgiving than I expected.
If you take the stance of stay mobile and be agressive the game is relatively easy. Its fun, a few bosses took a couple tries, but overall its easy to feel like a badass Mecha pilot.
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and you need to replay the game at least 2 times to get all the endings (best endings)
I finally beat Balteus...almost had a heart attack and almost threw my controller through a wall, but I managed it. Used a tanky cheese build someone posted online.

you're finally playing a From Software game...welcome to the party!...maybe this will get you to give Elden Ring or the Dark Souls games another try
you're finally playing a From Software game...welcome to the party!...maybe this will get you to give Elden Ring or the Dark Souls games another try
Maybe. It's not really very "Souls like" other than the difficulty, though. And I've played a lot of Monster Hunter, difficult boss battles aren't really new to me.

But yes, I am very much enjoying AC6 and it pissed me off that Balteus was gatekeeping the rest of the game from me.
I finally beat Balteus...almost had a heart attack and almost threw my controller through a wall, but I managed it. Used a tanky cheese build someone posted online.
Dude rock on!

Yeah, dude, Balteus kicked my arse for at least a dozen or two tries! I later embraced going basically all energy type damage to kill his posture as quickly as possible.

If you're looking for advice, I'll say this: judging how well my build holds up against an enemy is best measured by how quickly I can drain their posture. That has worked for me so far (I'm about halfway through Chapter 3, so can't say for sure if that holds up the entire game). If I can't break posture pretty easily, it has generally been a sign for me to change up my weapons for something that shoots a different kind of ammunition. There's the 3 types of damage in the game (Kinetic, Energy, and Explosive) and each will have its own punch it'll deal to the boss. Game doesn't exactly tell you that, even though it mentions the damage types.

I would also highly recommend doing the Arena fights you just unlocked after Balteus for the OS upgrade chips....the enemy ACs that you battle in the Arena are often times a preview of things to come in the chapter they are revealed in, and so it can give you a leg up when you don't have to fight back to that part of the story and can instead respawn right next to that challenge. Also, the OS upgrades are good help (you can marginally upgrade how much repair kits help, how much damage you deal with certain damage types, and a bunch of other stuff). Highly reccommend.

Either way, congrats, Balteus is a pain!
Armored Core VI update 1.02

This patch is focused on balance adjustments that will allow players more build diversity in the early and mid-game when assembling their AC, as well as bug fixes.
PvP oriented balance adjustments will be released at a future date

Bug Fixes
-Fixed a bug that prevented certain weapons from dealing damage to the boss of the mission “Destroy the Weaponized Mining Ship”
-Fixed a bug that caused the boss of the mission “Prevent Corporate Salvage of New Tech” to be unable to detect the player
-Fixed a bug that caused certain enemies to not be displayed correctly during the mission “Survey the Uninhabited Floating City”
-Fixed a bug that caused certain enemies and background objects to be displayed incorrectly during the mission “Attack the Old Spaceport”
-Fixed a bug that caused vertical missiles and certain coral weapons to deal unintended amounts of damage
-Improved camera controls when spectating online arena battles
-Fixed a bug that caused the punch animation to not be displayed correctly on the opponent’s screen during online arena battles
-Other bug fixes
-[Xbox One / Xbox Series X|S / Steam] Fixed a bug that caused the game to enter offline mode and unable to save progress after the device recovers from sleep mode
-[Steam] Fixed the text displayed onscreen after selecting “Quit Game” from the System Menu on the title screen
-[Steam] Fixed a bug causing certain bosses to be rendered incorrectly

full patch notes at link below...
Ahh, man, Balteus feels like he got knocked down a peg
Honestly, good - that fight pissed me off. If it allows more players to see the rest of the game (I mean it's a huge wall in the first chapter for fuck's sake) then I'm all for it.

Also, rifles got a much-needed buff, which is great.
Honestly, good - that fight pissed me off. If it allows more players to see the rest of the game (I mean it's a huge wall in the first chapter for fuck's sake) then I'm all for it.

Also, rifles got a much-needed buff, which is great.
Eh, I'd rather see his challenge stay the same (aside from any bug fixes to the fight, of course) and more weapons be buffed to provide a wider variety of builds that can take him on. Hopefully it'll remain a skillcheck for people because, in all honesty, the rest of the fights are a bit easier after Balteus because now you know what the game expects from you.
Eh, I'd rather see his challenge stay the same (aside from any bug fixes to the fight, of course) and more weapons be buffed to provide a wider variety of builds that can take him on. Hopefully it'll remain a skillcheck for people because, in all honesty, the rest of the fights are a bit easier after Balteus because now you know what the game expects from you.
Well, one of the things they changed was the missiles having more realistic tracking, meaning they can't just do a 180 to hit you from behind now. That seems like a reasonable change. I guess there's supposedly a general change to make him less aggressive, but that's harder to quantify.

The only reason I was able to beat him was using a tank "cheese" build I found online. Having to use a build I didn't particularly want to in order to progress in the game doesn't really give me much of a sense of satisfaction, so I still agree with the changes.
Well, one of the things they changed was the missiles having more realistic tracking, meaning they can't just do a 180 to hit you from behind now. That seems like a reasonable change. I guess there's supposedly a general change to make him less aggressive, but that's harder to quantify.

The only reason I was able to beat him was using a tank "cheese" build I found online. Having to use a build I didn't particularly want to in order to progress in the game doesn't really give me much of a sense of satisfaction, so I still agree with the changes.

I think the game wants you to experiment with various loadout/builds and not rely on one build to get you through the entire's the reason the game gives you a chance to change your loadout after death
The only reason I was able to beat him was using a tank "cheese" build I found online. Having to use a build I didn't particularly want to in order to progress in the game doesn't really give me much of a sense of satisfaction, so I still agree with the changes.
And that may be what it takes to clear him the first time but I promise you'll beat the shit out of him in NG+ and NG++. You'll feel real good about that because you get to see how a more potent build works as you've purchased more parts and/or how much you've improved piloting.

This game lands the softest punches I've ever seen for the challenge it provides. Experiment and replay old missions to improve because it was designed to have you do so!
How easy is it to change between builds? Is there a lot of time spent shopping, earning money or grinding for parts? I'm thinking of giving this a try, but not into grinding kind of games where you spend more time trying to get XYZ scrap metal to build a weapon only to find out it is useless on the next mission, then grind for another part before I can progress.
How easy is it to change between builds? Is there a lot of time spent shopping, earning money or grinding for parts? I'm thinking of giving this a try, but not into grinding kind of games where you spend more time trying to get XYZ scrap metal to build a weapon only to find out it is useless on the next mission, then grind for another part before I can progress.
If you fail/die you have full access to your garage to change to a more suitable build. You certainly don't have to replay previous missions but that's the main way of earning enough credits to purchase everything so you can build whatever you want or need. Really doesn't take terribly long to get a lot of what's available. Just to mention: the game is designed for NG+ and NG++ play throughs (3 endings) as you do get new parts in each, though far fewer in number than the initial playthrough.
How easy is it to change between builds? Is there a lot of time spent shopping, earning money or grinding for parts? I'm thinking of giving this a try, but not into grinding kind of games where you spend more time trying to get XYZ scrap metal to build a weapon only to find out it is useless on the next mission, then grind for another part before I can progress.
Business6 put it pretty well, I'll just add that I also have an aversion to grindiness....and in no way does this game feel that way.

At no point did I feel like "man I've gotta dedicate the next hour to just replaying this one mission because its the best thing helping me save up money right now". There is only a "try, iterate, try, iterate again" cycle, which is more forgiving in its checkpoints than any other FromSoftware game I've played (can't speak for the original Armored Core games though, since I haven't played them yet).

For example: If this was a grindy game, the thing you'd grind for are mech parts. Most expensive part I've seen or had to buy was like 500,000-600,000 credits (I'm at the end of chapter 4 right now, so maybe more expensive stuff occurs in the final chapter), and you can get that from playing the best mission from chapter 1 (not talking about the balteus battle mind you) two times which rewards you with 330,000 credits minus costs. That mission takes maybe like 15-20 minutes a piece once you've progressed further in the story and gotten better at the game (and better parts too). is so awesome, I love that :: operation :: (obfuscating for spoilers). And plenty of other parts, which are still very viable parts for parsing in and out of your build are a fraction of that (75,000-150,000 credit ballpark area).

Bottom line: It's not like you can get parts that just make you win. If you DID grind out some missions, you probably could get the money to buy literally everything in a couple hours. What makes you win is that you put pieces together that exploited the mobility and damage weaknesses of whatever mission enemies you are facing.

Hope that provides some insight!
They decreased damage/effectiveness for the SONGBIRDS and STUN NEEDLE LAUNCHER. That is a bit disappointing because those were the best weapons in the game (IMO). Though some of the other weapons did need buffs because they were almost useless.

Generally I only found a few weapons worth using:
STUN NEEDLE LAUNCHER (for some bosses)
10 shot missile launcher - the rest of the launchers were inferior

Hand held missile launchers, don't recall the name, the most basic ones.

For simpler missions I liked the heavy bazookas. Coral Rifle is also decent.

You can probably make all weapons work well if you spend enough time screwing around with your build but that gets tedious and tiresome.
Much-needed increase in pistol ammo. I might try using them again, I liked them but they just had too little ammo to be effective.
Holy changes. Myazaki, why you take my shotty attack power away?! :p Guess buffs for other weapons is a good idea, but....hate that it is at the expense of other weapons I found useful.

Thanks for posting.
I had stopped playing for a bit (got sucked into Starfield) but I played a bit more on my Steam Deck yesterday and I think the changes are great. Makes pistols way more viable and fun.