Armed Assault - Military Simulator

For those who don't know, Armed Assault is basically Operation Flashpoint 1.5. ("Game 2 = operation flashpoint 2). They are still using a heavily modified ofp engine (hence why it doesn't look really new and they don't make use of all the newer shaders, etc).

The reason it doesn't carry the ofp name anymore is because Codemasters (Publishers of ofp/it's expansions) split with Bohemia (developers) and codemasters are the ones that own the rights to the name.

I suggest looking at the trailers if you haven't seen them yet:

E3 trailer:

New Tech trailer.

I'm really really looking forward to Armed Assault, all the previous mods, etc for ofp will be compitable with it and everything.

It's not really on the same scale as America's Army. The world is fully open and it's BIG. With each mission and such you can pretty much tackle it anyway you want to. It's a fairly realistic game (the inf. combat at least) and you will die in just one-two hits. If you get hit in the legs you'll drop and have to crawl (usually most people just reload at that point), getting shot in the hand reduces your aiming, etc, among other things.

Isn't it supposed to be out like this fall? I hope so, but it's starting to look a bit un-likely without a publisher at the moment.
Stiler said:
They are still using a heavily modified ofp engine (hence why it doesn't look really new and they don't make use of all the newer shaders, etc).

Well you also gotta take into account that this game is MUCH bigger in scale than most other games, the whole entire island gets loaded in one shot and with those countless miles of terrain you can't expect the details/graphics to be on the same scale as games that frequently load or are comprimised of levels.

The graphics are still damn impressive for the scale of the game. I can't wait for it to come out. Operation Flashpoint was EASILY one of the greatest games of all time. I really hope the multiplayer component works out well.
In my opinion OFP was way ahead of its time, and probably the best game out there. The only thing lacking was the multiplayer, which of course can make or break the game. If it had better multiplayer (like Battlefield) everyone would own it.
OFP was and still is an amazing game. I still load it up every now and then and download some of the user made campaigns/mods/addons or muck around in the mission editor. It's too bad the physics could get very glitchy, and multiplayer was pretty laggy. I hope all of that is fixed in Armed Assault and OFP2 :)

Guy in the interview said:
Bohemia Interactive’s games are for life, not just for Christmas
So true..
yeah, even with aged graphics it's still very fun game to play. My personal record is 6 hr non-stop play, that's just one mission (Capture the Island, RTS)

anyway, New Preview ;)
Looks like a great game, if it's not strictly online play like BF2.
I may of missed it, but does anyone know if this games has a beta available or full version??
I loved OFP. Quite often some buddies and I will get our machines together just to play co-op OFP missions. It's great. One of my favorite games of all time.
PanzerKrieg13 said:
Looks like a great game, if it's not strictly online play like BF2.
I may of missed it, but does anyone know if this games has a beta available or full version??

It has a full on single player campaign, not mulitplayer only.
That looks really promising, more fun than America's Army Online.

OFF-TOPIC: Is it me, or do you (VISTREL) only post in this thread and that you've been a member here since October 2004? :p
Man oh man, I love Operation Flashpoint. Not only was it a nice break from CS back in the day, but it opened a lot of gamer's eyes to the sheer potential of what a Military game can have. OFP's landscapes and vehicle variety still outdoes most games to this very day.

Aside from that, the thing I prolly enjoyed most was setting a bunch of Satchel Charges at my feet and blowing them up. With the crappy physics engine they used, you'd go flying upwards about 2000Mph and wind up on the other side of the map you were on lmao.

This newer one looks promising though. :cool: :cool: :cool:
Corporal79 said:
so let me get this straight, Armed Assault is not OFP2?

"Game 2" is ofp 2.
Armed Assault is like ofp 1.5.

Updated graphics and other things but on the same core engine that allows you to play all the mods, etc from ofp.

P3N1X0R said:
so is it free like americas army? or u gotta pay to play?

You have to pay once to buy the game, then it's free to play multiplayer, etc, like most normal games.
Nope they are still looking for an American publisher... Don't know what the issue is as I would assume that most publishers would pick this game up in an instant. I guess they're just "shopping around" though.

It's probably gonna be late 2006 to early 2007 though.
OFP is still my favorite FPS to this day, cannot wait for AA, IMO OFP is one of the most underrated games ever.
-=KaTcH(13)=- said:
IMO OFP is one of the most underrated games ever.

Yes it is, I think people are looking for graphics and not gameplay unfortunatly. The first version was bugy as hell and took for ever to start a game, some times 40min just to get a game started due to no game in progress joining. This new version is going to be awsome!
Also, the game is out in Germany and Czech... The in-game dialogue is in english, and most of the text can be converted to english by changing a string in one of the files. So, whether it be ebay or a German/Czech retailer that ships to the US, you people need to buy this game.

I can't wait anymore, I am highly considering just importing it. Some people have the game already if you check the official ArmA forums.
I was hoping GoGamer would have it, even in imported form, soon but it is not showing up in their list at all.

From the AAZ site, the videos submitted by Noob Reloaded are spectacular.
Hot damn the game looks [and runs] better than I thought...

Look at the headshot video. There is friggin depth of field!

edit - Anyone know why the characters talk in english in the German and Czech versions of the game? I find that odd... I guess because it's an American army in the game and they want to be realistic? Still though... Imagine getting a game in America where you play as a Russian army and all the dialogue is in Russian...
jaguax said:
Still though... Imagine getting a game in America where you play as a Russian army and all the dialogue is in Russian...
There a few games like that, including BF2. Usually there's an option to have native or English voice overs. I like it better that way then the hollywood style American pretending to have a Russian accent.
You are right, but ArmA is different that BF2 in that it has a whole entire single player campaign/story with multiple cut scenes, not just a bunch of recycled phrases like in BF2.