Armed Assault - Military Simulator

post screenshots? I'd like to see some of real people playing rather than the ones on the website
jaguax said:
Probably people whose systems can't run it.

Trust me, when I say it is a performance hog, I mean it.

This game almost NEEDS an 8800 GTX, though the general consensus, according to an early benchmark utility, shows that the game is also very CPU dependent, so a 3.5-4.0 ghz Conroe will definitely help.

The one dude who ran the benchmark with an overclocked 4 ghz Conroe and 8800GTX blew everyone else out of the water... So if you have something like that, you're set.

How do you think I'll fare with 2 7800GTs and a 3800X2?
Shouldn't be too bad considering the game is a amped up version of the older engine. You'll probably need a fast processor and a 7900+/2G+ to get decent frames. That engine likes a lot of ram (big view distances, lot of flora/ambience, ect.)
Would an E6600, 2gb RAM, and an X1900XT 512mb get anywhere near to high settings?
I haven't played the game yet, so this may be wrong.

Have you guys really thought about how big 20km is? You will absolutely need vehicles to get around. Let's assume the infantry run a 6 minute mile. Not amazing, but they're carrying all that gear, anywhere from 70 to 120 pounds, from what I've heard. It will still take you over an HOUR :eek: to run from one side of the map to the other. A tank averaging 40MPH will take about 20 minutes. An Apache flying at crusing speed would take about 4 minutes, 3:20 at max speed. :D

This will be interesting to see which team can coordinate their firepower the most effectively in one spot exactly when it is needed.

Again,. these are rough estimates and people may not always play one the full map size. But still...
I was a bit alarmed at the map size, too. Most everyone dislikes the wide open maps in the Battlefield series so it'll be interesting to see how these maps are received. I know I don't like to run around looking for action. (unless it's some story driven RPG or something...)
what ever happened to that other game that was sposed to be like Armed assault, and Game2. it was called Enemy in Sight. but i havnt found any new screen shoots from it.
WhyYouLoveMe said:
I was a bit alarmed at the map size, too. Most everyone dislikes the wide open maps in the Battlefield series so it'll be interesting to see how these maps are received. I know I don't like to run around looking for action. (unless it's some story driven RPG or something...)
I always wonder how that came about. Last time I remember everyone screaming for bigger maps and more vehicles, now it's counter strike sized map land.
WhyYouLoveMe said:
I was a bit alarmed at the map size, too. Most everyone dislikes the wide open maps in the Battlefield series so it'll be interesting to see how these maps are received. I know I don't like to run around looking for action. (unless it's some story driven RPG or something...)
You've got those big ass maps, but in your mission you don't have any need to be anywhere but on just a part of it. If you want to wander around you can, but there really isn't much of a point to it. It does let you plan wild ass routes to objectives, though, I suppose.
Well as long as the action and/or mission is localized on any particular map then it wouldn't be too bad. I'm definitely keeping an eye on this game. :cool:
What kind of copy protection do they use? One source I saw said Starforce, another said Securom, or does it depend on which country it was released in?
BladeVenom said:
What kind of copy protection do they use? One source I saw said Starforce, another said Securom, or does it depend on which country it was released in?

"Copy protection
Sunday, 19 November 2006
Good news for German Arma gamers. Looks like Morphicon decided to use Securom instead of Starforce as a copy protection. That means there's less chance for your hardware to go FUBAR. "
arrrgghhh!!! When is this going to be released to the US ??? I have been waiting for this game for over a year.
Thanks guys... DL Demo now. I have been anticipating this game for a while, but have been teased for over a year. So I was waiting for a demo about 4 months ago and stoped checking until today.
Ok, I DL the demo but is it MP only? I was looking forward to a SP demo. Did I DL the wrong one or is this the only demo available?
Armed assault is going to be alot of fun when it finally gets released in NA

We have been running the Armed Assault Demo in a Dedicated server mode since December and it has been great.

If you want to check out our tournament site at

We are running a BF2142 tournament and, right now, just the Armed Assault Demo server. The minute it is available in the US, we will upgrade to the full version of Armed Assault and start a tournament style game for this as well.