Armed Assault - Military Simulator

Just bought it on ebay for $80 shipped... I couldn't wait any longer.

Not too bad of a deal considering some copies on ebay are going for $130+ with multiple bids.

I believe you can get the game at (dunno how much I trust this but it seems legit) but when all is said and done it's gonna be between $70 and $80 anyway.

I'm just lucky I caught the auction a few moments after it was listed, there is no doubt that someone else would buy it in an instant.

I can't wait to play it. OFP was one of my favorites of all time. :D
jaguax said:
Just bought it on ebay for $80 shipped... I couldn't wait any longer.

Not too bad of a deal considering some copies on ebay are going for $130+ with multiple bids.

I believe you can get the game at (dunno how much I trust this but it seems legit) but when all is said and done it's gonna be between $70 and $80 anyway.

I'm just lucky I caught the auction a few moments after it was listed, there is no doubt that someone else would buy it in an instant.

I can't wait to play it. OFP was one of my favorites of all time. :D
Wow, that's incredible. I don't even pay $40 for games, unless it's actually worth $40 and has CD protection. Ya better post some screenies for us! :p
Yes, that is definitely more than I am willing to pay for this. Please post screens if you have a chance.
no just lost interest in this game.

If they make it so u can climb, and do things to substitute jumping, it might be ok.
dammit, id like to get my hands on this game. They should distribute it on like Steam or something.
WarriorX said:
no just lost interest in this game.

If they make it so u can climb, and do things to substitute jumping, it might be ok.

I do wish they'd have the vault function (IE, like in Call of duty) where you can vault up and over small walls/fences, etc.
WarriorX said:
no just lost interest in this game.

If they make it so u can climb, and do things to substitute jumping, it might be ok.
All that getting rid of jumping does is prevent the idiots in multiplayer from bouncing all over the place.
Apparently none of you have played Operation Flashpoint. Jumping would be the most useless thing ever in that game, as it is in real war... You don't see soldiers hopping around to avoid being shot.

It's not a first person shooter... It's a damn war simulator, with 250 square miles of terrain! There are no other games like it.
But vaulting over objects would be nice...small walls/fences and other things that a REAL soldier would and can do.

Also they would jump over things in real life (IE a fallen over tree, etc) they are able to climb/jump over many things, even with a pack of around 60'ish pounds on their back.

However during combat, no they wouldn't jump really, w hich is something that probally would happen in a game.

I think for jumping to work best in aa/ofp they should have two basic things, a jump forward button, which basically where once you press it, your guy jumps forward and lands with a small cool-off timer/stamina burner, where you can NOT just jump straight up and down for no reason.

Then having a "vault" button (perhaps just use the jump button when near an object?) where your guy would vault himself over small objects like fences/walls, etc.
jaguax said:
Apparently none of you have played Operation Flashpoint. Jumping would be the most useless thing ever in that game, as it is in real war... You don't see soldiers hopping around to avoid being shot.

It's not a first person shooter... It's a damn war simulator, with 250 square miles of terrain! There are no other games like it.

250miles of horizontal flatness woohoo. Like I said unless there are ways to use height then its stupid. If i was getting shot I would jump out of the way. More like jump/dive. Jumping is just removing options for finding ways around the enviroment.

/edit I have played OF. I didnt like it. Was uninstalled within the week. This game looks cool,ill try it. But i want full control of how I play. I dont bunny hop, I might jump a few times. A stamina system can solve that.
WarriorX said:
250miles of horizontal flatness woohoo. Like I said unless there are ways to use height then its stupid. If i was getting shot I would jump out of the way. More like jump/dive. Jumping is just removing options for finding ways around the enviroment.

It's not horizontal flatness, there are huge mountains, dips, and depressions everywhere, not to mention the fact that you can walk on any building rooftops, and fly helicopters and jets so high that everything on the ground is microscopic.

If you're getting shot at and want to avoid it, you can dive to a prone position. Furthermore, while in prone, you can easily roll left and right.

If you didn't like OFP, then you will not like Armed Assault, it's the same gameplay. I don't know how anyone could not like OFP (after giving it a fair chance), except for those who only play arcadish games and can't handle the difficulty/realism. The coop was amazing, anyone who tried to be a hero and run ahead was instantly killed. Patience, and cover was they key.
I would agree that having a system to cover smaller obstacles (ala fences) would be handy. Not having that in this game is definitely not a purchase killer. If that one point holds someone back then I doubt they would like it regardless.

EDIT: According to Bohemia's site, Q1 2007 is the expected release date for the "Rest of the world."
Nettwerk said:
This game has some silly bugs :/ Its still fun though

does it? cool... cause one the most outrageous bugs in OFP was that you could land a helo upside down on its blades.. it was amazing... does ArmA still have this ability?
Tetrahedron said:
does it? cool... cause one the most outrageous bugs in OFP was that you could land a helo upside down on its blades.. it was amazing... does ArmA still have this ability?

By the looks of it they mighta tweaked the physics a bit. I remember things being launched whenever they exploded (Ie: Satchel Charges), but in a video they aired, it showed a tank being blown up by 6-7 satchels and it didn't move. I also when helicopters get hit in certain sections they react in different ways (Tail rotor failure, main rotor failure, exploding, or just flat out fall out of the sky ect).

Just have to wait and see is all. I'll definitely get the damn thing when it comes out, I loved OFP.
out of curisory....OFP operation flash point correct? how was this game? would it be worth it to get the game, brush up on it a bit and when this comes out ill be in a lil groove for it? im a heavy fps only gamer :) bf2 owns! alot of doom quake half life stuff as well.

what are the sys requirements for OFP? should be easy since its an older game?

off to googling i go, while i await some more personal responses, thanks guys!
I'm pretty pumped about this game. I was a big fan of OFP back in the day (had some initial reservations but my friends showed me the error of my ways). Looks like it will bring some much need realism to the genre.
P3N1X0R said:
out of curisory....OFP operation flash point correct? how was this game? would it be worth it to get the game, brush up on it a bit and when this comes out ill be in a lil groove for it? im a heavy fps only gamer :) bf2 owns! alot of doom quake half life stuff as well.

what are the sys requirements for OFP? should be easy since its an older game?

off to googling i go, while i await some more personal responses, thanks guys!
When it first came out, I think I ran it on my parents' 600mhz P3 machine. It had a Voodoo2 graphics card. So yeah, if you've got anything even resembling recent hardware, you'll be fine.

It's a fun game, no longer graphically impressive...but it's different than most FPSes. Don't expect the arcadey run and gun stuff like in Doom, Quake, HL, etc.
Does anyone know when will this game be available in the USA?? I mean it seems to be available everywhere else on the planet except the country where the game's military is based.
StalkerZER0 said:
Does anyone know when will this game be available in the USA?? I mean it seems to be available everywhere else on the planet except the country where the game's military is based.

It's not out in the UK nor America, it is only out in the Checzh Republic and Germany right now.

The "rest of the world" release is Q1 2007.
Stiler said:
It's not out in the UK nor America, it is only out in the Checzh Republic and Germany right now.

The "rest of the world" release is Q1 2007.

Just those two places? Ok, well I could be wrong but it seemed when I read a list off of the official website forums of countries where its been released it seemed like the list was longer than yours.
In any case I hope your right about January.

Hey, please I need to understand something......
There is an actual game called "operation flashpoint 2" thats going to be released at some point as well correct?? :confused:
StalkerZER0 said:
Just those two places? Ok, well I could be wrong but it seemed when I read a list off of the official website forums of countries where its been released it seemed like the list was longer than yours.
In any case I hope your right about January.

Hey, please I need to understand something......
There is an actual game called "operation flashpoint 2" thats going to be released at some point as well correct?? :confused:

My earlier post has a link to the page on their site showing the release countries and dates.
StalkerZER0 said:
Just those two places? Ok, well I could be wrong but it seemed when I read a list off of the official website forums of countries where its been released it seemed like the list was longer than yours.
In any case I hope your right about January.

Hey, please I need to understand something......
There is an actual game called "operation flashpoint 2" thats going to be released at some point as well correct?? :confused:

Q1 2007 could mean any where from January 1 to March 31

Original Developers of OPF - Bohemia Interactive
Armed Assault = OFP 1.5
Unnamed Spiritual Successor to OPF

Original Publishers and owners of the name OFP - Codemasters
digitalman said:
Q1 2007 could mean any where from January 1 to March 31

Original Developers of OPF - Bohemia Interactive
Armed Assault = OFP 1.5
Unnamed Spiritual Successor to OPF

Original Publishers and owners of the name OFP - Codemasters

So any news on OFP 2?? I wonder if that game will be any good ya think? :confused:

Oh, and I want armed assault.....NOWWWWW!!!!!! ......or I will hurt u. :mad:
On another wargaming forum there has been some posts from a German user playing the game. Apparently there are some glaring problems with the AI and bugs. I do hope they can resolve most of the issues in time for the North American release.
PanzerBoxb said:
On another wargaming forum there has been some posts from a German user playing the game. Apparently there are some glaring problems with the AI and bugs. I do hope they can resolve most of the issues in time for the North American release.

Like on missions where they dont listen to you and leave you to die? or the fact that they cant drive on roads and for no reason swerve off stop and do wierd stuff.... :rolleyes:
Stiler said:
Also they would jump over things in real life (IE a fallen over tree, etc) they are able to climb/jump over many things, even with a pack of around 60'ish pounds on their back.

However during combat, no they wouldn't jump really, w hich is something that probally would happen in a game.

60lbs would be a very light load. I think most infantrymen carry closer to a 100lbs, some even more.
All I have to say, after 5 hours of coop on an actual American server last night, the game is already one of my favorites of all time.

Yes it has its bugs/issues, a lot of returning issues from OFP, but for the most part a much improved game. And the gameplay... Immersive is not the word for it! Just knowing that you are surrounded by enemies, lying prone, desperately trying to figure out the best strategy to survive, that's what it's all about, because in this game you are no super hero. You are knocking on deaths door every time you take another step near an enemy base. If you were an OFP player, you know what I am talking about.

In terms of graphics, it's simply beautiful... Some scenes can be not so impressive like when you are in the middle of a desert with barely any foliage around, but when you get into dense foliage/town areas, it really shines. Depth of field gives it a very realistic look, but WILL bring your system to its knees.

Which brings me to the next point. Performance. OFP was never known for its smooth rendering performance, it allowed you to toy with settings that would chug even the most modern day system. Unfortunately, ArmA is similar to OFP in performance, definitely not as smooth as I wished for, foliage for example REALLY slow things down, especially when looking through dense bushes/grass with binoculars or a scope... At times it can make it VERY difficult to aim, even on my 4400+ X2, SLI 7800 GT system. I've come to a good medium between visuals and performance though, and on average can expect between 30-60 fps in most situations. I've gone so far as disabled AA, in favor of smoother gameplay, but AF I still have cranked because that barely shaves off 1 fps.

So even though it's not running at HL2 standards, the campaign and multiplayer have been some of the most fun, immersive gameplay I have ever experienced. This game definitely continues the OFP legacy, and I will be playing it for a long time to come.
Still working on it... I will say though that for each main mission beaten there will be TWO alternate (optional) missions that you can choose, along with the next main mission. And I believe that completing the optional missions may help you with the main campaign...

But even when the campaign does end, don't forget that this game, along with OFP has a HUGE modding community, so you will be seeing A LOT of new content.
I cant wait to try it, it looks pretty good. I liked OPF but never really played it much or online which is why I want to try this for the online play. I am getting tired of the Battlefield games, and I would like something more realistic which this looks like it will be :)

Does the version available in Europe now differ from the version they will release in the US? I found a copy for about $40 and was thinking about getting it or is there some reason that I should wait for the US release:confused:
plasma said:
I cant wait to try it, it looks pretty good. I liked OPF but never really played it much or online which is why I want to try this for the online play. I am getting tired of the Battlefield games, and I would like something more realistic which this looks like it will be :)

Does the version available in Europe now differ from the version they will release in the US? I found a copy for about $40 and was thinking about getting it or is there some reason that I should wait for the US release:confused:

Where did you find it for 40?
BladeVenom said:
60lbs would be a very light load. I think most infantrymen carry closer to a 100lbs, some even more.

correct, depends on the task at hand, a movement from point A to B an infantryman could have 100lbs or more depending on his role. Assistant Gunners carry extra ammo besides their own for the crew served weapons. Mortarmen have baseplates and tubes to carry as well, easy to hit that 100lbs mark. During patrols however they carry less, Load Bearing Vest, ballistic vest, maybe an assault pack.
Probably people whose systems can't run it.

Trust me, when I say it is a performance hog, I mean it.

This game almost NEEDS an 8800 GTX, though the general consensus, according to an early benchmark utility, shows that the game is also very CPU dependent, so a 3.5-4.0 ghz Conroe will definitely help.

The one dude who ran the benchmark with an overclocked 4 ghz Conroe and 8800GTX blew everyone else out of the water... So if you have something like that, you're set.

I'm hoping they have a few more patches out by the time the American release rolls around. There was already a new patch a week or so ago.