Apple to Match Donations Made by its Employees

Cheapskates!! The millions and billions they make they should be doubling/tripling what employees will contribute...

Yeah, this is really pretty stupid. They should just be giving the money away, not depending on their employees to fork over their hard-earned cash. I wonder how much the executive officers will be giving away... :rolleyes:
Reading to get the point isn't in your forte it seems - that's okay, Steve is also 30 years behind everyone else when it comes to remotely starting to possibly think of maybe contributing to other people in the world. It's okay to be a few steps behind others (well, when you're about to fall over and to death I think karma already hit the nail in the coffin)

You're still not showing us how you know that Steve Jobs is as stingy as you make him out to be. Keep on the name calling if you think you can distract us from admitting you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

Seriously, you don't fucking know.
You're still not showing us how you know that Steve Jobs is as stingy as you make him out to be. Keep on the name calling if you think you can distract us from admitting you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

Seriously, you don't fucking know.

You avoided my first post entirely, as well as the main topic of this news item to begin with silly :p. That is the simple fact that the CEO of a major corporation CERTAINLY has the power to enact ancient good natured corporate contributions to the not so wealthy like this. Just now doing so is a sign of the lather - which is poor contributions and corporate greed.
You avoided my first post entirely, as well as the main topic of this news item to begin with silly :p. That is the simple fact that the CEO of a major corporation CERTAINLY has the power to enact ancient good natured corporate contributions to the not so wealthy like this. Just now doing so is a sign of the lather - which is poor contributions and corporate greed.

I'm sorry but what did I miss? I saw this:

Cyraxx said:
He is one greedy shithead of a person that deserves to rot in hell for taking advantage of everyone else's compassion to keep him alive, yet milk every dollar out of the sheep that buy Apple products.

Tell me, Cyraxx, is Gates greedy? He gave a lot but he has a fuck load more. Greedy bastard deserve to die in hell because he didn't give me any money. Buffet? Greedy bastard didn't give me a fucking dime. He deserve to burn in hell. Trump? Greedy bastard didn't give me money, so he deserves to burn in hell. Harrison Ford? Greedy Bastard didn't give me money so he deserves to burn in hell. George Burns - he died rich. I didn't see a penny from him. Greedy bastard deserve to burn in hell.

See where I'm getting at?

You don't have one fucking clue how he spent his money or whether he gave to charity or whether he's been good to his employees (don't you dare spin this off to Foxconn's employees) in other ways than the donation contributions. You don't know jack shit.

This mindless Apple bashing is getting downright ridiculous.
I'm sorry but what did I miss? I saw this:

Tell me, Cyraxx, is Gates greedy? He gave a lot but he has a fuck load more. Greedy bastard deserve to die in hell because he didn't give me any money. Buffet? Greedy bastard didn't give me a fucking dime. He deserve to burn in hell. Trump? Greedy bastard didn't give me money, so he deserves to burn in hell. Harrison Ford? Greedy Bastard didn't give me money so he deserves to burn in hell. George Burns - he died rich. I didn't see a penny from him. Greedy bastard deserve to burn in hell.

See where I'm getting at?

You don't have one fucking clue how he spent his money or whether he gave to charity or whether he's been good to his employees (don't you dare spin this off to Foxconn's employees) in other ways than the donation contributions. You don't know jack shit.

This mindless Apple bashing is getting downright ridiculous.

We aren't just talking about a single actor with money. We are talking about a large corporation with massive amounts of revenue. Quite a big difference, but really, I grow tired of your same posts with the same answers that have been said over and over.

Do I need to recap on what Gates has contributed and how he is over9000x a better person than Jobs?
Do I need to recap on how shitty Apple treats their employee's when it's in another country?
Do I need to recap on what Jobs has taken out of life and what we have seen given back?
Do I need to recap on what Apple (As a corporation as a whole) contributes to anyone and anything compared to other companies of that size?

Before I do that, let's once again beg the simple question which you keep avoiding :rolleyes:
Once again, you avoided the topic to begin with - Why did it take Apple 20 years longer than any other corporation of that size to start matching employee contributions? - Please, no more replies without an answer to this, you have avoided it for the millionth time :rolleyes:

Because that is the first step of many to even remotely catch up to the rest of the world.
We aren't just talking about a single actor with money. We are talking about a large corporation with massive amounts of revenue. Quite a big difference, but really, I grow tired of your same posts with the same answers that have been said over and over.

Do I need to recap on what Gates has contributed and how he is over9000x a better person than Jobs?
Do I need to recap on how shitty Apple treats their employee's when it's in another country?
Do I need to recap on what Jobs has taken out of life and what we have seen given back?
Do I need to recap on what Apple (As a corporation as a whole) contributes to anyone and anything compared to other companies of that size?

Before I do that, let's once again beg the simple question which you keep avoiding :rolleyes:
Once again, you avoided the topic to begin with - Why did it take Apple 20 years longer than any other corporation of that size to start matching employee contributions? - Please, no more replies without an answer to this, you have avoided it for the millionth time :rolleyes:

Because that is the first step of many to even remotely catch up to the rest of the world.

Once again you regurgitate the "fact" that Jobs didn't contribute to charity.

Let me type in bold for you to get it through your thick skull:

Once again you regurgitate the "fact" that Jobs didn't contribute to charity.

Let me type in bold for you to get it through your thick skull:


I never said Jobs didn't contribute, I said "from what we have seen" :rolleyes:

But anyways, your posts aren't worthy of any reply since you can't even stay on topic and answer the question from the thread. Not surprising ;)
I never said Jobs didn't contribute, I said "from what we have seen" :rolleyes:

But anyways, your posts aren't worthy of any reply since you can't even stay on topic and answer the question from the thread. Not surprising ;)

oh, guilty until proven innocent. Got it.


Before Steve Jobs, Apple donated a lot of computers to schools. I remember this since my HS back in the days got a crap load of Apple IIc for our computer room.

They donated 1 computer to each school, hoping that the schools would then buy more Apple computers as they expanded thier computer educational programs.

Alot of schools fell for it, and bought more Apple II's.
Quick response time to the "Apple/Jobs" don't donate nothing article of a few days ago.

I'd like to see the "approved" charities list.
Considering the causes that Apple has supported in the past, I'm sure the list only includes the most far left charities.
You're still not showing us how you know that Steve Jobs is as stingy as you make him out to be. :" The $600 Billion Challenge: Time for Steve Jobs to Start Donating"
by Charlotte Hill · June 25, 2010
" ... the computer mogul's charitable giving, which, unless Jobs is shelling out the dough behind closed doors, amounts to roughly zero dollars. That's right — Steve Jobs, worth $5.1 billion, has no public record of philanthropy. ... "​

Wired Magazine: " Jobs vs. Gates: Who's the Star? ", by Leander Kahney 01.25.06

"... Gates is giving away his fortune ... In contrast, Jobs does not appear on any charitable contribution lists of note. And Jobs has said nary a word on behalf of important social issues, reserving his talents of persuasion for selling Apple products. ... According to Forbes, Jobs was recently worth $3.3 billion which puts him among the 194th richest in the world, and makes him the 67th richest American. ...
Giving USA Foundation, a philanthropy research group which publishes an annual charity survey, said Jobs does not appear on lists of gifts of $5 million or more over the last four years. Nor is his name on a list of gifts of $1 million or more compiled by Indiana University's Center on Philanthropy.
Jobs' wife is also absent from these philanthropic lists, ... "​ :" The $600 Billion Challenge: Time for Steve Jobs to Start Donating"
by Charlotte Hill · June 25, 2010
" ... the computer mogul's charitable giving, which, unless Jobs is shelling out the dough behind closed doors, amounts to roughly zero dollars. That's right — Steve Jobs, worth $5.1 billion, has no public record of philanthropy. ... "​

Wired Magazine: " Jobs vs. Gates: Who's the Star? ", by Leander Kahney 01.25.06

"... Gates is giving away his fortune ... In contrast, Jobs does not appear on any charitable contribution lists of note. And Jobs has said nary a word on behalf of important social issues, reserving his talents of persuasion for selling Apple products. ... According to Forbes, Jobs was recently worth $3.3 billion which puts him among the 194th richest in the world, and makes him the 67th richest American. ...
Giving USA Foundation, a philanthropy research group which publishes an annual charity survey, said Jobs does not appear on lists of gifts of $5 million or more over the last four years. Nor is his name on a list of gifts of $1 million or more compiled by Indiana University's Center on Philanthropy.
Jobs' wife is also absent from these philanthropic lists, ... "​

You seem to have missed the mark too. Don't fall for the same mistakes others are making. Read what I bolded and underlined in your quote.
Is that total for the company or per person?

My company matches about 14% per person.
You seem to have missed the mark too. Don't fall for the same mistakes others are making. Read what I bolded and underlined in your quote.

Allow me to also let myself walk on water, shoot lasers from my fingers, oh - and allow me to produce anyone's private financial history reports of ohhh say the last 10 years... You ready??? *Snaps Fingers* :rolleyes: You're posts get more useless one by one.
You seem to have missed the mark too. Don't fall for the same mistakes others are making. Read what I bolded and underlined in your quote.
You demanded proof, How do you prove that something doesn't exist?

As the quotes show, Jobs has been called on this Issue this several times in the last 6 to 8 years. There are multiple ways for people to get this information out, without making a big deal out of it. Information like this is leaked to the press all the time by Corporate PR flacks, personal accountants, charitable organizations, etc. The fact is YOU do not have ONE piece of factual information that Steve has donated other than your feeling that he must be a nice guy.
Apple must owe taxes and need the write-offs. Of course they could do the ol' Nike stand by... donate 1000 iPads at a cost to them of a few thousand, but write off the retail price.

My first thoughts too.... trying the old trick to avoid taxes with the "look we are doing something nice!" bogus news to get attention.

Notice the $9,999 limit, that's there for a true reason :)
How do YOU prove something doesn't exist?

everyone seems to miss this obvious part no matter how often I spell it out. I thought we live in a country where 1. we're free to do as we please with our money as long as we pay our taxes, and 2. we're innocent until proven guilty.

Someone said it in an earlier post, lots of commies in this thread.