Anyone else disgusted with feminine male characters in Japanese RPGs?

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Any culture that coughed up a wood carving of a lady having sex with an octopus as far back as the 1800's really isn't where I set my bar of comparison for much of anything.

That Ladyboy stuff is big in the Asian countries, and really isn't a surprise to me in general. I can relate as much to that effeminate man-woman as I can to someone like Marcus Fenix or the Master Chief in one of our video games, i.e. not at all.
Sometimes I get the sinking feeling its also laziness in art, since you can use the same skeletal drawing to build up any character you want.
Anyone post this yet?



It's the Final Fantasy hair that does it. It looks even worse IRL than it does in a game.
Any culture that coughed up a wood carving of a lady having sex with an octopus as far back as the 1800's really isn't where I set my bar of comparison for much of anything.

That Ladyboy stuff is big in the Asian countries, and really isn't a surprise to me in general. I can relate as much to that effeminate man-woman as I can to someone like Marcus Fenix or the Master Chief in one of our video games, i.e. not at all.

It seems to be unique to Japan. I've played Korean made games and seen Chinese types and they all were a heck of a lot more normal than what Japan comes out with in terms of characters.
It seems to be unique to Japan. I've played Korean made games and seen Chinese types and they all were a heck of a lot more normal than what Japan comes out with in terms of characters.

Check out Magna Carta or World of Genesis. Both are non-Japanese RPGs with feminine males. Some Korean MMOs too.
It seems to be unique to Japan. I've played Korean made games and seen Chinese types and they all were a heck of a lot more normal than what Japan comes out with in terms of characters.

yeah, I was really just sort of trying to make a sly reference about transgender prostitutes, but I guess I could have been a little more direct.
I say we just Nuke them again, and eliminate the problem quickly.

Manly enough for you?
Some very ignorant and childish comments abound in this thread...

It's interesting that people are not more disturbed by Rockstar games like Grand Theft Auto where the goal is to carjack, murder, and rampage...

Or why not start a thread about other things you are disgusted by? How about pedophilia, eating insects, or cannibalism?

Comparing cultures? My God, you'd think you know in your little brains why so many other country's people feel disdain for Americans by now based on America's dark history and culture, but no, it's Octopus sex carvings that solidify our superiority and outright and outspoken arrogance.

I suppose the anonymity of a non-age restricted forum like [H] does not lend itself to much higher thinking, so I wonder what I am complaining about here...
At least with these Japanese characters and people you can pretend they are female if it bothers you. They look pretty darn close IMO. There's no pretending when it came to glam:

Some very ignorant and childish comments abound in this thread...

It's interesting that people are not more disturbed by Rockstar games like Grand Theft Auto where the goal is to carjack, murder, and rampage...

Or why not start a thread about other things you are disgusted by? How about pedophilia, eating insects, or cannibalism?

Comparing cultures? My God, you'd think you know in your little brains why so many other country's people feel disdain for Americans by now based on America's dark history and culture, but no, it's Octopus sex carvings that solidify our superiority and outright and outspoken arrogance.

I suppose the anonymity of a non-age restricted forum like [H] does not lend itself to much higher thinking, so I wonder what I am complaining about here...

Actually pedophilia is a large focus of this topic, since by and large the characters in these games do not exhibit the traits of grown women, but rather young teenage girls, which is central to the disconnect that many people feel.

This whole topic is brought on by exported culture, not by people bringing up Japan and just ripping on it for no good reason. They're sending us games and culture right now that many people cannot relate to for a variety of reasons. Japan can do whatever it wants with its own culture, but obviously its well within our rights to dislike it or not be able to relate to it.

Japanese arts and culture have been heavily accepted and purchased in America, as is evidenced by the fact that so many people now have an opinion on it and lament its changing values.
I'm sure there are more than a few things that Japanese gamers generally don't like about American games.
Some very ignorant and childish comments abound in this thread...

It's interesting that people are not more disturbed by Rockstar games like Grand Theft Auto where the goal is to carjack, murder, and rampage...

Or why not start a thread about other things you are disgusted by? How about pedophilia, eating insects, or cannibalism?

Comparing cultures? My God, you'd think you know in your little brains why so many other country's people feel disdain for Americans by now based on America's dark history and culture, but no, it's Octopus sex carvings that solidify our superiority and outright and outspoken arrogance.

I suppose the anonymity of a non-age restricted forum like [H] does not lend itself to much higher thinking, so I wonder what I am complaining about here...
Actually, it's my lack of quality typing skills that keeps me from getting to deep into issues here, not anonymity. If you must know, GTA is off my playlist sue to the reasons you mention......along with some others.
This is a gaming sub-forum, and the issue is gender-blending in games. If you want to talk about pedophilia, eating insects, or cannibalism IN GAMING
, then start a thread about it - otherwise stick to the subject the OP started.

Make no mistake......there's something very wrong there.:D

And I'm sure there's a topic on discussing it as we speak. :p
Yep. They're saying "too bad we suck, and lost WW2........we could have filled the whole WORLD with gender-ambiguous psuedohermaphrodistic people."
Feminine looking guys are hawt. That's all I have to say :D

Not all of us girls like macho jerks ;)
Actually, it's my lack of quality typing skills that keeps me from getting to deep into issues here, not anonymity. If you must know, GTA is off my playlist sue to the reasons you mention......along with some others.
This is a gaming sub-forum, and the issue is gender-blending in games. If you want to talk about pedophilia, eating insects, or cannibalism IN GAMING
, then start a thread about it - otherwise stick to the subject the OP started.

Make no mistake......there's something very wrong there.:D

Yep. They're saying "too bad we suck, and lost WW2........we could have filled the whole WORLD with gender-ambiguous psuedohermaphrodistic people."

For a large amount of people making ridiculous claims here, it is in fact anonymity that allows them to do so (homophobic and racist comments, none of which would be uttered in real life in the midst of a group of people), while those largely stem from being ignorant children themselves.

The crux of my point was that the OP felt passionate enough about gender ambiguous imported video games (which he has no obligation to support or purchase) while the best selling games developed by studios like Rockstar (Grand Theft Autos) are the truly shameful and disgusting specimens here.

IF you wanted to turn this whole thread into a criticism of an entire other culture because of your problem with gender or sexuality, better look in the mirror because people like the OP are the exact reason why we should be ashamed of our country. We sit at home letting our kids and ourselves play car jacking games while continue to deny civil rights to our fellow gay and lesbian citizens.
Feminine looking guys are hawt. That's all I have to say :D

Not all of us girls like macho jerks ;)

You could be accused of being Lesbian you know, by the giggling 16 year old boys on these forums, many of whom I'm sure are [H]ard"whatever"s ... :rolleyes:
For a large amount of people making ridiculous claims here, it is in fact anonymity that allows them to do so (homophobic and racist comments, none of which would be uttered in real life in the midst of a group of people), while those largely stem from being ignorant children themselves.

The crux of my point was that the OP felt passionate enough about gender ambiguous imported video games (which he has no obligation to support or purchase) while the best selling games developed by studios like Rockstar (Grand Theft Autos) are the truly shameful and disgusting specimens here.

IF you wanted to turn this whole thread into a criticism of an entire other culture because of your problem with gender or sexuality, better look in the mirror because people like the OP are the exact reason why we should be ashamed of our country. We sit at home letting our kids and ourselves play car jacking games while continue to deny civil rights to our fellow gay and lesbian citizens.

1. Gays have their rights in the U.S. They are equal citizens here. Elton John has a few interesting things to say about gay marriage.
2. I reject any cultural elements that promote man - boy relationships.
3. 99-100% of comments here are not racist/homophobic comments.
4. Saying that Grand Theft Auto is immoral does not hurt the points being brought up here on this thread.
5. The U.S. isn't perfect, but it's one of the best places to be.
You could be accused of being Lesbian you know, by the giggling 16 year old boys on these forums, many of whom I'm sure are [H]ard"whatever"s ... :rolleyes:
Please... you are generalizing just as badly as the people you are complaining about.

And I don't think the GTA games have anything to do with gays having marriage rights. Younger people in this country tend to be more vocal for gay rights, and many of them are the same ones playing these "shameful" games.
All Japanese characters in animation or games are almost all the same. They are always effeminate closet bad asses or they are 17 years old, super geniuses and in high school. They also always have at least one dead parent.
I'm with you Op. Its that reason and a few others why I grew away from Asian pop culture alltogether.

  • I was tired of watching Anime where the boys and girls didn't know what to DO around eachother. Boys so darn wimpy they can't say or do anything around a girl. Grow some balls.
  • I was tired of the japanese cultural settings of school, relationships, etc it didn't relate to me and my country's experiences
  • And back to topic, I would like my guys to be guys, not super men and not boygirls, GUYS.

5. The U.S. isn't perfect, but it's one of the best places to be.

What is your reasoning behind this statement, aside from ignorance?

Have you lived elsewhere?

American's seem to have a superior/xenophobic/ethnocentric attitude instilled in them since birth.

do a quick little Google search most people don't agree with your opinion.
What is your reasoning behind this statement, aside from ignorance?

Have you lived elsewhere?

American's seem to have a superior/xenophobic/ethnocentric attitude instilled in them since birth.

do a quick little Google search most people don't agree with your opinion.

This is way off topic.
This is way off topic.

Well part of the reason many are disgusted with feminine males is the culture they were raised in. So it has some on topic parts to it. But for the most part you are correct off topic my bad.
I have to agree.

Im a 25 year old male. Im a contractor by trade. I like cold beer, hot women, big trucks and hockey.
I play games to relax. So many games rely on the relation between the player and the character. I cannot relate or get into any sort of immersion with these characters.

I dont need every game character to be Dukem Nukem, but honestly, just give me a normal guy character. I dont care if the odd character has emo hair, but if it comes to the point where I need to wiki the character to find out if its a guy or a girl, its gone to far.
All Japanese characters in animation or games are almost all the same. They are always effeminate closet bad asses or they are 17 years old, super geniuses and in high school. They also always have at least one dead parent.

Pretty much. There is odd one that goes against the norm, but you're pretty much right. Not that the whole range of characters in the west is becoming terribly different. A lot of games these days have characters in them that would be better served in an 80s action or Syfy Channel Sci-Fi flick.
Well part of the reason many are disgusted with feminine males is the culture they were raised in. So it has some on topic parts to it. But for the most part you are correct off topic my bad.
It is cultural, but I think people have a right to feel that way if they want to. It'd be different if these guys were going to Japan and saying how silly everything is, but instead they are commenting on Japanese products that are being exported to the west. Of course they are going to be compared to western culture.

Just the same, Japanese folks have every right to complain about western culture that is exported to them.
1. Gays have their rights in the U.S. They are equal citizens here. Elton John has a few interesting things to say about gay marriage.
2. I reject any cultural elements that promote man - boy relationships.
3. 99-100% of comments here are not racist/homophobic comments.
4. Saying that Grand Theft Auto is immoral does not hurt the points being brought up here on this thread.
5. The U.S. isn't perfect, but it's one of the best places to be.

1) In a few States only.
3) Did you even read the OP's first post?
4) What exactly is the point? That you don't like femininity? Don't buy it.
5) Irrelevant
I'm with you Op. Its that reason and a few others why I grew away from Asian pop culture alltogether.

  • I was tired of watching Anime where the boys and girls didn't know what to DO around eachother. Boys so darn wimpy they can't say or do anything around a girl. Grow some balls.
  • I was tired of the japanese cultural settings of school, relationships, etc it didn't relate to me and my country's experiences
  • And back to topic, I would like my guys to be guys, not super men and not boygirls, GUYS.


Posts like these are simply ludicrous, ironic, and hilarious at the same time. Oh what must go on in that head of yours... (let me try: "Soo... I watched a crap load Anime, and then I grew older and realized that those things aren't real... now I must reject!!!") Where is the LOL smilie?
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I have to agree.

Im a 25 year old male. Im a contractor by trade. I like cold beer, hot women, big trucks and hockey.
I play games to relax. So many games rely on the relation between the player and the character. I cannot relate or get into any sort of immersion with these characters.

I dont need every game character to be Dukem Nukem, but honestly, just give me a normal guy character. I dont care if the odd character has emo hair, but if it comes to the point where I need to wiki the character to find out if its a guy or a girl, its gone to far.

If you could only see the game developers laughing at you right now. Why are you even buying these games? People with similar mentalities, do you guys just enjoy throwing away money for no good reason (except perhaps to complain about them)?
What is your reasoning behind this statement, aside from ignorance?

Have you lived elsewhere?

American's seem to have a superior/xenophobic/ethnocentric attitude instilled in them since birth.

do a quick little Google search most people don't agree with your opinion.

Umm, YES, I HAVE lived "elsewhere", and the reasoning is valid. It's not a "superior/xenophobic/ethnocentric attitude", it's an attitude based (In my own case) on experience and just plain pride in who I am, and where I was born. If you don't like this country....then leave.

Also, your google search example is crap, because other peoples opinions of our self-opinion are invalidated because largely they will have the same attitude (in developed countries) of their own country. Guess what? Opinions are like A**holes......everyone has one, and everyone thinks everyone else's stinks.
Umm, YES, I HAVE lived "elsewhere", and the reasoning is valid. It's not a "superior/xenophobic/ethnocentric attitude", it's an attitude based (In my own case) on experience and just plain pride in who I am, and where I was born. If you don't like this country....then leave.

Also, your google search example is crap, because other peoples opinions of our self-opinion are invalidated because largely they will have the same attitude (in developed countries) of their own country. Guess what? Opinions are like A**holes......everyone has one, and everyone thinks everyone else's stinks.

Yes because the UN is basing the top countries to live in based on nothing but opinion and not using any metrics.
Umm, YES, I HAVE lived "elsewhere", and the reasoning is valid. It's not a "superior/xenophobic/ethnocentric attitude", it's an attitude based (In my own case) on experience and just plain pride in who I am, and where I was born. If you don't like this country....then leave.

Also, your google search example is crap, because other peoples opinions of our self-opinion are invalidated because largely they will have the same attitude (in developed countries) of their own country. Guess what? Opinions are like A**holes......everyone has one, and everyone thinks everyone else's stinks.

He is correct... most Americans do believe (and most rightly so) that our country is the best in the world. We are the most powerful and most wealthy nation, which is fairly indisputable.

However your own attitude is one that aggravates many others, both Americans and foreigners alike I'm sure. Ill placed Hubris has led to many a downfall of nations. Pride that defines you based simply in who you are and where you were born is not far from Nazi Germany mentality from my point of view, and your signature line of "kill everyone else and disrespect the women" also doesn't help your case.
He is correct... most Americans do believe (and most rightly so) that our country is the best in the world. We are the most powerful and most wealthy nation, which is fairly indisputable.

However your own attitude is one that aggravates many others, both Americans and foreigners alike I'm sure. Ill placed Hubris has led to many a downfall of nations. Pride that defines you based simply in who you are and where you were born is not far from Nazi Germany mentality from my point of view, you are signature line of "kill everyone else and disrespect for women" is also pretty damning.

Wealthiest nation? We may be the biggest spenders and may have the largest GDP (discounting the EU summarized) but we certainly aren't the wealthiest country in the world.

I love living in the US and can't see myself living in many other places, but this country is still pretty fucked up and has way more wrong with it than most people know or care to admit.
Wealthiest nation? We may be the biggest spenders and may have the largest GDP (discounting the EU summarized) but we certainly aren't the wealthiest country in the world.

I love living in the US and can't see myself living in many other places, but this country is still pretty fucked up and has way more wrong with it than most people know or care to admit.

Definitely the wealthiest. A measure of not only our assets, production and productivity, but our spending, land, defense, environmental, and human resources. Yes, there is a lot the US needs to work on (and I would care to admit all of them, but I doubt anyone on these forums would care to think about them).

We also have some of the highest stratification of wealth recently, stagnation of the middle class, and lagging lower class.
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