Anyone else disgusted with feminine male characters in Japanese RPGs?

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I long for the days of real men in videogames.

The greatest irony here from all the similar comments like this is that you wouldn't need to "long" if you were actually a real man in real life.
I think from this thread it's easy to tell who the gay transvestites are on this forum.
Definitely the wealthiest. A measure of not only our assets, production and productivity, but our spending, land, defense, environmental, and human resources. Yes, there is a lot the US needs to work on (and I would care to admit all of them, but I doubt anyone on these forums would care to think about them).

We also have some of the highest stratification of wealth recently, stagnation of the middle class, and lagging lower class.

I like how you conveniently leave out the word "liability." :p
What is your reasoning behind this statement, aside from ignorance?

Have you lived elsewhere?

American's seem to have a superior/xenophobic/ethnocentric attitude instilled in them since birth.

do a quick little Google search most people don't agree with your opinion.

It is not opinion to make the statement that the majority of humans on this planet live in what on a good day could be called squalor and on a bad one might be called hell on fucking earth.
oh I love how this thread degenerates into an America bashing thread. Good job there guys.

It's not like America is one of the most diverse countries in the world or anything... we're just a bunch of redneck xenophobes!
For a large amount of people making ridiculous claims here, it is in fact anonymity that allows them to do so (homophobic and racist comments, none of which would be uttered in real life in the midst of a group of people), while those largely stem from being ignorant children themselves.

The crux of my point was that the OP felt passionate enough about gender ambiguous imported video games (which he has no obligation to support or purchase) while the best selling games developed by studios like Rockstar (Grand Theft Autos) are the truly shameful and disgusting specimens here.

IF you wanted to turn this whole thread into a criticism of an entire other culture because of your problem with gender or sexuality, better look in the mirror because people like the OP are the exact reason why we should be ashamed of our country. We sit at home letting our kids and ourselves play car jacking games while continue to deny civil rights to our fellow gay and lesbian citizens.

What the heck are you talking about. You just randomly bring racism, homophobia, etc... NOBODY here is being racist or or said anything about Japanese hating. I have no problem with the Japanese or their culture as a whole - I am criticizing a small aspect of it in gaming. Nobody is bashing gay people either. Just because a feminine look or "gay" look doesn't appeal to someone, does not mean they are homophobic.

Next off, people play games with violence because they are appealing. If you want to go play a Teletubbies game, nobody is stopping you. Violence in games has nothing to do with this topic anyway.

Lastly, those things you brought up have nothing to do with this GAMING topic. If you want to talk about pedophiles, gay rights, etc... go subscribe to GenMay and stop posting your off topic garbage here.
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What the heck are you talking about. You just randomly bring racism, homophobia, etc... NOBODY here is being racist or or said anything about Japanese hating. I have no problem with the Japanese or their culture as a whole - I am criticizing a small aspect of it in gaming. Nobody is bashing gay people either. Just because a feminine look or "gay" look doesn't appeal to someone, does not mean they are homophobic.

Next off, people play games with violence because they are appealing. If you want to go play a Teletubbies game, nobody is stopping you. Violence in games has nothing to do with this topic anyway.

Lastly, nobody here gives a damn about your whining about pedophiles, gay rights, etc... Those have nothing to do with this GAMING topic. If you want to talk about those things, go subscribe to GenMay and stop posting your off topic garbage here.

Off topic garbage perfectly describes your thread actually.

Just because you refer to someone in a derogatory manner, such as using the N word, it doesn't mean your racist either right?

The trash that gets passed off as written thought in this thread....
Off topic garbage perfectly describes your thread actually.

Just because you refer to someone in a derogatory manner, such as using the N word, it doesn't mean your racist either right?

The trash that gets passed off as written thought in this thread....

That doesn't make sense. I started a thread on Japanese video game characters in the gaming forum so it is not "off topic."
Off topic garbage perfectly describes your thread actually.

Just because you refer to someone in a derogatory manner, such as using the N word, it doesn't mean your racist either right?

The trash that gets passed off as written thought in this thread....

are you even being serious? please tell me that you're joking.
That doesn't make sense. I started a thread on Japanese video game characters in the gaming forum so it is not "off topic."

You started a blatantly homophobic thread which has invited plenty of racism and other homophobia and has turned off topic. What doesn't make sense?
You started a blatantly homophobic thread which has invited plenty of racism and other homophobia and has turned off topic. What doesn't make sense?

Are you just trying to see how many times you can say "racist" and "homophobic" in the same thread or what?
I don't know, but it's definitely a new world record.

Can you elaborate on what issue you have with my posts in this thread? The OP's first post is clearly so "....gayer and gayer..." I could only imagine what he posted that the mods have deleted.
Can you elaborate on what issue you have with my posts in this thread? The OP's first post is clearly so "....gayer and gayer..." I could only imagine what he posted that the mods have deleted.

He does come off as a little hard on the gay haterade, but I don't think that disliking the androgynous characters in Final Fantasy and what not automatically make you a gay basher.
However your own attitude is one that aggravates many others, both Americans and foreigners alike I'm sure. Ill placed Hubris has led to many a downfall of nations.
I don't see my attitude aggravating anyone but you, but regardless.......I don't see it coming close in any way to leading to the downfall of America.

Pride that defines you based simply in who you are and where you were born is not far from Nazi Germany mentality from my point of view
WHAT?:confused: So if I have pride in myself and my country, I'm a wanna-be nazi?? You really should stop posting, the more you do, the more you are making a fool out of yourself. I wonder if you follow your own propaganda. You must be a miserable person to hate yourself and your country.

and your signature line of "kill everyone else and disrespect the women" also doesn't help your case.
That's not what it says moron. You are wildly inaccurate in your "interpretation" of the line. Try reading it again, and get back to me.
It's a quote from a movie, not one of the ten commandments by the way. Lighten up. Why don't you try taking things at face value once in a while, instead of looking for the "hidden meaning".

The greatest irony here from all the similar comments like this is that you wouldn't need to "long" if you were actually a real man in real life.
Sigh.....more ignorance. Immature to be exact.

This thread has gone from f***ing stupid to really f***ing stupid
It'd been jacked nicely......and I doubt the OP will get it back. It's good for locking IMO.
You started a blatantly homophobic thread which has invited plenty of racism and other homophobia and has turned off topic. What doesn't make sense?

Once again, there is nothing homophobic about it. I am criticizing their characters. Just because a "gay" look doesn't appeal to someone, does not make them homophobic. We were discussing this without a problem until you came in trying to be the PC police and brought up a whole bunch of things.
He does come off as a little hard on the gay haterade, but I don't think that disliking the androgynous characters in Final Fantasy and what not automatically make you a gay basher.

You are right, it does not, but using a derogatory term like he did absolutely comes off that way.
If you don't like it, then don't buy it, I can't make it any simpler than that
You are right, it does not, but using a derogatory term like he did absolutely comes off that way.

I agree, it probably wasn't the best decision, I knew the thread would be derailed because of it, XD
I don't see my attitude aggravating anyone but you, but regardless.......I don't see it coming close in any way to leading to the downfall of America.

WHAT?:confused: So if I have pride in myself and my country, I'm a wanna-be nazi?? You really should stop posting, the more you do, the more you are making a fool out of yourself. I wonder if you follow your own propaganda. You must be a miserable person to hate yourself and your country.

That's not what it says moron. You are wildly inaccurate in your "interpretation" of the line. Try reading it again, and get back to me.
It's a quote from a movie, not one of the ten commandments by the way. Lighten up. Why don't you try taking things at face value once in a while, instead of looking for the "hidden meaning".

Sigh.....more ignorance. Immature to be exact.

It'd been jacked nicely......and I doubt the OP will get it back. It's good for locking IMO.

Well this is classic. Perhaps you should take a history lesson or learn what "hubris" actually is.

Taking things on face value? Is there any other way to take your movie quote? Crush your enemies? What in Chess? A video game? Lamentations of women, what like they're lamenting a broken heel?

Why would you assume I hate myself or the US? Because I find it a root of evil to be an arrogant ... just because of what fate dealt my birth and skin color cards?

Yes, immature, that's why I'm here slinging name calling, and not on the receiving end. :confused:
The OP's first post is clearly so "....gayer and gayer..." I could only imagine what he posted that the mods have deleted.
While not politically correct, I wouldn't automatically label the OP as a homophobe for the comment any more than labeling you a homosexual for jumping to conclusions so fast (hit a nerve?). He stated it (obviously) in a way he thought he could easily get the point explained. Could it have been worded better? Sure. But I'm SURE you've NEVER spoken anything before thoroughly thinking it out first...right?

He does come off as a little hard on the gay haterade, but I don't think that disliking the androgynous characters in Final Fantasy and what not automatically make you a gay basher.
"I don't know of any other way to put it but the characters get gayer and gayer."
Wow. A real bucket of gay-bashing venom there! Glad you pointed it out, cause I missed it.
If you don't like it, then don't buy it, I can't make it any simpler than that

And that was my primary point... of which the OP has clearly no understanding of and decided to post a bigotted thread over a topic that should have no bearing on those who do not like these games, because they have no obligation to look at, purchase, or be affected by something like this.

you've got to be kidding me
While not politically correct, I wouldn't automatically label the OP as a homophobe for the comment any more than labeling you a homosexual for jumping to conclusions so fast (hit a nerve?). He stated it (obviously) in a way he thought he could easily get the point explained. Could it have been worded better? Sure. But I'm SURE you've NEVER spoken anything before thoroughly thinking it out first...right?

"I don't know of any other way to put it but the characters get gayer and gayer."
Wow. A real bucket of gay-bashing venom there! Glad you pointed it out, cause I missed it.

Well, just because the characters are feminine doesn't mean that they're gay, so I think he was wrong to use gay to describe them.

His posts came off, to me, as slightly unnecessary as far as even mentioning "gayness" goes. He shouldn't have even brought it into the discussion because it's not about that.
Regardless of what I said, I got my point across and am glad the majority of people agree. It's for the best if a mod closes this thread.
Well this is classic. Perhaps you should take a history lesson or learn what "hubris" actually is.

Taking things on face value? Is there any other way to take your movie quote? Crush your enemies? What in Chess? A video game? Lamentations of women, what like they're lamenting a broken heel?

Why would you assume I hate myself or the US? Because I find it a root of evil to be arrogant ... just because of what fate dealt my birth and skin color cards?

Yes, immature, that's why I'm here slinging name calling, and not on the receiving end. :confused:
I know what hubris is, and it doesn't apply. You make some nice exaggerations from a small amount of information. You aren't studying to be a politician are you? You made up a nice little soap-box for yourself, then thread-jacked you way into an imagined crusade.
To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of the women....these things are best in life.
YOUR interpretation:
kill everyone else and disrespect the women
I'll leave the "kill everyone else" alone even though it's wrong (though technically may be employed in interpretation to some extent), but hearing the lamentation of the enemies women after their men's defeat has nothing to do with disrespecting (or endorsing the disrespect) of women.
Disliking arrogance is one thing, but labeling self-worth or patriotism as a "Nazi Germany mentality" is moronic and exaggeration.

And BTW........I didn't mention anything about being arrogantly prideful of my birth or skin color. Again, you create issue where there isn't any.
That's REALLY civilized and mature right there. :rolleyes:'s entertainment. Watch a might like one. No. Wait. You would probably attempt to arm-chain psychoanalyze it for the hidden non-politically correct message, and ruin your evening. Better stay home and thread-jack some more.


you've got to be kidding me

Nice job BTW.;)
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