Any thumb trackball gamers out there?


Limp Gawd
May 6, 2007
Just curious if anyone games with a trackball these days? How's your feeling on precision with it in comparison to a laser gaming mouse? What types of games do you play mostly?

I play everything but i lean towards FPS and RPG type games. Been playing BF3 and D3 Beta mostly. Just curious if anyone doing the same with a trackball and their overall experience.

I'm looking at picking up a Logitech Wireless Trackball M570 being it would make life easier when gaming in my old man chair on the big screen in my man cave / office. :)

I still use my MS trackball explorer, which uses the index and middle finger to control the ball. No one has ever made another product to replace these since they were discontinued in like 2008 or some shit like that, which is really sad. When I heard, I had bought like 8 of them for really cheap, and since I have been going through them, and using pieces of old ones to make refurbed ones. I wish Logitech would make one like it something.
I tried the one you have above, but could not get used to it at all. The orientation was just not right for me personally.
I've been thinking about getting one, mostly to use it while I'm working or not gaming... I figure switching between a mouse for gaming and a trackball for productivity might be healthier than palming the same device thru most of the day. I seriously doubt I could get used to it for gaming tho...
I know one person who does exclusively. He goes on about how fingerballs are much better than thumb balls. So probably a fingerball might be better, he's sometimes ok at games, so who knows! :D
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I use that exact model (and had the one prior) at work during the day because I was getting pretty bad wrist issues from using a regular mouse all day. It's fine for work uses, but for gaming it would be miserable (at least for me). I use a G500 for my computer at home where I game, and I don't think I could ever be remotely competitive if I had to trade it for my work trackball.
I have the M570 as well.

Before I got it, I read up on trackballs in general, the old trackman and the M570 itself, and I now feel privileged to have that be my first trackball.
The tracking, wireless (ease and range) and battery life is absolutely stellar on the M570. Perfect for cosy armchair control.

That said, I mostly use mine for slower games (like Diablo 3 beta) and browsing, to spare my arm, and a Xai on the side for occasional hectic gaming - for example BF3 and other fpses, where you want both precision and fast 180 turns.
You can play everything with it though, if you want, but it won't be mouse-precise unless you have really good technique (I might be doing it wrong, always use my with high acceleration). Much better than a controller though.

Also, you might strain your thumb playing FPS all day - the thumb is the least dexterous finger, and will strain like an arm does if you overuse it for pointer precision.

Everyone should really be using finger trackballs, and Logitech should have a finger-version of the M570. There are some really rad laser finger trackballs in existence, but they are expensive and very niche, and because the thumb-version is the no-brainer choice of trackball for the average consumer (who buy for ergonomics, and familiar functions - not FPS precision) I doubt we will see the superior type back on the market anytime soon
Yeah precision was what I was worried about. If anyone out there had a lengthly experience with one in gaming. I currently have a wired thumb trackball at work so the transition probably wouldn't be as difficult for me. Sounds like I may have to stick with a laser mouse for FPS.

I was also thinking a trackball would probably be awesome for flying on BF3...
Been using them for a long time. I'm using the one pictured above right now, in fact. I game with it, mostly RPGs, FPS, strategy. I've never had problems in gaming and I typically play on the hardest difficulty. Don't play much MP outside of ME3, but I almost never have a problem getting the 20 headshot medal by round 3 or 4 when I'm a sniper in that game.

These mice are great for flicking if you need to move quickly and I honestly can't aim for shit with a regular mouse. The big downside I have with the above mouse is that it gets a bunch of lent and other stuff stuck in it and I have to clean it fairly regularly to keep my accuracy up.
I used to use the Logitech thumb trackball exclusively for CS 1.6 and everyone thought I was crazy, but I was really good at it. Since then I have transitioned to a laser mouse over the last 5 years and it took awhile but I'm used to it now. Flick shots and precision sniping are easier on a mouse; trackball was very good for running-and-gunning though.
I have the M570 and I think it works just as good as a regular mouse. The biggest drawback is that you have to go from a point-and-tap mentality to a track-and-click mentality. It can take some getting used to at first. One input method is not significantly better than the other, it is just our minds have been trained up on the traditional mouse since adolescence. We sort of approximate the tip of our index finger with the cursor and the pad/surface we track on as the screen.

When you switch to a trackball, that analogy does not work for your brain anymore, so you have to push through the initial awkwardness to really get a sense of the advantages. Once it starts to feel normal and everyday, the gaming advantages will become apparent: superior comfort, analog-esque acceleration, and smoother tracking.

The M570 pictured above is a gaming device in my book. You sacrifice a bit of pin-point-accuracy and resolution, but I think you gain a lot more in return. I bought my M570 specifically for playing games.
I use a wireless marbleman (it looks just like the one in your picture) and can't complain. I got a headshot achievement in ME2 (at least I think it was ME2) for whatever that's worth. lol I'm a pretty casual player though, but play just about everything but RTS's. For me, one mouse is as good as another, I don't really notice much difference between them.
:D I've been using the logitech thumball for 10 years on FPS's like BF2, BF3, even since Joint Ops and CounterStrike for those that played those. IMHO it is by far superior to regular mice.....ONCE YOU'RE USED TO IT. Alot of people don't give them a fair chance and revert back to regular mice. It makes flying in BF3 very easy, especially in the chopper. If someone creeps up behind you, you can spin around in a split second. I can still snipe with ease and my hand never gets tired. It takes up less space on my desk. and the list goes on. Each to their own of course.
My only gripe is that there is not a high end offering in this product. I think more people would try it and probably like it making it a viable line for manufacturers to support. I like my M570 and the battery life is amazing, but I can't help feeling it is not a study as some other mice out there. Although it has been holding up fine for my use which is about 2-3 hours/day gaming and the same per day for online surfing and work.
Best advice I can give for anyone looking to try one out is to get used to it by surfing the internet and daily functions BEFORE trying to be competetive online. Otherwise you will be like others who have given up on it in frustration. I myself never would go back to a regular mouse and I hope some maufacturer brings us some high-end joy soon! :cool:
Just my 2 cents... :D
i used to sell those @ staples and my buddy is a avid FPSer and he swears by that exact mouse
I've used the marbleman / trackman since the old blueball (mid 90s)
I find the Logitech M570 lacking in accuracy.

There is no competition for the thumb driven pointing device,

Microsoft mysteriously removed their hugely popular model from the market.
They were selling for $200 on ebay and amazon.
Obviously murdered by logitechs patent troll lawyers.

Look around any engineering cube farm - every 3rd desk has a M570 - yet Kenningston - Specializing in trackballs for engineers, does not carry one.
Again, legalities...

A "patent" for "thumb driven mouse ball"
I *hate* logitech, and wary of this lame legal system.
One step from burning witches IMO.

/Actually most engineers are probably still using the wired version
I use the regular trackball. Thumb trackball restricts your movement. Anyway I prefer trackballs especially for shooting games. I can do quick and precise movements much better. With a flick of a finger I can do 720° turns with ease, and my opponents always fall for it.
I wish that the M570 had the scroll wheel of the wireless performance mx (that you can tilt for horizontal scrolling and unlock for fast scrolling).
I've been using a thumb trackball at home since the 90's. I still use a mouse at work, although my workflow is mostly keyboard based there. I'm a casual gamer, some FPS, mostly RPG. Diablo 3 has been a really good use of it, as a clickfest, I'm able to without strain, hammer that LMB. FPS gaming has been light recently, but I still find it useful for sniping, I'm able to give that slight thumb roll, to couter breathing.
I tired using that model for about two weeks and couldn't get used to it. Fatigue was an issue. If you want a great trackball to game with look at the dt225 in either ps/2 or usb. I have one for mainly day work, but use it for flying in bf3. Straight shooters get the g400.
I like using my trackball, but it's bot a thumb one.. wonder if it'd be better to get a thumb one
I'm using the M570 with all my MMO's and works very well and has a great battery life
You should make a thread over on, best forum for alternative pointing devices, mechanical keyboards, etc that I know of.

Also, take a look at this guy:

With a centered larger ball, it will probably be better for precision and as a mouse-replacer

I disagree.

THIS is the best place for trackball information now.

Geekhack lost all it's best content after being R00TW0RMed and I plan on loading up the All About Trackballs Wiki at Reddit.

If you don't believe me just do a search on any random string. Like this.

BTW, gaming on a trackball is.....weird.
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Been using a G9(x) for years, and loved it, but I want something easier for desktop use I think... due to my cts/rsi...

I'm drawn to an M570 but even if I don't use it for gaming, that's ok by me, though it'd be kind of cool if I got used to it. Thankfully (I think) I don't do a lot of FPS anymore, mostly light RTS. Right now, because my G9X is actually acting up, I'm using some cheap Logitech mouse that's really small, m510? and it actually works rather well, I like that it's so small. I noticed I'm drawn to smaller size the more my CTS gets worse hah. The only thing that I'm maybe concerned about is that I've become pretty ambidextrous. I leave my right hand to rest and use the left, I don't see how I could use a trackball mouse with my left =P.

Oh, and is it strange using a trackball 99% of the time, then switching to a regular mouse for gaming? Do you ever feel like you have to remember how to use it? lol I don't want to feel like I suck at a game all of a sudden haha. I think I've felt like this before, and that was just from trying different sensitivities.
The more I use my smartphone the more I think a thumb trackball would just be a bad idea health wise... :p
Always wanted to try a trackball for gaming / fps but could never justify spending the money, if there was a cheap one that 'did the job' I might give it a shot, but it seems like the good ones start at around $50 and up

Dudes with CTS need to do some hand exercises, get a rubber band and do finger extensions and stuff, or look at their positioning. I use the computer something like 16 hours a day every day and have no issues.
Trackballs are great, I have used them for years. The M570, like most entry level trackballs, lacks precision, so I use a Performance MX as well. They coexist with each other quite well.
Unfortunately there appears to be no real middle ground for trackballs, no gaming oriented trackballs. Just the plain ones, or the fairly expensive ones meant for professional use.
Chimay, like so many others on this forum, I would encourage you to try a M570 (wireless). I can't say enough great things about mine. I've used trackballs, off and on, for several years, but until recently, never seriously tried one for gaming. I had a Marble Mouse from Logitech, and its one big limitation was only four buttons. With the M570 I have the same number of buttons as my gaming mice (MS X8, Steelseries Reaper, Cyber Snipa Stinger, etc.), and it is totally much more flexible and quicker. I play FPS like MW3, BF3, Crysis3, Sniper Ghost Warrior 2; well you get the picture. I can shoot whatever and however I want with the M570.
Quite the resurrection. The real deal, or day one spamming for FSFT?
The M570 is a good trackball, but it is rather imprecise for gaming purposes.

edit: LOL I already said that, it was just last year.
I've been using Logitech wireless trackballs since they came out 10+ years ago. It' a mouse turned upside-down, it's the same technology, you just don't have to drag it around your desk. And you can use it in places where there is no desk.
Only ever saw one guy use a trackball for PC gaming. One of those thumb-jobs. It was about ten years ago at a LAN party, and we were playing the original Unreal Tournament and whatever Quake game was current at the time. Dunno how he did it, but he kicked some butt with it. He came in second in the UT match, about 20 kills behind the winner, who was most definitely using a mouse. Though I can't remember exactly what model mouse it was, I'm sure it was a Logitech. I've always used a Logitech. :)
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Just curious if anyone games with a trackball these days? How's your feeling on precision with it in comparison to a laser gaming mouse? What types of games do you play mostly?

I play everything but i lean towards FPS and RPG type games. Been playing BF3 and D3 Beta mostly. Just curious if anyone doing the same with a trackball and their overall experience.

I'm looking at picking up a Logitech Wireless Trackball M570 being it would make life easier when gaming in my old man chair on the big screen in my man cave / office. :)

I used one for a while to play Marble Madness, and that was about it. It was okay for Alley Cat, but I preferred a joystick.