AMD Super HOT Coupons!!

Monarch Deals said:
Hey news flash: We are not Perfect.... I expect all of those first stones to come flying from all of the perfect people. Mistakes get made, things are done to rectify each and every one. Even those who choose to flame our thread with every little hiccup. I have nothing to hide that is why an e-mail address was created just for you folks. However you must use it, not just say you did.

I got nothing but love for you all though.

Thanks Monarch Man.

To all the flamers go somewhere else.
I've had nothing but good experiences with Monarch.
I'm looking fwd to more hot deals like this.
Thanks for the Opty deal Monarch Man. Missed the last go on this and have been patiently waiting. :D
New to posting on your forum, but have found it very resourceful; thanks to all! Ordered a 170 with the Monarch deal; first time ordering from Monarch. Transaction has gone smooth up to this point, did have a hold placed on the order due to address validation (but it is being shipped to an alternate location that is on file). After a follow up email this evening, I received a prompt reply, and an email update of my order status. With this kind of customer service, up to this point, I can only write of positive attributes pertaining to my Monarch experience thus far.
But it makes me happy I have NCIX close to me in Vancouver. The 165 is $350 CAD right now.

I'm always curious if these coupon deal from Monarch extend to us in Canada? Alot of the freebies and deals we seem to get the shaft on.

I've honestly gotten nothing but good business and good steppings from Monarch. But its 0551 season so i'm hesitant to order. Everybody be sure to post what stepping you get in this thread, thanks.
Absolute0 said:
I've honestly gotten nothing but good business and good steppings from Monarch. But its 0551 season so i'm hesitant to order. Everybody be sure to post what stepping you get in this thread, thanks.

I got; CCBWE 0551UPMW. I didnt fool around with going up slowly, I set it to 1.4v, and 9x250. Booted right up. Ran 3dmaro06 to stress it, passed easily. Have done the same up to 9x280 so far for 2.52gig. Ran outta time, plan to try farther later today. For $278 shipped, I cant complain, even if it doesnt go one Mhz farther. :)
Its always been like that. Its amd that does it, not the vendors. They want people to buy retail.
To bad I don't know how to overclock, even with the guides help from this forum. Otherwise I'd get one of the dual cores.
I just have one question, can you use these coupons in conjunction with the combo specials, because with the combo special the Opteron 165 OEM is only $299, so with the $60 coupon it would come down to $239. Is it possible to do this?
I had to shoot Officer it was just too good to pass up!
Thanks MonarchMan for making me just that much poorer.:D
The codes for 165's & 170's have expired. I tried to order both last night and no go.

Absolute was asking for steppings. Not sure it matters if the coupons are expired,,,

My 165 was of course a CCBWE 0551UPMW :rolleyes: seems to do 2700 at 1.47v but not a bit more, and this board maxes out at 1.5v anyway. I am looking for 2800, and I don't think removing the IHS is going to get me those extra 100Mhz

Will probably sell it here, or over at XS. I was really hoping that Monarch was selling alot of these with this coupon and we would get some 2006 CPU's. Oh well. :)

As for the Monarch experience. Everytime I have ordered from them it has taken at least 4 days for them to ship it. Maybe I am unlucky with them, who knows, alot of others get their stuff fast. This time I ordered the same day as some other people who had theirs in their hands a day before mine even shipped.(Makes it worse that they both got 0550's LOL) I guess you get numb to it after a while I just expect slow service from them, but for $60 off I really don't mind. :D They are just slow but have never done me wrong.

This is a good idea Monarch(as long as you have the inventory) keep it up!
aicjofs said:
Absolute was asking for steppings. Not sure it matters if the coupons are expired,,,

Whaddaya mean, "not sure if it matters"?!! The whole point of this thread is the discounts on the Opty's @ Monarch, and now they're N/A. :rolleyes:

I think if you want to talk steppings, you should start a separate thread, ay?
aicjofs said:
Absolute was asking for steppings. Not sure it matters if the coupons are expired,,,

My 165 was of course a CCBWE 0551UPMW :rolleyes: seems to do 2700 at 1.47v but not a bit more, and this board maxes out at 1.5v anyway. I am looking for 2800, and I don't think removing the IHS is going to get me those extra 100Mhz

Will probably sell it here, or over at XS. I was really hoping that Monarch was selling alot of these with this coupon and we would get some 2006 CPU's. Oh well. :)

As for the Monarch experience. Everytime I have ordered from them it has taken at least 4 days for them to ship it. Maybe I am unlucky with them, who knows, alot of others get their stuff fast. This time I ordered the same day as some other people who had theirs in their hands a day before mine even shipped.(Makes it worse that they both got 0550's LOL) I guess you get numb to it after a while I just expect slow service from them, but for $60 off I really don't mind. :D They are just slow but have never done me wrong.

This is a good idea Monarch(as long as you have the inventory) keep it up!

Yeah i was figuring it would still be 0551s. Thanks for responding to my request.

As for shipping time, my last few orders i have paid a couple bucks more for overnight or 2 day shipment, and it has shipped pretty damn fast - so i think your shipping option might have something to do with how quickly they process and ship your order.
I think if you want to talk steppings, you should start a separate thread, ay?

I don't think it's off topic at all. Obviously you don't care what week CPU you get but other people are interested in a certain week or stepping. They might be interested in what Monarch seems to be shipping with this coupon deal. Doesn't mean that's what they'll get but it helps to know what chance they have if they choose to buy.
Monarch Deals said:
New and increased codes added
how many are there? Im going to get the 165 in a week and a half - 2 weeks. Do you think itll last until then?
Yea codes workin again. They changed most of the code values as well. The 146 now has a $60 off coupon instead of $30. Now its $158 total shipped! Most of the others have changed as well.
Yep, I just ordered a 170 for $371.62 shipped. w00t!

Now if only it'll be a 0530 or such... :confused:
aztec61 said:
Yep, I just ordered a 170 for $371.62 shipped. w00t!

Now if only it'll be a 0530 or such... :confused:

Why hope for 0530 when you can hope for 0550VPMW?
Absolute0 said:
Why hope for 0530 when you can hope for 0550VPMW?

Actually, I'm hoping that the 170's aren't sold out by the time they get to my order, and/or they get the thing shipped before next Ground Hog's Day. LOL! :rolleyes: ;)

But any that gets to 2.8-2.9 on air will be the shizz. *slurp*
fallguy said:
I got; CCBWE 0551UPMW. I didnt fool around with going up slowly, I set it to 1.4v, and 9x250. Booted right up. Ran 3dmaro06 to stress it, passed easily. Have done the same up to 9x280 so far for 2.52gig. Ran outta time, plan to try farther later today. For $278 shipped, I cant complain, even if it doesnt go one Mhz farther. :)
Yeah these 551's seem to top out just below 2.6. My 170 runs at 2.55 with 1.55v. I guess that's about as much as I can expect. Still not too shabby. Have you pushed it any higher?
i got my opty 144 before this but running @ 2.5GHz STOCk V. i have got it to 2.7 and 2.8GHz but haven't found the voltage to be prime stable, then again i didn't mess with it for very long because all i wanted was 2.5...these are awesome cpus :D :D :D
My 144 I recently got from monarch which is CACJE, does 2.7ghz ROCK stable with STOCK volts. It will even do 2.8ghz into windows on stock volts but it fails prime. It will do 2.9ghz but I need little more voltage.
my 144 is an 06. CAB2E 0602DPGW
Up to 2.85 easy on air at 1.41 I think I may be able to drop the volts but I havent..dont want to mess with my stable rig. Whats the stock voltage again?
I guess its 1.35? Or 1.37 or something. My cpuz and speed fan it fluxuates from 1.36-1.38.