AMD: Optys are coming...

VanFanel89 said:
They apperantly don't know of the few extra mods to the new opteron line :D

Like what

Huh Huh Huh Huh Huh Huh Huh Huh Huh
Hmm, I wonder if the new "165" will be around $150 when it gets released...
-Rc- said:
Hmm, I wonder if the new "165" will be around $150 when it gets released...
I doubt it, since it'll have the full L2 cache it will probably remain in the $250-300 range or more if they want to discourage enthusiasts from buying them. Mainly the 512K models are getting the huge price cuts because there can be more of them made compared with 1Meg chips. AMD's margin's gonna get squeezed like mad this year.
Correct me if I am wrong but perhaps 9 out of 10 opteron 939s were bought by enthusiasts. Pricing them so high might only help kill their sales (like charge 300 for 165 and 160 for 3800+), I know I wouldn't pay double for an extra 300-400 MHz.
Dual opties OCed the Wazoo FTW against conroe?

uniwarp said:
Correct me if I am wrong but perhaps 9 out of 10 opteron 939s were bought by enthusiasts. Pricing them so high might only help kill their sales (like charge 300 for 165 and 160 for 3800+), I know I wouldn't pay double for an extra 300-400 MHz.

price is bogus. soon as conroe comes out everything goes down in price. everything.
MrWizard6600 said:
price is bogus. soon as conroe comes out everything goes down in price. everything.

...yes , even my house payments will be reduced by 30% on July 24th ..I'm so excited!

uniwarp said:
Correct me if I am wrong but perhaps 9 out of 10 opteron 939s were bought by enthusiasts.
I doubt that anyone has that statistic. Maybe AMD does?

From a gaming pov and considering the 512MB cache A64x2 cpu price drops next month, how do (?business or server) Opteron cpu compare.. they seem to be quite more expensive. Price vs performance and likely requiring different mobo how much of an improvement would a gamer see using an Opteron instead of normal desktop cpu?
drizzt81 said:
The next-generation Opterons are expected to launch on 1 August
who called it a few weeks ago? :D (though not the exact date)

this is good. though i am curious to see what the "tweaks" are. i heard indirectly that there will be no 90nm ddr2 opterons, but can't be too sure how correct that is :)
Still won't get me to use AM2, but its cool none-the-less. Hopefully they are still beastly OCers.
bug said:

From a gaming pov and considering the 512MB cache A64x2 cpu price drops next month, how do (?business or server) Opteron cpu compare.. they seem to be quite more expensive. Price vs performance and likely requiring different mobo how much of an improvement would a gamer see using an Opteron instead of normal desktop cpu?

This is talking about the server opterons not the s939 and AM2 ones which do work as a normal desktop CPU in a regular motherboard.
the 1xxx opterons will be AM2 according to the links, with the 2xxx and 8xxx being socket F. much like the 1xx opterons were 939 and the 2xx and 8xx were socket 940.
the 1xxx opterons will be AM2 according to the links, with the 2xxx and 8xxx being socket F. much like the 1xx opterons were 939 and the 2xx and 8xx were socket 940.
for a little more than 2 years, the 1xx were s940 only ;)
Here's to hoping we see some nice price drops on socket 940 opty's. I've got my eye on those 285's....