AMD Not providing R9 Nano samples to several sites.

I am loving how one by one the AMD paid jobs are getting banned on the forums. It's the curious case of empty vessels making the most noise. Heck AMD doesn't even have money beyond 2 quarters but they are more than willing to pay these nut jobs who take every thread to the rubble.

Hope more trolls go out.
I am loving how one by one the AMD paid jobs are getting banned on the forums. It's the curious case of empty vessels making the most noise. Heck AMD doesn't even have money beyond 2 quarters but they are more than willing to pay these nut jobs who take every thread to the rubble.

Hope more trolls go out.
I just bought a substantial amount of tin stock.

Don't let people accuse you of being an asshole just because you say it how it is. Those people are just hypersensitive and have nothing better to whinge about.

Fact is, its a quality. And if it were me receiving those tweets, emails, and treatment, i would think EXACTLY the same thing you have, dodgy fu**ers!

There is far to much "Big Corp Marketing BS" these days, i've had enough of it and its REAL reviewers/tech journalists such as the [H] that give it real, and give it [H]ard! Just how we smart ones like it. :D

Don't let people accuse you of being an asshole just because you say it how it is. Those people are just hypersensitive and have nothing better to whinge about.

Fact is, its a quality. And if it were me receiving those tweets, emails, and treatment, i would think EXACTLY the same thing you have, dodgy fu**ers!

There is far to much "Big Corp Marketing BS" these days, i've had enough of it and its REAL reviewers/tech journalists such as the [H] that give it real, and give it [H]ard! Just how we smart ones like it. :D

Dude, use your intelligence... AMD doesn't have to send a card if they don't want to. If he is complaining, mad and calling everyone mf's then he is wrong, and that actitude isn't helping at all.
The fact that users can tell a site owner to "grow a pair" without fear of being banned is why I come here.

Is [H] more ribald then any other tech site out there? Absolutely. We can spout off and rant, but at the heart of this place is objective, no-bullshit hardware reviews and moderators/owners who let us speak our minds.

God bless [H].

Should a site owner really be calling half the forum members 'MF's?
More like 18% of the forum members.
I'd say it's just that they didn't have enough samples to go around, and they didn't want to delay YET ANOTHER MONTH.

There are Youtube reviewers with less than 500,000 subscribers who got review samples, and one of those has even stated he is contemplating sending his sample back without even doing a review.

HardOCP is in the top 5 of Computer Hardware review sites. This wasn't an issue of not having enough stock.

I bet AMD trusted that HardOCP would come up with the same actual performance numbers that all the others sites got. They just knew that HardOCP's conclusion would be "too much money for what you get".
woo hoo the forums!

i think most people here appreciate the facts being presented in [H]ard reviews along WITH the opinions tacked onto the end of the article. sometimes facts can be misleading when some of us (especially me) don't understand how those facts and figures translate into real world results. if i just wanted the cold hard facts i would go to the benchmarking sites to stare at numbers like the nerd i am.

as for the price of the fury nano.... for performance, it is overpriced. but when you are talking about a niche card in a very small niche market, the setup costs play a much bigger factor in the manufacturer costs. most of the mainstream products start getting cheaper because of material breaks as quantities go up. and material cost plays more of a factor in the price. with such a low quantity of ITX builds, i wouldnt be surprised if AMD isn't getting much a quantity break on materials/components.

**disclaimer** if this didnt come across clear, please ignore me and move on :D

I come here, because of the atmosphere and the attitude. The flair is nice too I guess.

Anyway, wouldn't change a thing about this place except maybe lose a few zealots. Otherwise the motherfucker is tip-top.
Ha ha best thread ever! :) This one deserves to go into the vault. Oh and I copied that picture. Epic!

I come here, because of the atmosphere and the attitude. The flair is nice too I guess.

Anyway, wouldn't change a thing about this place except maybe lose a few zealots. Otherwise the motherfucker is tip-top.

This place is cool, minus a couple sensitive ass people, but much respect to Kyle.
So many Obamas in this thread. There are plenty of reviews on other sites.
This place is cool, minus a couple sensitive ass people, but much respect to Kyle.


Kyle speaks the truth and doesn't dance around any of the PR nonsense.
This is one of the few places on the Internet that has the balls to say it the way it is and doesn't sell out.
Motherfucking Gabe... ...pshhh... mutherfucker...


He's too busy being a motherfuckin' hustler.
Dude, use your intelligence... AMD doesn't have to send a card if they don't want to. If he is complaining, mad and calling everyone mf's then he is wrong, and that actitude isn't helping at all.

absolute rubbish. I have used my intelligence. And i can intelligently see that there is a high chance they never sent a card to [H] because they fear the truth being told (as it must suck in some way). He hasn't complained, he's just stated facts for the user base. That is why we come here, is it not?

Its people that show a response like your's that blow shit out of proportion (in this case, Kyle's reactions of how AMD has treated them) and focus TOTALLY on the wrong action/person.

Which unfort sum's up the majority of people on the Internet now. Liked it more before it was "cool".