AMD is stupid with their dx2 prices

Hito Bahadur said:
Now-adays, for $3k I can get bleeding edge. For around $800 I can get very solid performance and I don't expect to pay much for a good upgrade to a current system.

3k for bleeding edge, your not looking hard enough heh...
I allways got people asking me how much the best "desktop" they can buy costs.
Currently this is my list:

$1600 - 2 x (raid 0) Fujitsu MAU3147
$200 - MegaRAID SCSI 320-1
$545 - Thunder K8WE (S2895)
$2700 - 2 x AMD Dual-Core Opteron 275 Italy 1GHz FSB Socket 940 Processor Model OSA275CBBOX - Retail 
$210 - Lian Li PC-V1200 Silver Aluminum ATX Mid Tower Computer Case - Retail 
$470 - PC Power and Cooling TURBO-COOL 850 SSI
$684 - 4 x CORSAIR XMS 1GB 184-Pin DDR SDRAM System Memory - Retail
$1200 - 2 x geforce 7800gtx
$7609 total
The lack of HT except on the the EE kinda blows the deal for me. Thanks all.

Out of curiosity tho, I'll order am HP OEM system with the 820 (for work-related tasks), and give you system wattage comps vs another HP OEM 3GHz non-HT P4. The way the PSUs are sized, I'm expecting the delta to come from the dual-core. So, I'll idle the system, load one core, run it for a while, and then load the 2nd core to see wattage and if thermal throttling takes place.

I have a box currently working:
HP d5000, 3GHz P4 running 1 instance:
1 7200 PATA drive
1 512MB DIMM

Off = 2 watts
Idle = 66 watts
Folding = 115 watts

It'll take a 2-3 weeks to give a power-consumption report between the two. And yes, Netburst is a pig when you load the CPU.
vxspiritxv said:
3k for bleeding edge, your not looking hard enough heh...
I allways got people asking me how much the best "desktop" they can buy costs.
Currently this is my list:

$1600 - 2 x (raid 0) Fujitsu MAU3147
$200 - MegaRAID SCSI 320-1
$545 - Thunder K8WE (S2895)
$2700 - 2 x AMD Dual-Core Opteron 275 Italy 1GHz FSB Socket 940 Processor Model OSA275CBBOX - Retail 
$210 - Lian Li PC-V1200 Silver Aluminum ATX Mid Tower Computer Case - Retail 
$470 - PC Power and Cooling TURBO-COOL 850 SSI
$684 - 4 x CORSAIR XMS 1GB 184-Pin DDR SDRAM System Memory - Retail
$1200 - 2 x geforce 7800gtx
$7609 total

Okay, going 2 processor, dual-core workstation is a little extreme for home enthusiast but I get your point.
Hito Bahadur said:
Okay, going 2 processor, dual-core workstation is a little extreme for home enthusiast but I get your point.

if its the [H]ome of a [H]orde member... is it still too extreme? :D
wurmy said:
Out of curiosity tho, I'll order am HP OEM system with the 820 (for work-related tasks),
Riiiight..... :D
Hito Bahadur said:
Okay, going 2 processor, dual-core workstation is a little extreme for home enthusiast but I get your point.
Since when?
ah...cant wait for my Pentium 830D to come soon...big changes coming about, big changes...
OK, to the original topic of the thread, I say this.

#1) You using the wrong name for this (hallowed) processor makes you look extremely noobish. It doesn't mean you are, but at least start out with some dignity.

#2) NO, AMD isn't stupid for pricing their processors so high. The X2 processor is extremely powerful.

Wanting a 1000$ processor for $300 is the typical sign of cheapness. While I would love to buy those babies for cheap, it would be a disservice to AMD's hard work. It took a lot of work to fit those 2 puppies safely on one processor die.

That brings me to #3

The AMD core is more superbly engineered than Intel's solution. How the hell do you put together 2 cores and still consume less power than your opponent?

In my estimation, intel did a quick slap, some duct tape, and off we go to the huge gluttony of mass production. For shats sake, Intels DC isn't even linked!

AMD is making fewer of theirs, that's supply and demand. Simple. They are the small guy, and they're doing their damndest to crank these bad mammajamma's out. Honestly, their DualCore processors are worth MORE than they are priced for. Intel would easily sell them for 2 or 3 times that price if they had something as good as AMD

No flames intended here, maybe a toe or two stepped on :p I get fired up when people pick on AMD unnecessarily.

And expect prices to go down when Fab 36 starts production next year. That should significantly increase their production and allow the prices to fall some so they can increase their marketshare.
Well kinda on topic, anyone know an AMD motherboard which would run a dual core AMD chip and support 8 gig-o-ram?
Intel's dual core solution is the same thing as the EE line of chips, just something they cobbled up for the most part because they had nothing equal to what AMD had at the time. AMD has been ahead of Intel in the tech department for a while now as seen with how the A64 has shaped up and the way the two companies dual core situation is shaping up. Intel didn't do much more than throw a couple of dies together while the X2's were engineered to be thw way they are.

Another thing on price. There is something here that hasn't been completely raised yet. The difference between cheaper at purchase and cheaper Total Cost of Ownership. In the long run, the current X2's blow the current Intel dual cores out of the water for lower TCO. I'm just talking about the CPUs themselves and not the complete system. Since you have to have new motherboards in most if not all cases for the Intel dual core systems, that hurts them since the X2's will pop into just about every 939 board out there with a BIOS update. For people not building a whole new system and just upgrading the CPU, that's a big savings.

Hito Bahadur said:
And expect prices to go down when Fab 36 starts production next year. That should significantly increase their production and allow the prices to fall some so they can increase their marketshare.
I hadn't heard about this... Link? It'd be cool to know the AMD fab times in advance so I can tell people when's a good time to buy.
unhappy_mage said:
I hadn't heard about this... Link? It'd be cool to know the AMD fab times in advance so I can tell people when's a good time to buy.

I will let you know once i Have the money to buy one... whenever i buy anything.
it is on sale the next day, and the newer/better one comes out a week later :p
KodiakStar said:
I will let you know once i Have the money to buy one... whenever i buy anything.
it is on sale the next day, and the newer/better one comes out a week later :p
QFMFT... I bought a single-layer 8x dvd burner a year ago for $140. The next week it was $70. The week after that a 16x was $70. The week after that, a 16x dl burner was $70. It was just like "c'mon, newegg, twist the knife a little harder!" :rolleyes:
marty9876 said:
Well kinda on topic, anyone know an AMD motherboard which would run a dual core AMD chip and support 8 gig-o-ram?

Most dual-core, dual-processor Opteron servers should support that requirement. You'll have to be running a 64-bit OS I believe.
Hito Bahadur said:
Most dual-core, dual-processor Opteron servers should support that requirement. You'll have to be running a 64-bit OS I believe.

Nothig on newegg seems to support this, and I'm ordering the system in a few hours.

Need: Dual core supporting 8 gig ram.
marty9876 said:
Nothig on newegg seems to support this, and I'm ordering the system in a few hours.

Need: Dual core supporting 8 gig ram.

For you, or for a client or something?
i'm guessing this is for a server; if so, this should do the trick. 16gb memory support, dual core ready.

uncomfortable with nforce4 pro chipset? want something a bit cheaper? ($26) here you go.

tyan's website is a wonderful thing :p both support 16gb memory.
<- add about 6k to that, the numbers are off
apHytHiaTe said:
OK, to the original topic of the thread, I say this.

#1) You using the wrong name for this (hallowed) processor makes you look extremely noobish. It doesn't mean you are, but at least start out with some dignity.

I guess I wasn't the only one that thought the OP was complaining about 486 prices?

In any case, an X2 will be my next purchase to replace my aging XP-m in my main desktop. The only thing holding me off currently is moving over to PCIe, as I don't wan tot toss my 6800GT right now.
sandmanx said:
I guess I wasn't the only one that thought the OP was complaining about 486 prices?

In any case, an X2 will be my next purchase to replace my aging XP-m in my main desktop. The only thing holding me off currently is moving over to PCIe, as I don't wan tot toss my 6800GT right now.

Gotta love the XP-M. Its gonna hold me over till probly next year sometime when the new socket comes out and X2's are mainstream. It still whips my old 1.4 tbird in folding when I have it running at 1.6ghz to save power, 1.3 vcore can run almost passively cooled! Then if I feel like throwing it up to 2.4ghz for fun, 2 clicks and we're off and running. The XP-M eats gromacs for lunch then, makes me :D
rogue_jedi said:
i'm guessing this is for a server; if so, this should do the trick. 16gb memory support, dual core ready.

uncomfortable with nforce4 pro chipset? want something a bit cheaper? ($26) here you go.

tyan's website is a wonderful thing :p both support 16gb memory.
<- add about 6k to that, the numbers are off

Thanks. The stupid Intel setup is ~225 for the asus motherboard, ~260 for the CPU (2.8 dual core) and ~1700 for ram (4x2 gig sticks)

It's just cheap as hell compaired. It's for a new Virtual PC deal.
If every dealer had every X-2 in stock and nobody was buying them then you just might be able to make a case for the price being too high.

The fact is, nobody can keep them in stock. It seems somebody is buying them regardless of price. That said, I guess the price isn’t too high. ;)

BillR said:
If every dealer had every X-2 in stock and nobody was buying them then you just might be able to make a case for the price being too high.

The fact is, nobody can keep them in stock. It seems somebody is buying them regardless of price. That said, I guess the price isn’t too high. ;)

Here is the flaw in this logic:
ME > Every other fool
I'm more important so the price needs to come down pronto or I'm going on a letter writing spree that NONE will soon forget... they'll RUE the day!!! :mad:
marty9876 said:
Thanks. The stupid Intel setup is ~225 for the asus motherboard, ~260 for the CPU (2.8 dual core) and ~1700 for ram (4x2 gig sticks)

It's just cheap as hell compaired. It's for a new Virtual PC deal.
did you just need single processor dual core?

oh. those are both dualies. i don't know if they make 939 boards with 8gb memory support, and the chip would probably cost more anyways. guess you'd be going intel with that.
<- add about 6k to that, the numbers are off