AMD Drivers


Oct 16, 2006
So it's been a long while since I owned a AMD card, actually it was ATI when I did and I used nothing but ATI up until the 1900 XTX. So that said, I want to know how are the drivers currently put out by AMD. I have heard a lot of negative things about them, how do they stack up against Nvidia drivers. I have no problems with Nvidia drivers, and I certainly don't want to try AMD and get screwed. So i'm asking AMD users to give me their honest assessment.
ive gone from a 7770 to 2x7770 to 280x to 470 to 580 to now a 5700. i only had probs with this past Feb's releases on the 5700. since march its been fine.
It's mostly alright. They had some problems with the 5700 XT driver but the major issues were resolved.

The main issue for me was the conflict with Afterburner, but you can do most of those tweaks in the AMD interface itself.
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ASRock 5700XT Blower style early adopter .. never had any issues with anything since I bought the card off of Newegg. I've been beta testing AMD drivers for the past few months .. and no issues with the beta drivers either as of yet .. granted .. I only play a select few games and watch videos online and off of my Plex server .. normal everyday useage
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Enough people have/had issues that I don't doubt they are there, but there are also a lot of people who don't have issues. Just seems when there is a problem, AMD typically takes a while to get it resolved.

For reference I'm currently running:
R9 280X
R9 Fury Nano
R9 Fury
RX 560
RX 570
RX 580
Vega 64

Sadly, nothing newer than the Vega.. but I haven't had a single issue with any of these and all are currently installed/running besides the Fury I just removed this past Monday. I've had other cards besides these, but these are the ones that have been gamed on in the past week in active desktops at my house.
All machines in use, Vega 64LC (Intel 6700K), Vega FE HTPC with Ryzen 1700x, Vega FE in iTX Ryzen 2700, 5700XT AE in Ryzen 3900x => All purring, no issues for last several months. I absolutely love the usefulness of the AMD drivers over the Nvidia ones, pull up the UI right in any game and tweak the OC in real time as you play, set those OC per game, use your phone to monitor FPS, CPU etc without having to have that in your face in your game. Remote picture taker, video recorder as well. Adjust colors in the drivers while in the game, the list goes on and on in how much more useful AMD made the drivers to use over what Nvidia has given. I hate the log in for GF Experience, the adds etc. for the few features it adds. Driver wise I prefer AMD's over Nvidia's, lately over and over again you are seeing the 5700XT (not even the AE) beating the 2070 Super??? WTF, AMD continuing to improve performance while Nvidia does not put in the effort? Nvidia not optimizing on the old GPU's while doing that for Ampere? If Turing was superior to RNDA I would not expect that at all, a 7% lead going into a negative. Anyways many of us laugh or just get sick of hearing about AMD driver problems when many of us have very little issues with them.
1080ti here, RX 5700 in my sons system. I've had issues with both, his was slightly worse because he was using the 5700 with his VR headset and there were issues a few driver sets. Enough that he stayed on an older set from the end of 2019 until mid year. In normal gaming, no issues of any kind.
Well .. I had an RX 5500 XT installed but pulled the card . reset cmos /added RX 570 and entered the bios to reset everything up on cpu side.. rebooted and the system and driver made the adjustments for the new card.. I did a factory reset of driver without reinstalling the driver as I needed to test the card for a sale once I was back to desktop and driver was open.

Here is the card in action .. afterburner needs to be reinstalled as it was having some issues.. but not the driver

That is a MSI B550m Mortar Mobo with Ryzen 3 3100 in default with RX 570
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Well .. I had an RX 5500 XT installed but pulled the card . reset cmos /added RX 570 and entered the bios to reset everything up on cpu side.. rebooted and the system and driver made the adjustments for the new card.. I did a factory reset of driver without reinstalling the driver as I needed to test the card for a sale once I was back to desktop and driver was open.

Here is the card in action .. afterburner needs to be reinstalled as it was having some issues.. but not the driver

That is a MSI B550m Mortar Mobo with Ryzen 3 3100 in default with RX 570

Why reset the CMOS?
AMD, plz give me solid Linux drivers for Big Navi, thx...!
Drivers for 5700XT have been mostly good for me since getting my card a few month ago. The only issue I have seen was when using an Overlay, I get constant stuttering. So Discord overlay is a no, and the overlay from the radeon software is a hard no. Prior to the 5700XT, I haven't used AMD primarily since I had crossfire 7970 GHZ editions. The drivers for crossfire were a mess, and had tearing, and stuttering all the time. I moved to Nvidia after that, so don't know about R9 series cards, and RX480-590 series stuff.
I had a problem with Assassin's Creed Odyssey with 5700XT launch drivers. Turns out it was a game issue, and Ubisoft patched it to fix the issue. I didn't have issues with black screens or anything like people were complaining about.
Occasional rare issues on the 5700XT I have - very rare. Generally it's the AMD software control panel honking out or the like. System is stable and everything works though. Had tons of issues on Polaris though.
Occasional rare issues on the 5700XT I have - very rare. Generally it's the AMD software control panel honking out or the like. System is stable and everything works though. Had tons of issues on Polaris though.

It's funny because I have had less issues with your old Polaris card than my Navi one...go figure.
It's funny because I have had less issues with your old Polaris card than my Navi one...go figure.
And that's HILARIOUS - but I may blame the old x370 board for that too. The 5700XT worked fine, and now everything works perfect on my 3960X.
Oh, and that x370 is in my best friend's wife's system now - with a 1060, and also working perfect :p
Occasional rare issues on the 5700XT I have - very rare. Generally it's the AMD software control panel honking out or the like. System is stable and everything works though. Had tons of issues on Polaris though.

Did they ever reintegrate recording and streaming into the latest driver?
Had to deal with that a couple months ago on a kids 1st gaming build.
Kids these days, just playing a game isn’t good enough for them anymore.
I can tell you this. The way AMD was handling drivers has changed GREATLY internally. I call their new focus JFW. Just Fucking Works. Then they will worry about all the features after JFW is nailed. That said, I guess we will see if they nail the pooch on this or not.
Yeah, AMD better not botch this. This is their one shot in so long, if they misstep they probably won't get another chance like this.
I can tell you this. The way AMD was handling drivers has changed GREATLY internally. I call their new focus JFW. Just Fucking Works. Then they will worry about all the features after JFW is nailed. That said, I guess we will see if they nail the pooch on this or not.
I can agree with this. Before I got my 1080Ti's, my RX 580s were flawless.....and IMHO their featureset puts nvidia to shame.
I can agree with this. Before I got my 1080Ti's, my RX 580s were flawless.....and IMHO their featureset puts nvidia to shame.
I was messing around updating the drivers on my dads computer the other day and forgot how feature rich the Adrenaline drivers were. I was impressed! I screwed around with it for hours...Then looked at my 2070 and said "Why don't you have that stuff?!"
I had a RX 5700, excellent card. Used to get black screen crashes until the 2020 driver update. Stable since then (sold a couple months ago in anticipation of a 6000 series upgrade).
So I got a hold of a Sapphire Nitro 5700 XT (my first AMD GPU in over a decade) and holy shit have they changed A LOT! The Catalyst interface just blows away NVCP which looks like Window 98 junkware. I just got done setting up auto OC, custom resolution, desktop color changes, ReLive (which has a ton more options than shadowplay). Going to fire up Warzone and see how this card does, it is gigantic (bigger than my Strix 2080 Ti was). I'll probably stick the 5700 XT in a secondary streaming PC once my 3080 Strix arrives on the 13th and then also buy the 6900 XT to see how that holds up.

So far so good though, the drivers installed without a hitch. Will report back on gaming.


Edit: Yes i removed the plastic off the GPU after I installed it.

Edit 2: This card feels smoother in Warzone than my Strix 2080 Ti did, no joke. Really looking forward to 6900 XT now.
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So Im actually going to go with AMD( I still call them ATI) this time around if the reviews look good, probably a 6800 XT. I have not been happy with the Nvidia launch at all, the 10gb for memory to me is just a bonehead decision, plus there is no cards available even if I did want one. So the last ATI card I had was the ATI X1900XTX, and that was some time ago.
Had the 5700XT earlier this year, half of the time when playing a game within 10 minutes it would produce a solid green screen and my entire PC would lock up which was annoying. Not sure why it did that, I tried it on two different PC's (An AMD and an Intel) and the same thing would happen. Got fed up with it so I sold it.
I’ve had trouble with drivers recently. Every time I try to use HDR the screen messes up and looks like it crashed. I used the AMD Driver Clean Up Tool to remove everything completely. Downloaded the latest drivers and I no longer have any issues.
So Im actually going to go with AMD( I still call them ATI) this time around if the reviews look good, probably a 6800 XT. I have not been happy with the Nvidia launch at all, the 10gb for memory to me is just a bonehead decision, plus there is no cards available even if I did want one. So the last ATI card I had was the ATI X1900XTX, and that was some time ago.
There are rumors that NVidia is relaunching 3000 series with more memory now since AMD is coming in hot at 16Gb. We'll see what happens in the next 2 months....
Honestly not that impressed with the 6xxx cards. They are solid but don't really bring anything game breaking to the table. It does catch up to the 3080 in Ras performance but fails at everything else. I am glad they are competitive but I am going to hold out for a 3080ti.
I have them installed on B550 /5600x/RX5700 .. only done normal web and desktop stuff but no issues found on Display port Free Sync @165Hz desktop ..
Anyone else have their WMI Provider Host now use 10% of the cpu after the new drivers are installed? (6700xt)

Rolling back the driver fixes the problem.
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The driver clean install checkbox is fantastic. Takes care to clean up old catalyst files and CCC stuff remaining from older graphics card replacements sort of like ddu would.