AMD Chimes In On Intel’s $1.45B Fine

Genocide is all around us:

Americans -> Native Americans
Canadians -> Native Americans
Germans -> Jews
Jews -> Palestinians
Stalin -> Everyone in Russia who disagreed with him
Bosnians -> Serbians
Serbians -> Bosnians
Rwanda -> Tutsis
Australians -> Aboriginies
Guatemalan Civil War
Khymer Rouge
Communist China anyone?

You clearly have an agenda against Israel. Get off your high horse and stop picking on them. You don't stop buying things from China even though they have killed MILLIONS of their own people!

This is a computer forum. Stop making it a political soapbox.

Interesting point. According to your list, Xerran would need to boycott pretty much all American/Canadian/ made goods. Since the factories are built on ethnically cleansed lands.

I know I have contributed to the eventual lock, my apologies in advance.
Since you fail to make a connection between your allegations of Israel and Intel's business, and insist on making sly remarks on others' intelligence, especially when they disagree with you, I'm just going to add you to my ignore list. I hope others do this, as well.

Lay off the Rupert Murdoch Kool.Aid seriously. You reported me? Your adding me to your ignore list? Do you honestly think I give a Baboons red rear end?

You stated that I failed to make a connection between my allegations of Israel and Intel's business. You obviously never clicked on any of the many links I provided because if you did you would realize how uneducated that sounds.

Israel violates human rights, that is reason enough to disinvest from the Intel corporation. You should read The Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Israel violates human rights, that is reason enough to disinvest from the Intel corporation.

You have funny standards; I have yet to see Israel strap bombs on women, children or animals and detonate them among civilain crowds.
Joe blow walks in from the street and says they want a new computer

Computer guy says, okay, we got AMD and we got Intel, what do you want..

What do you think they will answer? Intel, why,again, How many AMD commercials and advertisments have you seen over the years vs Intel....

to me AMD is like Linux, you dont see enough advertisments for the product, so not enough people, who make up most of what could be your market share, know who the hell you are!

Be nice to see AMD's market share go up, if they hadnt of sat on their ass for 2 years as said with A64 being arrogant they have the best thing since sliced bread and now they are feeling the after effects of that.

Okay, back to reading from page 2. :)
I am speaking of the hear and now, crimes against humanity happening in 2009. Your comments show that you are devoid of any humanity and your so full of hate that you can not see beyond your orgasmic fanaticism with the Intel corporation.

all he said was that you seem quite biased. how do you get "orgasmic fanaticism for intel" when he didnt even make a passing reference to the company? you're just attacking him. speaking of crimes against humanity and your weird-ass rhetorical websites, what do you make of the israeli pullout of the gaza strip after the treaty and peace agreement, the hamas paramilitary terrorist force flooding in afterwards, and then rocket, mortar, and suicide bombing attacks on israeli cities and within gaza itself? that shit is terrorism, and the only person who sounds like a fanatic is you. you're reported, AGAIN!
What are you on? I am speaking of the hear and now, crimes against humanity happening in 2009. Your comments show that you are devoid of any humanity and your so full of hate that you can not see beyond your orgasmic fanaticism with the Intel corporation.

Do you check every product you buy to see where it comes from, or where those companies get their product, comes from, there are plenty of current day matters that would pretty much force most people like yourself from buying almost any product not grown in your backyard due to some conflict going on, in, or around a region.

And can you also refrain from personal attack on people, you somehow seem to think it makes your point stronger or more important, devoid of any humanity? wow, and again you go back to israel.... why not use some other example...

Your comment show you are completly judgemental of people you know nothing about based soley on emotionless comments made on a forum.....

is this how you debate in real disscussions with people by appling lables to them based on a few words...

Where are you from if i may ask? or where you do you currently live?
Do you check every product you buy to see where it comes from, or where those companies get their product, comes from, there are plenty of current day matters that would pretty much force most people like yourself from buying almost any product not grown in your backyard due to some conflict going on, in, or around a region.

And can you also refrain from personal attack on people, you somehow seem to think it makes your point stronger or more important, devoid of any humanity? wow, and again you go back to israel.... why not use some other example...

Your comment show you are completly judgemental of people you know nothing about based soley on emotionless comments made on a forum.....

is this how you debate in real disscussions with people by appling lables to them based on a few words...

Where are you from if i may ask? or where you do you currently live?

I think Latuff is awesome.
anyone who starts a sentence with "because" and doesnt follow it with the necessary dependent clause isnt awesome, they're stupid. also, so are you for comparing me and everyone else who has a problem with your infantile bigoted propaganda to jewish lobbyists. im atheist, asshole.
Clearly you have a beef with Israel.

Once again, I'm not denying that Israel does all those things that you claim and probably a lot more. All I'm saying is that your logic clearly breaks down because China has killed millions more people than Israel has since 1948, and yet you don't make ANY reference to human rights violations (see also Olympic Torch protests, etc.) of any other people group killing people other than Israel. Clearly you are biased. To say otherwise is very ignorant on your part.

I understand your point about the U.S. backing Israel. The fact of the matter is there are a lot of wealthy Jews who contribute to political candidates, and there are a lot of wealthy Christians who like to believe the Jews are important because of their views of the Bible who also contribute to political candidates. Just because YOU don't like to face reality doesn't mean that you shouldn't own up to it.

Personally, the fact that Israelies kill Palestinians or threw them off their land, etc. does not change the fact that I'm going to buy Intel processors that may or may not have been developed or produced in Israel. I think that goes for the vast amount of people here. So you're just beating a dead horse and looking stupid doing it.
And I really don't think I'm full of hate, have any "orgasmic fanaticism" toward anything other than getting the best bang for my buck, and I think that China is a 2009 here and now issue, and a far bigger one than Israel. But I guess I'm just an ignorant Jew-loving American to you. I'm sorry I couldn't be more enlightned like you.

What are you on? I am speaking of the hear and now, crimes against humanity happening in 2009. Your comments show that you are devoid of any humanity and your so full of hate that you can not see beyond your orgasmic fanaticism with the Intel corporation.
ok about the jew thing, not wanting to start anything, but wasn't their a rumor that the jews had planned out 9/11? If I'm wrong and your Jewish, I'm really sorry.

Anyway on topic now....

If AMD is so great and everyone likes it, how many manufacturing desktop OEM's sell their desktops with AMD's? and how laptops do you see around that has an AMD cpu in it>?
If AMD is so great and everyone likes it, how many manufacturing desktop OEM's sell their desktops with AMD's? and how laptops do you see around that has an AMD cpu in it>?

Umm, the EU fine is about Intel basing discounts, marketing funds, and rebates on vendors not using AMD products. Essentially they were paying vendors to not use AMD. Also when this occured, 2002-2005, AMD was killing Intel in performance at the time as well. The p4 was not holding it's own.
If AMD is so great and everyone likes it, how many manufacturing desktop OEM's sell their desktops with AMD's? and how laptops do you see around that has an AMD cpu in it>?

The EU lawsuit is focusing on the period when Intel was performing badly and AMD was leading the pack (Pentium4 versus the Athlon). So since Intel was losing the processor war, they resorted to bribes and threats to OEM (such as HP, Dell Gateway, etc), asking or coercing them to only sell Intel processors in their machines, and forbade them from using AMD processors by offering gigantic rebates if they agreed to refuse AMD processors.

During that period AMD had the upper hand and was in a position to reap in massive profits and quite possibly expand their foundaries and R&D, but they couldn't.

Personally I think Intel isn't the only one who should be blamed for shoddy business practices, but that OEMs should also be held accountable for accepting them. They were all just too afraid of future repercussion because of how powerful Intel is.
So what exactly does the EU do with the 1.45 billion fine? That's my question. It's one thing for Intel to be found guilty and ordered to pay restitution to AMD,'s completely different for Intel to just hand the EU a bag of money.
Israel is well on the way to overtaking the EU economy.

Europe doesn't design any microchips at all except for the useless ARM mobile chips.

Intel at Haifa has more IQ points than the whole of europe.