AMD Chimes In On Intel’s $1.45B Fine

How the hell did we go from talking about the justness, in both merit and size, of fines handed to Intel by the EU, to Apartheid, and ethnic cleansing?????????????
How the hell did we go from talking about the justness, in both merit and size, of fines handed to Intel by the EU, to Apartheid, and ethnic cleansing?????????????

I first quoted an article which imho should be the first and foremost reason for boycotting the Intel corporation.

Humanity before fanaticism is all I'm saying.
Read what hordaktheman and what altcon wrote. What Intel did was illegal in the EU and is illegal here as well, our govenrment just doesn't bother to get around to it until there's enough public outcry about it (like MS)
Read what hordaktheman and what altcon wrote. What Intel did was illegal in the EU and is illegal here as well, our govenrment just doesn't bother to get around to it until there's enough public outcry about it (like MS)

You hit the nail on the head. Public outcry is the solution to all these problems but many do not see the problem until the window has closed.
Frankly (if we're sidetracking this thread to nowhere), public outcry is a myth in most of the western capitalist world. I think ,apart from France, people will take anything the government and the conglomerates shove at them - lying down. It's a big part of why the world looks like it does.
Apartheid, Poverty, Homelessness , Wars over resources, Racial Segregation, Rampant Guns Sales, these are just part of what's crippling our world, and they all have their sources in the western countries search for power and neglect of the weak. In short we are currently failing to take our resources and power to make a better world for mankind.
Jesus,someone nuke the soapbox already.The story was about AMD opening their yaps and taking shots at Intel,the fine itself was already discussed.Bad business decisions and failure to put out a competitive product got them were they are,not the evil western capitalist world,apartheid,or the damn greenhouse effect.:rolleyes:
Jesus,someone nuke the soapbox already.The story was about AMD opening their yaps and taking shots at Intel,the fine itself was already discussed.Bad business decisions and failure to put out a competitive product got them were they are,not the evil western capitalist world,apartheid,or the damn greenhouse effect.:rolleyes:

There has to be a space after punctuation.
The fine should go to AMD - not the EU's coffers. This does nothing for AMD.
It's amazing that many here do not know that if one corporation dominates the market CPU prices will go through the roof. Another thing to note is the most disturbing fact that the intel corporation has been supporting an apartheid regime since 1974. They will never see a penny of my money.

Great another "The Jews are bad" statement. I suppose you don't watch T.V., buy diamonds, or go to a major bank all of which are heavily influenced by Jewish people.

I would hate to see AMD die but if they do they are mostly to blame. I do realize the somewhat shady business practices of Intel contribute to their difficulties in the channel but if AMD were to unabashedly kick ass with a new design their market share would increase.

I really don't want to go back to an Intel only (for the most part) market place.
I remember wandering around a parking lot at midnight every first Saturday of the month in downtown Dallas checking out all the new CPU's: Centaur, Cyrix, AMD and Intel :)
Now those was da days YO!
Great another "The Jews are bad" statement. I suppose you don't watch T.V., buy diamonds, or go to a major bank all of which are heavily influenced by Jewish people.

That statement came from your mouth not mine. It is totally ridiculous to misconstrue what I posted.

At the end of the day the Intel corporation invests in an apartheid state, that is fact. They are profiting on land that was ethnically cleansed.

A great man once said "Free your mind and your rear end will follow".
That statement came from your mouth not mine. It is totally ridiculous to misconstrue what I posted.

At the end of the day the Intel corporation invests in an apartheid state, that is fact. They are profiting on land that was ethnically cleansed..

Do you realize that statement could be applied to just about every country on Earth at some point? So I guess every corporation is guilty.
Instead of contributing to hating others, why don't you focus on being the better person? You should try that sometimes. It'll make you a happier person. :rolleyes:

Hate? What the hell are you talking about? Elaborate, describe how anything I have posted contributes to hating others?
I'm posting this from a work PC with a 2.4Ghz Pentium 4 with HT. I just reinstalled the OS, and it's still so f*cking slow compared to my retro Athlon 64 3000+ box. In fact, all the PCs here use piece of shit Pentium 4's from the era where AMD's Athlon 64 absolutely dominated Intel's offerings. Intel's underhanded dealings directly cut into AMD's profits when AMD clearly had the better architecture, and prevented AMD from remaining competitive once the Core 2's came out.
<yawn>...the offspring of Isaac and Ishmael have been killing each other for millenia...who cares?
Hate? What the hell are you talking about? Elaborate, describe how anything I have posted contributes to hating others?

Excuse me, I don't mean hate. I meant you being a very angry person.

It's the Palpatine in me. "Give into your anger. Strike me down with all of your hatred."
Collateral damage? Only a fascist could make a vile and disgusting statement like that.
Collateral damage has occured in every major conflict in the history of mankind. This is nothing new. Blame Hamas for causing crap.
The Intel corporation does have something to do with it, they invest in an apartheid regime and have built their facilities on ethnically cleansed land.
There is no ethnic cleansing happening on Israel's part. When cowards strap explosives to themselves to kill innocent civilians, what do you expect Israel to do? Sit back and watch? Let unprovoked rockets be launched their way? You are grasping at straws and need to stop now.

Oh, and reported for calling me a Fascist.
Collateral damage has occured in every major conflict in the history of mankind. This is nothing new. Blame Hamas for causing crap.

There is no ethnic cleansing happening on Israel's part. When cowards strap explosives to themselves to kill innocent civilians, what do you expect Israel to do? Sit back and watch? Let unprovoked rockets be launched their way? You are grasping at straws and need to stop now.

Oh, and reported for calling me a Fascist.

Well surprise surprise another thoroughly uneducated rebuttal and what is the deal with the "no ethnic cleansing on Israels part" comment? So I guess your implying that Professor Norman Finkelstein, Professor Noam Chomsky, The Most Reverend Desmond Tutu, Jimmy Carter the the 39th President of the United States (2002 Nobel Peace Prize Recipient), Rabbi Dovid Weiss, George Galloway, John Pilger, Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, The United Nations, Nuterei Karta International, and the many other charities, human rights organizations and scholars are all lying? Your comment stinks like a punctured old colostomy bag.

George Galloway did an excellent lecture last March at Columbia University regarding the matter but it's not presented in an ignorant fashion I'm afraid so a little intellect is required to listen.

I say again, since the Intel corporation insists on investing in the racist, anti-democratic, apartheid Israel they will never see a penny of my money.
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That is a stupid myth the Zionist regime have been abusing as Rabbi Dovid Weiss and many others can attest.

<yawn>...good luck getting either the Jews or the Arabs to say the whole Abraham thing is a myth. You're the one that looks silly, not them (even if you are right). But all myths have some basis in reality. Just how that reality looked might be different than it is propogated 4000 years after the fact.

So this nonsense started over Israelis making chips for Intel? I suggest you taking your political agenda to the GenMay section because quite honestly, you're making yourself look like an ass.
Why? Explain why.

Do I have to? The list would go on for hours.

Lets touch on one item, Carters Nobel price for peace in 2002.

Carter negotiated an understanding with Kim Il-sung under which North Korea agreed to freeze and ultimately dismantle its current nuclear program and comply with its nonproliferation obligations in exchange for oil deliveries, the construction of two light water reactors to replace its graphite reactors, and discussions for eventual diplomatic relations.

So how did that work out? The North Koreans played Clinton and Carter like fools while continuing on with their programs unabated.

Which they are still doing to this day.

Carter is the worst. president. ever.
* Intel gave rebates to computer manufacturer A from December 2002 to December 2005 conditional on this manufacturer purchasing exclusively Intel CPUs
* Intel gave rebates to computer manufacturer B from November 2002 to May 2005 conditional on this manufacturer purchasing no less than 95% of its CPU needs for its business desktop computers from Intel (the remaining 5% that computer manufacturer B could purchase from rival chip maker AMD was then subject to further restrictive conditions set out below)
* Intel gave rebates to computer manufacturer C from October 2002 to November 2005 conditional on this manufacturer purchasing no less than 80% of its CPU needs for its desktop and notebook computers from Intel
* Intel gave rebates to computer manufacturer D in 2007 conditional on this manufacturer purchasing its CPU needs for its notebook computers exclusively from Intel.

Lol, these sound like TERRIBLE and UNFAIR business practices. Good thing they don't have bullshit legislation like this in the US yet.

Yeah heaven forbid Intel had fair competition instead of pushing computer manufacturers into a corner, what are those people at the EU thinking:rolleyes:
I say again, since the Intel corporation insists on investing in the racist, anti-democratic, apartheid Israel they will never see a penny of my money.

congratulations, you hate israelis. want a cookie? this bullshit isnt relevant to intels fining. ive read most of everything you guys have been posting, and let me just say for the record that you've officially jumped the fucking shark.

So this nonsense started over Israelis making chips for Intel? I suggest you taking your political agenda to the GenMay section

I say again, since the Intel corporation insists on investing in the racist, anti-democratic, apartheid Israel they will never see a penny of my money.
Since you fail to make a connection between your allegations of Israel and Intel's business, and insist on making sly remarks on others' intelligence, especially when they disagree with you, I'm just going to add you to my ignore list. I hope others do this, as well.
congratulations, you hate israelis. want a cookie? this bullshit isnt relevant to intels fining. ive read most of everything you guys have been posting, and let me just say for the record that you've officially jumped the fucking shark.


Who the hell coined the phrase "ignorance is bliss"?
Good Lord, that's your best? Who told you that, Grand Wizard at the last rally you attended?

Since I actually lived through the Carter years perhaps I have a better perspective than you.

Insults will not win you any friends nor debates.
Genocide is all around us:

Americans -> Native Americans
Canadians -> Native Americans
Germans -> Jews
Jews -> Palestinians
Stalin -> Everyone in Russia who disagreed with him
Bosnians -> Serbians
Serbians -> Bosnians
Rwanda -> Tutsis
Australians -> Aboriginies
Guatemalan Civil War
Khymer Rouge
Communist China anyone?

You clearly have an agenda against Israel. Get off your high horse and stop picking on them. You don't stop buying things from China even though they have killed MILLIONS of their own people!

This is a computer forum. Stop making it a political soapbox.
Good god, where did all this come from?

The only religious bone I have to pick with Intel is this.... noone explained to them that binary arithmetic is NOT COMPATIBLE with Hebrew.

bigendian/littleendian. Which is why choosing the 8088 over the 68000 was the greatest engineering blunder in computing history. (thankyou IBM, cough).

And that reality held back progress from 16-32-64 bit and was the root of the Y2K issue.

That's about the only element of religion that has any place in electronics engineering, ever.
Xerran, did Intel fund or in any way instigate, or further egg on these ethnic cleanings? Were they being opportunists and building on lands only after ethnic cleansing to suit their own racist ideals.
Or did they just build a factory somewhere without checking with Amnesty International, Greenpeace, Peta, The Sierra Club, or other deep left organizations prior to building a factory. Are they just guilty of political insensitivity or something?

You are claiming a lot for people to just take it on faith. And so far your links have not shown us anything that had much of anything to do with Intel. Show us the evidence.