AMD Catalyst 12.2 Pre-Certified Driver 2/16/2012

Commenting is not "whining" so there's really no need to be a dick. Just saying it's a freaking nightmare to do all this just to get AB running right. I wasn't pointing fingers. Unwinder does not wanna take on the task? Good for him and thanks for all the previous hard work.. happy trails. :rolleyes:

How am I being a dick when it's me posting how to solve the problem?
Now if I didn't post ANYTHING except "don't whine" then yes I'm being a dick...
I'm the only one who found the solution to this issue and I posted it on multiple forums. Not a single thank you from anyone....

BTW Unwinder doesn't deal with Ati driver bugs. He hates all the bugs in their drivers. And it seems to just be a dll file or something missing, since why would unwinder fix ati's drivers? As I said, gpu-z shows the 3d clocks you set in CCC as 300/150 unless you do the fix I mentioned (and THIS is a driver bug or some missing file or something, since everything works if you upgrade). Why would unwinder fix that?

back to league of legends....
fwiw; i've been using these:

using them for 2+ weeks with all the benefits of 12.2 and works with afterburner and trixx. every once in awhile i'll get a lock up when loading trixx, but other than that, zero issues with bf3 and skyrim. only things i'm really playing right now.

there has been many benchs proving those to have slower fps and performance in all games compered to rc11
there has been many benchs proving those to have slower fps and performance in all games compered to rc11

uh okay... maybe there is, i never researched them. i can say on my eyefinity rig in sig, i did not notice a difference in either of those games.
uh okay... maybe there is, i never researched them. i can say on my eyefinity rig in sig, i did not notice a difference in either of those games.

better performance? eyefinity? I never tried them because the benchs said they were not as good and that they can cause problems intaling and unistalling. I tried custom drivers on 6970s before and had to reinstall my whole os as a result so i am wary of modded drivers
How am I being a dick when it's me posting how to solve the problem?
Now if I didn't post ANYTHING except "don't whine" then yes I'm being a dick...
I'm the only one who found the solution to this issue and I posted it on multiple forums. Not a single thank you from anyone....

Thanks for posting a fix and acting like a dick. Feel better? :p

Seriously though. You seemed to take my comment as if it were directed at you personally. It wasn't. Perhaps I should not have quoted you as it was just a general comment about the fact we even have to go through these machinations to get software unbroken to begin with.

BTW Unwinder doesn't deal with Ati driver bugs. He hates all the bugs in their drivers. And it seems to just be a dll file or something missing, since why would unwinder fix ati's drivers? As I said, gpu-z shows the 3d clocks you set in CCC as 300/150 unless you do the fix I mentioned (and THIS is a driver bug or some missing file or something, since everything works if you upgrade). Why would unwinder fix that?

back to league of legends....

Perhaps you can point me in the direction of a quote where I even gave an inference that he should be fixing AMD's drivers... cuz I'm not seeing it in my post.

Have fun in LOL land. ;)
I uninstalled ati drivers and then rebooted then installed new drivers. Afterburner 2.2.0 beta 12 works fine for me for overclocking.
I uninstalled ati drivers and then rebooted then installed new drivers. Afterburner 2.2.0 beta 12 works fine for me for overclocking.

AB seems to work fine until you change the cfg file from this:

UnofficialOverclockingMode = 0

to this:

UnofficialOverclockingMode = 1

It seems to only get "broken" if you have the unofficial OC enabled.
I have unofficial set. I'm at 1200 core 1575 ram. Played bf3 earlier seems to be functioning fine.
I'm using sapphire trixx on these drivers and gpuz is reporting 1150mhz core 1500mhz mem. They fixed a lot of flickering and bullshit issues I was having in some games.
AB seems to work fine until you change the cfg file from this:

UnofficialOverclockingMode = 0

to this:

UnofficialOverclockingMode = 1

It seems to only get "broken" if you have the unofficial OC enabled.

unless a amd driver change can reset a afterburner cfg then I don't think that is the problem
This is ridiculous. I cannot run bf3 with these drivers. I can play any other game but not bf3
So....better than RC11 drivers or not? (especially for crossfire setups)Don't really want to have to go through a whole hoop and dance to get everything working.....
So....better than RC11 drivers or not? (especially for crossfire setups)Don't really want to have to go through a whole hoop and dance to get everything working.....

Definitely better for me. Roadhog is running 3 7970's and it was better for him too.
unless a amd driver change can reset a afterburner cfg then I don't think that is the problem

No. The AMD drivers did not change that. But if I enable unofficial OC in the cfg file and try to change the speed of either the GPU or RAM the fields simply revert back to blank when I hit apply. Without the unofficial OC everything works fine up to the CCC max.
So....better than RC11 drivers or not? (especially for crossfire setups)Don't really want to have to go through a whole hoop and dance to get everything working.....

Yeah, much better.

No hoop and dance necessary. Run the setup -> express uninstall -> reboot -> express install -> reboot -> great success. Easy as pie.
I got it working fine with ab the problem is it will not play bf3

If you are using eyefinity and can play bf3 plz tell me
Yeah, much better.

No hoop and dance necessary. Run the setup -> express uninstall -> reboot -> express install -> reboot -> great success. Easy as pie.

What CAPs should be used with these? the 12.1 CAPs? or the RC11 CAP3's?
Yes, AB beta is working fine, all I did was:

Uninstall existing,
run atiman uninstaller 6.3.1 auto
Install new driver
Go into AB 2.2.0 beta 10 and reapply my oc profile
Boot bf3, seems smoother on my eyefinity setup
that is all :)

ps, I installed no caps - I forgot? Didn't seem to need them yet?
No go on my Quad 7970. Installed many times over and used Atiman each time to remove in between. BSOD if i try to run BF3 in eyefinity. Can start a game if i'm using just a single screen.

Definitely seeing some weird scaling. 100% on one card, only 50% on the second. Gonna revert back and see if it gets better.

UPDATE: RC11 (& CAP3) > 12.3 (&/or CAP 12.1) for me. 100% on both GPU's &with bigger frame-rates . Oh well.......
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So, we have release, beta, hotfix and now Pre-Certified?

I'm about fed up with this AMD driver shit.
So, we have release, beta, hotfix and now Pre-Certified?

I'm about fed up with this AMD driver shit.

I was going to assume that Pre-Certified was the new name for beta. In any case I haven't had a driver since 10.6 that didn't freeze my laptop with a black screen if I launch a 3D app more than 1 time without rebooting in between. :(
I dont think even Atiman could get rid of all traces of the old drivers since it retained info on my eyefinity settings after uninstalling (New generation Extreme uninstall).

So.. prob have to reinstall windows everytime i try a new driver haha.
I know it was never promised. I just don't understand how SoftTH can make it work and AMD can't. Some kind of software limitation?

Yeah, it seems kind of silly.

IMHO the Eyefinity/Surround groups - if enabled - should take their monitor location and orientation settings directly from the Windows desktop settings, or at least use a similar GUI configuration. Then people could do as they please with their screens, and not only have it work on a narrow subset of configurations (all same resolutions, same orientation).

It is incredulous to me that neither AMD nor Nvidia have allowed custom multi-monitor rendering yet. It' seems like such a slam dunk no-brainer. Can't help but wonder what they are smoking.
I was going to assume that Pre-Certified was the new name for beta. In any case I haven't had a driver since 10.6 that didn't freeze my laptop with a black screen if I launch a 3D app more than 1 time without rebooting in between. :(

I read Pre-Certified as meaning it is a final version, but just hasn't gone through Microsoft WHQL testing and certification yet.

Since most drivers don't go through WHQL testing, I don't see this as a big issue, though it is odd that overclocking via 3rd party applications no longer works...

1. You're running Crossfire (Dual, Hybrid, normal, whatever)
2. You're playing BF3 successfully and noticed an improvement
3. You've upgraded to this version
4. You OC'ed your graphics

Question: What did you DO exactly to get it working?
So from the looks of things I should just wait for the next driver update... this is a bit ridiculous that the update is putting their drivers that much more out of date, it seems. This is really making me consider going green when keppler is finally released.
Yeah if these are infact going to be the first official drivers released in March then i really F'ed up buying 4 of these 7970s and lost my chance (the 15th) to return 1 of them and just run 3 which has been fine for me in BF3. Thats if these still crash in BF3 with QuadfireX as i wont know since i cant even run BF3 in eyefinity.. should of tried a single screen while i had them installed last.
So, we have release, beta, hotfix and now Pre-Certified?

I'm about fed up with this AMD driver shit.

The problems are easily solved by not using unofficial drivers.

Catalyst creator twittered that these shouldnt' be used by 7900 owners, shrug. I don't see why people are so anxious to use unofficial crap
why would they tweet it and not put it on their site? if you go on their driver finder and enter that you have a 7900 series, it still brings you to this.
The problems are easily solved by not using unofficial drivers.

Catalyst creator twittered that these shouldnt' be used by 7900 owners, shrug. I don't see why people are so anxious to use unofficial crap

Have you seen anything besides RC drivers for the 79XX cards yet?
I uninstalled drivers again, ran driver sweeper and installed the drivers this thread is named after and BF3 is running fine. Single new 7950.
atiman is crap. I cannot understand why ppl use this now. It misses alot of registry and files. driver sweeper in safemode is much better.

After using atiman i got bsods on install and unistall of drivers and had to redo my os. i am pissed about this

by the way this driver is broken for 7970 eyefinity in bf3. I have not heard from anyone who has this setup that it works

EDIT: does not work single card with ab enabled
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