AMD Catalyst 11.2 Now Available

To fix the Q3 engine issues all this time you have only had to rename the .exe to quake3.exe if i recall correctly.
I wonder if these drivers fix the dreaded FPS-bug-when-mouse-cursor-on-corner bug, while not bringing back the corrupted mouse cursor bug -_-
Ok so i am new to ATI/AMD , have been Nvidia my whole PC life. Nvidia was always super easy, go to, have the site scan your system, it then says your driver is old or current, if old you DL and install and bam, done.
I am however not sure how updating drivers works yet on my new 6950. Do i have to go to and input all my specs , see that Catalyst Software Suite is 11.2 instead of 11.1 and then download it all? Is that the way everyone does it? Nvidia was never so strong on the Suite part, (compared to AMD which seems to have their Suite and drivers update at the same time so you need to install everything) you just updated drivers and that was it so this is new to me.

(Btw to the poster who said "have you run driver sweeper?", is that something you need to do even when upgrading your driver on the same card? As in i always heard its best to clean your system of all drivers if you switch cards, but never heard of removing old drivers when your just updating them. Btw do you have a link for Driver Sweeper or Driver Cleaner? Thanks)

Another Question: When theres a hotfix, is that time you just DL the driver by itself or you download everything (Catalyst Suite package)?

It's not necessary to totally clean the drivers out with driver sweeper, but do uninstall (Catalyst) the old drivers and install the new video card drivers. I'm just saying as good practice to use programs like driver sweeper so no conflicts will happen with drivers, start with a clean slate. Driver Sweeper is under downloads on Guru3d. Nvidia does make it much simpler it seems, however as long as you know the video card and OS for Radeons it's pretty easy to get the right driver. You also have the easy option of using Steam to keep your AMD Radeon drivers up to date. It's under Featured Partners (right middle section of Steam Home page). So two easy ways to keep drivers up to date.
Just upgraded, and I'm still getting lag in the top-right corner. :(

Still? Shesh how long is it going to take for AMD to do something about this issue?
I am starting to think I should go back to the 9.8 driver or some driver from that time period.
It's not necessary to totally clean the drivers out with driver sweeper, but do uninstall (Catalyst) the old drivers and install the new video card drivers. I'm just saying as good practice to use programs like driver sweeper so no conflicts will happen with drivers, start with a clean slate. Driver Sweeper is under downloads on Guru3d. Nvidia does make it much simpler it seems, however as long as you know the video card and OS for Radeons it's pretty easy to get the right driver. You also have the easy option of using Steam to keep your AMD Radeon drivers up to date. It's under Featured Partners (right middle section of Steam Home page). So two easy ways to keep drivers up to date.

Sweet! Thanks. So i'll take it that when a new version is released, you download and install all of Catalyst Suite, instead of just the drivers like Nvidia. Thats awesome steam has that. Once more info is out on the AMD driver (sucks, only ever had issue with driver on nvidia once, and nvidia put out a alert right away to install old driver back) i will clean sweep my drivers, and steam update to the new ones. :)
I get it primarily when playing Heroes of Newerth, but others have reported it happening in SC2 as well.

oh ok, I'll need to test this out with SC2 sometime. It sounds situational as not everyone will get the same problem and depends on game. So I'm guessing you've used Vsync with your game and tried different game settings. The experiences I've had with radeon drivers sometimes involves Microsofts .Net Framework causing problems or a setting within CCC that I enabled. I generally keep my CCC settings on default as I don't want anything to interfere with gaming. I'm just wondering if you totally clean out the last driver (driver sweeper/cleaner) and install a new driver or over top the older driver. You may need to just install the ATI/AMD driver and not the CCC after a clean video driver uninstall.
oh ok, I'll need to test this out with SC2 sometime. It sounds situational as not everyone will get the same problem and depends on game. So I'm guessing you've used Vsync with your game and tried different game settings. The experiences I've had with radeon drivers sometimes involves Microsofts .Net Framework causing problems or a setting within CCC that I enabled. I generally keep my CCC settings on default as I don't want anything to interfere with gaming. I'm just wondering if you totally clean out the last driver (driver sweeper/cleaner) and install a new driver or over top the older driver. You may need to just install the ATI/AMD driver and not the CCC after a clean video driver uninstall.

Yep, been going through that the last few driver releases and no dice :)

I wouldn't call it a wide-spread, or even a known issue because it obviously doesn't affect everyone, but it does affect A LOT of people. With my current drivers I don't get the lag issue, but after about an hour or so of game play (which comes quick playing HoN or SC2) the mouse cursor will get corrupted, and remain corrupted even after you exit the game. The only solution is to reboot the system. The 10.12 drivers resolved the corruption issue, but introduced a whole new problem which is the lag problem. Also, it affects more than just HoN and SC2, but the problem is that RTS style games such are affected much more than other games because you're constantly panning up and down the map, and the FPS drop is significant. It drops down to about 9FPS, which you're going to notice, and it's going to bother you :)

This video shows the exact problem I'm talking about.
Sweet! Thanks. So i'll take it that when a new version is released, you download and install all of Catalyst Suite, instead of just the drivers like Nvidia. Thats awesome steam has that. Once more info is out on the AMD driver (sucks, only ever had issue with driver on nvidia once, and nvidia put out a alert right away to install old driver back) i will clean sweep my drivers, and steam update to the new ones. :)

You still have options with Catalyst Suite either Full Catalyst Suite or Individual download of just drivers or CCC. So pretty much the same thing, this option I don't think is with Steam though. You have people that's had bad experiences with Nvidia drivers too, I don't think drivers favor one particular person over another considering 1000's of hardware combinations. If you think of that, it's almost a miracle that anything works at all.
wow, just redid my OS today and tada new drivers! Hopefully my 5870 likes them.
Eh. Getting blue screens trying to install these. Running two 6850s in CrossfireX. Going back to 11.1...
Ok 5870 is happy so far, bought to fire up steam and try gaming
For people having problems (BSDs, corner-mouse-slowdowns, etc.) would you please post your system specs (OS/cpu/GPUs) and from what version you are upgrading?

Is the mouse-corner thing only CFX/5970?
flickering issue is baaaack for us multimonitor users :(
flickering issue is baaaack for us multimonitor users :(

Yup, pretty much time for me to bail on ATI. Just started having mouse control issues and that is a whole new problem for me. 5870's probably going to go into a development parts rig over the weekend.
they dont work dont use them i get a black screen of death..........

Same thing here, black screen after restart and then it looks like the drivers just deleted them selves lol

EDIT: No BSOD in the second attempt, i do have mouse lag in the top right corner tho
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A simply thing, the CCC icon in the systray.... Not fixed.. Why does ATI hate the systray?

edit: NM loaded on a second reboot. yay.
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I've never had AMD driver issues in exactly one circumstance spanning 5 rigs built over the last year and two laptops; the ones for friends & family I continually update as a courtesy. Machines are based on an x6 Phenom 1090T (triple crossfire 5870), two 1156 i7s including an 860 (5870 crossfire) and an i7-875K ( 5970+5870), and an i7-920 (4870). Finally, my primary desktop platform featuring a 5.1 GHz 2600k & triple xfire 6970s (recently plunged underwater in my first liquid radiated build).

Because of registry clutter that accumulates over time (especially if, at any point, a program like driversweeper is implemented that, in my experience, ALWAYS misses dozens of entries & botches subsequent updates from that point on), issues with the .net framework, et al. the optimal & bug-free implementation of AMD drivers seems impossible minus a dire, unsavory post format & defrag OS install.

I had encountered miserable ATI driver conflicts as is typical the average user, until I seriously took up computer modding as a hobby. Installing the 5970 had provided nightmares with Eyefinity, system seizing, issues with CCC not opening up, and windows error reports popping up without consistency - that is, the problem was there on occasion, but not repeatable thus degrading my performance expectation to a game of chance. After a complete wipe & starting from scratch, the system was brilliantly remedied. For one reason or another, I ran driver sweeper and after an update began seeing complications develop. I had encountered a few forum entries heavily chastising any other uninstall process besides the one AMD implemented, and read up some text where Terry "CatalystMaker" very strongly emphasized that, if for some reason you can't just re-install over the previous driver setup, use the Catalyst Uninstall (through Windows control panel in programs & features). That was the retiring of my AMD driver complications - and in implementing this fundamental procedural shift across 4 separate crossfire builds spanning starkly different hardware, usage priority, users, and on and on, I've experienced an effectively flawless year of AMD drivers. I'm telling you, despite how it seems, the AMD driver team doesn't just suck ass. AMD themselves are on record asserting that many complaints, seemingly ignored, instead are not acknowledged because the issue isn't reproducable! IIRC, something like 80% of the specific problems are simply not fixed because they can't be. It seems clear that most (not all, clearly, like the mouse-corner lag and so forth) develop from relatively miniscule, unintended, unexpected, unknown editing/fragments/uninstalling that manifest over time.

More recently, I noticed a specific function had been shifted from my Catalyst Control Center in meddling with Radeonpro settings a month or two back. I discovered Von's Mod, and in following the procedures (without having to manually tweak registry or reinstall the OS) have enjoyed a faster, cleaner, utterly microstutter free 6970 crossfire experience. Whilst I think microstutter is annoyingly overblown, I have occasionally experienced patches of it, albeit only during canned benchmarks (specifically Just Cause 2, Heaven 2.1, & Far Cry 2). In registering 163 fps in Heaven (1920*1080 normal tessellation, default settings), & 200 fps in Just Cause 2 (1920*1080, max settings desert sunrise) I was flabbergasted to watch NO stuttering in either circumstance after installing & following the advice directed by Von's Mod. Blew me away, seriously, as I'd resigned myself the (presumed) fact it was an intrinsic multi-GPU limitation. I recommend my fellow Radeon users in exhausted frustration visit the attached link below. Integrating all of the suggestions requires about an hour, perhaps more if you read through & take your time with it. Dramatically improved my already smooth running drivers, as I said, so hopefully it will help some crawl beyond the rut of driver based misery.

Von's Mod
Bluescreen while copying files over a network.. Gross. I haven't had a genuine blue screen in forever.
Bluescreen while copying files over a network.. Gross. I haven't had a genuine blue screen in forever.

Why on earth would a GPU driver cause a BSOD during a network file transfer? Or mess with a mouse's input? What the heck ATI?
No issues here. Installed over the top and rebooted. CCC seems to start faster.

Heaven 2.1 Benchmark
BC2, Wings of Prey, MWLL Crysis Wars, Civ 5
BSOD and failed driver install...3 attempts at installing 1st upgrading 11.1 then clean installs after driver sweeper...had the same problem with 11.1hotfix release...going back to 11.1 it looks like.
Why on earth would a GPU driver cause a BSOD during a network file transfer? Or mess with a mouse's input? What the heck ATI?

No idea, happened a second time too. Don't think it was so much the file transfer as it was crappy drivers.

Second time Windows dumped out on a hard crash while copying files and installing logitech game panel.

After rolling back to 11.1a so far I'm nearly complete my 55gb file transfer, installed virtual box, logitech game panel, installed Heaven Benchmark and been browsing around the net.

ie: I can't recreate what happened twice in a row just doing normal multitasking.
I would say installation went well on mine. No crashes and no mouse lags (never had this in the first place).
Iand no mouse lags (never had this in the first place).

Take your mouse pointer, move it to the very top of the desktop, now slide it all the way to the top right corner and watch the magic happen.
Just happened to me too, wow

might be some "feature" so you can actually click your window controls more easily. what a terrible "feature"
I know I've said this before, but...

Am I the only person that has the mouse lag in the bottom right corner? Good thing the mouse never goes there.
Installed fine here. Uninstalled old, rebooted, installed new, rebooted. No need for driversweeper or any crap as usual. Can't say I notice any mouse lag either.

No real performance boost either but then the driver revision is a small increment over the 11.1a hotfix.
I just tried installing the new 11.2 Driver in multiple ways and they all failed. I also have a Sapphire 6950 with a modded bios and OC'd.

Details in the sig.

Back to 11.1a for now.