AMC Entertainment CEO Open To Allowing Texting in Some Theaters

I used to like AMC. Now I'm saddened that their headquarters is in my city. Luckily, we also have an Alamo Drafthouse.
Funny how fast they did a 180 on this....

AMC: Just Kidding About That Whole Texting In Theaters Thing

“Unlike the many AMC advancements that you have applauded, we have heard loud and clear that this is a concept our audience does not want,” Aron writes. “In this age of social media, we get feedback from you almost instantaneously and as such, we are constantly listening. Accordingly, just as instantaneously, this is an idea that we have relegated to the cutting room floor.”

Just to be clear, Aron goes on, that means there will be no texting allowed in any auditoriums at AMC Theatres.

“Not today, not tomorrow, and not in the foreseeable future,” Aron writes.
Hopefully it'll be another 127 years before some dumbass thinks about bringing this stupid shit up again...
You won't stop them all, but maybe you can help change a few and make a few others think before they do something rude.
Problem is, it only takes one immature self centered jerk to ruin a performance in say, even a big place like carnagie hall (seating capacity about 2500, if I remember correctly). It's a nice idea, but the problem is, people really already know it's wrong to do so many things, but they just don't care about anyone else, and we can't fix that. Cell phone use in theaters has been widely discussed for years, yet we still have that problem, as we do with jerks who need to discuss the movie during said movie.

As far as all those important twits who NEED to be available in case of some life threatening emergency, if you're that important, and you absolutely, positively MUST to go to the movies on a night you are on call because if you don't take your honeybuns to see it she'll divorce you and out you as a goat fucker if you don't, then you can register with the theater management when you arrive. Just tell them something along these lines: 'Hello, I'm Dr Dickhead, and I'm a very, very, very important neurosurgeon who does very very very important operations that no one else in the world can do, so I'll be in theater #4 watching Rocky fights the Martians part 13, and I'll tell the usher where I'll be sitting in case anyone needs me. I've notified the white house and the U.N. that I'm here and I gave them the theater's phone number where I can be located in case anyone calls for me'. Very very very important people have been doing this for a long time (uncle was a doctor never carried a beeper either, just advised his service where he was when he was on call), and it inconveniences absolutely no one, and also makes sure you will be notified in case the cell service goes out. Now turn off your god damn phone, and stop behaving like you're the most important twit on earth.

The whole 'I'm so important that I should be able to inconvenience everybody else' argument is lame and always has been, civilized people know that. So give it up, STFU, and behave the way you want other people to treat you: With respect, like an adult, not a spoiled brat.

Rant over. Some things just piss me off. Sorry.
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I'll just keep the "cigs" on and not worry about it. If the FCC is monitoring the 2 to 3 times a year I go to a theater I am going to take it in the pants but I will live.