Am I getting screwed by MSI?!?


Limp Gawd
Nov 9, 2007
I sent in a P45 Neo-3 FR this week for an RMA. Many of you here on the forum helped me trouble shoot my dead system. I got this e-mail back today:

We are inform you that we have found a physical damage under your RMA. Please review the attached pictures. This damaged board will not qualify for a replacement due to the physical damage. However, we will attempt to test and repair the product. Thank you for your attention.

They attached this picture:

I had a local vendor review the board the day before I sent the board back to MSI and they said it was physically flawless and they couldn't see any busted CAPS, it just seemed like a bad board from the get go. I feel like I'm getting screwed here as I did my due diligence before sending the board in. Any oppinions?!?
Unless you took pictures of the board before you sent it in, it's a he said/she said type of argument. I'd say you're getting screwed by MSI...sorry. I would probably have sent it back to the retailer rather than MSI personally unless you had it for a while.
"However, we will attempt to test and repair the product. Thank you for your attention."

So they're basically saying, a.) it's a physically damaged board (something not under MSI's control) yet they're still offering to repair whatever is wrong.

That's pretty decent service imo. I really doubt your local vendor examined it that thoroughly, easily something that could be overlooked.
I would say the board is showing to have taken a really hard hit. MSI has no reason to RMA it on its dime. Before I send anything in for RMA, I document the board with photos and usually put some sort of "secret" mark on the board and document that as well. Then you have records of your product and proof that the product in question is yours.
And so the man puts in his two cents. Someone else said that too. I should have been more prepared to participate in the RMA process before it all started. I guess it's a good lesson, though sadly a $150 lesson! Thanks for all of your input, if anyone has any idea as far as how to deal with the situation please let me know!
What was the board doing? It seems that there are no traces right on that corner and only the sound junk around there. I'd just email everyone you can on their site and explain your situation/complaint.
Well it doesn't really matter if there are traces or not, physical damage "indicates" abuse... typically...

If it came that way or not, we have no proof cause there was no photos taken before it got to MSI...

It's a shitty situation, but what can you do eh?
Maybe it was damaged in transit? did they take pics of the box it came in? If so, you could file a claim with your courier. :confused:
you are lucky that they said they would try to repair it. most companies would just send it back with xeroxed photos and/or adhesive arrows on it pointing to the damage with a letter saying this has physical damage. bye.
Erm, it looks to me like a chipped corner. Why would that affect the rest of the board?
Erm, it looks to me like a chipped corner. Why would that affect the rest of the board?

The problem for MSI is that the RMA issue could also have been caused by the same thing that cause that "chipped corner." There are people out there that would try to get a RMA on a board they know they caused damage to (not saying the OP is one of them). Manufacturers have to look out for themselves sometimes.
Thanks for all of the replies guys. It seems I'm stuck for now but I don't think this will happen again :)