All 8800GTX cards recalled!

What a bunch of crap this is. Decapitator, so what do you think you're going to do? RMA yours in a few weeks?
mike686 said:
What a bunch of crap this is. Decapitator, so what do you think you're going to do? RMA yours in a few weeks?
Personally, I'd walk into Fry's and say: "I need to return this."

If they give you any lip about getting the card early, just say: "Take that up with your own sales staff."

You didn't do anything wrong and the fact that it is defective just makes your argument that Fry's shouldn't have sold it to you that much stronger! (though of course, ironically, this was a cool thing only 24 hours ago!)

You gave them money. They gave you a product. That product is defective. End of story.

Remember, you are the customer and they have your money.

I mean, what are they going to do? Arrest you and ship you off to NVIDIA for interrogation?

Hurin said:
Personally, I'd walk into Fry's and say: "I need to return this."

If they give you any lip about getting the card early, just say: "Take that up with your own sales staff."

I mean, what are they going to do? Arrest you and ship you off to NVIDIA for interrogation?


LOL interrogation. I'm thinking my best bet is to order one from Newegg on Wednesday, and return my the first one to Fry's when I get the Newegg one, so I won't have any downtime.
mike686 said:
LOL interrogation. I'm thinking my best bet is to order one from Newegg on Wednesday, and return my the first one to Fry's when I get the Newegg one, so I won't have any downtime.

you better be quick on Newegg as these things are gonna sell like hotcakes :)
mike686 said:
What a bunch of crap this is. Decapitator, so what do you think you're going to do? RMA yours in a few weeks?

Hi Mike
I talked to tech support and he said as soon as they are released on the 8th to just call them and request an RMA and they will replace them. They are in Brea so it should be fast as we are about the only ones requesting an RMA on the 8800GTX :D
decapitator said:
Hi Mike
I talked to tech support and he said as soon as they are released on the 8th to just call them and request an RMA and they will replace them. They are in Brea so it should be fast as we are about the only ones requesting an RMA on the 8800GTX :D

Did they say if they will do cross-shipping? (Send out the card right away instead of waiting for your card to arrive)
tisb0b said:
you better be quick on Newegg as these things are gonna sell like hotcakes :)

What time do y'all think the big etailers are going to be selling 'em? Midnight? 2AM, 3AM? I don't think I'm going to get any sleep that night. In fact, I think I'll take off work, hehe.

I just hope the eVGA units are available on the 8th.
Brahmzy said:
What time do y'all think the big etailers are going to be selling 'em? Midnight? 2AM, 3AM? I don't think I'm going to get any sleep that night. In fact, I think I'll take off work, hehe.

I just hope the eVGA units are available on the 8th.

I'd say 6-9 AM Pacific time.
mike686 said:
Did they say if they will do cross-shipping? (Send out the card right away instead of waiting for your card to arrive)

He wasn't real happy to talk about it :D But being local it could only be a day at the most. I'm calling them back to see if I should register the unopened one :p
FuzzyPoncho said:
ahh wtf dont they test some of the cards these things before shipment?? :mad:

if theres is no GTX at launch they will suck.....

umm, yes they will have tested them to death!
read the article again, no indication that this is nvidias fault has been made.
Hurin said:
Is anyone nervous about getting a card that was torn out of its box, hastily resoldered (new resistor), and then rushed back out?

Stability is important to me. I think I'm going to buy a cheap-o PCI-E card for under $50 and just tinker with my overclock on my new rig until all this calms down.


Thats what I'm doing (not for this reason). I sold my 7900GT to help fund an 8800GTX, and now I'm using a 7300GS!! Can't play CSS on anything higher then 640x480 resolution lol.
mike and dec, you should take a large set of high res pics of your pre-resistor fixed g80s, and then others should take pics of the "fixed" ones. let's see if this is real or hoohah
i_am_mustang_man said:
mike and dec, you should take a large set of high res pics of your pre-resistor fixed g80s, and then others should take pics of the "fixed" ones. let's see if this is real or hoohah

I will, but I don't know if you'll be able to notice. Resistors are pretty damn small.
LOL is all I have to say. I build PCB's for a company here in STL, and the FIRST FUCKING THING we check is that we have the right parts, and these were done by a machine so some douchebag must have loaded the machine wrong. Awesome.
BronxBartoni said:
LOL is all I have to say. I build PCB's for a company here in STL, and the FIRST FUCKING THING we check is that we have the right parts, and these were done by a machine so some douchebag must have loaded the machine wrong. Awesome.
So, are these fixed by hand or just reloaded into a machine that's been re-programmed to remove and replace?

Most likely by hand. I dont think there is such a machine...Plus replacing parts by machine subjects the entire card to "another" high thermal cycle. A by hand replacement only affects that single part.
PoMan said:
Most likely by hand. I dont think there is such a machine...Plus replacing parts by machine subjects the entire card to "another" high thermal cycle. A by hand replacement only affects that single part.

Anyone have any idea what this resistor could look like so I can look for it on my card?
PoMan said:
Most likely by hand. I dont think there is such a machine...Plus replacing parts by machine subjects the entire card to "another" high thermal cycle. A by hand replacement only affects that single part.
I was asking that guy in particular because he works in PCB manufacturing and could corroborate this statement in a comment on DailyTech:

As long as it's the SAME transistor on each board, they can set that up as an automated manufacturing process for re-assembly.

Typically the robot machine will locate the component position using place markers on the pcb.
mike686 said:
Anyone have any idea what this resistor could look like so I can look for it on my card?

look for the tiny rectangular shaped components soldered at both ends to the board.
You need tweezers to accurately put them in place.
Did Nvidia or any of their board partners ever come out and say exactly what the problem was with some of the 7900 cards?

I'm not talking about speculation about one of the IC chips on the back getting hot or bad Samsung memory....something more definite than this.
i_am_mustang_man said:
mike and dec, you should take a large set of high res pics of your pre-resistor fixed g80s, and then others should take pics of the "fixed" ones. let's see if this is real or hoohah

Yeah, rip the heat sinks off and take pictures. Then send that shit back to them in 2 or 3 pieces. :p
yevaud said:
Yeah, rip the heat sinks off and take pictures. Then send that shit back to them in 2 or 3 pieces. :p

LOL, that's fucked up man. I just want a 100% working card.
I dont know why you guys just dont wait for the new batch of cards. Buy a new one @ frys and swap the cards then return it saying you have an AGP system.
Ha, my friend does that. He buys cases and stuff off of ebay or any other online site, and buys the same thing at micro center, then returns the one he bought online! Such a smart system, but kinda shitty! lol.
Indepedant sources are reporting only 3,200 GPUs affected by this minor issue. The entire first batch was tested, and the few thousand that were affected would be fixed on time for the Nov. 8 launch date.

It certainly isn't of a 10,000+ magnitude, and things of this nature typically happen anyways with new hardware, so it's not really a big deal, or atleast won't be by launch day.
If you get a bad card, bitch and complain to Nvidia and wherever you buy the card from. Who knows, you might even get it for free! :D
Astrogiblet said:
If you get a bad card, bitch and complain to Nvidia and wherever you buy the card from. Who knows, you might even get it for free! :D

I call that the Dell Strategy. I managed to get $200 in coupons from them this week for spending several hours on an issue my PC was having (that still isn't fixed. :mad: )

Anywho, sorry to get OT.
D4hPr0 said:
I dont know why you guys just dont wait for the new batch of cards. Buy a new one @ frys and swap the cards then return it saying you have an AGP system.
Yeah, it's best not to go into detail with the Fry's guy. You want a cold, hard, "bitching session" stopper like that. I like, "tried a known good working card". Beats explaining that whole 7900GT issue that almost made their heads explode. :D
Note to all: Do not get in a technical discussion with any computer store employee.

lol. Seriously. Even the people who work at Micro Center dont know shit.. or at least the one in Troy, MI.
Astrogiblet said:
Note to all: Do not get in a technical discussion with any computer store employee.

lol. Seriously. Even the people who work at Micro Center dont know shit.. or at least the one in Troy, MI.

Yep, some guy at my local worstBuy tried to sell this good looking girl :)D) some headphones for her iPod. You know, the 1" kind.

He SWORE it would work.

I butted in and said, "Are you kidding me?" and got into an argument with him, infront of the customer. He said to me, "Well you're not the one working here now are you" (unprofessional anyone?) and left. The woman (Amanda :D) asked me why she should believe me over him, and I busted out my iPod and SHOWED her there was no way it could fit in the stereo mini jack :p. We chatted for awhile and agreed how the best buy staff needs to go to hell. I later became friends with her, as she was going to the same University with me.

God, I love best buy :p
Arcygenical said:
Yep, some guy at my local worstBuy tried to sell this good looking girl :)D) some headphones for her iPod. You know, the 1" kind.

He SWORE it would work.

I butted in and said, "Are you kidding me?" and got into an argument with him, infront of the customer. He said to me, "Well you're not the one working here now are you" (unprofessional anyone?) and left. The woman (Amanda :D) asked me why she should believe me over him, and I busted out my iPod and SHOWED her there was no way it could fit in the stereo mini jack :p. We chatted for awhile and agreed how the best buy staff needs to go to hell. I later became friends with her, as she was going to the same University with me.

God, I love best buy :p

Friends? Hit that shit, son!
Retarded best buy employee's. Every reason to shop at Best Buy. I've corrected best buy employee's before. I've also helped a few people at best buy because that damn store refuses to hire enough people to work their sections. God. I've seen people standing there for 45 minutes waiting for people to talk to before.