All 8800GTX cards recalled!

I never really thought about the concept of being "over qualified". Maybe when I listed like 10 things I am qualified to work on that most people havent heard of, that was a bad thing..
Next time you go in the store, thank them for not employing you.
It saved your CV from looking bad :D

I had a similar experience in the UK with PC World.
Something posessed me to ask the manager of a local store if he would like his staff training.
He said yes and gave me his contact details to follow up.
I decided not to as I have standards lol.
RiZnO said:
Mikes and Decapitors are probably Mint... The logistics of recalling every single gtx already shipped and then fixing them and getting them back out for wed. would be practically impossible.. there is no company or shipper around that could handle that type of undertaking at the dollar amount involved. 99% of most shippers do not work on sundays, so the shipments would of had to be picked and packed and shipped on Friday for an overnite Saturday delivery. Fixed and repacked and reshipped for a delivery on Tues or Wed morning the latest? Yeah right... there would be thousands of cards rolling in to the warehouse in one day to be fixed the same day? Not happening... two possible ways: 1. the current retail cards are being replaced with new ones by Wed. and retailers will ship back the ones they have now(not likely at all) 2. This like others have said has been already corrected prior to retail ship and we are hearing about it a week or more later. jmo

NT no subject.
decapitator said:
Its nice to know they stand behind their CONNING customers.

^^ Fixed ^^

Cheat the system, and it will eventually come back to bite you in the ass.
Idiot said:

Cheat the system, and it will eventually come back to bite you in the ass.

How did I cheat the system genius?? I walked into a major computer store told them what I was looking for and gave them my money and the sold me the cards. :rolleyes:
Astrogiblet said:
^^ Fixed ^^

Cheat the system, and it will eventually come back to bite you in the ass.

How the hell is he cheating the system. You know damn well if you saw them in the store 4 days before the release date you would buy one too.
mike686 said:
You actually are missing one vital requirement: stupidity. Without this, you may very well never get a job at Best Buy or CompUSA.

Yeah, the boss of the computer department or whatever there won't want to hire someone smarter than themselves.
decapitator said:
How did I cheat the system genius?? I walked into a major computer store told them what I was looking for and gave them my money and the sold me the cards. :rolleyes:

Hmm.. You got a card 4 or 5 days before it came out. Probably lost a guy his job because he sold it to you and didnt know he wasnt supposed to. Potentially got the store that sold it to you fined (especially for posting it all over a MASSIVE forum like this one). I know when BB sold xbox 360's before their launch date they got fined $5000 per unit.

Essentially, you knew you were doing wrong, and you chose to do wrong anyways.

True, if I would have been there, I probably would have done the same thing, though. :p
Astrogiblet said:
Hmm.. You got a card 4 or 5 days before it came out. Probably lost a guy his job because he sold it to you and didnt know he wasnt supposed to. Potentially got the store that sold it to you fined (especially for posting it all over a MASSIVE forum like this one). I know when BB sold xbox 360's before their launch date they got fined $5000 per unit.

Essentially, you knew you were doing wrong, and you chose to do wrong anyways.

True, if I would have been there, I probably would have done the same thing, though. :p

But I'm just a stupid consumer that doesn't know what's going on in the computer world. I wanted the best card at the time, and picked it up. I had no idea it was still under NDA. Hell, I dont even know what an NDA *IS*.

BestBuy got finded because THEY cheated the system. The individuals that bought it, got lucky as hell, but did nothing wrong. Had they, then you could bet your ass MS would have been ALL over the few that got the 360's early!
Astrogiblet said:
I never really thought about the concept of being "over qualified". Maybe when I listed like 10 things I am qualified to work on that most people havent heard of, that was a bad thing..
I actually got an interview with them a bit over a year ago, they never responded, so I called them and asked to see what they thought of me... they said I was overqualified, and that is when I knew nothing about computers (at least compared to now). Last time I was there, I was trying to get a big LCD for my computer, and the idiot there tried to convince me to "save some money and use an LCD TV as a monitor!" Well, I said fuck that and left. They had as shitty overpriced selection anyways (is it just me, or is that 22" westinghouse ALWAYS on sale?).

Ironically, I ended up using a 32" LCD TV as a monitor anyways. Yay for spending $550 shipped w/ tax for 32" :D
I just went to my local Fry's and they said the GTX cards were recalled and their replacement shipment won't be back for a few days :mad:
I bought a BFG 8800GTX this morning at Fry's - how can I tell if it is the "revised" version with the correct resistor?
dworley said:
I bought a BFG 8800GTX this morning at Fry's - how can I tell if it is the "revised" version with the correct resistor?
Which Fry's. I know all the 8800gtx @ frys anaheim were updated.. :)
Jasonx82 said:
Which Fry's. I know all the 8800gtx @ frys anaheim were updated.. :)
Frys in Austin TX - they had (2) 8800GTX and I was soooooo tempted to buy two but saving up for a 680i mb and a quad core C2D :p