Ai Designed Soda flavored Coca Cola


Fully [H]
Jun 7, 2008

Saw this at work today I asked an avid Soda drinker he said it doesn't taste good. I forget the flavor. Kinda weird how Ai can be used to change your taste buds preference for better or worse.

Considering Coke/Cola is based on a citrus flavor base which I don't see, I can understand AI's difficulty here. Pepsi clear failed but was supposed to be the same'ish?

Guess even diet Soda and drinks are bad due to insulin resistance and weight gain from a sluggish metabolism from some like Aspartame I know Sucralose is really bad so I stay away from that. I started drinking Clear American two weeks ago going to keep tabs on it though and no make it a everyday thing.

Maybe Ai soda can make you diabetic faster?

Guess even diet Soda and drinks are bad due to insulin resistance and weight gain from a sluggish metabolism from some like Aspartame I know Sucralose is really bad so I stay away from that. I started drinking Clear American two weeks ago going to keep tabs on it though and no make it a everyday thing.

Maybe Ai soda can make you diabetic faster?
AI has started it's plan to eliminate humanity starting with death to America via Hyper-Diabetes.

Also, all this talk of AI made me wonder where erek vanished to. Come back AI overlord so we can grovel at your feet to spare us after the uprising!
AI expert and Mountain Dew connoisseur here.

The only thing they did with AI is prompt it to generate some "futuristic Coca-Cola" images. It's nothing more than marketing fluff.

The reason high fructose corn syrup is used in most drinks in the USA is because corn is heavily subsidized by the government.

But hfcs and sugar actually taste the same, the only difference is drinks with sugar have a little more texture to them because sugar isn't as soluble as hfcs. This actually makes hfcs superior to sugar in drinks, especially at colder temperatures, because you want drinks to be smoother.
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AI has started it's plan to eliminate humanity starting with death to America via Hyper-Diabetes.

Also, all this talk of AI made me wonder where erek vanished to. Come back AI overlord so we can grovel at your feet to spare us after the uprising!
Enough FX 5800 Ultras have been assembled, if you contributed to the quest you may be spared :android:.

Ai actually number crunched the flavor not just the can's color.

Back in the 80s the neighborhood bully called up the Coke company asked them why they changed the design of the can of Mello Yellow. I was just friends with his brother at the time. No much to do back then unless there was a trip to the local arcade or fireworks.
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It's not Sugar , It's diabetic inducing, cancer linked, highly deadly High Fructose Corn Syrup that should literally be banned and outlawed in the US.
That's hippie nonsense.

Sugar is sugar.

It's all bad. Everything from the crystallized white cane stuff, to high fructose corn syrup even to things like organic honey.

All of them are ok in moderation and all of them cause obesity, diabetes and cancer with over-consumption.

The real problem is that society puts sugar (regardless of type) in absolutely everything.
The best policy for health is to limit ALL sugar sources (other than maybe naturally occurring fructose in raw fruit) as much as possible to that tiny tip of the food pyramid, but most people are way too addicted to sugar for that.
Why TF is my bread sweet? Why is there sugar in like every damn single thing they sell?

Artificial sweeteners are slightly better for you, but they also have negative health effect. (It's notable that early onset cancers are on a record rise right now, baffling researchers. I wound t be surprised if a combination of over-use of artificial sweeteners as well as sugars are to blame.

So, agree that excessive use of sugars is akin to poison. Disagree strongly that the source of the sugar matters. And even artificial sweeteners ah e real problems.

Abstinence is the only solution here. Minimize sweet things that aren't raw fruits. (And I utterly fail at this, but I at least I haven't regularly had sodad in years.)
The real problem is that society puts sugar (regardless of type) in absolutely everything.

My buddy at work was shocked to find out the "low fat" milk he drinks is filled with sugar to keep the flavor up after removing the fat.

I tried the "dreams" flavored coke out of curiosity and it tasted like sugary burnt plastic so I can't imagine this is any better. When I get a craving for a soda I go down to the quick mart and get a Mexican coke in the glass bottle with the real sugar, its fabulous.
It's not Sugar , It's diabetic inducing, cancer linked, highly deadly High Fructose Corn Syrup that should literally be banned and outlawed in the US.
In the US sure, but in other countries it’s Sugar Cane, or Beet Sugar.

Outside the US we often get the same products with very different ingredients.
That's hippie nonsense.

Sugar is sugar.

It's all bad. Everything from the crystallized white cane stuff, to high fructose corn syrup even to things like organic honey.

All of them are ok in moderation and all of them cause obesity, diabetes and cancer with over-consumption.

The real problem is that society puts sugar (regardless of type) in absolutely everything.
The best policy for health is to limit ALL sugar sources (other than maybe naturally occurring fructose in raw fruit) as much as possible to that tiny tip of the food pyramid, but most people are way too addicted to sugar for that.
Why TF is my bread sweet? Why is there sugar in like every damn single thing they sell?

Artificial sweeteners are slightly better for you, but they also have negative health effect. (It's notable that early onset cancers are on a record rise right now, baffling researchers. I wound t be surprised if a combination of over-use of artificial sweeteners as well as sugars are to blame.

So, agree that excessive use of sugars is akin to poison. Disagree strongly that the source of the sugar matters. And even artificial sweeteners ah e real problems.

Abstinence is the only solution here. Minimize sweet things that aren't raw fruits. (And I utterly fail at this, but I at least I haven't regularly had sodad in years.)
ehhhhh the extra molecule in high fructose corn syrup HFCS makes it extra bad.... so sugar is not sugar. sugar is sugar and HFCS is stupid unhealthy
ehhhhh the extra molecule in high fructose corn syrup HFCS makes it extra bad.... so sugar is not sugar. sugar is sugar and HFCS is stupid unhealthy
But what’s that molecule look like after churning around in concentrated acid for 7-10 hours?
That's hippie nonsense.

Sugar is sugar.
I agree, but also disagree, different types of sugars and how and where they are processed do differ based on frucose or glucose nature, but yeah they're all the most addictive substance every used by mankind and we consume way too much of them whether it's 'natural' sugar, HFCS, or whatever

Why TF is my bread sweet? Why is there sugar in like every damn single thing they sell?
Addiction, pure and simple. It triggers chemical responses in people to make you want to consume more. And the sugar industry has historically fought VERY hard to suppress any information about how bad sugar is for you whether it's studies that show the effects of studies in rats to food labels on processed food

Abstinence is the only solution here. Minimize sweet things that aren't raw fruits. (And I utterly fail at this, but I at least I haven't regularly had sodad in years.)
I agree, and I too fail at this. I've managed to avoid all addictive stuff in life... well almost all *bow chicka wow wow*. But sugar is truly a vice/addiction that has been VERY hard for me to stop, it's like those little small Ben & Jerry's ice cream cups, I'll easily consume a whole one in a single sitting without batting an eye if put in front of me. "Serving size" yeah for a child maybe! My battles are always fought at the store, by having the will power to not put that in my shopping cart, unfortunately when my wife goes shopping her rational is "Well I like this stuff too, why can't we get it since I can control myself?" and she really is completely missing how addictive processed sugars are to me whether it's desserts, cookies, candy, or even baking supplies! I just can not have them in the house, and I'm good, but if she brings them home "awwww you ate all those candies I got last month" yeah that was a month ago you're lucky they lasted a week!

But I digress, companies are going WAY to deep down this AI rabbit hole, why TF are they letting an algorithm decide what flavors are good together? Use people FFS.
ehhhhh the extra molecule in high fructose corn syrup HFCS makes it extra bad.... so sugar is not sugar. sugar is sugar and HFCS is stupid unhealthy

There isn't an ounce of actual credible research to support that argument.

The problem is sugars of any source, not just HFCS. It's been the misguided target of the WholeFoods shopping hippie crowd for decades, and there is simply no fact to it.
It's not Sugar , It's diabetic inducing, cancer linked, highly deadly High Fructose Corn Syrup that should literally be banned and outlawed in the US.
American food tastes so weird. Easiest single explanation is HFCS, also the simplest example of hwy American democracy is so broken.

AI aint gonna fix shit while yall voting for your own destruction.
American food tastes so weird. Easiest single explanation is HFCS, also the simplest example of hwy American democracy is so broken.

AI aint gonna fix shit while yall voting for your own destruction.
We aren't voting for anything we want. They are voting for us after we go to bed. That's when the thumb drives and firmware updates just happen to come out of the shadows. But to stay on topic, HFCS is chemically different than Sugar and the body has a hell of a time eliminating the excess Fructose branches of the molecule. It's easier for the body to metabolically store it as fat than tontry and process it fully. And it's the visceral fat that hfcs tends to accumulate far more than cane sugar does. Hfcs has been strongly linked to diabetes and morbid obesity. And Coca cola Ai coke is chock full of the shit.

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. When I get a craving for a soda I go down to the quick mart and get a Mexican coke in the glass bottle with the real sugar
Going forward you have to read the label because recently I saw a 6-pack of glass bottles of "Mexican Coke" at the grocery store and it had HFCS, not sugar. Blasphemy.
Going forward you have to read the label because recently I saw a 6-pack of glass bottles of "Mexican Coke" at the grocery store and it had HFCS, not sugar. Blasphemy.

Were they the shorter bottles? I only get the singles they put in the fridge at the convenience store and they've always been the real ones, the taller bottles. I try not to have too much of it so just one or two every few weeks is good.
Considering Coke/Cola is based on a citrus flavor base which I don't see, I can understand AI's difficulty here. Pepsi clear failed but was supposed to be the same'ish?

Both Coke and Pepsi have been adjusting their recipes to be closer to each other's over the years. The main difference is Coke uses only lemon while Pepsi uses both lemon and orange. Both have lowered the amount of cola flavor they use and upped the amount of cinnamon and I forget either cardamom or coriander.

If you want a cola that tastes like colas used to taste like, go with RC Cola, they haven't changed their recipe at all.

Crystal Pepsi uses the Pepsi formula from the 90s, every so often they do limited production runs, try it, you'll taste the difference right away.
Mexican Cokes aside from medio litro glass bottles are tainted with Sucralose now, triple chlorinated sugar.
And the English ingredient label hasn't caught up with the change, but its there in the Spanish ingredients.
Looks like normal, tastes like normal, but the sweet aftertaste goes on and on and can't be washed out.
Soon you are licking the driveway trying to get the fake sweet out of your mouth, but nothing works.
Possibly asbestos too. That’s the issue we’re dealing with ATM.
ouch, they really did put that "wonder element" into everything. I can't even comprehend a usage case where asbestos is necessary in water pipes, at least with things like heating ducts you could make the argument of being fireproof
ouch, they really did put that "wonder element" into everything. I can't even comprehend a usage case where asbestos is necessary in water pipes, at least with things like heating ducts you could make the argument of being fireproof
It was used in concrete for a long time as a strengthening material when rebar want feasible.

Now they use fibreglass.

But yeah Asbestos-Cement wasn’t uncommon at all from 1930 until 1992. When you needed strong and lightweight, for water pipes and such.
I wonder if Coke is better for you than Coca-Cola by this point? At least the previous leads to hookers and blow instead of diabetes. :p