AGP... Is it dead?

lithium726 said:
You heard wrong. The x850XT PE/6800Ultra era of cards was barely saturating the AGP 4x bus, and the AGP 8x bus was never used to its full capacity.

I guess it was the AGP2x to AGP4x bottleneck and not the AGP4x to AGP 8x that I was thinking.

I admit I don't read a lot about PC stuff except the time after I had bought a PC with integrated graphics (I was totally cussing myself at that time) and that was back in 2001. I can't check the timeline but 2001 is when AGP4x came out, right?
lol AGP is dieing but I wish it would stop. PCIe is just as good. Hell I'm still quite happy with the performance of this GF Ti4800. AGP still hasn't been fully tapped and we're already moving off to PCIe.

All you AGP is dead people would HATE my roommate. He's still running an old K6-2 and his most upgraded system is an old P4 board and proc I had laying around(the board uses SD ram).

I think I've said all there is to say on this issue ;)
AGP 8X was good enough. AGP also has a direct connection to the CPU, which PCI-e AFAIK does not have.

Besides, AGP 8x has the capability to have more than one slot, anyways. It is part of the standard. I really have no idea why we need PCI-e for graphics.
Dieing? Yes. Dead? No. Hell, PCI cards are still around today.

But I'm sure that's all been said.

Anyways, when it does die in a few years (5 I'd say) I'm sure it will still have a place in all out hearts..... and a museum. =P

9600XT 256mb FTW!
For me AGP is working fine. I have I guess a really good EVGA 6800 Ultra. I can overclock it stable to 434. On a P4 3.2 ASUS P4C800E-Deluxe the only upgrade I had to make was getting the XFI. I have to admit I am glad my system is what it is. I dont have the problems of the XFI or the 7900s. I run all my games in 1280x1024. After using Coolbits3d and bumbing my CPU speed up to 3.3Ghz it runs damn good I have to admit. The only game that I have any issues with is some slight stuttering with Half-Life2 ep 1. I wont upgrade until the engineers get proven systems back for sale I can assure you of that.

Actually I am posting this because I am a computer service provider and I really feel for all the people troublshooting the 7900 cards and the XFI sound cards on what ever system board they are dealing with. Those video cards are very expensive so their are some people around that got the cash to burn on SLI I know that.

Anyway I guess my main point is to all those AGP users out there, I found using Coolbits3d unbelievable. It brought out everything the 6800 ultra had. It almost seems like I am playing Doom 3 in Ultra mode now.

So try it if you havnt.
I have been trying to avoid making an upgrade to a PCIe system for months now. I have even lost a little sleep over it. Well I finally made the decision to upgrade and I think I will enjoy my new card. Is AGP dead? No, for the users who do not play games, and just surf the web, they will be good with AGP for a long, long time. A good example is my parents. I built them a computer about 6 months ago and they love it. They will never need a better video card. For me, I upgrade every 6-12 months so for me AGP is partially dead. I tossed my 9800 pro and then went a 6800 GS. It still wasn’t enough for me. I cannot wait until I get my new board and processor from newegg, and my new card from eVGA. However, I still have a Linux box folding right now with a 32 MB video card and it’s doing just fine. Gamers will want PCIe everyone else will be just fine with AGP. So, no I do not think its dead.
texuspete00 said:
Not so fast, pci-e delivers 75 watts to the card. AGP might be like 25? Sure, go over the connector, another 50 watts... an x1900XT would def be rough, everything all through the connector. We already have issues with this rail mumbo jumbo. AGP was not meant to deal with 7900GTX's.

"The AGP Pro addendum provided for an extension to the AGP slot that could provide either 75 or 110 watts of power to the AGP slot."