** A Picture I Took - 2010 **

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I was going for bright and colorful. But the histogram seems to be fine, and they seem fine on on my color calibrated monitor or laptop..... But then again I have not color calibrated/adjusted in over a month.....
I was going for bright and colorful. But the histogram seems to be fine, and they seem fine on on my color calibrated monitor or laptop..... But then again I have not color calibrated/adjusted in over a month.....

I wasn't just referring to yours. It seems like most professional portraits (especially outdoor ones) are somewhat overexposed...

It could also be my crappy computer at work which I have never calibrated, though most pictures look good on it.
Sorry, I then to process very bright most of the time :)

Silly me...
Sorry, I then to process very bright most of the time :)

Silly me...


No need to apologize. Who's to say whats right or wrong. If you like the wya it looks, then thats the way it should be done!

I was just asking from a curious perspective. I didn't know if there was a specific reason for it, like going for some sort of halo-bright effect or something like that.

I'm still an amateur (who has been bitten by the "spending too much money on his camera" bug), so I try to learn from whatever I can.
Thanks. About killed my rig trying to process all the stitched 5d2 raw files... the little web image doesn't really do it justice. I shot this one with a 17-40, but I think my next time out I will use a narrower lens and stitch more shots.
Daughter's boyfriend has some of the strangest pets, but they do make for interesting photography subjects, lol.

Sorry about the thumbnails, but I didn't want to shrink them down any more and lose more of the details...
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Thanks. About killed my rig trying to process all the stitched 5d2 raw files... the little web image doesn't really do it justice. I shot this one with a 17-40, but I think my next time out I will use a narrower lens and stitch more shots.

Yep - this one turned out really cool! I like the nice bright colors. It needs more saturation and contrast in the sky, but otherwise I like the exposure on all the buildings etc. I'm sure it looks outstanding at full size - you should be sure and get a good large print of it.

I haven't done much photo in the last month, but I'm going on a massive road-trip w/ family out to Colorado mountains for hiking etc the week before memorial day. I think I am going to have to try some pano landscape shots while I'm out there. Thinking of doing 3-4 shots w/ 24mm for reference, then tiling the whole thing out at around 90mm and stitching from that. Hopefully will be able to show plenty of shots from the trip in a few weeks.
Some from last weekend. Family shots I had to take were propped on a sign and timer, RUN! I don't have a remote, even though i should have one.








And the mother's day cake
^^ Cool shots - looks like a fun place! I especially like the cake.

Last set of family shots I was in, I used the IR remote, and you can see me holding it up in the shot. :p Will have to photoshop that out if/when I get around to processing those. Too bad I don't have the new CS5 w/ content-aware fill yet.
Photography newb, took this with an XTi and 50mm portrait lens.

Any good beginner lens I should look at to expand my collection?
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Nice shots Ben. I've done the timer hustle with my family. Sometimes much more fun than the remote. I let my sons take turns pressing the shutter release and hauling ass...

The white balance in the last family portrait looks jacked. I'm sure you processed this intentionally, but I'd keep it away from the one above it :)
A hummingbird setting up shop in the front of our house. I've learned a lot about manual focus to get these shots (I'm not using a "pro" camera)...

^^ Cool shots - looks like a fun place! I especially like the cake.

Last set of family shots I was in, I used the IR remote, and you can see me holding it up in the shot. :p Will have to photoshop that out if/when I get around to processing those. Too bad I don't have the new CS5 w/ content-aware fill yet.

You don't have CS5 yet!? lol

botw said:
Nice shots Ben. I've done the timer hustle with my family. Sometimes much more fun than the remote. I let my sons take turns pressing the shutter release and hauling ass...

The white balance in the last family portrait looks jacked. I'm sure you processed this intentionally, but I'd keep it away from the one above it

Yeah... I hardly use a standard processing routine when I go through my photos, even if they are family portraits. I tend to look at each one individually and adjust to what I feel is right. I'm such a noob.

bigk said:
Photography newb, took this with an XTi and 50mm portrait lens.

Any good beginner lens I should look at to expand my collection?

bigk... I normally shoot all my weddings with a 50mm, my partner thinks I'm nuts.. but.. I make it work. Do you have the 50mm 1.8? I'm starting to move my collection to prime lenses. It all depends on what you want to shoot. Are you looking to do landscapes.. portraits? If you could give us a little bit more on what you're interested in shooting, I think we can point you in the right direction. Also, next time you take a "headshot" try stopping at 1.8 or 2.8 just to give a nice little DoF (Depth of Field) feel to the shot.

This is from the last wedding I shot:

Camera: Nikon D90
Exposure: 0.002 sec (1/500)
Aperture: f/1.4
Focal Length: 50 mm
Exposure Bias: -1/3 EV
ISO Speed: 200

I like to shoot wide open most of the time (ƒ/1.4) on my 50mm. Just a suggestion.

This is the 70-200 ƒ/2.8 which is an entirely different beast... but again.. .I shot it at ƒ/2.8. Why? I LIKE IT CREAMY!
bigk... I normally shoot all my weddings with a 50mm, my partner thinks I'm nuts.. but.. I make it work. Do you have the 50mm 1.8? I'm starting to move my collection to prime lenses. It all depends on what you want to shoot. Are you looking to do landscapes.. portraits? If you could give us a little bit more on what you're interested in shooting, I think we can point you in the right direction. Also, next time you take a "headshot" try stopping at 1.8 or 2.8 just to give a nice little DoF (Depth of Field) feel to the shot.

Yes on the 50mm 1.8

I would like to focus on portraits and also some action shots of the little guy playing where I planned on using the XTi kit lens for that.

Thanks for the tip as well.
Content aware fill isn't all THAT great. I can't deny that it's convenient, but not must-have. I am extremely glad they have finally made paint brushes act like real paint brushes with the mixer brush now though :p
BenChi(f4) said:
Some from last weekend. Family shots I had to take were propped on a sign and timer, RUN! I don't have a remote, even though i should have one.

Looks familiar. Cape Cod?

Ok, so I borrowed my friend's D700 this weekend. I'm in love.
Here are just a couple sampled from this weekend. I haven't had time to look at any photos since this weekend was just too crazy. Here are two randoms I picked.

LOL... Ben you could be a twin to my buddy Ryan. Nice colors on those shots! Did you purposely strip the EXIF data or is my exif reader in FF not working again?
Not working... again, I mostly always have the EXIF data on my shots.
For first Picture
Camera: Nikon D700
Exposure: 0.001 sec (1/800)
Aperture: f/2.8
Focal Length: 160 mm
ISO Speed: 200
Exposure Bias: +1/3 EV
Flash: No Flash

Second was
Camera: Nikon D700
Exposure: 0.002 sec (1/500)
Aperture: f/2.8
Focal Length: 24 mm
ISO Speed: 200
Exposure Bias: 0 EV
Flash: No Flash

Camera: Nikon D50
Exposure: 1/4000 sec
Aperture: f/1.4
Focal Length: 50 mm
Exposure Bias: -1/3 EV
ISO Speed: 200

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These may not be great pictures, but I surely enjoyed them. Please comment on them! I need more advice (aka tips and tricks).

Love this shot too. (Ginza in Japan near Tokyo)
My middle boy's preschool graduation. The entire concept of a preschool graduation is a huge oxymoron, but it was fun to celebrate the milestone:



throw back 80's "prom" party from two weeks ago. I just received my 35mm f/1.8 which I wish I had during this party.




Went on a camping trip to do some trail scouting on the Border Route Trail in Northern Minnesota. These are a few of the images I'm happy with. Took them with my old Fuji S7000 camera, since I was afraid to bring my Nikon along not fully knowing what I was getting myself into with this trip.




Stacked set of approximately 20 images taken over 10 minutes, layered and set to "Lighten" mode and then leveled to get a blackish background. I also subtracted out a dark frame.
Always wanted to try some star trails. It's warm out - so its macro season. These are pretty so-so, but bees and hornets are tough to get to stay still long enough to get any closer. Harsh light all my fault (and that giant ball of incandescent gas in the sky...)







Hope everyone is enjoying a safe and fun Memorial Day weekend.
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