A Frightening Trend In Online Gaming

how about BF2 with unlimited grenades...ever play and watch 4-5 people lobbing grenades non stop.
That was the worst case.

of course AA took fragment grenades out...of course that game required skill not like cod or bf
how about BF2 with unlimited grenades...ever play and watch 4-5 people lobbing grenades non stop.
That was the worst case.

of course AA took fragment grenades out...of course that game required skill not like cod or bf
Especially when you are in a Karkand IO server. Most of them suck though, I never had a problem running around and gunning them down. It's just whenever you meet a skilled nader you get really pissed off.
Meh. It gets annoying in some games where people just lob grenades into your spawn when they're winning. This requires zero skill and provides no way to avoid the grenades. Of course, you could argue that skill got the other team to the point where they can spawn camp.

One thing that happens a lot is where teammates will do something to cause their other teammates to die, just so they can get more kills. That's just lame.
Whats really lame, is that theres a 5 page post on how getting killed by a piece of digital information in a fictitious type setting makes people agry.:rolleyes:
That's why I've always liked grenades in CS. They can't one shot you and they rarely kill you, but in the hands of someone who really knows how to use flashes or frags, they can be useful utility items LIKE THEY SHOULD BE. In CoD4, the fucking things one shot you from about 20 feet away and while I know that is reasonable by real life standards, it sort of casts the fun in the game by the wayside.
It's pretty common practice in tactical situations to toss a grenade into a blind spot. When your goal is to kill your enemy, it's prudent to toss a grenade around a blind corner or through a window before sticking your neck out.

Rather than complain about them being blindly thrown, you should be complaining about the ability to toss them into a spawn point to begin with.
I am beginning to notice a frightening trend when playing games ("realistic" PC shooters, specifically) online. It seems that the already huge population of people who derive the majority of their kills through randomly throwing of grenades is growing. On the tactical side, a grenade should not be utilized as one's primary weapon. It should be used when a large group of enemies is encountered in tight formation. On the entertainment side, I believe that random grenade kills are quite cheap and rather irritating to many players who are there to have fun and not to take advantage of the game's parameters. I do not believe that grenades should be removed from games, for there is something truly satisfying abut seeing a chain of kills appearing on one's screen. I do believe, however, that something should be done to limit their exploitation in online matches.

lolz don't say in pc gaming when ur referring to only 1 game..
Don't get mad just because you can't spawn kill with grenades as well as I can ;)

Completely kidding as well as wondering why this thread was started in the first place?
Especially when you are in a Karkand IO server. Most of them suck though, I never had a problem running around and gunning them down. It's just whenever you meet a skilled nader you get really pissed off.

Right at the beginning it is usually a grenade fest on both sides! LOL
Killhouse on CoD4 upped the nadespams from the Ship. Seriously, EVERYONE is lobbing grenades across the floor. You have to keep the throws low...I've had a few bounce back in my face from hitting the ceiling truss.
A common tactic I've seen on that map:
  1. Lob grenade
  2. Run-n-gun
  3. Martyrdom/Last Stand
As far as this map is concerned, Yes I'm guilty. You'll die anyway, deal with it.
On other maps, I'll save my solitary grenade for something more resourceful.

On another note...m203 spamming does suck. You can at least hear grenades hit the floor, and find a body shield or run.
Also nadespam has been around forever. As early as Team Fortress Classic, possibly earlier. It's not a "new trend".

Yes, and that is the reason there are no grenades in TF2. I remember the endless spawn grenade spams in TFC. That was bad.

I do believe that grenades serve a purpose, but I am totally against spamming spawn points. It only damages the game.
I get pissed off by lucky grenade kills in CoD4 as well. That's why I only play on small servers now. On bigger servers, everyone just throws a frag at the beginning of the round killing a bunch of people in a stupid way that makes the game less fun. On smaller servers, people conserve their grenades more because they know they're less likely to get a kill throwing nades in the enemy's general direction.
I'm talking about those people who run up to a wall, lob a grenade in the general direction of the enemy's spawn point, and wait for the kills.

It's especially fun when you've just respawned and instantly die.

*Edit* I'm not bashing grenades, only those that use them to compromise the fun (and patience) of other players with random throws. Oh, and I'm talking about G.R.A.W. for the PC.

Thats what a grenade is used for. If I am at a wall or whatever, and I know there is an enemy there or more than one, but I'm not sure where, and I have a grenade ... Guess what, I'm not peak and risk getting my face blown off, I'm gonna throw the grenade at them. Get some skill and quit being a noob.:rolleyes:
And that's why people cheat. they don't want to risk not seeing you, so they get a wallhack. Get some cheats and stop being a noob!
I hope you were being sarcastic about the cheating thing... I hate cheaters with a burning passion, if you suck that badly at a game then /quit and uninstall, find a new game.
This still going on?

Anybody remember the Stalingrad map from BF1942? Frag'O'Rama.

Get over it, it is nothing new. At least it is not real.
And that's why people cheat. they don't want to risk not seeing you, so they get a wallhack. Get some cheats and stop being a noob!


Honestly you have to be more skilled with a nade than you might think in order to get consistent kills. Are you talking about COD4?
And that's why people cheat. they don't want to risk not seeing you, so they get a wallhack. Get some cheats and stop being a noob!

I've seen some idiotic things in this thread but you take the cake. Using intended game mechanics = justifies wallhacking because you suck too much not to be killed by said game mechanics.

Shit, I remember playing Delta Force and using the M203 after spawning. Since the enemy spawn point was usually a good 200-300 meters away you hardly ever hit anything, but when you did it was funny. Of course, they were usually doing it to you too, so you had to watch out for these mini artillery strikes at the start of the round.
I hope you were being sarcastic about the cheating thing... I hate cheaters with a burning passion, if you suck that badly at a game then /quit and uninstall, find a new game.

Well...I did say it in jest. I don't cheat myself. however, the same retort can be said to non-cheaters. If you can't take the heat, get out of the stove.

There's really no actual line to be crossed. It's only a perceived line by many different gamers. Some limit it at stupid tactics like nade spam, some limit it at cheating, some have no limit and do whatever they can to win. There is no right and wrong in the chaos of multiplayer gaming because there are no definite reprecussions.
Well...I did say it in jest. I don't cheat myself. however, the same retort can be said to non-cheaters. If you can't take the heat, get out of the stove.

There's really no actual line to be crossed. It's only a perceived line by many different gamers. Some limit it at stupid tactics like nade spam, some limit it at cheating, some have no limit and do whatever they can to win. There is no right and wrong in the chaos of multiplayer gaming because there are no definite reprecussions.

sigh. If you cannot differentiate between subverting the game's code by using an aimbot or wallhack, and what you arbitrarily have decreed "stupid tactics" ( a term generally used by people who would rather whine about perceived unfairness rather than use clever countertactics, or find a new game), then you should have your internet privileges revoked.
It depends on the game really, there are certain games you constantly spawn in to a pile of nades, but most of them are reasonable.

Some games they are actually underpowered if anything. In CS a nade at point blank doesn't kill someone (unless they're already wounded), and you can only carry 1.

Really though, if you don't like it I'd suggest playing another game, or adapting and using the tactic yourself. No one is forcing you to play the game ;)
I hate when people call it a trend when it is obvious that you are talking about call of duty 4, good luck getting lucky grenade kills in games like halo, not going to happen. So basically you want them to take out grenades from call of duty 4, why couldnt you just say that? There are plenty of cheap grenade kills in call of duty, a fair amount of people just spawn and let their 3 grenades fly and hope for an easy kill but I say keep them, not like everyone cant do the same thing plus skilled 'naders are a blast to have around.
easy solution to the problem: if no enemy was viewed on screen within 5 seconds, grenades have a splash radius of 5ft. If an enemy was seen within 5 seconds, even if no longer visible (say you're ducking behind a wall), the grenade splash radius is 30ft and damage is multiplied by 4.

Keeps grenade's useful, and fair. AND you'll still have occasional lucky "nade landed on your forehead" funny kills.. but for the most part, people randomly tossing their nades would be just wasting a very powerful tool.
Games are systems of rules. It isn't against the rules to throw grenades. Thus, if you think that grenades are spoiling a game, don't blame the players, blame the rules. Blame the game.

If you recall, there was some controversy over Valve's decision to not arm each class with grenades in Team Fortress 2. It is a game design/balance issue.
easy solution to the problem: if no enemy was viewed on screen within 5 seconds, grenades have a splash radius of 5ft. If an enemy was seen within 5 seconds, even if no longer visible (say you're ducking behind a wall), the grenade splash radius is 30ft and damage is multiplied by 4.

Keeps grenade's useful, and fair. AND you'll still have occasional lucky "nade landed on your forehead" funny kills.. but for the most part, people randomly tossing their nades would be just wasting a very powerful tool.

Though I hardly play CoD4 anymore, I would not like what you are suggesting. I prefer to use grenades to deal with campers. They were not visible on the screen, I did not see them, but I KNOW they are there. Every map has a prime spot or 3 to camp. Someone is almost always in or headed towards one those spots. Creep up, listen for gunfire if you want to be certain, and send a grenade there, or just lob a grenade into a likely camping spot on general principle. Your proposal would make one of my favored tactics useless, while greatly benefitting campers.

It is so easy to break balance in a game, and so hard to fix it.
easy solution to the problem: if no enemy was viewed on screen within 5 seconds, grenades have a splash radius of 5ft. If an enemy was seen within 5 seconds, even if no longer visible (say you're ducking behind a wall), the grenade splash radius is 30ft and damage is multiplied by 4.

Keeps grenade's useful, and fair. AND you'll still have occasional lucky "nade landed on your forehead" funny kills.. but for the most part, people randomly tossing their nades would be just wasting a very powerful tool.
What happens when my teammate says "we've got a guy sniping out of that window and I'm out of nades" and I run up and toss a grenade up to the window? I never saw him, after all.

Tossing a grenade blindly is not necessarily random. This would be a stupid, arbitrary, counter-intuitive game mechanic designed solely to stop people from whining when people use grenades effectively.

Nade spam can be remedied simply by designing the maps so that a dominating team can't constantly throw grenades into the other team's spawn and making grenades less available.