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Ultimately it's all relic's fault yet again. However, the petition was initially OCAU's idea, and there was someone from each of the top 4 teams saying lets do it. So we did it.

And I gotta say, it takes a special kind of person to get all 4 of us, and Marty, on the same page. :D

Its not drama, its:

Ultimately it's all relic's fault yet again. However, the petition was initially OCAU's idea, and there was someone from each of the top 4 teams saying lets do it. So we did it.

And I gotta say, it takes a special kind of person to get all 4 of us, and Marty, on the same page. :D

you are right... that is quite an achievement. :D

Just getting Marty to post [H]ere is a big milestone of some kind. ;) What kind... I don't know! :p
7im has been a meany for years

relic went and made a no-no thread at FCF (? I assume) last night

Got deleted

relic went and complained all over

being there was a 4 way team race going on at the same time, other members from other teams happened to agree with jist of things

petition was made

7im was helpful enough to post at other forums too

That's about it. Just odd timing is all. It's nice to see teams come together!

ya but then whats all this about VJ being a douche?

seriously all ive been seeing lately from FAH has been drama in every direction, as a team, as all the teams, as a project etc...

are we still doing WCG? lol
ya but then whats all this about VJ being a douche?

seriously all ive been seeing lately from FAH has been drama in every direction, as a team, as all the teams, as a project etc...

are we still doing WCG? lol

Relic's issues with VJ go way back and he's not letting on what thats all about. This is just about 7im here.
ya but then whats all this about VJ being a douche?

seriously all ive been seeing lately from FAH has been drama in every direction, as a team, as all the teams, as a project etc...

are we still doing WCG? lol

- that's some pent up rage on relic's part, he would need to respond.

- hey, can't blame me!

WCG- well, not "officially" but that's another drama joke! ;)

This specific issue, 7im stuff, has been building for years from those who are active at FCF (Official forums). Myself personally I quit going to that forum years ago primarily regarding this issue (7im involvement there). I know you don't follow the forum stuff much, 7im has been pissing in peoples Wheaties for years and folks are just sick of it (and talking to others about it) tis about it.
On an aside, please provide links (here and elsewhere) where 7im had acted in a fashion where you believe the best interests of the FHA program were not served.

Copy/paste thread content would not hurt either.
Start in the team forums of the top 20.

im so confused

whos running that place?

if i posted some of the stuff you posted on other forums i would be kicked out of here so quick i wouldent have time to even explain myself...

seriously if you want to act like an asshat on your forum, thats up to the staff of your forum, but acting like that on other forums is not acceptable... your attitude reflects poorly on the forum staff that you are a part of, and i doubt they would want that

i have had no interaction with you either way so thats pretty much all i can say
Wow lets see 7im piss off Flecom... now that would be an accomplishment... considering his overall status!

7im has been a meany for years

relic went and made a no-no thread at FCF (? I assume) last night

Got deleted

relic went and complained all over

being there was a 4 way team race going on at the same time, other members from other teams happened to agree with jist of things

petition was made

7im was helpful enough to post at other forums too

That's about it. Just odd timing is all. It's nice to see teams come together!

I know that was to FLECOM but i found it quite helpful.


Sounds like the person in focus of this thread has a Napoleon Complex, maybe Narcissism, is just plain Socially Inept or combo or all of the above.

Either way, 7im needs a Hug!

All this cry for attention and we are giving it to him.

Its sad really.
are we still doing WCG? lol

I am and have been doing so for a while. Decided to switch one of my quads over last night and I'm interested to see the results from one day with that machine vs the couple full time single core machines and a couple borgs I have running it.

I'm guessing I should be able to chew through 50+ work units a day with one of my quads depending on which work units it gets. With my slow single core machines and a couple of borgs I was averaging probably 2k PPD. I figured the quad should jump that up to at least 8k PPD since the way points are figured with WCG is very different from F@H. The work units on WCG don't each have a set number of points but also includes the resources needed to process it and the total runtime of the machine processing it. There may be more included in the calculations but I haven't really looked into it in depth.

Quoting the link to the end for the late crowd.

So, without further ado, here's the petition:


Where it asks for name, you can put in your folding name and team name rather than first and last.

Edit: We're up to 28 signatures, all the top 4 are represented. I have a feeling that number will go up considerably once the Aussies wake up. :D
We are having fun on OCAU.... come over and say hi!

Hey brotherman (Mitsimonsta) other than the fact I'm allergic to sheeps, I think I'll pass on you're wonderful invite, many thanks though (besides, I ain't such a good swimmer and I don't like flyin'). :D
Without links/posts, evidence so to speak, this will all be for not.

If the threads have been edited/deleted please paraphrase, without vulgar language.

We've basically already lost this before it started.
Without links/posts, evidence so to speak, this will all be for not.

If the threads have been edited/deleted please paraphrase, without vulgar language.

We've basically already lost this before it started.

I actually took screenies of my run-offs with 7im (including one from you asking what flavour of koolaid :D). It's stored now with the link visible in the screenshot and I advise everyone who had a unpleasant experience to hunt those posts and take a screenshot.

alan2308, may I suggest you make a new thread with all the details about that petition so I can put the pictures there as evidence ? Link the new one to the current thread :)

Wow lets see 7im piss off Flecom... now that would be an accomplishment... considering his overall status!

quite frankly the most frustrating thing has been the attitudes i have been seeing around here lately...

i havent seen anyone post any examples of why 7im is so horrible that we have to make an internet petition to remove him (plus, comeon, an interent petition? whens the last time any of those did ANYTHING?)

to me it sounds like a bunch of people complaining about a moderator on another forum... sounds like you need to get examples, and send them to the administration of that forum, and if they still dont do anything, then LEAVE... its not a public service, its a private website thats unofficially become the official message board for a VOLUNTARY project... if it bothers you that much, tell Vijay that you will be leaving the project due to 7im making you loose respect for the project or whatever xyz reasons...
People here are drawing from years of experiences with this jackass. It's hard to post examples when their board keeps crashing and old posts don't exist any more, or the posts get deleted.

Where is the outpouring of support for this guy if we're out of line? I don't see petitions being started for the rest of their mods.

People here are drawing from years of experiences with this jackass. It's hard to post examples when their board keeps crashing and old posts don't exist any more, or the posts get deleted.

Where is the outpouring of support for this guy if we're out of line? I don't see petitions being started for the rest of their mods.

fair enough, obviously the guy has a following of people looking to get back at him for whatever reason

if hes such a jackass why havent they removed him?
From his attitude and cockiness, I assume he's close to the administrators, hence the public outcry and pressure to remove him. It's not going to happen otherwise.

FLECOM, before we resort to this, I already contacted a admin and he said he will look in the issue. However, there is no change (beside feeling 7im being slighty less assholist toward me).

fair enough, obviously the guy has a following of people looking to get back at him for whatever reason

if hes such a jackass why havent they removed him?

General core issue is people stop going to FCF (official forums) because of him. Does this really harm the program as a whole, not really, but it's just ugly as can be.

Many donors choose to get their support from team forums which is fine and works, just a shame that the sudo official forums have such a stigma around them- with much of it coming from one guy.

Why not remove 7im yet, the guy is very helpful. #1 poster by a mile, spends a great deal of time helping people. It's a tough balance between his helpfulness verses his "other" qualities. I know first had donors he's run off the program entirely, and donors he's run off the FCF forum.

My take is either the admins/VJ @ FCF keep the guy on answering all the questions (the good part) or they would need take up the slack themselves.

The mods/admins @ FCF generally are going to stand behind each other, only natural.

Does 50+ people mean anything on a petition, I don't know.

7im is passionate about this program and has spent more time with it that most anyone I know. Should the man remain involved/active/vocal part of FAH, yes. Should the man be a mod, no.
I wholeheartedly agree with what Marty says. I don't go near the FCF forums because of his crappy attitude. He's just not mod material. He is knowledgeable and puts much time into it, but his attitude and style just leave a sour taste in your mouth.
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