6800 Ultra to 7800 GTX largest leap in performance?

My biggest jump in performance was going from the Geforce 5700 Ultra to a 6800 GT.
My largest jump was a 9600Pro to an X800Pro. Technologically, the leap from all the 2D chipsets to the 3DFX Voodoo 1 chipset was probably the single largest. After that, the leap from the Geforce 256 to the Geforce 2 GTS was pretty large. As was the Geforce FX/Radeon 9800XT to the Geforce 6 series and the X800 line.
OK PEOPLE : If your post is going to contain the word "MY" in it then make a new thread for it, that was not the intention of this thread.

IMO the biggest jump has to be the 8500 to the 9700. The jump to the 6800 series was about the same percentage wise, but it didn't mean as much as the 9700 jump did. As was pointed out earlier the 9700 ushered in the era of AA and AF that you could actually play. It also was a huge leap for the time. When the 6800 series came out it was simply "Wow a jump like that the 9700 made". And now we see the 7800 making almost the same jump as well. It is common place now, but it all started with the 9700.
yeah my big jump was from a 3 story rickety building onto a balchony two floors down ... man that was a big leap ...

..err..yeah ..I mean from ATi Rage series to Radeon ...? or did they have something inbetween .. I forget ... :confused:
Another vote for the 8500->9700 era. It more than doubled the raw power, and it set a precendent. EVERY generation since then has tried to double the flagship from the last round, and more or less succeeded.
Chris Lakies said:
Opinions on the largest jump in inovations or performance from one generation card to the next.

I am an Nvidia fan but this can be for Radeons as well. :D
Wow... you mean used to be an nVIDIA fan from the likes of things...:p
LabRat said:
IMHO, the biggest generational leap was from the ATi Radeon 8500 to the 9700, both from the standpoint of the hardware and the supporting software (drivers, I mean).

Another vote for nVidia FX series to 6 series jump.

Jen-Hsun Huang said him self that the 6 series was the largest perfromance increase in the history of nVidia.

The 6800U was touted to be the twice as fast as the 5950 and when you consider that a few weeks later nVidia's SLI was launched, 6800Ultras in SLI would be 4x as powerfull as a 5950.
Althought the jump from 6800U to the 7800GTX is about the same from the FX > 68U (a 2x performance increase) its still not larger.
when I added 64 megs of RAM to my P100 and suddenly Descent had all these new sounds and ran about 3 times smoother
bleh, the GF FX series in general was terrible...i mean, ye the 5900/5950 were powerful cards, but ultimately they weren't quite up to dealing with what ATi was putting out at the time

at least price wise neway :eek:
My vote goes to the FX -> 6800 jump. my ti4800 was outrunning my friend's 5700 in a few games, and the 6800 was just a completely different world. The 8500 -> 9700 jump was substantial, but the 8500 could at least be considered a great card in it's time, unlike the FX series.
mavalpha said:
Another vote for the 8500->9700 era. It more than doubled the raw power, and it set a precendent. EVERY generation since then has tried to double the flagship from the last round, and more or less succeeded.

Did you seriously do a search to find this old thread and bump it?
In terms of a "single generational" jump I would sticl to Geforce FX 5950 Ultra to Geforce 6800 Ultra, that was quite amazing.
biggest leap?

I would have to say going from a trident card to a voodoo.... Biggest change...

During the years though I would have to give it up to Radeon 9700pro from 8500...
It's back from the dead but the one yesterday takes the cake. Some guy replying to a thread from 6 months ago about how to get artic silver out of his carpet because his dad was going to kill him. I'm sure he found out by now. How in the hell do you search for that in the first place? lol

Anyway, no contest. FX to the GF6 series. FX was so bad people were wondering if nVidia was even going to continue being a major player.
Another vote for the original 3dfx dedicated 3d card. What was it... 4 megabytes? I remember going from CPU rendered 3d graphics to GPU rendered and that was the end of it. Didn't regret spending the $200 on it at the time and still don't.

For those of you getting pissed about people not reading the original post... you can sum it up to the literacy rate in the U.S.
My biggest jump was from Intel onboard graphics to 6600GT. :p

Hardware TnL never looked so beautiful... :p

EDIT-(note to self: always check to make sure a thread doesn't have more than one page before replying to it)
Oh come on guys, Thread necromancy is not that bad.
I remember my biggest jump was from my Voodoo 3 to a Geforce 2 Ultra...
Dear GOD guys...........lets dig a hole and throw in this thread.......its so old i've already switched to the "dark" side. LOL!!
For me in a technological point of view the biggest jump was from a 8500 to a 9700 PRO, because in many benchmarks without using AA and AF, the advantage of the 9700 PRO over the 8500 was great, but not 2x times, probably like 1.5x times (May be the 9700 PRO was CPU limited at that time). But for me the biggest jump was from the 9800XT to the X800XTPE, in many games the performance increase was between 2x and 3x and that's simply amazing. ATi can argue in their website that the X1800/X1900 have 2x more power than the previous generations, but in many games the difference delta is not that much, I have seen many times a X850XT PE matching the X1800XL and sometimes outperform it. I see that the biggest difference in performance is when AA and AF is used in extremely high resolutions in the newest games (Fear, COD2 etc.) And my jump was from the still looking good 9700 PRO to the X800XT PE and it was from night to day. Breathless hehe
drizzt81 said:
Nothing to my Monster 3D. you cannot beat that performance jump, since lim(y -> 0) X / Y = infinitiy

haha that gave me a good laugh then and still does now lol :)
My personal biggest jump was from a 4mb pci POS (dont even remember the chip, but it had NO 3d acceleration) to a voodoo3 2000 16mb. I swear Quake 3 changed my life.

My vote for the biggest in history was the introduction of the 9800 series from ATI.
Wow, I was like hey I've got something in my user cp! My biggest leap was from a geforce ti 4600 to a 7800 gtx.