5970 - $599

Holy mother of god...quadruple facepalm is all I'm saying. Thanks for the entertainment and prolonging the sig. Oh you still don't get it do you? haha I won't tell let everyone laugh. You want a hint: "its not the accuracy of your response" your reply has nothing to do with what I said in original post.

On topic: Checking out Frys later today. They like to release early.

When reading your sig, I read it as exactly as it is written: 10 8 pin connectors. Honestly you need to go back to school if you read that and see a 10 pin and 8 pin connector, although you just seem to be trolling.
When reading your sig, I read it as exactly as it is written: 10 8 pin connectors. Honestly you need to go back to school if you read that and see a 10 pin and 8 pin connector, although you just seem to be trolling.

What does his answer have to do with my original one though. That's the hilarity of it all. He keeps going on and on about something that had nothing do with my statement in original in the first place. :p It was about PCI-e compliancy which he is obviously clueless about. You have to go to original thread to see it.
What does his answer have to do with my original one though. That's the hilarity of it all. He keeps going on and on about something that had nothing do with my statement in original in the first place. :p It was about PCI-e compliancy which he is obviously clueless about. You have to go to original thread to see it.

Enjoy my ignore list. Hope you have a nice life and find something better to do with it.
Well that is rather unfortunate. I think that speaks volumes about how admitting you are wrong on Tech Forum must be perceived as the worst offense.
Only a couple more minutes. $600 ready to go if it O/C's to at least 850/900.

You'll want to take a good average before you jump into the pot if you are looking for a certain # in regards to overclock. As you know every card is different...Hate for the one Kyle has to do 850, you buy one and it doesn't go past 775...:eek:

I would say a good average number for the 5870's is about 975 on the core.
I've been tossing it up. On one hand, I'd love for it to reach x2 5870's, but really anything close under and $200 cheaper is a good deal. I'll be looking to buy when they come out.
From the reviews I've seen the 5970 is well worth the $599 price tage. Obliterates the 295 with ease with AA. Can overclock just as good as individual 5870s....CA tax on that is going to hurt though :cool:. But all in all, a hell of a deal if you can find it for $599.
haha to think i paid the same amount for a 4870x2 just a year ago (actually $650 canadian)

Dang, I don't think my antec 1000w can power this card. This quad rail thing is really killing me.
I think I'm gonna wait for the 6870 this time next year :).

That 300w spec is really quite offputting - I'd need a different PSU, case *and* waterblock -_-.
In the UK you can preorder it for £520-£560 which includes VAT but not delivery, thus it works out to $872-$938.