5870s going for 300+ on ebay...time to sell?

i want to see actually ended sales that close at 300+, cuz sure they could be listed at that price but if people are buying at that price that'd really be something

good luck to you guys, ebay is so flakey sometimes

Click "completed listings", they are there.
shit could have sold my 5850s individually for 180 or so and got about 50 bucks more oh well
For those patient. After the bubble, there's gonna be a flood of used cards all over the place. There's gonna be such deals afterwards.

Just a couple of months ago I bought a brand new Gigabyte 5870 for just over $200.00 and it is clocked faster than the original stock config and has a better cooling solution too. People are stupid if they are paying $300.00+. I have two 5870 but won't sell them at those prices because I do bot take advantage of gullible people. TBH, after going Xfire I wish I didn't and would rather have a single GTX580.
Just a couple of months ago I bought a brand new Gigabyte 5870 for just over $200.00 and it is clocked faster than the original stock config and has a better cooling solution too. People are stupid if they are paying $300.00+. I have two 5870 but won't sell them at those prices because I do bot take advantage of gullible people. TBH, after going Xfire I wish I didn't and would rather have a single GTX580.

there is nothing gulliable about those people. it's supply and demand, the world was built on opportunists - don't miss out!
I couldn't figure this out through 15 minutes on google/wikipedia, so I think it's worth getting a direct answer here.

Very simply, what problem is all of this computing power that is being sold going to solve, and why is it worth exchanging real world currency for the solution to this problem.

From the bit that I read on the wikipedia page, it seems as if the computing power is being put into the running of the currency system itself, which I would assume means that there is a significant demand for the system to run. If I'm correct in assuming that, then where does that demand come from?
How do you get started on this mining? I been trying using guiminer but no luck, I get connection problems and my 2nd card doesn't show up.
From the bit that I read on the wikipedia page, it seems as if the computing power is being put into the running of the currency system itself, which I would assume means that there is a significant demand for the system to run. If I'm correct in assuming that, then where does that demand come from?

You've pretty much summed up the entire system. The demand came out of thin air and some hackers notion that it could be done.
im wondering if id fair well?

3 rigs:
i7 920 3.8 GHz
Geforce 460GTX

e6400 3.4 GHz
Radeon 4850
I couldn't figure this out through 15 minutes on google/wikipedia, so I think it's worth getting a direct answer here.

Very simply, what problem is all of this computing power that is being sold going to solve, and why is it worth exchanging real world currency for the solution to this problem.

From the bit that I read on the wikipedia page, it seems as if the computing power is being put into the running of the currency system itself, which I would assume means that there is a significant demand for the system to run. If I'm correct in assuming that, then where does that demand come from?

nah its just a type of currency. the fact that it was rare made it a tiny bit valuable. then people wanted it more because it was a little valuable, then people wanted it more, etc, etc until now its actually really valuable. ridiculously so.

as for the computing part, you can either buy bitcoins, or mine them. since it is a new currency, it has to be dispersed somehow. the creator didnt just decide to start handing them out to his friends, he wanted to spread them all over the world and make his system worldwide. so he decided to release a certain number of bitcoins every day, and they are divided among all the people running bitcoin software in the world. if you run the software on more GPUs, then you have more of a chance of getting some bitcoins.

so you can either buy a ton of bitcoins and then sell them once they get more valuable, or you can "mine" for them and then sell them.
ill buy anyone one's 5 series lol, pm me

anyone want to start a pool?
damn--so let me get this straight
this is like folding for money...i can just run this in the background? Im already using my pcs 24/7...any estimation of how much money? thanks!
Bitcoin mining is worth it. I made $700 in a month of mining. The tricky part is going from BTC to actually money. The company I was using got their paypal account frozen.
wait, why only 5000 or 6000 series, no nvidias?
5800 series cards are currently the most cost efficient way to do bitcoin mining, a moderately overclocked 5850 will give you 300 Mhash/s which currently translates to just above 0.5 bitcoins/day. The interest in 5870 and 5970 is so high because you can fit [thread=1612483]only so many[/thread] dual-slot PCIe cards in one rig. 6900 series are less interesting for pure mining because they upped the efficiency but not the raw compute power.

With the hardware comparison link from the previous post and http://www.alloscomp.com/bitcoin/calculator.php you can estimate how many bitcoins you will generate.
oh very cool, and you can run this on windows?
thats it? i can probably do the transaction part but the technical part I require a bit, much appreciated. And i assume that the value is decreasing but mining is harder to generate cash?
This is a LARGE bubble that people are buying into. No accepts this currency for any goods or services so it is worthless IMO.

When the people who got in early and own the majority of the BTC flood the market it will tank.
Bitcoin mining is worth it. I made $700 in a month of mining. The tricky part is going from BTC to actually money. The company I was using got their paypal account frozen.

So... all you have right now is a higher electrical bill?
Interesting project. Quite out-of-the-box thinking here!

Well, I'm trying it. A bit complicated at first, but it's working now.

My 5870 has been doing various DC projects 24/7 since I got it, so I'm trying this one now.

More people in, gradually harder to generate, makes sense I guess. Still a bit fuzzy on the Pool thing though.

Lets see what happens... I expect the bubble will initially burst, what is interresting is what will happen after, sink or swim?
could be a large bubble yes but current largest holders are at 5%.BTC is traded on exchanges and you can get $ out and it's not a Ponzi scheme - In a Ponzi Scheme, the founders persuade investors that they’ll profit. Bitcoin does not make such a guarantee. There is no central entity, just individuals building an economy.

A ponzi scheme is a zero sum game. Early adopters can only profit at the expense of late adopters. Bitcoin has possible win-win outcomes. Early adopters profit from the rise in value. Late adopters profit from the usefulness of a stable and widely accepted p2p currency.
I wonder what my XFX reference + EK waterblock card would get. I could definitely give it up for $400 and use a backup card until BF3... I think people have misnamed the scheme. Its more similar to a Pyramid scheme.
I laugh when people label bitcoin as a ponzi scheme when many don't even have a full grasp of what a ponzi scheme would entail. A hyped up fad that could burst tomorrow? Sure. But definitely not a ponzi scheme, though there are probably shady people who will screw you over when it comes to actually trading bitcoins for cash.
time to sell my card on ebay :D

i havent even gamed in like a year, and my 5870 is just going to waste. guess i'll see if i can pull in some bitcoins and just sell it if i dont see a return.
This works with nVidia cards as well. Hmm.. I wonder what my sig rig can do, reading up on this now.
This works with nVidia cards as well. Hmm.. I wonder what my sig rig can do, reading up on this now.

Nvidia cards are terribad for bitcoin mining. A single overclocked 5870 will be as fast as your triple SLI setup lol. My pair of overclocked 6970s have been pulling in ~750 Mhash/s for 2 weeks. Currently have ~20 coins which are worth ~$600 if I cashed them in right now.

i wouldn't mind doing a small side grade... selling my 5850 for a 6870 lol. I'm just not sure if i really want to sell my vid card because i would have no vid card to use for a bit :(
Nvidia cards are terribad for bitcoin mining. A single overclocked 5870 will be as fast as your triple SLI setup lol. My pair of overclocked 6970s have been pulling in ~750 Mhash/s for 2 weeks. Currently have ~20 coins which are worth ~$600 if I cashed them in right now.

Thanks for the info, I found some info that explains why AMD GPUs are better for bitcoining: https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Why_a_GPU_mines_faster_than_a_CPU