4870x2 8.54 drivers = Wow Performance in COD4!!!!

You think I'm skewing results?

I don't think I know you well enough to comment. I just asked for pics...if you can't or won't take them...so be it. If I had a kill-a-watt meter I'd take some pics for yah, no problem.
I don't think I know you well enough to comment. I just asked for pics...if you can't or won't take them...so be it. If I had a kill-a-watt meter I'd take some pics for yah, no problem.

For someone who never did post up a screen shot of your "so called GTX 280 order" you supposedly canceled, and for someone who has gotten banned so many times we can't count, I don't see where you feel the right to demand proof from other people.
And how is asking for pics "demanding proof.?" Did I not knock the 4870x2 perfomance with 8.8 official drivers...that is why I was going to buy a gtx280. Now that the 8.54 drivers have fixed performance issues with my set up I cancelled. So what if I ask for pics, I post a bunch of pics of my system and screenshots in my guide that solved my performance issues...not sure what you guys are trying to start...
I think you might want to keep this on topic instead of letting it degrade into a pissing contest. Lots of people come to this thread for help and tips, and this type of climate will surely make them avoid it. Whether or not he has been banned somewhere else (EVGA) should not follow him here as long as the same stunts aren't pulled. IMO
Did we ever get the grayed out AA issues fixed. Running a single 4870x2 and AA option is grayed out for me. This is my 2nd time installing the 8.54... noticed the 2nd time I am getting good idle tem
I just got my 4870x2 last night and installed these drivers, I too noticed issues with the AA being turned on but not actually working.

The card is quieter then most of you lead me to believe, with the case boxed up it just makes a low wrrrr sound no louder then 50db.

I am not all that into bench marking etc these are vs my 8800GT, I just play games namely Vanguard, UT3, UT2k4, and TF2. In vanguard my fps went from 30's in APW to 120's, for UT3 it went from 40's to pegging the 60fps limiter at all times, in UT2k4 I had 180's fps on all maps I ran, I have yet to try TF2.

change your internet connection setting in ut3 to LAN and you will get rid of that limiter
Did we ever get the grayed out AA issues fixed. Running a single 4870x2 and AA option is grayed out for me. This is my 2nd time installing the 8.54... noticed the 2nd time I am getting good idle tem

Some that have installed the 8.54 driver seem to have the AA option greyed out. Not sure if it's an incorrect install or what. I have the AA options available with one 4870x2 with these drivers. I suggest you try following my guide to the T on my other thread. I won't even try installing another driver until the official 8.9s come out.
Some that have installed the 8.54 driver seem to have the AA option greyed out. Not sure if it's an incorrect install or what. I have the AA options available with one 4870x2 with these drivers. I suggest you try following my guide to the T on my other thread. I won't even try installing another driver until the official 8.9s come out.

I have 2 X2s, the first time I installed the 8.54 following the "Cactus" guide, it worked but my AA way greyed out.
I cleaned out the driver/CCC install and did it again and it was perfect. AA and all.
I still don't think ATI is up to speed in CrossfireX for a Quad setup.
Although GPU-Z recognizes all the cores and says CrossfireX is enabled, I don't have the performance I'd think these cards are capable of.
What games are you judging this card by? My guess is you think this card was going to dominate Crysis. Not even Tri SLi can play crysis well at 2xaa @ 1920x1200 very high without stutters...etc.
What games are you judging this card by? My guess is you think this card was going to dominate Crysis. Not even Tri SLi can play crysis well at 2xaa @ 1920x1200 very high without stutters...etc.

I am not expecting some great leap.

But, I would expect two X2 cards (4 cores) to run any game, Crysis included; at least 10-25% better than my Tri-SLi 8800 GTX system could.

I have essentially the same core components minus the GPUs from my Tri-SLi. There really isnt much improvement at all......I would expect a brand new tech would stomp on a card from, now two generations ago. Granted the 8800 GTX was/is a great card.

I'm hoping to see this with better drivers. ( I really could care less about Crysis as a game, played it, put it away, done.......but it IS a great benchmark);)
I wouldn't expect crysis to run better. The game has been optimized for nvidia cards...hence the nvidia sponsorship. There are plenty of games out there that will stress these cards besides crysis. COD4 will stress these cards at 2560x1600 with 8xAA 16xAF. You just have to turn up the eye candy.
I'm working on playing Crysis through on Very High 4xaa/16af right now on my single 4870x2, it's very playable.
I'm working on playing Crysis through on Very High 4xaa/16af right now on my single 4870x2, it's very playable.

At what resolution? You aren't going to be running that game on Very High with 4xAA/16xAF at 2560x1600 anytime soon on either ATI or NVIDIA hardware.
Well I have some interesting news on my Call of Duty 4 problems. Apparently this is purely a software issue. Why this effects me and almost no one else it seems, I have no idea. In any case I clicked on Call of Duty 4 MP by accident and I'll be damned it didn't run smooth. So I renamed iw3sp to iw3mp I actually got a higher minimum of around 35FPS. Now it still feels choppy much of the time and I'm not getting maximum FPS anywhere near where I should, it tells me that this is purely a software thing. I've got UT3 running like it should and Age of Conan couldn't be better. So my problems are Call of Duty 4 related alone. at this point.

The differences in performance between the single and multiplayer Call of Duty 4 executables tells me this is just a ATI driver profile issue. Unfortunately because the end user has no control over these I can't do anything about it. I must wait for ATI to get on the ball with this.
The card Sapphire 4870X2
The Driver Version 8.52.6-080708a-058488C-ATI
The Monitor 1900X1220
The Main Board DFI LP UT X48 - TR2

The game COD4 Performance Perfect and FPS through the roof:)

Note: Drivers packed with card.

I must be the only one happy with my purchase of this card:confused:
The card Sapphire 4870X2
The Driver Version 8.52.6-080708a-058488C-ATI
The Monitor 1900X1220
The Main Board DFI LP UT X48 - TR2

The game COD4 Performance Perfect and FPS through the roof:)

Note: Drivers packed with card.

I must be the only one happy with my purchase of this card:confused:

The drivers that came with my card, the same version you mentioned above gave me the worst Call of Duty 4 performance I have seen since the game came out. A single 8800GTX could do better than what I was seeing.
I'm finding the official 8.8s to give about the same performance. For me it was just the cod4 settings that made the difference apparently, not the drivers. I am seeing higher temps at idle though with the official 8.8s.
I'm finding the official 8.8s to give about the same performance. For me it was just the cod4 settings that made the difference apparently, not the drivers. I am seeing higher temps at idle though with the official 8.8s.

I get the same bad performance in Call of Duty 4 regardless of the drivers.
that sucks, at least you got the gtx280s to fall back on. The performance I'm getting is about equivalent to two gtx280s in cod4 with the official 8.8 drivers or 8.54s.
I get the same bad performance in Call of Duty 4 regardless of the drivers.

Dan what MB and what version of Win 32 or 64bit ?
I now wonder if chipset and bios play a role into the stability and performance of the 4870X2.

The DFI MB i use needed a new bios to be able to even run with the 4870X2 and this is a vary ATI ready board:confused: DFI and I think Abit were about the only MFG with issues running the 4870X2 and needed new bios.

So I have new up to the minute bios fixed or tweaked for ATI and all is fine:confused:
Actually the newest official abit bios...version 12 does work with the 4870x2. Not sure why it didn't work the first time I flashed to bios 12...but I reflashed it and it does indeed work.
Dan what MB and what version of Win 32 or 64bit ?
I now wonder if chipset and bios play a role into the stability and performance of the 4870X2.

The DFI MB i use needed a new bios to be able to even run with the 4870X2 and this is a vary ATI ready board:confused: DFI and I think Abit were about the only MFG with issues running the 4870X2 and needed new bios.

So I have new up to the minute bios fixed or tweaked for ATI and all is fine:confused:

I'm using an Intel D5400XS with the latest BIOS (1149) which was only released a couple of days ago. The OS is Windows Vista x64 SP1. Stability isn't generally an issue. The problem I've run into concerning lock-ups is most likely due to heat. When playing games I have to run the fans at higher speeds and the issues I was having didn't start until I added a second card for CrossfireX. However when I crank the fans up to about 80% or so I haven't had any lockups at all.
What case are you using? I'm using a rocketfish and ever since I added another intake fan and slot cooler I haven't seen my temps go up higher than 88 at load on auto settings. With 8.54 drivers successfully installed my idle temps were at 59-64c idle on the hottest gpu, and 84-88 at load.
What case are you using? I'm using a rocketfish and ever since I added another intake fan I haven't seen my temps go up higher than 88 at load on auto settings.

I'm using a Silverstone TJ-09. I'm monitoring my temps. I'm also manually controlling my fans. As I said, the lockups aren't happening as long as the fans are cranked all the way up. I got by just fine with the fan at 50% with a single card. Temps never exceeded 79c.
I'm using an Intel D5400XS with the latest BIOS (1149) which was only released a couple of days ago. The OS is Windows Vista x64 SP1. Stability isn't generally an issue. The problem I've run into concerning lock-ups is most likely due to heat. When playing games I have to run the fans at higher speeds and the issues I was having didn't start until I added a second card for CrossfireX. However when I crank the fans up to about 80% or so I haven't had any lockups at all.

Do you notice any big gains in CrossfireX with two X2s......to tell you the truth I haven't yet, in COD4 or Crysis.:(
Do you notice any big gains in CrossfireX with two X2s......to tell you the truth I haven't yet, in COD4 or Crysis.:(

Well in Call of Duty 4 I usually only get about half the performance I should. With the right settings I can now get the performance of a single card out of both of mine. Though it still isn't smooth despite FRAPS reporting frame rates in the 60's or 90's and often quite a bit higher.

In Age of Conan I noticed much improved performance. I can crank the settings up a bit more and I get even better frame rates than I did before. Age of Conan is one game where I'm getting excellent performance.

UT3 seems to be performing well but unfortunately I have a hard time judging my results vs. other systems as their benchmarking is different than mine or they don't tell me what level or settings they are benching in. The game appearrs to suffer from some micro-stuttering in CrossfireX. It's happening periodically and never did with my Geforce GTX 280 SLI setup.

I haven't tried any other games yet. I downloaded the GRID demo but it would never actually start the game for some reason.
I have the same feeling about COD4......my two cards play the game well, I have no complaints there, but the frame rates are really not better than what most sites report for one card.
Crysis sucks, badly, slide show city.
HL2 plays very well, but always has, except I can crank the AA to 24X which is visually exceptional.
I'm going to load up GRAW2 for the PC and see what I get there.

I'm going back to the WHQL 8.8 drivers as well, I don't think the betas were that great.
I did change out the goop with arctic ceramique, so perahps this is why my temps have been outstanding. I was pretty liberal when I added ceramique to both gpus...adding a nice thick line to each gpu before I pancaked it. I know pancaked isn't a word perhaps...but it feels appropiate.
I did change out the goop with arctic ceramique, so perahps this is why my temps have been outstanding. I was pretty liberal when I added ceramique to both gpus...adding a nice thick line to each gpu before I pancaked it. I know pancaked isn't a word perhaps...but it feels appropiate.

That shouldn't have made an appreciable difference. Typically the difference between thermal pastes and TIM pads is about 1-3c.
You want it to be a thin coverage, using it liberally will make it work as an insulator.
I've haven't followed this thread for the past few days, but dan, did you ever get your 4870 x2 problems fixed?
You want it to be a thin coverage, using it liberally will make it work as an insulator.

This is true from my experience most of the time. I applied thin by the book applications and temps weren't that good. It wasn't until I made the line a bit thicker did I see improvement. There are also other variables to consider, as having a good mount with this heat sink can be tricky so that you can get a nice even pancaked effect.
I've haven't followed this thread for the past few days, but dan, did you ever get your 4870 x2 problems fixed?

I have not. Age of Conan seems to be running quite well. Call of Duty 4 is giving me results all over the map and very different results between Call of Duty 4 SP and MP. UT3 runs fairly well but it hitches every now and then.

If I rename iw3sp (Call of Duty 4's single player executable) to iw3mp and turn the mutli-card option to off I get nearly double the frame rates according to FRAPS. However the game still chugs and isn't smooth at all. It actually feels like frame rates in the teens but FRAPS says otherwise. Actual Call of Duty 4 mutliplayer is actually quite good. The config file actually limits your FPS to 85 and most of the time FRAPS shows 90FPS or so. Still the game does hitch occasionally for a split second but otherwise runs smooth as glass. Also on other levels besides the Bog mission I can get FPS anywhere from 22 to 300+ depending on the level and area. So CoD4 is all over the place as I said. Crossfire only seems to actually work in CoD4 when adaptive AA is disabled and the multi-card option is set to off but its' basically giving me the frame rates of a single card without the smoothness. Overall I'm quite displeased with the card's performance everywhere but Age of Conan.
That shouldn't have made an appreciable difference. Typically the difference between thermal pastes and TIM pads is about 1-3c.

They don't use TIM pads on the gpus. The only pad like material they use on the 4870x2 is the memory volt regs, and pcie chip.
They don't use TIM pads on the gpus. That's only on the memory and volt regs, and pcie chip.

I'm making a general statement. TIM's and various compounds rarely show a difference of more than 1-3c difference from each other in the same application.