360 Bannhammer

Haha, yeah, (as another guy on here already said) it's not like you can't natively install games to the HDD with the NXE update anyways. So that reason is not only lame, it doesn't make sense whatsoever.
LOL, you steal games because the Xbox scratched one of your games because of your own stupidity?
So glad I decided not to mod my shit, I'd rather not toss $300+ dollars down the toilet. I've only got a few games I really enjoy on the console anyways so pirating loads of games just doesn't seem worth the time, effort or being nervous over whether or not I'll be able to play my xbox in the morning (RRoD does that just fine enough as it is :D)
Always makes me laugh. People with chipped machines get cocky for a while and then shit themselves when it turns out that their mods might not be quite as stealthed as they thought they were.

People with modded consoles can afford to buy a new one. They probably saved enough money on games to buy 4 or 5 360s.
People with modded consoles can afford to buy a new one. They probably saved enough money on games to buy 4 or 5 360s.

As much as i don't support piracy anymore, this is true.

$25-30 for a pack of 25 DL DVD's, which is, saying a few fail, 22 games.

22 games for $30 bucks is a lot cheaper than $40-$50 a game.

But, i do have to say, there is something uberly special about having that sexah green case with everything. As opposed to having a burned game :D
As much as i don't support piracy anymore, this is true.

$25-30 for a pack of 25 DL DVD's, which is, saying a few fail, 22 games.

22 games for $30 bucks is a lot cheaper than $40-$50 a game.

But, i do have to say, there is something uberly special about having that sexah green case with everything. As opposed to having a burned game :D

Just buy good DVDs and a good burner and they never fail. I have not had a dvd/cd fail in years. (the last 200 or so burns)
I fuckin hate people that pirate/buy pirated games. set of wankers, they make things more expensive for us legit buyers.
I fuckin hate people that pirate/buy pirated games. set of wankers, they make things more expensive for us legit buyers.

Whats funny about that statement is I bet you if they figured out how to stop 100% of pirates tommorow, prices wouldn't drop a penny.
I think games should just be digital download for $29.99, i bet they would sell more games with less overhead, But what the hell do i know im just a consumer of their shit.
I think developers should charge whatever they want. If they want to charge one million dollars so be it because they won't sell many. It's your option to buy it after all .
Just buy good DVDs and a good burner and they never fail. I have not had a dvd/cd fail in years. (the last 200 or so burns)

the 360 games and DVD drives are much more sensitive to anomalies than your standard pc dvd game disc lets say.....i have seen a "backup" copy of a game work for many months and kept in mint condition suddenly stop working.....if you keep trying it it would work but it gets progressively worse....there is also a bit of headroom in terms of how much power the dvd laser outputs from the factory on the 360 drives, i tuned the potentiometer on mine and it went from giving me the dirty disc errors and "put this game disc in a 360" message to working 100% just by doing a minor tweak to make the laser a tad stronger, and that was using my own console with legit purchased game discs
Sure, because you can't install the full game to the hard drive...

you can but the disc still has to be working and in the drive or else the hard drive installed game wont run....they didnt eliminate the need for a game disc or dvd drive, they just made it so it doesnt have to run like a burning banshee the entire time you play a game which was a great thing that also extended dvd drive life
you can but the disc still has to be working and in the drive or else the hard drive installed game wont run....they didnt eliminate the need for a game disc or dvd drive, they just made it so it doesnt have to run like a burning banshee the entire time you play a game which was a great thing that also extended dvd drive life

It doesn't move at all. It does a disc check that takes 2 seconds, then stops, and doesn't spin, at all.
It doesn't move at all. It does a disc check that takes 2 seconds, then stops, and doesn't spin, at all.

um, actually it does spin, i made a completely clear case side panel and dvd drive top and you can see everything, it spins it up and does a quick disc check, yes, but it spins the disc to do that disc check and then it stops spinning after that, it has to be able to read the disc that was my point
LOL, so you're saying your 360 is going to scratch your disc when is spins up for that 2 seconds upon initial launch of the game? Unless you have your 360 on an electronic teeter-totter all the time, your 360 is not going to scratch your disc when you install the game to your HDD. That's a BS excuse to have a flashed optical drive. Even if you flashed it to not risk scratching CDs, it's definitely not worth the risk of ban, esp. with the NXE install to HDD feature. If your 360 does actually somehow scratch your disk (because you moved it while it was spinning), do what I do; take it back to Wal-Mart and exchange it for another. I've did that countless times, lol.
LOL, so you're saying your 360 is going to scratch your disc when is spins up for that 2 seconds upon initial launch of the game? Unless you have your 360 on an electronic teeter-totter all the time, your 360 is not going to scratch your disc when you install the game to your HDD. That's a BS excuse to have a flashed optical drive. Even if you flashed it to not risk scratching CDs, it's definitely not worth the risk of ban, esp. with the NXE install to HDD feature. If your 360 does actually somehow scratch your disk (because you moved it while it was spinning), do what I do; take it back to Wal-Mart and exchange it for another. I've did that countless times, lol.

Not that I am trying to defend his reasoning, because I would agree that installing games to the HDD is a good way to preserve your discs, you do have to take into account that not everyone has the hard drive space to accommodate that. I'd love to be able to install all my games to HDD, but with a 20GB HDD, thats not happening. Between Forza's content and the few bits of arcade games I have, that fills most of it. There isn't room to install even one game, let alone all the titles I own.
The people who mod the 360's don't do so with chips, they do so with a drive firmware flash to play backups.

XBOX 360 has a problem with scratching discs, which is why I modded to play backups.

Thanks for the laugh, pirate in denial
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Not that I am trying to defend his reasoning, because I would agree that installing games to the HDD is a good way to preserve your discs, you do have to take into account that not everyone has the hard drive space to accommodate that. I'd love to be able to install all my games to HDD, but with a 20GB HDD, thats not happening. Between Forza's content and the few bits of arcade games I have, that fills most of it. There isn't room to install even one game, let alone all the titles I own.

Yeah, I take for granted my 120GB and forgot most people don't have that. That's why I try to tell people that there's really no risk in modding your own 120GB. They're not going to be banned. If they were (or could), then they would have years ago when people started doing it. If you understood how modding the HDD worked, you'd understand there's really no way for them to detect/block it because logically it looks like a totally legit drive (which is why it works in the first place).
Yeah, I take for granted my 120GB and forgot most people don't have that. That's why I try to tell people that there's really no risk in modding your own 120GB. They're not going to be banned. If they were (or could), then they would have years ago when people started doing it. If you understood how modding the HDD worked, you'd understand there's really no way for them to detect/block it because logically it looks like a totally legit drive (which is why it works in the first place).

I'd like to mod my drive - i'm holding out for more info on if the 250GB drive works now with the COD xbox coming out.
Actually I think it is quite easy to ban or block non official HD's. M$ so far just hasn't done so. Each harddrive has a file on it with a unique code. When you make your own 250GB harddrive or whatever size you download/obtain a copy of this file and put it on your harddrive. This file comes from a real M$ 250GB harddrive and has a unique key in it. If you download this file many others are probably also using it. M$ could simply start banning known harddrive keys or scan for non-unique harddrive keys that sign on to live at the same time. So far they have not done this.
Actually I think it is quite easy to ban or block non official HD's. M$ so far just hasn't done so. Each harddrive has a file on it with a unique code. When you make your own 250GB harddrive or whatever size you download/obtain a copy of this file and put it on your harddrive. This file comes from a real M$ 250GB harddrive and has a unique key in it. If you download this file many others are probably also using it. M$ could simply start banning known harddrive keys or scan for non-unique harddrive keys that sign on to live at the same time. So far they have not done this.

If MS does that, then I will jump ship.
Screw HTConsole, the PS3 will serve finely.
This more I read about this, the happier I am that i got my 360 Elite, and for the price i did. 120gb hard drive makes life great. I install my most played games (fable 2, Gears 1, PGR, CoD4) and it's good to go. No need to make your own.
Looks like MS is not messing around with these bans. When a system is banned now, they are basically locking the content on the hard drive to that console. All your saves will show as corrupted if you try to navigate them to a new system. Likewise, they are blocking the option to install games to HDD.
Looks like MS is not messing around with these bans. When a system is banned now, they are basically locking the content on the hard drive to that console. All your saves will show as corrupted if you try to navigate them to a new system. Likewise, they are blocking the option to install games to HDD.

ach... I'm not liking where this may be going.

Seriously... MS.... your crap is overpriced. The console isn't cheap relatively, anymore, and the accessories... are sky high.
...and I haven't seen any proof that they're banning people that have hacked a WD HDD. (Mostly because they'd have no way of telling)

As for the console not being cheap... I really don't know how they're selling that sort of tech for that price. Compare it to the Wii's price.
ach... I'm not liking where this may be going.

Seriously... MS.... your crap is overpriced. The console isn't cheap relatively, anymore, and the accessories... are sky high.

I still dont think is has anything to do with modded hard drives... just hacked firmware. I think anyone getting banned right now are the idiots who are playing MW2 early (just as Forza and Borderlands and ODST and every leaked AAA game before it)... they deserve it.
I still dont think is has anything to do with modded hard drives... just hacked firmware. I think anyone getting banned right now are the idiots who are playing MW2 early (just as Forza and Borderlands and ODST and every leaked AAA game before it)... they deserve it.



I completely misread your previous post, then:eek:.
So apparently rumours are putting this current banwave's number of kills at anywhere up to 500k machines.

Jesus. lol
...and I haven't seen any proof that they're banning people that have hacked a WD HDD. (Mostly because they'd have no way of telling)

As for the console not being cheap... I really don't know how they're selling that sort of tech for that price. Compare it to the Wii's price.

As I said previously it is very possible that they can tell. There is a unique serial in the hddss.bin file that you put on a hacked drive. If you obtain the 250GB version of this file by downloading it, a lot of people are going to have the same serial number which is a dead give away especially when they are online at the same time. The number isn't encrypted so maybe you can change it, but its probably not a simple incremented id, is could be more complex like how credit card numbers are self validating.
The 250gb is likely a slightly different story anyway as they were well aware of people hacking the older drives so they could have included new detection methods.
Don't quote me, I'm encouraging people to steal from walmart with return fraud

I really don't understand this logic. If you choose to mod your console, you choose to take on the risk. Screwing over a store which did absolutely nothing wrong to you is incredibly dishonest. This is precisely why they have to treat everyone like criminals and come up with restrictive policies that hurt honest consumers. Personally, I could never run a scam like that. $200 really isn't that much money.

How do you possibly get away with this? They should be scanning the barcode on the system itself to make sure its actually the right one.
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The barcode isn't the issue... but these days they do check the serial on the machine, specifically because of the sort of wanker who would do what's in the post you quoted.
Even if they scan the serial number when people return the xbox, the people that mod their consoles can easily swap the internals on the cases as they already know how to open the case.

Some people have paid others to do theirs for them, but the vast majority do it themselves as it is pretty simple.
Swapping for new ones in stores doesn't really matter right now anyway, as the new Oct 09+ boxes have an unmoddable LiteOn drive.

This was a well planned move by Microsoft.
Where did you read that The Donut? I haven't seen any info of that sort for a while so I'm quite out of the loop.
Swapping for new ones in stores doesn't really matter right now anyway, as the new Oct 09+ boxes have an unmoddable LiteOn drive.

This was a well planned move by Microsoft.

The modders get a new xbox for free that they can use on live while they wait for people to figure out the new drives

They can't play their pirated games is the only thing that screws them.

and it was a well timed move by them, right before MW2 and christmas season.
Where did you read that The Donut? I haven't seen any info of that sort for a while so I'm quite out of the loop.

The new holiday bundle (Pure/Batman) 360 as welll as most of the latest manufacturered ones are coming with a new LiteOn drive with a new 83850c / 93450c firmware that as of yet, nobody has been able to extract the key from - thus, is currently unflashable.

Returns nothing but 0000's.