3080 Ti EVGA Notify Queue


[H]F Junkie
Mar 4, 2007
The 3080 Ti launches in about 8 hours. Are you ready?

EVGA is allowing EVGA ELITE members 24 hour priority access to the notify queue for the 3080 Ti. What that means is at 9am eastern, the product pages will appear with a link that says auto notify, in which you enter your name and email and you are then put in the queue to receive an email to purchase the card when allocation is ready for your spot in line.

To do this, you MUST be an EVGA elite member. You can see the details here, but if you have purchased an evga card and registered it in the past few years, you are probably eligible and you should sign up! It is free, no catches! Once you sign up, you also have a 'spin the wheel' perk where you can win a prize or discount coupon.

Further, be logged in before 9am eastern.

Further #2, the email you use to sign up must be the same email on your evga account that is logged in, or you will not be able to sign up.

The skus for the cards that should be available for notify queue tomorrow are:
12g-p5-3959-kr = 3080ti xc3 hydro copper
12g-p5-3958-kr = 3080ti xc3 hybrid
12g-p5-3955-kr = 3080ti xc3 ultra
12g-p5-3969-kr = 3080ti ftw3 hydro copper
12g-p5-3968-kr = 3080ti ftw3 hybrid
12g-p5-3967-kr = 3080ti ftw3 ultra

Some time between now and 9am eastern the product pages should appear. At 9am, the notify button will appear when you refresh. You should be able to sign up for as many as you like, but one at a time, so figure out your priority order.


Once you are in the queue, you sit back and wait. Depending how quick you were, it could be days or months before your allocation. You pay nothing until then, and if you don't checkout in the timeframe after your notify email, the queue will move on and pass you by. You can verify you are in queue by clicking here while logged in.

Lastly, if you do get called to checkout, you can use my associate code to save 3% on your purchase. Click HERE to preload the code into your cart or enter it manually 5LLROQQODYDNZLH. I do get some EVGA bucks in return when someone uses my code (full disclosure). A sincere thank you to anyone who uses my code.

Good luck everyone! I will be updating this thread in the morning if there are any changes. Feel free to post related info and discuss this, but please keep unrelated posts out of this thread!

TRACK QUEUE PROGRESS HERE: https://www.element35gaming.com/
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I my 3080 FTW3 Ultra gets here today lol that I signed up for on 9/22 lol. I’m going to try and get the hydro copper. But I’m going to sign up for them all. If I can get one soon I’ll just let the 3080 go.
under 3 hours to go, still no page updates on the new cards. Should be happening soon!

I queued up for a 3080 xc3 in early October and Im still waiting.
Plus theres no way of knowing where you might be in the line.

Its a nice try, but not at all transparent.
Plus the cheaper, basic cards are almost extinct.
Thanks for posting the product numbers. I was going to try to track those down this morning but now I don't have to :)

Best of luck to all trying to get in the queue.
make sure you ONLY have 1 evga tab open when you sign up! Otherwise you will get this:

nothing yet, there is a chance they go live at exactly 9am eastern, rather than live ahead of time and then notify button. Be ready in 17 minutes either way!
nothing yet, there is a chance they go live at exactly 9am eastern, rather than live ahead of time and then notify button. Be ready in 17 minutes either way!
Oh I am. I hope I can reuse my 3080 ftw ultra wb on the 3080ti. I should since it is compatible with the 3090 also.
We're ready but is the server? The site crashes when B-Stock goes up, so this should be fun. :D
I need a direct link to the FTW3 Ultra card.

These are the only cards they are going to ship in any quantity since they are the highest SKU.
I think you need to refresh....maybe try a minute before since it takes so long to load the damn page right now...
Waste of time. As if people with bots haven't figured this system out months ago.

If a bot can text message, have a date, and fuck my ex-wife; You think it can't use the EVGA queue system?

Glad I hung onto my 2080ti, this bitch will be a decade old before I can finally get a better GPU.
so not sure if the 'direct links' work this time around, but this should in theory just be the notify dialogue:


that is the xc3, but if you swap the end out for the model of your choice, it should take you to the page you want. Again, may or may not work this time around.

12g-p5-3959-kr = 3080ti xc3 hydro copper
12g-p5-3958-kr = 3080ti xc3 hybrid
12g-p5-3955-kr = 3080ti xc3 ultra
12g-p5-3969-kr = 3080ti ftw3 hydro copper
12g-p5-3968-kr = 3080ti ftw3 hybrid
12g-p5-3967-kr = 3080ti ftw3 ultra
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so not sure if the 'direct links' work this time around, but this should in theory just be the notify dialogue:


that is the xc3, but if you swap the end out for the model of your choice, it should take you to the page you want. Again, may or may not work this time around.

12g-p5-3959-kr = 3080ti xc3 hydro copper
12g-p5-3958-kr = 3080ti xc3 hybrid
12g-p5-3955-kr = 3080ti xc3 ultra
12g-p5-3969-kr = 3080ti ftw3 hydro copper
12g-p5-3968-kr = 3080ti ftw3 hybrid
12g-p5-3967-kr = 3080ti ftw3 ultra
Doesn't work this time.