2x 3870 vs 8800gtx

I'd say the 3870's on Xfire are more powerful but not all games take advantage of xfire (or sli).
Two 3850s in XFire in games that support CF match a GTX so two 3870s should beat it by 10-20% if the game supports CF... problem is whether the game supports it or not!

If you already have all the hardware laying around, like the p35 and power supply, it might work out pretty well. A good system can hit 18k+ w/ 3dM06 with 2 x 3870s...
If two 3850's in CF can perform as well as GTX, than 2x 3870 can beat it.

However, like ZerazaX has said, it all depends on if the game actually supports CF. The only new/current games I know of that support CF is Unreal Tournament 3, Oblivion and TF2. Quake Wars and COD 4 actually runs slower with CF than with a single card.
I think the keyword here is "IF" the game supports CF. Personally I'd say get the 8800GTX and be happy that you'll get topclass performance regardless of which game you throw at it. Simpler setup also...
Considering that two 3870s cost a total of $438 while a GTX costs $500 is pretty tempting since you save $62 but get performance exceeding that of the GTX. But then again, that's only IF the game supports it.

Is there a list of games that supports Crossfire?
Are the two atis faster than ? On a P35 motherboard that is.

Two HD 3870 should be faster, but as many have pointed out, it all depends of the scalability of Crossfire, on the specific games you play. Not worth it, especially since you own a GTX...
Therefore, you know what you should do right? ;)

Either get another 8800GTX and go Sli, or just sit tight and wait for the next GTX equivalent
offering from Nvidia, it shouldn't be too far off.... right?
Therefore, you know what you should do right? ;)

Either get another 8800GTX and go Sli, or just sit tight and wait for the next GTX equivalent
offering from Nvidia, it shouldn't be too far off.... right?

Or get two 3870's since he is already using an intel chipset motherboard.......

Not too far off could be two-three months if not longer.