24" Widescreen CRT (FW900) From Ebay arrived,Comments.

^^^ im trying to avoid this as my case weighs about 47 pounds so all together id be moving close to 150 pounds and i just moved to the area and my closest friend is a 15 minute drive and long walk form the parking lot at her place away!
also neighbors in the bldg would have the same problem IF it is the electricity lines...
im beginning to be convinced its not

so i borrowed a power conditioner (some $80 monster power conditioner for audio gear...from reading online the only thing better would be online backup that converts ac-dc-ac again.. and those start around 300+ anyone in OH got one i can borrow hehehe)

with great hope i plugged the computer and monitor into it with basically every electric device other than those 2 off... instantly i was disappointed with the rolling intermittently still appearing.

I also tried placing the monitor in all places it could fit within my room, on the bed against the wall, on the floor against another (lifting that thing on the floor makes me glad i do deadlifts, dont try to bed onver and grab that thing!)

i hope to get this figured out because although i know i have 30days this one is in such good shape physically and now the picture is about the best ive ever seen and i dont want to gamble getting one worse :(
So I picked up one for $249 from AccurateIT (2 left if anyone wants, at that price)
a B Grade.

I'm trusting Cabages here and his contact of the other buyers on this one!! You better be right or I'll find where you live and drop this thing on your big toe!! hehehe

Anyway, I'm excited and can't wait for it to get here.
Cabages, let's compare our sets when we get 'em.

the guy in NJ did finally get back to me with an address, but they only warranty for 30 days.. so I said for the extra 50 and no gas costs, I'll go with AccurateIT.. They're only in OH, shouldn't take long to reach NYC.

Well, mine came in yesterday. Im waiting to get out of school to post a more comprehensive review of it, but im definitely happy. I think you will be pleasantly surprised how fast the shipping service is. Its taking longer for DHL to ship a 7 pound package than bax global did to ship this 120 pound one:rolleyes:

I havent had time to mess around with it much, but I did notice a few hairline scratches, which was guaranteed buying a B grade, but I REALLY had to look for them. I havent noticed them in general use.

Like I said, ill be posting a review after school. I should be able to acquire a camera to take some pictures also, but im not promising anything.

Oh, and someone PLEASE want to post what settings they are using? I remember someone did around the 50 page mark, but im having trouble finding it.
I'm using 6500K, 38 brightness (first "notch" in 38, there are 2 or 3 notches in each), 100 contrast. Some people prefer sRGB, but I don't. I also have gamma at 9% in nvidia console to ensure good black detail. I tried brightness as 29 and 31, the sRGB and monitor defaults respectfully, but black detail was non-existant without running crazy gamma levels around 19% (which then caused oddities in game textures). And on my monitor the difference in absolute black between 31 and 38 is almost impossible to tell when the monitor is warmed up. However, I also calibrated the monitor with a spyder. I can send you the profile, but as every monitor is different, I can't guarantee it will be 100% for your monitor. Otherwise, just use the sony_d65 profile.
Well, mine came in yesterday. Im waiting to get out of school to post a more comprehensive review of it, but im definitely happy. I think you will be pleasantly surprised how fast the shipping service is. Its taking longer for DHL to ship a 7 pound package than bax global did to ship this 120 pound one:rolleyes:

I havent had time to mess around with it much, but I did notice a few hairline scratches, which was guaranteed buying a B grade, but I REALLY had to look for them. I havent noticed them in general use.

Like I said, ill be posting a review after school. I should be able to acquire a camera to take some pictures also, but im not promising anything.

Oh, and someone PLEASE want to post what settings they are using? I remember someone did around the 50 page mark, but im having trouble finding it.

post #3263 :D

that's my suggestion, without calibration.
BTW, Dunan, there's a typo in your sig. It's PCP&C not PC&C. =P I have the quad version of that psu. Had to break off the back mounting bracket to get it to fit, but it (and all of the other PCP&C PSUs I've had over the last 8 years) is a great psu.
I was under the impression that there was no VGA for the wii. Thus, i think you're stuck with the component to vga converter.

And honestly, why buy the best CRT ever and then run it on a $9 cable. If you want BNC, either get the one linked in this thread or step it up to this.

Cables is cables and monoprice makes great cables. Apparently someone isn't familiar with the greatness that is monoprice. BTW: I'm using a monoprice vga->BNC. I can see DVI->BNC maybe being better, though.
Speaking of BNC cables, would this be a decent DVI-to-BNC cable?

I bought one of those cables but get ghosting on-screen, which I don't get when using the standard VGA cable that came with my FW900. The picture looks fantastic when using the VGA cable.

What is the theoretical difference between BNC and VGA cables? I've read that BNC cables are supposedly less susceptible to interference, especially at longer lengths... Is this the only benefit of BNC? In my case, the opposite seems true; the VGA cable seems less vunerable to interference.

Cables is cables and monoprice makes great cables. Apparently someone isn't familiar with the greatness that is monoprice. BTW: I'm using a monoprice vga->BNC. I can see DVI->BNC maybe being better, though.
I had thought someone said they had troubles getting any refresh rate higher than 60HZ when they were using the BNC breakout cables??

Thus, while I was originally going to buy a DVI -> BNC cable.. I didn't.
Maybe in Vista; I've heard that Vista users with nVidia 8800 cards can't game with refresh rates over 60. This sucks for my new computer build, which will include Vista, an 8800, and my dreamy FW900. I'll find a way to force 85 Hz at 1920x1200 in games somehow...

I know that XP doesn't automatically detect the monitor (with plug & play) when using a BNC cable, thus allowing only a 60 Hz refresh rate. You need to manually select the Sony FW900 driver after connecting the monitor in order to access all available resolutions and refresh rates.

I had thought someone said they had troubles getting any refresh rate higher than 60HZ when they were using the BNC breakout cables??

Thus, while I was originally going to buy a DVI -> BNC cable.. I didn't.
Ok so my interference is still there, and im starting fear it might be something more sinsiter

What i see is intermittent (from <1sec to several minutes in duration) kind of symmetrical slicing of the screen into horizontal or diagonal slices which then scroll rapidly (at variable speeds) side to side, almost like a sync issue.
I only began noticing this about 30mins from getting it home and turning it on, it seems to have gotten worse but it could be im fixated on it
also while demo'ing the unit at the sellers house i didnt notice anything but then again i dont think i had it on too long as it doesnt take long to warm up. i basically checked the screen and colors/focus

my troubleshooting so far

#1 vga cable manipulation seems to have no effect, the cable looks in great shape, and repostioning or moving it doesnt effect it at all

#2 ive tried seperate plugs and moved the monitor to both sides of my L shaped desk (ive read to try moving it 90 degrees and away from walls, this move did both)
#2a ive tried unplugging my refridgerator, air conditoner, fan, radio basically everything but the computer and monitor and dsl modem

#3 i tried both outputs on my 8800 ultra, either running the crt alone, or with an LCD, no change is problem with these

#4 ived tried reinstalling the video card drivers, and tried a newer beta set, no change

#5 thinking it might be a sync issue from the video card side, I tried multiple high/low resolutions and refresh rates - no effect

My girlfriend will be here thursday so i can try out her laptop to verify its not a computer issue

my only other idea is that because my apt is old and has only 2 prong outlets (i use the 3 prong adapters and screw them to the plate to ground) its got noisy electricity (i see my lights flicker on occasion, but no correlation to the monitor symptoms, in fact they havent lately) but theres alot of apartments close by (my apt isnt so big) and given the old state of wiring it could be something in anyones apt or the whole bldg

has anyone had these symptoms before?
do you think a power condtioner would help?
they seem pretty expensive to just buy without being sure....

thanks in advance

I'm afraid it might be your CRT's internals as you fear...

Sadly, after weeks of being departed from my FW-900 and 8800GTS, I have come home to find that my FW900 will not turn on. The power supply clicks, but the tube never fires, and the green power LED starts flashing orange.

I know there is info about this buried in this thread. But, the thread search tool seems to be nearly worthless for my cause. Every keyword I try comes up 'nil. The best i get is a couple of good results for WINDAS.

What I know so far is that I need to buy a HIN232 (which seem to be very hard to find) and make myself a JTAG adapter. I also have to get WINDAS up and working on my laptop. After that, I was just wondering if anyone else has sucessfully gotten their FW900 working again onces it starts having this problem.

There's no link to this information at beginning of this thread, so I was hoping my bringing this up would both get me some help, and also get some links put at the front of this thread on how to deal with this problem. (Ok, ways to deal with it that don't involve a sledge hammer or a shot gun:p)
Turns out, I already have the correct components to build this circuit. Does anyone see anything wrong with trying to use this as an RS232 to TTL converter?
Got my HP version B-grade from AccurateIT today!

2 days shipping, wasnt gonna leave the local warehouse until the 3rd so I went and picked it up from Bax Global myself, as the warehouse is 5 minutes from my place


I'm absolutely in love with it...
Too busy enjoying it as is without tuning it.. gah

World in Conflict looks awesome, I can say that much!

So I got an HD video card.. how do I squeeze HD out of it??

edit: $249 on eBay from them - NO scratches or scuffs that I can find...
i need some helps form you guys!

i have been adjusting the CONV. of my FW900 in the past few days but every time when I restart the computer the CONV. looks some how different again.. always different spots... also the screen size changes all the time.. any idea what this problemcan be??
i need some helps form you guys!

i have been adjusting the CONV. of my FW900 in the past few days but every time when I restart the computer the CONV. looks some how different again.. always different spots... also the screen size changes all the time.. any idea what this problemcan be??

Wait until the monitor has been on at least an hour before making adjustments. Then to see if your settings held, do not check the screen the following time until it has been on an equal amount of time.

(Screen geometry, color, and such, will change as a CRT warms up.)
Hi, everyone. I just installed Windows Vista 64-bit and discovered that the refreshrate wasn't locked while playing a game. So I ran Refreshlock and was able to attain 85Hz at 1920x1200 on Desktop, not in a game. Vista recoognizes the monitor, but should I install the drivers from Sony's website under XP compatability mode?
I was thinking about picking one of these up from accurateit. Does anyone have any experience with this? Are there any differences between the Sony, and HP branded monitor. Accurateit wants $200 more for the Sony branded.
I was thinking about picking one of these up from accurateit. Does anyone have any experience with this? Are there any differences between the Sony, and HP branded monitor. Accurateit wants $200 more for the Sony branded.

If you will look back a couple of pages you will see that I and some other guy both bought a B grade rebranded HP from them.

I am very happy with mine. Very hard to even notice the scratches on the screen in regular use.

If I remember correctly the other guy was happy with his also.
well i tried a laptop and still get intermittent scrambling... so its not the computer..
have tried the best power conditioner i can get at best buy which didnt effect it.
final step is to check it out at my friends house.. ugh the agony of moving it!

i must say though that Scott from radrecycling has been great in responding to my emails and even said hed be down in the area soon so if i dont get it straightened out hed even meet me for exchange!

I read previously some people saying they got blurriness intermittently and im wondering what they meant by that? if anyone is reading that had this do you mean blurry but still basically intact? mine is more of a scrambled rolling image...

oh i was watching 300 in 1080p and its heavenly i must say! im deciding whether to sell my lcd for a second fw900 or suffer its mediocrity
Radrecycling is where I got my FW900 from, too. They were great to work with, and let me check out several monitors before picking the one I thought looked best. Apparently, they've sold around 600 of these monitors over the past few years.

I can't offer much advice on the blurriness issue, unfortunately. The only "problems" I've encountered with my monitor so far is the BNC cable that I bought. I used a DVI-to-BNC cable for awhile, and experienced blurry and ghosting text that was always different in magnitude. Some days the ghosting was nonexistant, while some days it was horrible. I was distraught, and thought my monitor was dying. I think this may have been caused by a lamp touching the cable (one of those "touch-to-turn-on" lamps).

I just decided to try the standard VGA cable that came with the monitor, which totally fixed the ghosting problem. I was relieved!

well i tried a laptop and still get intermittent scrambling... so its not the computer..
have tried the best power conditioner i can get at best buy which didnt effect it.
final step is to check it out at my friends house.. ugh the agony of moving it!

i must say though that Scott from radrecycling has been great in responding to my emails and even said hed be down in the area soon so if i dont get it straightened out hed even meet me for exchange!

I read previously some people saying they got blurriness intermittently and im wondering what they meant by that? if anyone is reading that had this do you mean blurry but still basically intact? mine is more of a scrambled rolling image...

oh i was watching 300 in 1080p and its heavenly i must say! im deciding whether to sell my lcd for a second fw900 or suffer its mediocrity
Where can I find this monitor? Anywhere in Toronto...

Are there any other great 24" widescreen crt's?

Sony 24" and its rebranded variants was the only one...

(There were two generations, the W900 and the FW900, but any W900 would be very old by now and it wasn't a flat screen...)
Where can I find this monitor? Anywhere in Toronto...

Are there any other great 24" widescreen crt's?

I just picked up an FW900 locally from a private sale (I'm in Woodbridge). This thing is in pristine condition, having been a lightly used home-based monitor.

I have to say I'm not impressed with the image quality compared to my 22" 2060u. The fact that it's widescreen does make the FW900 stunning though. Externally, the 2060u is an ugly beige box, but the Sony is really svelte, except for how light and greyish the screen is, compared to the much darker 2060u screen which allows for deeper blacks.

I'm going to try using WinDAS to see how much I can improve the image quality.
I just picked up an FW900 locally from a private sale (I'm in Woodbridge). This thing is in pristine condition, having been a lightly used home-based monitor.

I have to say I'm not impressed with the image quality compared to my 22" 2060u. The fact that it's widescreen does make the FW900 stunning though. Externally, the 2060u is an ugly beige box, but the Sony is really svelte, except for how light and greyish the screen is, compared to the much darker 2060u screen which allows for deeper blacks.

I'm going to try using WinDAS to see how much I can improve the image quality.

The deeper black look of the NEC/Mitsubishi monitors when off (and of earlier Sonys) is more aethestically pleasing. However, Sony must known what it was doing when it came up with that last anti-glare coating, because the contrast results were found to be spectacular.

But you have to arrange your ambient light to minimize the light shining on the screen...

(Assuming you are talking about it off. If it really won't go black after warming up for 30 minutes and with the lights out, first try the image restore function...)

(Also the balance between contrast and brightness controls is different compared to some other monitors. So you might want to try different combinations of those controls than you might have been used to...)
FW-900 For Sale
The HP version

I live in Bullhead City AZ, Next to Laughlin NV and would rather put it in the Back seat and drive it to you, Than Pay $ 150.oo ++ to have it packed and shipped and then wonder if it made it to you safely.

So, If you are in Arizona - LA area - or Las Vegas
EMail me at [email protected] and lets do a trade.

It is in Great Shape, Clean with no dings or scratches etc
Before warmup, the Sony is horribly bright and washed out. I've already done the image restoration.

With the lights off, it does look very nice. But with my ambient lighting (indirect flourescent lighting bouncing off the ceiling), black looks better on the 2060u.

I'll continue to experiment with the controls in hardware and software.
Vista 60Hz Fix. . .

I was able to add 1680x1050 at 85hz by going into registry. . . I imagine you could do the same for 1920x1200. . . but for the purposes of this thread, I'm going to write about 1680x1050 since that's what I worked with. . . because I too don't recall having trouble with 1920x1200 once I just installed the built-in FW900 driver that comes with Vista.


(keep in mind that GID will vary from user to user)

You'll see something like the following:

There's a guide to understanding this gibberish here (PDF)

However, if memory serves (I went back to XP so I can no longer check my registry), I added 1680x1050 to the second group (the one that ends in =F) and I was then able to select 85Hz for a refresh rate for 1680x1050 where it was locked at 60hz before.

Finally, the FW900 driver built into Vista should allow for 85Hz for 1920x1200. Those are really the only two resolutions I prefer (1920 for games, 1680 for desktop). All the games I tried made use of the higher refresh rates.

Edit: Duh. Obviously this is for nv cards only. :)

Edit: Actually, trying to remember, I think I may have just added my own custom entry and refresh rate after the *S in the beginning that said: 1680x1050=1DF; which should then allow the choosing of 144, 140, 120, 85, 75, 72, 70, and 60. But, of course, only a few of those will work. Looking at the manual linked above, you might also try 1680x1050=2B if you prefer 1680x1050 to be able to run at 100Hz.

Okay guys. I finally got around to giving Vista another whirl and can now clarify and give a more concise step-by-step guide to achieving custom resolutions and/or refresh rates in Vista with nvidia video cards.

I just installed 64-bit Vista again. It's possible that 32-bit Vista may behave differently. The drivers used are WHQLed forceware 163.69 (64-bit) from nvidia.

After installing Vista 64-bit (Business Edition), I insalled chipset drivers, video drivers, sound drivers, patched via MS Update, and then installed MS Hotfix KB940105. I was about to install KB936710, but instead decided to give custom refresh rates and resolutions another go before I did anything else. So, that's the system state in this example.

Next, I installed the built-in Sony FW900 driver by manually selecting it from the list of drivers included with Vista.

I was surprised to see that --unlike last time I fooled around with Vista-- upon restarting, I was not able to select 85Hz as my refresh rate at 1920x1200.

So. . . I set two goals:

1. Allow 1680x1050 @ 100Hz
2. Allow 1920x1200 @ 85Hz

This should get everyone there (and get folks on their way to adding their own resolutions).

Go to regedit and find the following:


Do a search on this key for "nv_modes"

Wherever you see "nv_modes" appear, you'll see the following (or something similar) as its set value:

{*}S 640x480 1280x768 1280x800 1360x768 1920x1200=1;800x600 848x480 960x600 1024x768 1152x864 1280x960 1280x1024 1600x1200 1920x1440 2048x1536=3B;{191-19E,400-42F}S 640x480x64 1280x768x64 1280x800x64 1360x768x64 1680x1050 1920x1200x64=1;800x600x64 848x480x64 960x600x64 1024x768x64 1152x864x64 1280x960x64 1280x1024x64 1600x1200x64 1920x1440x64 2048x1536x64=3B;
First note that this entry seems to have two halves. One half does not specify a bit-rate. The other half has each resolution listed with "x64" appended to them (which is odd considering that this should be the bit-rate, but perhaps they've now changed the format for this entry and this now specifies driver version (64-bit).

Now, with that out of the way, note that 1920x1200 is in the group that "=1". . . which means it will only run at 60Hz. Note also that 1680x1050 is missing altogether except in the latter part of the file where it appears with all the those ones that end in "-x64"

Anyways, we want to "move" 1920x1200 into the group that "=3B" in both "halves." While we're at it, we're going to add 1680x1050 to both "halves" in the appropriate spot (while removing the original entry for 1680x1050 which seemed to be misplaced as it was in the latter half but did not have x64 attached to it).

So, the new entry for "nv_modes" wherever you find it within HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet would look like this:

{*}S 640x480 1280x768 1280x800 1360x768=1;800x600 848x480 960x600 1024x768 1152x864 1280x960 1280x1024 1680x1050 1600x1200 1920x1200 1920x1440 2048x1536=3B;{191-19E,400-42F}S 640x480x64 1280x768x64 1280x800x64 1360x768x64=1;800x600x64 848x480x64 960x600x64 1024x768x64 1152x864x64 1280x960x64 1280x1024x64 1680x1050x64 1600x1200x64 1920x1200x64 1920x1440x64 2048x1536x64=3B;
Between the before and after code snippets, you should be able to edit your own entries if your original entry did not match mine.

Upon restaring, you should find that you have 60, 75, and 85Hz available for 1920x1200. And you should have even more available for 1680x1050 (including 100Hz).

Two other quick notes: You might find that changes to one "nv_modes" entry propogate automatically to others. This was odd to me as I'd never seen the Windows registry behave this way before. But I definitely saw it happen this time around. Also, it may not be strictly necessary to change every nv_mode entry under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet. However, when following my previous instructions this time around, I found it wasn't quite enough to just change HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\video but this time I also had to change nv_mode entries found in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class as well. Having said that, you should not need to edit anything outside of HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet.

Good luck!
Odd. . .

I just wiped and started over (because I didn't like how a few things --unrelated to this topic-- went during my last install).

This time around, I did indeed only have to modify that one nv_modes entry under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\video and did not have to change anything under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\class

Go figure. . .
Great, Hurin! Do these 85 and 100 Hz refresh rates hold up in DirectX and OpenGL gaming?

Odd. . .

I just wiped and started over (because I didn't like how a few things --unrelated to this topic-- went during my last install).

This time around, I did indeed only have to modify that one nv_modes entry under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\video and did not have to change anything under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\class

Go figure. . .
Great, Hurin! Do these 85 and 100 Hz refresh rates hold up in DirectX and OpenGL gaming?
Good question. They held up last night in LotRO. If memory serves, they held up for Civilization IV the last time I went through all this. Those are both Direct3D.

I'll have to try an OpenGL game. Unfortunately, I doubt I'll have time until Sunday. I'm leaving town tomorrow afternoon for a couple days.
With XP, I create a custom resolution with only one refresh rate so the system never has but one choice. (Lately, 1528 by 1144 at 85Hz for 96dpi on a Sony 21")

Sounds like it's all locked down in Vista though...
Yeah, I don't believe you can create custom resolutions with refresh rates in Vista; at least with nVidia's drivers. I haven't actually used Vista yet, as my new PC (in signature) is about three weeks away from completion. I'm currently using my FW900 with an older PC using XP, which works flawlessly. I'm trying to prepare for Vista, though, and learn as much as possible about refresh rate limitations. Apparently nVidia and/or Microsoft never considered widescreen resolutions needing any refresh rates over 60 Hz, as widescreens are limited to LCDs (except for the FW900, that is). I'm looking forward to trying Hurin's procedure when my Vista build is complete.

With XP, I create a custom resolution with only one refresh rate so the system never has but one choice. (Lately, 1528 by 1144 at 85Hz for 96dpi on a Sony 21")

Sounds like it's all locked down in Vista though...
Ok, it's been a week since I first found my FW900 was dead. I got my RS232 <> TTL converter cable up an running, and I have successfully used WINDAS to download the DAT to my hard drive. When I go to look at the failures, I see "ERROR" listed beside "No PW Supply".

Obviously there is a power supply problem. I've tried playing with a few different values and them saving the updated DAT to the monitor. So far, nothing I've tried is working to jump start this beast. I'm using a the recommended hex editor to edit the DAT files for proper ASCII encoding.

This thread is total chaos, so I'm posting this without much hope for an answer. But, there's nothing like blind hope..................................
I posted if anyone in the South West wanted to buy mine and I would drop it off at your home.

FW-900 For Sale
The HP version

I live in Bullhead City AZ, Next to Laughlin NV and would rather put it in the Back seat and drive it to you, Than Pay $ 150.oo ++ to have it packed and shipped and then wonder if it made it to you safely.

So, If you are in Arizona - LA area - or Las Vegas
EMail me at [email protected] and lets do a trade.

It is in Great Shape, Clean with no dings or scratches etc

Since, That did Not work out I have put it up for Sale on EBay.
Click < HERE >


As you can see, It is in Great shape & works perfectly
I Also will send with it a DVI-->VGA Cable
And Yes I will send It to Canada !

Maybe, I have been Lucky, 'Cause I have Not had any of the Problems that some of you have reported.
As an eBay Associate, HardForum may earn from qualifying purchases.
Well my patience got greatly rewarded last night.

After years of letting these displays slip through my fingers due to lack of funds or indecisiveness, my daily Craigslist hunting finally paid off.

I found a Sony branded FW900 only five minutes from my apartment. I bought it from the original owner - a freelance architect. For the last three years it had been sitting on his bedroom floor, since he had swapped desks and needed something smaller (he had switched to a 22" 4:3 CRT). The monitor is pristine - no screen imperfections, perfect casing, it even has the original cables and manual. I fired it up, and it's stunning.

Total costs including renting a FlexCar to go pick it up: $65. I'm rather pleased with myself.

Now I just need to figure out which settings to use. The picture looks great to me, but I have no idea whether or not I have ideal brightness and/or contrast settings selected.

So two specific questions: which programs or utilities should I be using to calibrate the display, and also, in the "color" menu, I have tabs for "Basic", "Expert", and "RGB" or something to that effect. Tabbing from the first two to the latter changes the image, even without selecting Image Restore. Which tabs should I be exiting the color menu from?