20x Computer Build Help

Wow...just read this whole thing and wow. Why post for advice and not heed any of it?

Learning the hard way inc.

When he gets bit in the ass or his father loses his business due to a malpractice suit because of some loss of data or what-not, he will remember this thread for a loooooooong time.....the fact of the matter is, this type of job is NOT something a part time wanna-be IT guy that is still in high school should be doing....

March on OP.
Dude STFU!! please
Every single computer has been built. There was only a motherboard, psu, cpu, and one or
two other things that arrived doa. Each system has been tested for a little over 48 hours
with no problems what so ever.

Each computer has been set up in each of the offices. All the cable runs have been ran and
the entire network is 98% complete. All the networking that has been built so far has been

Hell this is how the owner of Velocity Mico started out when he was starting collage.

Just because you cant build or a pc (or do and mess it up each and every time) does not
mean that I am will not be able to do it. BUT I HAVE and it has all been tested and working

I am away at Buy.com Lan and will post a work log as soon as I get back.
So stop posting until you see the end result and from there you can say
anything you want.
Please discuss the network you setup for the office.

What did you end up doing for a server? I hope its more then just broadband, router, switch, and a client machine sharing a folder.
Hell this is how the owner of Velocity Mico started out when he was starting collage.

Why do I occasionally see people spell college 'collage'? In my experience every time it is spelled that way its a person attending or will be attending college.
Please discuss the network you setup for the office.

What did you end up doing for a server? I hope its more then just broadband, router, switch, and a client machine sharing a folder.

What is the point of including the last sentence besides making a jab at FlowGaming? If you had read the thread, you would have seen the discussions of server hardware. I know it is hard to find the decent posts with all the dipshits spewing their crap all over this thread.
What is the point of including the last sentence besides making a jab at FlowGaming? If you had read the thread, you would have seen the discussions of server hardware. I know it is hard to find the decent posts with all the dipshits spewing their crap all over this thread.

Wow easy killer. What is the point in your retaliation? I have read the thread. I have saw the specs of the server hardware. I have also seen his cross posts on Network is Down forum.

But again no mention of any software. So chill out kid. I don't think I need to make jabs over the internet. So maybe instead of just adding to your post count, let the OP answer the damn question.
Dude STFU!! please
Every single computer has been built. There was only a motherboard, psu, cpu, and one or
two other things that arrived doa. Each system has been tested for a little over 48 hours
with no problems what so ever.

Each computer has been set up in each of the offices. All the cable runs have been ran and
the entire network is 98% complete. All the networking that has been built so far has been

Just because you cant build or a pc (or do and mess it up each and every time) does not
mean that I am will not be able to do it. BUT I HAVE and it has all been tested and working


The actual install is NOTHING, easy enough for a dedicated kid to do, it's the work AFTER that, that gets you in trouble. You are in high school, you don't have the time to maintain a project like that and you could get your dad into serious trouble. I hope you can do it. I really do. But you just keep ignoring more experienced people's opinions and recommendations, after you ASKED for them.

The fact you even jest at my unknown to you pc building skills is a testament to how much you DON'T know. The building and installing is easy. Building is nothing but a bunch of screws, brackets, wires and some physical grunt work.
Dude STFU!! please
....one more time - FlowGaming and the rest of you guys need to stop the flames, the jabs, the attacks, etc. or this thread is going to be locked.

FlowGaming - you're getting solid advice from some folks that have "been there, done that". Worth considering....

You guys can be as critical as you want, but when it gets personal count on me or an admin stepping in.
Dude STFU!! please
Every single computer has been built. There was only a motherboard, psu, cpu, and one or
two other things that arrived doa. Each system has been tested for a little over 48 hours
with no problems what so ever.

Each computer has been set up in each of the offices. All the cable runs have been ran and
the entire network is 98% complete. All the networking that has been built so far has been

Hell this is how the owner of Velocity Mico started out when he was starting collage.

Just because you cant build or a pc (or do and mess it up each and every time) does not
mean that I am will not be able to do it. BUT I HAVE and it has all been tested and working

I am away at Buy.com Lan and will post a work log as soon as I get back.
So stop posting until you see the end result and from there you can say
anything you want.

As my post and actually, most of the other posts in this thread (once you made it clear you were building it yourself) have noted, it's not the build, it's the support.

It's having someone around at 1:30 on a Friday afternoon to fix a problem with the security software blocking an update to the radiology software. It's having someone to yell at the assistant who likes to spill her coffee in all the wrong places - someone who knows how to get it out of them. It's knowing, when someone accidentally deletes a series of tests that cost an insurance company a thousand dollars, how to get them back without disrupting operation. It's having someone on hand who can figure out why tubg!rl spam is spouting from every smtp orifice at 6 AM saturday morning, horrifying clients.

There are very stiff penalties for failing to do these things in a professional environment, in a multimillion dollar a year company. There are even stiffer penalties in a medical field.

I'd like to ask you again... does your dad seriously expect to use 20 machines for medical imaging? Or is this merely a standard build for the entire office? That number is quite scary for those of us who go to a large practice employing 25 people fulltime, which has at least 10 patients under the lights at any one time, and see perhaps 5 X-ray machines total.

"How is your network set up" is very rarely a question whose answer should involve cabling.
I'm amazed so many people actually believe this kid, don't waste your time with this attention seeker.
Ack, I shivered when reading the OP and then scrolling through the posts...

To quote the Dude..."Dude, you should have got a Dell." and reiterate what everyone's said: building = easy, support = hard & time consumin'.

Besides, I'm fairly certain insurance would go ape-shit if they knew; doctors already have a huge target painted on their backs, they don't need bigger ones.
I would like to know what will happen when the whole system goes down, when this kid is in the middle of History Class at his school.... Or even when (if) you go to college?... Not exactly 24x365 support...

I am not going to beat a dead horse, but all my thoughts have been mirrored in this thread (using OEMs, not folding, etc)

The only one that was not addressed was the.. shall we say, "Over-cooling". These desktops with 3x 120mm fans, are going to have massive dust bunnies inside of them within a matter of weeks. The cleaning people are not going to dust these computers as well as someone who owns a computer like this personally.

I just cracked open a computer from my office (a compaq that was about a year old, and only had one 80mm fan on the back), and it was CAKED with dust inside, and that is with a much lower airflow. And no, more airflow will not prevent or reduce dust buildup, it will increase it.

As for the OP, you asked for input, we are giving you input, if you didn't want it, then don't ask. Just saying things like "STFU" lends to a lack of maturity.
The only one that was not addressed was the.. shall we say, "Over-cooling". These desktops with 3x 120mm fans, are going to have massive dust bunnies inside of them within a matter of weeks. The cleaning people are not going to dust these computers as well as someone who owns a computer like this personally.

That was addressed (and ignored) in post 23 of this thread.
I would like to know what will happen when the whole system goes down, when this kid is in the middle of History Class at his school.... Or even when (if) you go to college?... Not exactly 24x365 support...

As for the OP, you asked for input, we are giving you input, if you didn't want it, then don't ask. Just saying things like "STFU" lends to a lack of maturity.

Well, he will find out the hard way, and that is almost a certainty. Here at my work, we have ~25 workstations with nothing but some invoicing/accounting/email stuff going on, and there is enough work to keep a full time IT person going with the little nags that pop up, mostly from user error. Keeping patches up to date, etc., can get tiresome as well. I was asked about doing it in addition to my regular sales job, I said "no way". Too much to do.

I hope this dad does not lose his business over a lawsuit.

that is just killing me! LOL


its french.....

but seriously, i would like an update on this thread from FlowGaming.

i'm really curious as to the progress of this project and if anything has come up on the support side of things
Sorry about how long it is taking me to post any updates at all.

I do understand where some of you guys are coming from when you say that this is an
attention thread and what not, due to me posting any updates for I don't know how long.
I am very sorry about that. I have been extremely busy. Heck I have been out of town
for almost 2x weeks between FL and CA.

-The ceiling mounted arms have been installed and all the computers in every room are FULLY
up and running. The server is fully built and has been tested. All the back ups (even a tape
drive back up) are working 100% and tested. I ran i don't know how many cables everywhere
in the building and even added extra lines/runs to allow future upgrades to run a lot smoother.
On top of all that each wireless keyboard/mouse unit has been tested to see if they
interfered with each other and then locked their channels. Now when it came to security
I used a really really cool switch that allows me to monitor every computer on the network,
allow internet or no internet, and a whole bunch of other things. It really is sweet as hell ;D

So... all that is left to do now is take the final pictures and post the full work log. That
I WILL POST THIS WEEKEND!!! to prove to all you haters/doubters
that i did not F*** anything up and that this was done a hell of a lot better than any other
company could have done!
You don't get it, do you? We have no doubt that it's going to work at the beginning but the service and repair after that is what this thread was all about.
no i do get it. Though you guys don't understand. I am more then able to repair and service
all these computers.

Yes you guys bring up the fact that I will be going to collage. I do understand that and I
will not run into to much a problem with that. The 2x guys that have helped me in this
project live about 5min away form this office. They can fix things in a blink of an eye and
are getting paid to do so. I am not going to be far away at all as well.

Plus I really enjoyed doing this project. I have actually had 5x other offices like my work
so much that they have asked me to do their offices as well and this is something that I
would really like to turn into a biz. Now with doing this I understand this can easly open
up another can of worms and I DO NOT WANT TO DO THAT IN THIS THREAD. But things
could be very interesteing for the good or bad.


I figured out that support was a concern in the first page. So did he. Let it go.

flowgaming- What was the biggest pain to get done out of it all? Lets say you have major issues at dads work (i.e., he needs it fixed asap) and an exam the next day. Are you covered by the other 2 guys for stuff like that or just small repairs and support here and there. Do you actually see this being profitable with the amount of work/hours you may have worked?
So... all that is left to do now is take the final pictures and post the full work log. That
I WILL POST THIS WEEKEND!!! to prove to all you haters/doubters
that i did not F*** anything up and that this was done a hell of a lot better than any other
company could have done!

First I'm glad to see you used a tape drive.

Second for the amount of issues you have had you seem to have done well. Little high on the DOA parts but that very well could have been parts that were truly defective from the factory. I would not get cocky though. No you didn't do it better then any company could do. Did you do it better then most would have? Maybe. Only time will tell with that. Important thing is to keep a level head and work through the issues as they come up. Also I'm interested in more of how you setup the server but will wait for the update.
On top of all that each wireless keyboard/mouse unit has been tested to see if they
interfered with each other and then locked their channels. Now when it came to security
I used a really really cool switch that allows me to monitor every computer on the network,
allow internet or no internet, and a whole bunch of other things. It really is sweet as hell ;D

I am sure the patients will appreciate that their diagnosis will be transmitted WIRELESSLY via the keyboards... Nevermind that I think the nurses will love to have to replace the batteries in them all the time. (I apologize if somebody has already touched on this point)

Also, a switch that can turn off ports is not really security, I don't really see how you can think that it is..
The Switch
-I used a very vague description. In my full post I will explain more about it. Just know that this
is a killer switch. That it had some great security built into it and that there are many solid
options to keep everything good.

-Batteries are not a big problem. Why do you guys nit pick the stupid stuff at times
(no offence) till the end :rolleyes: so what if they have to change batteries. I have a
charging station that has all the replace meant batteries ready to go. It takes only a
few seconds to swap these batteries out.

Big Pain
-Wires, I ran them through the walls, I crawled on my hands and knees in the rafters to fun
everything where they need to be. That was honestly it. I built all the computers in about 8x
hours. It took me maybe 4x hours to install all the software/OS's etc. The monitor arms
took about 4-6 hours to put up. The wire job took about 5x hours to do everything and
clean up. Also a few other little side jobs took some time. In all I really did not spend
just that much time on this project. It was hella fun and things went very smoothly.

This Profitable?
-This is very much so. I saved my dad more money then you guys will believe. I mean
they where charging him $1700 for a computer that costs only say about $400. I built him
insain C2D pcs for $580. Their 17" monitors cost $540 I got nice Samsung 19" for $220.
They where going to charge him 10-15k for the wire job. I went above and beyond the call
and did an even better job. Now this is not even talking about mounting the Monitor arms
which they said would take 2x days to do and cost around 10k.

The amount of money these guys charge is insain. my 2x friends and myself made $1000
each off building the computers. We made $2500 of the wire runs. Now this may sound
very cheap but for the amount of time it took and the pay off it was pretty nice! Not to
mention the entire goal was to save my dad as much money as I could.

Tests? how am I going to Fix a Pc
-My 2x friends will be on call 24x7 and I will be there to help as well. Not
to mention I know enough people that would be able to help. As mentioned before there
is a side pc. If one computer goes down all they do is swap it out for a new one and start
it up. its done! I have spare parts to easily fix broken systems. I even have an extra
hard drive for the server.

Guys I am not that stupid. I am not going to do something that will pay out my ass later.
Heck, when the Paterson Guys came in and saw what I had done they said
This is the nicest set up that I have ever sceen. Who ever did this did one
hell of a job. I have never had anything this good to work with.

Also because of this I have other people talking to me about me doing stuff for them.
when you were saying how much they were charging him, did it include support for x amount of years? I know you did this as a favour to your dad but it seems like you are including other people for support. How are they getting paid? You only mentioned how much you saved your dad so I am assuming you haven't charged him for support. Are the 2 guys you have helping working directly with your dads office or are they working for you?
This Profitable?
-This is very much so. I saved my dad more money then you guys will believe.
The amount of money these guys charge is insain.

Labor in the real world is expensive, especially when you start taking into account full time employees. The base pay rate that a compay pays their employee is only a portion of the overall expense. There's also taxes the company has to pay for, medical benefits (health, dental, vision) if the company offers a 401k plan that they contribute to, and the company needs to take into account vacation time since they'll still have to pay the employee even though he's not producing anything. And PD probably has some form of an accountant that handles all the money, the accountants salary is covered by all the work PD's laborers bill for.

If the installation job is too far from their office Patterson Dental would have to consider paying for lodging, gas expenses, per diem, and travel time beyond the normal commute. If an employees normal commute is half an hour and it takes them an hour to get to your dads office, there's half an hour PD pays their employee for nothing produced.

All that while still trying to turn a profit.

If your dad paid you under the table then all those expenses don't apply to you which means more money in you and your dads pockets.
-Batteries are not a big problem. Why do you guys nit pick the stupid stuff at times
(no offence) till the end :rolleyes: so what if they have to change batteries. I have a
charging station that has all the replace meant batteries ready to go. It takes only a
few seconds to swap these batteries out.

You glazed over my more important point of wireless keyboards, but thats just fine...

Batteries may not be a big deal to you, but you are not some nurse who is clueless at technology (just the fact that you can build a computer proves that). Some poor girl typing in someones blood pressure or whatever, and bam the battery dies.. Then spends the next 20 minutes trying to replace the batteries. You laugh, or shrug it off, but $10 says that it happens in the first 6 months (the first round of batteries dying)

And no, I am not trying to flame you (as your original, unedited post said), I am trying to give you a different perspective. There are alot more views in the world then just yours.
You glazed over my more important point of wireless keyboards, but thats just fine...

Batteries may not be a big deal to you, but you are not some nurse who is clueless at technology (just the fact that you can build a computer proves that). Some poor girl typing in someones blood pressure or whatever, and bam the battery dies.. Then spends the next 20 minutes trying to replace the batteries. You laugh, or shrug it off, but $10 says that it happens in the first 6 months (the first round of batteries dying)

And no, I am not trying to flame you (as your original, unedited post said), I am trying to give you a different perspective. There are alot more views in the world then just yours.

sounds like you're working at my doctor's office :D

not too long ago, my doctor got his new office opened. one day when i had my visit scheduled, receptionist was taking appointments in her notebook, because her computer "broke" and wouldn't respond to the keyboard. ;) next thing you know, all wireless keyboards are replaced by $5 keyboards :p
sounds like you're working at my doctor's office :D

not too long ago, my doctor got his new office opened. one day when i had my visit scheduled, receptionist was taking appointments in her notebook, because her computer "broke" and wouldn't respond to the keyboard. ;) next thing you know, all wireless keyboards are replaced by $5 keyboards :p

Been there, done that. Nothing like seeing a dumpster full of wireless keyboards after the CFO realizes they need a line item in the budget for AAA batteries.
There are extra back up keyboards.
There are extra back up mice.

Most of the people that work here in that office go camping every month or so. They know
how to change batteries. I mean honestly... who do you know that can not change batteries?

Actually their cost for the computers and etc did not even come with support and etc. If you
wanted to get their stuff protected they charged a couple hundread each and every month
for their support. I think you get like 6months free at first, but after that you have to play a lot!.

With their old 5x computers and 1x server they where spending around $300 a month on
support! Now with their upgrade of all these new computers and extra software. That little
amount was going to be huge!!!

I don't mean to shoot down so many of your guys posts. Its just that I am not as stupid
as you may think. I have thought this through every well. Do you really think that I would
allow myself or my dad to get into a spot where the shit would hit the fan. Yes, keyboards
will go bad, a computer will not start, and what not. The thing is that this is life and I am
am fully able to fix these problems. I have back up plans and back up equipment. Yes
every once in a while I will have a headache and something will go bad, but the thing is
that I can stand behind this and have fun in the process.
sounds like you're working at my doctor's office :D

not too long ago, my doctor got his new office opened. one day when i had my visit scheduled, receptionist was taking appointments in her notebook, because her computer "broke" and wouldn't respond to the keyboard. ;) next thing you know, all wireless keyboards are replaced by $5 keyboards :p

Their old system went down a few times. They had to use paper and pen and it did not
hurt them at all. They simply had everything entered the next day. Not to mention they
always have paper print outs and books where things are copied so that if shit happens
they are able to deal with it.
With their old 5x computers and 1x server they where spending around $300 a month on
support! Now with their upgrade of all these new computers and extra software. That little
amount was going to be huge!!!

What was included in the support? Sounds kinda cheap depending on what was covered. Support is expensive. Also what is the support going to cost for just software support?

Will be looking forward to the pics and worklog.
man wireless keyboard mouse in buisness never works out. im so glad we stopped offering them. you dont know how many times i had to go replace batteries or press reconnect on the reciever and device.

o well hopefully those backup keyboard mice are all usb ones.

What kind of software is on the server? you doing any AD? Or just a file server?
What kind of software is on the server? you doing any AD? Or just a file server?
from research, most of the time, the software is run off of the server from the client machines.
So it is an application, file, DNS, and DCHP server.
How much ram do you go Flowgaming? I would think you nee atleast 4gigs or even 8Gigs for twenty workstations.