2005 Post Your Workstation

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Should have my hands on a Viewsonic VP912B in a couple of weeks.

Haha, we ALMOST have the same chair......'cept yours isn't as "used" and has longer arm rests. ;)

What's the matter, just want the extra size....or do you not like the 710?
cornelious0_0 said:
Haha, we ALMOST have the same chair......'cept yours isn't as "used" and has longer arm rests. ;)

What's the matter, just want the extra size....or do you not like the 710?

I do want the extra size (without the higher resolution so I can keep playing games with 2xAA/8xAF), but what turned me on to it initially was one of the guys in my office at work got one for a dual monitor setup, and sitting next to his old 2001FP the IQ and color blew it, and me totally away (mostly because of the reflective film, I know) so I decided that would be my next monitor.. and it just so happens I'm inhereting a decent sum of money in a couple of weeks so I'm gonna order it, along with quite a few new things for my rig. Might even be moving back to a Lili case. Not sure on that yet, though.

The 710t has done me very well, I'm only slightly dissapointed with the color reproduction especially when viewed at certain angles, near the top of the panel... which I'm sure is probably just a production issue with the particular unit that I received.

BTW, this chair was $40 AR from OfficeMax. :cool:
Stellar said:
I do want the extra size (without the higher resolution so I can keep playing games with 2xAA/8xAF), but what turned me on to it initially was one of the guys in my office at work got one for a dual monitor setup, and sitting next to his old 2001FP the IQ and color blew it, and me totally away (mostly because of the reflective film, I know) so I decided that would be my next monitor.. and it just so happens I'm inhereting a decent sum of money in a couple of weeks so I'm gonna order it, along with quite a few new things for my rig. Might even be moving back to a Lili case. Not sure on that yet, though.

The 710t has done me very well, I'm only slightly dissapointed with the color reproduction especially when viewed at certain angles, near the top of the panel... which I'm sure is probably just a production issue with the particular unit that I received.

BTW, this chair was $40 AR from OfficeMax. :cool:

The main thing stuck in my head after reading that was.....

Get the LiLi..........GET THE LILI!!!!! :D
cornelious0_0 said:
The main thing stuck in my head after reading that was.....

Get the LiLi..........GET THE LILI!!!!! :D

No, the man stays with the same case I have.

$40? I feel gipped for paying $70 for mine now.
cornelious0_0 said:
So then you're saying that this whole thing about having unshielded speakers and subs next to cases has been completely blown out of proportion all this time?

corn.....you have a lot of posts

how long are you on here every day
Circuitbreaker8 said:
Lian Li's are overrated :p

no theyre owe-ver-priced :p :D

if you have no idea what im talking about, you need to read the forums a little more. either that or i have no life and read them too much....

/goes and ponders life
ubern00b15, I honestly have no idea sometimes....I do a lot of it helping you guys out and providing my services, in the form of my Top10 threads and such....no it's not completely wasted. ;)

Circuitbreaker8, no.....no they're not. It's as TSS Modder said...they're overpriced. I can say this being a HUGE LiLi lover and supporter because i know it to be true....but I still love what I get for my money when I invest in Lian-Li. I've tried out a LOT of different cases from your plain old $30 beige beauty, to a gawdy Tt Xaser, to a Shuttle, to a cube server case, and a few others, including having the oportunity to work on both a Sonata and a CM Wavemaster.......and I can honeslty still say that because of my personal preferences (which is what MOST of this comes down to after all) still takes me back to my Lian-Li. You or anyone else is more then welcome to their own preferences and opinions....but when you voice an overly blunt, negative comment like that you can expect at least ONE person around here to rise up and defend that thing.

I love Lian-Li, and I can respect the fact that people don't.....but I dont believe it's right to say things like Coolermasters are over-rated.....because I know that it's not true, I jsut dont prefer them to my LiLi.

If you were just joking, I'm sorrry.....but there are WAY to many ignorant people around here that bash overpriced "classy" cases every chance that they get, that I have a hard time telling them from the jokers sometimes.
TSS Modder said:
no theyre owe-ver-priced :p :D

if you have no idea what im talking about, you need to read the forums a little more. either that or i have no life and read them too much....

/goes and ponders life

remember when the PC-60 was 279.00 in '99? I think they are pretty well priced now/
remember when the PC-60 was 279.00 in '99? I think they are pretty well priced now/

Geez, I honestly had no idea that my baby had been around that long.....I didnt really get into building computer or any of this stuff until a couple years ago.....I guess these things age quite well then, cus a lot of cases never retain a lot of class and style after being "on the shelf" for that long.

I really need a computer, dontcha think :p

EDIT:BTW the thing in the binbag underneath my desk is my Praetorian ;)
navicaph said:
Why is there a sink? Are you in the bathroom?

i laughed when i saw that.. but yea its probably some sorta deal like houses with tiolet in the middle of the basement lol
Didn't feel like using the flash so there's some noise in the picture.
DaMiEn said:
Just out of interest why didn't you "feel like using the flash"?
No reason other than I don't like the way it makes the picture look.
navicaph said:
Wait, are you suggesting the sink is portable? :confused:

umm...no. in my dorm room in madrid, there was a sink. it's like that in a lot of single occupancy dorm rooms. my sister had one in her room at george washington as well. sinks should be portable though.
eL c0L0mb1aNo said:
umm...no. in my dorm room in madrid, there was a sink. it's like that in a lot of single occupancy dorm rooms. my sister had one in her room at george washington as well. sinks should be portable though.

Never knew that. My dorm room was the size of my current closet and didn't have a sink.

I have a sink because it is in my bedroom :D. Dont ask me why it was put there, because it came with the house + I had a chuckle at you lot trying to figure out (wrongly) why it was there :)
those all-acrylic cases are pretty nice.

here's my, uh, "workstation"


and if you're curious about the stickers... :)

Heres mine. Finally quit being lazy and took pictures.

Oh, ignore the wall color, I hate it. heh
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