2005 Post Your Workstation

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cornelious0_0 said:
Me2, but just for curiousties sake....because I dont recall ever seeing them before, and it's gonna bug me. :p

The Speakers are loud enuf to annoy the next doors :D And Have Done...

I aint got the Sub turned up a quarter and she bounces! they are Made by Philips i'll get a Piccy and specs of them up some time tonite... ohh and a price.. :)

I like them and the look Different to everything else out there.

Few more piccys... Still to Get info on the speakers... not had time tonite Soz


My New Web Cam Holder :D
Just Lol... :)

Good fun that thing... it dances and stuff... but at £80 its not cheap..
It is a toy but i thought hmmm webcam holder :D
Since my office is in such a disasterous state I thought I'd share, think of it more as the mad tech's lab opposed to a workspace.





Its usually not like this... I've been having some hardware problems and waiting for rmas so i figure i wouldn't clean up till i get both systems running...its been 2 weeks... just got auth for a re-rma :eek: :( You can even see the abit repeat rma form in the last pic, along with my LEET mousepad
ericlikeseatin said:
Hehe, I love cats! Does the cat hair ever get inside your case?
she doesnt sleep on the case, only on the crt. the tube keeps her ass warmer...
the hair doesnt bother me that much, i just wipe it off with a towel
p0stal said:
Before cleaning :


After Cleaning (plus new comp :D ) ;


So my friends side on the left is still a little messy...oh well thats not my job, i cleaned everything else.

Your friends side? do u guys live together cause that would be sweet to lan it up all the time.
Ok, so it's a mess.... but I love the desk it is huge.. all steel... that faux wood look, made by a company called "Art Metal' ... Heavy though.....

Here are my setups at home ( all rigs are running Folding@home)
main desk




Test bench/ More folding boxen/ test/destroy etc.


all Boxen are running Linux, except my Gaming PC on the main desk

Yeah that xbox looks good my man. :cool: :)

don't suppose you have a tutorial/worklog ?
isp said:
Yeah that xbox looks good my man. :cool: :)

don't suppose you have a tutorial/worklog ?

That's sure be nice to see........my brother bought an Xbox for xmas......and i have no plans on modding it under the cover....but if there's some cool stuff I could do without getting TO crazy I might be interested....just to see if there's any little things I can "pull" from a guide of yours.....if it were to exist. :)
i have some pics of me workin on it..


installed v1.0 Fan on a 1.4 xbox, better cooling :)


cut out HDD tray for this...

80mm fan update,

heres the mother board.. tons of wires

heres 2 pics of the modchip i used.. Xecuter 3 CE edition


Current plans for my xbox is to add a 2.6 inch hippad screen somewhere, moving the controller post to the right side and putting the LCD under the dvd brazel, going to add USB ports in the front and a 128MB memory upgrade, and thinking about painting it it, prolly going to go with the changing color paint, blue to red, not sure yet, if not im going to paint it gloss white, ill make a worklog when i start my mods
very nice bro....it's kinda cool to see a nice little "group shot" of some of my favorite SFF style mods of the past while....but that monitor looks kinda out of place. :p
cornelious0_0 said:
very nice bro....it's kinda cool to see a nice little "group shot" of some of my favorite SFF style mods of the past while....but that monitor looks kinda out of place. :p
Well that CRT has outlived most of my mods so it will stay stock. Who knows, beige computers might be pupular again before it is is time to get rid of it. ;)
mashie said:
Well that CRT has outlived most of my mods so it will stay stock. Who knows, beige computers might be pupular again before it is is time to get rid of it. ;)

How long are you expecting the thing to last.....I dunno how long I'd think about holding my breath waiting for beige beauties to make a come back. :p
This is my newes setup at my house.



Proc: Barton 2500+
Mobo: Asus
RAM: 768 Crucial pc2700
Video: GeForce 5600 Ultra
Sound: Sound Blaster Audigy 2

Logitech z-5500
Dell UltraSharp 17" LCD
OfficeMax Desk
Sanyo 22" Flat Screen TV
Cableone Digital Cable + T3 internet connection
Same Setup basically.. but i did redue it slightly but dont have pictures yet




and no i dont just buy computers i have build some too
One Example-
Sure, it's clean...

Directly behind main desk, gaming rig and TV:

Toy and PC parts corner...

Nice stuff you guys......really makes me want an LCD now.....seeing as I dont play any games anyways, I would REALLY apprecaite the native 1600res on a 19" right about now. :D

Maybe for my birthday in June. :cool:

zakker, how do you like the 5500's? Mine get here sometime next week and I'm going nuts waiting for them. :D
mekanikal said:
Your friends side? do u guys live together cause that would be sweet to lan it up all the time.

Well we don't live together, but he had this computer in his room that his parents wouldnt let him hook up to the net, so he brought it over here one weekend for a lan, and its been here ever since (about 2 weeks). After school sometimes he will come over and we will play some Sven Co-op or some Brainbread for awhile, and he will go home, and we will play some more while he is on his other computer. I also just upgraded my system, so I have two extra comps at my house incase any of my friends feel like lanning but are too lazy to bring their stuff. It is very convenient.

cornelious0_0 said:
zakker, how do you like the 5500's? Mine get here sometime next week and I'm going nuts waiting for them.
Yea I was deciding on getting the 5300e's or the 5500's, I went the cheaper route, and am not dissappointed :D . Let us know how the 5500's are zakker
zakker said:
This is my newes setup at my house.

Proc: Barton 2500+
Mobo: Asus
RAM: 768 Crucial pc2700
Video: GeForce 5600 Ultra
Sound: Sound Blaster Audigy 2

Logitech z-5500
Dell UltraSharp 17" LCD
OfficeMax Desk
Sanyo 22" Flat Screen TV
Cableone Digital Cable + T3 internet connection

sweet setup - flat panel, speakers, tv - you're only missing an xbox or ps2 ;)
dracos said:
Ok, so it's a mess.... but I love the desk it is huge.. all steel... that faux wood look, made by a company called "Art Metal' ... Heavy though.....


First....that is sick.

Second....I don't think I could sit there and NOT think those shelves were coming down on top of me at any time.

Last....I really hope that is not a "portable potty" under your desk in the form of a plastic bottle. If it is....please don't tell me. :(

Just got the lappy today
2ghz centrino
100gig uata
128mb ATi Radeon 9600Pro Turbo
YodaLah said:

Just got the lappy today
2ghz centrino
100gig uata
128mb ATi Radeon 9600Pro Turbo

darn.. nice lappy.. you have some cool stuff and your workstation would looks so much better if you had a bigger desk..
TheMostWantedPolishTwin said:
darn.. nice lappy.. you have some cool stuff and your workstation would looks so much better if you had a bigger desk..

Hehe, yeah....just spotted the front right speaker from you 680's hiding behind your monitor......it sure aint doin' a lot of good back there. ;) :p
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