1366 x58 Xeon Enthusiast overclocks club

Use Intel Burn Test to test load.

Mine also runs great at 4.2 but I had to increase voltage past 1.35 in order to go above 4.4. At 4ghz (200x20) it only uses 1.1v but does not feel as fast as 190x22. However, this CPU loves 4ghz to 4.2 at low voltages using all 6 cores and all 12 threads. I can't believe how much more Folding it does over my 930 at the same clocks. I'm only running 190x22 and its nothing short of a new computer. Feels no different then my Dads X79 i7-3930K, but he spent MUCH MUCH more then I did, haha. In fact, since he is not overclocking his Sandy chip I suspect my 4.2ghz Westmere is faster. Both Windows and Linux are noticeably snappier, and games run much smoother.

Best CPU upgrade to date.
Way to quote me out of context. How about you also include the part where I mention that every cpu is different, and that the PLL voltlage I'm running won't necessarily do anything for you? Did you just do the stock test to find where you would be stable? Or did you find your optimal PLL for your own CPU and then overclock and test with the lower PLL vs higher? That's where you see the temp difference, at overclocked loads.

I must be tired, I remember reading the whole post but somehow forgot about messing with the CPU voltage. Sorry about that.

I did try lowering the CPU volts first time round with the lower PLL but it made no difference, still need the same volts to reach 4.4Ghz.

The temps are not to my liking either, hitting 80C at 4.4Ghz, after delidding it was down to 70C so I'm definitely missing that :(

Since I have 2 I'm going to lap one, I'm a bit sick at the moment so I'll give it a go next week.

First of all, holy shit a Sony Trinitron :eek: I remember many hours of playing Quake 3 at 200hz on one of those gems.

"Slow Mode" yeah, don't use it if at all possible, the "problems" you describe are "normal", had very similar issues on my Asus board.
First of all, holy shit a Sony Trinitron :eek: I remember many hours of playing Quake 3 at 200hz on one of those gems.

"Slow Mode" yeah, don't use it if at all possible, the "problems" you describe are "normal", had very similar issues on my Asus board.

Haha, Yeah. I've got a handful. 3x FW900s around here. And this is an old 19" that's really in great condition. Picked it up to save it from the dumpster.

That's what I suspected with the Slow Mode thing. It's been kind of a love-hate relationship with this evga board. It's great for a lot of things. But they never really put out a BIOS for them that could complete with the R3E/R3G...Seems this board was best suited to doing LN2 sessions.
CPU-Tweaker, it's in all my screenshots, just take a look to see!

So I DL'd CPU-Tweaker but when I try and run it it says error at least one dimm need to be in channel A! Also CPU-Z is showing 12GB of ram but my BIOS and Windows only shows 8GB.

I don't know how or when this happened so I'm going to have to do some digging to figure this out
R&R: Turn on "Turbo Performance" and see if that gives you your turbo multiplier.
Gonzo: increase QPI/Vtt to get your stick back, or lower QPI/UCLK speed.

This is how i stability test:
1. memory first. Find the absolute fastest/tightest memory/latency combination at *stock* processor speeds using memtest86+. Increasing your core/uclk will not affect this stability, it's in a totally separate clock domain.
2. To correctly test your CPU for stability while HT is enabled, use IBT/LinX with a problem size of 9216. It's not important to test full memory, since you already established that the memory itself is stable.

Also, as I mentioned, I basically set the maximum voltages that I'm comfortable with (temperature is the deal breaker), and then find the maximum clockspeeds that I can run at those voltages.

Lastly, *every* cpu will require a different CPU PLL for 'optimal' temps. certain PLL voltages will make your cpu temps *HIGHER* this is LITERALLY a 'you have to try every single value to find the best one for your particular chip.' Some peoples cpus do better with 1.2, some with 1.4, some with 1.6... every chip is different, and you won't find your optimal PLL without going through the process of elimination and trial/error.
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I was just wondering, should I use 8gb in dual channel, or 6gb in triple channel on my p6t deluxe?
I was just wondering, should I use 8gb in dual channel, or 6gb in triple channel on my p6t deluxe?

I have always done the tripple channel route myself, but i have no facts on how much performance difference there is;) Its a shame its all but impossible to find good deals on tripple channel kits now a days:(
Now i will say this if your talking about 6gb total ram that could put you a bit on the low side of memory available depending on how you use your pc. Its not often i do exceed 6gbs of ram usage but i have done it a few times
R&R: Turn on "Turbo Performance" and see if that gives you your turbo multiplier.
Gonzo: increase QPI/Vtt to get your stick back, or lower QPI/UCLK speed.

This is how i stability test:
1. memory first. Find the absolute fastest/tightest memory/latency combination at *stock* processor speeds using memtest86+. Increasing your core/uclk will not affect this stability, it's in a totally separate clock domain.
2. To correctly test your CPU for stability while HT is enabled, use IBT/LinX with a problem size of 9216. It's not important to test full memory, since you already established that the memory itself is stable.

Also, as I mentioned, I basically set the maximum voltages that I'm comfortable with (temperature is the deal breaker), and then find the maximum clockspeeds that I can run at those voltages.

Lastly, *every* cpu will require a different CPU PLL for 'optimal' temps. certain PLL voltages will make your cpu temps *HIGHER* this is LITERALLY a 'you have to try every single value to find the best one for your particular chip.' Some peoples cpus do better with 1.2, some with 1.4, some with 1.6... every chip is different, and you won't find your optimal PLL without going through the process of elimination and trial/error.

Unfortunately its not that simple. It appears my first two ram banks, the two closest to the cpu socket are dead. If I take those sticks out and put them any of the other four banks they're fine. But no sticks will read in the BIOS or Windows in those first two banks.
I've tried every speed including bone stock, even bone stock with high QPI of 1.35 and default QPI.
I honestly think somehow I must have fried the actual ram slots themselves if its possible. Again the sticks are intact. CPUZ will recognize the sticks are in there but not the BIOS and not Windows. Heck even 3DMark says I have 12GB.

I really don't know what to do here.

I've google this problem and I'm not alone. Sadly all the so called solutions on google do not work for me. Its not a msconfig fix, re-seating my heatsink did nothing.

I genuinely think those first two banks/slots are just dead. Except why would CPUZ and 3DMark see the ram then? AIDA64 does not see the ram. Most importantly BIOS and Windows and subsequently CPU-Tweaker.

In my despair I google dual vs triple channel and it does not appear I will be handicapped too bad if this is my new reality.

This really sucks though. All these years with this mobo and ram and only since I've been fiddling with it in recent weeks since getting my Xeon does this happen. Clearly this is my own doing and I'm not blaming anyone other than myself. I knew this mobo had a BCLK of 215 but I pushed past 220 on occasion. Even though I was running 200BCLK most of the time. I think maybe when I tried the 200BCLK with the 10x multi or tightened the ram timings with max QPI? Actually I have no idea when this happened. I'd kinda like to know why though so I can avoid more problems. My whole point with getting the Xeon was it was a $70 investment allowing me to use my x58 till SkyLake becomes feasible for me. Now I'm down from 12 to 8GB of ram which is a medium big deal and worse yet it might be the start of more problems with this mobo.
Kinda tempted to dial this sucker way back down just for safety sake. Something like 182x22 for a easy 4Ghz but not stressing the system. I mean I'm back at 205x22 right now and it seems fine but then it always seemed fine. I wish I knew exactly when this 12GB dropped down to 8GB so I could pinpoint this.

System won't even post if I have ram in just the first two slots. Really bad sign me thinks.

I'm open to ideas and suggestions but alas all signs seem to point to dead ram slots.:(
I have always done the tripple channel route myself, but i have no facts on how much performance difference there is;) Its a shame its all but impossible to find good deals on tripple channel kits now a days:(
Now i will say this if your talking about 6gb total ram that could put you a bit on the low side of memory available depending on how you use your pc. Its not often i do exceed 6gbs of ram usage but i have done it a few times

In BF4 I've seen ram use top 7GB myself and sadly if you read my above post I'm apparently down to 8GB. I just read an article on triple vs dual channel and the drop down is minimal. At this point I might just get a pair of 8Gb sticks.
First I want to completely exhaust all my research on proving I in fact have dead ram slots though.

If CPUz is seeing the sticks, then it's IMC drift related(that hidden latency value known as tRL). The channel did not wake up in time, but DID wake up. Does your bios have a 'memory recheck' feature like mine? ASUS implemented this feature specifically to resolve this particular issue.

If you don't, again, this is usually solved by either upping QPI voltage or lowering UCLK speed. This is also a common problem when going above 200BCLK.

Occasionally I've seen a channel get 'stuck' until you power the pc off at the wall and let it sit for a minute.

Also, reseating the heatsink is an effort to realign pins on the underside of the chip. You might want to check for bent pins in the socket or burned pads on the underside of your cpu.
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If CPUz is seeing the sticks, then it's IMC drift related(that hidden latency value known as tRL). The channel did not wake up in time, but DID wake up. Does your bios have a 'memory recheck' feature like mine? ASUS implemented this feature specifically to resolve this particular issue.

If you don't, again, this is usually solved by either upping QPI voltage or lowering UCLK speed. This is also a common problem when going above 200BCLK.

Occasionally I've seen a channel get 'stuck' until you power the pc off at the wall and let it sit for a minute.

Also, reseating the heatsink is an effort to realign pins on the underside of the chip. You might want to check for bent pins in the socket or burned pads on the underside of your cpu.

OK I'll check my BIOS as I too have an Asus. My socket and cpu are totally fine. Remember last week I had 12GB of ram this occured sometime in the past 2-4 days I suppose when I started re-fiddling with it.

I'm willing to try almost anything but again 133BCLK and the sticks remain hidden to BIOS and Windows.

I clicked on that link Zoson but do you mind spoon feeding me on this? What exactly am I looking for in my BIOS? tRL under DRAM Timing Control? And what do I do if I find it?
OK I'll check my BIOS as I too have an Asus. My socket and cpu are totally fine. Remember last week I had 12GB of ram this occured sometime in the past 2-4 days I suppose when I started re-fiddling with it.

I'm willing to try almost anything but again 133BCLK and the sticks remain hidden to BIOS and Windows.

I clicked on that link Zoson but do you mind spoon feeding me on this? What exactly am I looking for in my BIOS? tRL under DRAM Timing Control? And what do I do if I find it?

You're looking for "Memory Recheck." You can see it here at the very top of my screenshot:
Well I didn't find it in there. Makes no sense. I've got 0803 and it was added 0602 version:confused:
I mean the latest BIOS will have everything from previous versions right?

I do have tRL access would this do me again good?
was having a major problems for last week or so and decided to go on a troubleshooting pm with Zoson...but we finally got to the problem lol...interestingly enough just resetting the bios and redoing the settings fixed the glitch with the memory.....this is what i got when i initially ran memory test and obviously it was the cause of the problems:D
After having to re install windows and been worried my cpu was fried i went ahead and backed down my voltage to max safe levels since id rather not buy a new cpu if i don't have to....It's weird since i have never had memory problems on this pc before...but it all running in the green again passing all tests again

thanks for the help Zoson;) I had not though of running memory test, but it pointed me in the correct direction for getting the memory running correctly again
I do have tRL access would this do me again good?
That's RTL, not tRL ;) I had the same confusion. tRL is only ever visible in Rampage 3 Extreme bios 0003. It is not visible in _any_ other bios on _any_ other motherboard.

The recheck feature is outside of the DRAM timings section for me.

Does your board have dual bios? If so, might be worthwhile to flash the 602 bios to your second chip and take a look. Also, if you copied my CPUt sub timings, you might want to set them back to auto.

edit: also worthy to note that when you only have two dram channels working correctly, that significantly reduces the load on the IMC, and fixing this memory issue might put you back in unstable land.
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GonzoP it's possible the feature was added without the option to disable it, it's enabled by default on my R3E.

Why don't you query Asus support about it?

As Zoson suggested, you may want to check your CPU for bent pins or scorched pads and a re-seat.
The chipset that refuses to die.

Ya gotta love em.


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R&R: Turn on "Turbo Performance" and see if that gives you your turbo multiplier.

I had tried that before. Didn't work. But just to be doubly sure I tried again. That setting alone mysteriously kills my ability to boot without putting my VTT at +250mV (from +50mV) and slightly bumping vcore. Unfortunately, still reporting 20x max multi. The only real info I've turned up on what "Turbo Performance" does is that it's some sort of energy saving feature specifically for 6-core chips...I think all motherboard mfg's pay someone to do nothing but give BIOS options misleading titles.

I'll have to do some digging to see how far back I can go with older BIOS revisions to see if i get one where turbo works without killing my compatibility with westmere. Right now, the oldest on EVGA's servers is version 82, the second to newest.

EDIT: I was wrong. Direct linking to older BIOS's on their FTP server still works. I've downloaded all the vaild ones I could find and packaged them in a rar, should anyone else need them. E760 BIOS Repository V1
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Well I've got my X5675 installed.

Runs very cool on custom water, really impressed compared to my i920 D0. Got her sitting at 4.2 and the moment with low volts and great temps. I'm sure its capable of more to but will require more volts.

I like it the way it is to be honest, powerful and cool.

Excellent upgrade!!

GonzoP it's possible the feature was added without the option to disable it, it's enabled by default on my R3E.

Why don't you query Asus support about it?

As Zoson suggested, you may want to check your CPU for bent pins or scorched pads and a re-seat.

re-seating my heatsink did nothing.(

My socket and cpu are totally fine.

Well it must be the mobo itself. I threw my i7 920 in there and it too is only reporting 8GB of ram in BIOS and windows. That's at default BCLK of 133 with stock and 1.35v on the QPI.
Looks like those first two slots are just dead unless someone else has a method which will work.
Well I've got my X5675 installed.

Runs very cool on custom water, really impressed compared to my i920 D0. Got her sitting at 4.2 and the moment with low volts and great temps. I'm sure its capable of more to but will require more volts.

I like it the way it is to be honest, powerful and cool.

Excellent upgrade!!

Inconclusive test. You need to test with 5120mb ram, not 1024. 1024 doesn't stress your cpu, as given by the really low GFlops. at 4.2 you should be approaching 80.
Inconclusive test. You need to test with 5120mb ram, not 1024. 1024 doesn't stress your cpu, as given by the really low GFlops. at 4.2 you should be approaching 80.

How the hell am I meant to use 5120mb ram when I've only got 6GB installed? :rolleyes:

And from having another read on this thread it seems anyone approaching 80GFlops have HTdisabled.

My HT is enabled.
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How the hell am I meant to use 5120mb ram when I've only got 6GB installed? :rolleyes:

And from having another read on this thread it seems anyone approaching 80GFlops have HTdisabled.

My HT is enabled.
5120mb is 5.12GB, you have sufficient memory free as seen in your screenshot. You allocated 1024 and have 4242 free(1024 + 4242 = *GASP* 5266). You could also take a look at the benches i posted on the last page to see how absolutely ridiculous you're being. Or, you know, you could reboot in diagnostic mode if you have a million services starting(which also invalidates your result completely). Start -> run -> msconfig -> diagnostic mode -> reboot -> test

And you're 100% absolutely WRONG about that. I think there's only one person with HT off. Also seen in the benches I posted so you guys would have a ballpark as to how your stuff should be performing.

Seriously, cut the nonsense and actually read the thread.
Well it must be the mobo itself. I threw my i7 920 in there and it too is only reporting 8GB of ram in BIOS and windows. That's at default BCLK of 133 with stock and 1.35v on the QPI.
Looks like those first two slots are just dead unless someone else has a method which will work.

Gonzo, you have to understand that this does not make sense.

If the channel were totally dead, CPUz would NOT see the sticks at all. It would read dual channel and only show 8GB. The fact that the sticks are showing up in CPUz means that your chip knows they're there, but the IMC was unable to negotiate with the ram for some reason.

The motherboard has no circuitry other than power and traces to the CPU for the memory. Everything else is on CPU. Literally you either have bent pins in your socket or in your ram slots, or your bios settings are off somehow. Did you try using the reset to failsafe in BIOS to make certain everything went back to factory?

Time to bust out a magnifying glass and some really fine tipped tweezers, IMO.
5120mb is 5.12GB, you have sufficient memory free as seen in your screenshot. You allocated 1024 and have 4242 free(1024 + 4242 = *GASP* 5266). You could also take a look at the benches i posted on the last page to see how absolutely ridiculous you're being. Or, you know, you could reboot in diagnostic mode if you have a million services starting(which also invalidates your result completely). Start -> run -> msconfig -> diagnostic mode -> reboot -> test

And you're 100% absolutely WRONG about that. I think there's only one person with HT off. Also seen in the benches I posted so you guys would have a ballpark as to how your stuff should be performing.

Seriously, cut the nonsense and actually read the thread.

Actually your wrong. I dont have roughly 5266mb available.

In this example I only have roughly 3320mb available (in the new screen shot its less as I have some apps open and and was only to take screen shot) so what your saying is total nonsense.

Even on the 'very high' setting which uses 4096 I can't run because I DONT HAVE ENOUGH MEMORY!

How you expect me to use 5266mb (using the custom setting) is beyond me as I would never have that much free memory to use.

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Spent all night doing this.

4.4GHz CPU 1600MHz 6-8-6-24 1T RAM Results:
3.2GHz UCLK (81.4GFlops) | 3.6GHz UCLK (83.5GFlops) | 4GHz UCLK (85GFlops)
. . . .

4.4GHz CPU 2000MHz 7-9-7-24 1T RAM Results:
3.2GHz UCLK (83.5GFlops) | 3.6GHz UCLK (85GFlops) | 4GHz UCLK (86.4Gflops)
. . . .

If you're feeling brave, 4.6GHz CPU 2000MHz RAM 4GHz UCLK (90.3GFlops):

So, what do we learn from this?
UCLK benefits more than I thought, get it as high as you can within 1.35v.
For every 100MHz CPU above 4.4GHz you get about 2GFlops.
From 3.2GHz UCLK and 1600MHz RAM to 4GHz UCLK and 2000MHz RAM you gain 5GFlops.
That would sit a 4.5GHz CPU 3.2GHz UCLK 1600MHz RAM system at about 83GFlops.
You can match that with a 4.4GHz CPU 3.6GHz UCLK 1600MHz RAM or a 4.4GHz CPU 3.2GHz UCLK 2000MHz RAM system, and a 4.4GHz CPU 3.6GHz UCLK 2GHz RAM system would be faster.
A 4.4GHz CPU 4GHz UCLK 2GHz RAM (86.4GFlops) system would beat a 4.6GHz CPU 3.2GHz UCLK 1600MHz RAM system (estimated 85GFlops).


Actually your wrong. I dont have roughly 5266mb available.

In this example I only have roughly 3320mb available (in the new screen shot its less as I have some apps open and and was only to take screen shot) so what your saying is total nonsense.

Even on the 'very high' setting which uses 4096 I can't run because I DONT HAVE ENOUGH MEMORY!

How you expect me to use 5266mb (using the custom setting) is beyond me as I would never have that much free memory to use.
Please demonstrate how you're not actually reading anything in this thread again. Seriously, now I'm thinking you're intentionally trolling.
I been overclocking mine a little different as everything is on other then VT and only off by default.. the clock shown is the turbo clock and I have took it to 1.21 volt.. base clock is 3.69Ghz and turbo clock is 4.0Ghz ..ram is running at 1410Mhz at 1.55v .. video cards are at stock clocks so I have a lot of room yet there but i'm happy with the out come so far as I don't have to overclock the crap out of it to get a powerful platform for 24/7 ..I may dial a little more on vcore and dram voltage..


Firestrike score

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Gonzo, you have to understand that this does not make sense.

If the channel were totally dead, CPUz would NOT see the sticks at all. It would read dual channel and only show 8GB. The fact that the sticks are showing up in CPUz means that your chip knows they're there, but the IMC was unable to negotiate with the ram for some reason.

The motherboard has no circuitry other than power and traces to the CPU for the memory. Everything else is on CPU. Literally you either have bent pins in your socket or in your ram slots, or your bios settings are off somehow. Did you try using the reset to failsafe in BIOS to make certain everything went back to factory?

Time to bust out a magnifying glass and some really fine tipped tweezers, IMO.

Ok yeah that's one thing I didn't try yet. If multiple cpus have the same problem perhaps there is something in the socket itself. So that means that the pins which control ram channel A are the same for i7 & xeon? What boggles my mind though is how would these pins get bent within the socket under operations?
At any rate, I'll make time tomorrow Saturday to pull my heatsink off and take a magnified look at the socket. If that's fails I guess...I don't even know what to guess
Ok yeah that's one thing I didn't try yet. If multiple cpus have the same problem perhaps there is something in the socket itself. So that means that the pins which control ram channel A are the same for i7 & xeon? What boggles my mind though is how would these pins get bent within the socket under operations?
At any rate, I'll make time tomorrow Saturday to pull my heatsink off and take a magnified look at the socket. If that's fails I guess...I don't even know what to guess

The pin layout has to be identical for the socket to work with a cpu!

It is possible for heat stress to damage a socket. While there were never any widespread reports of this happening in x58, I have heard of it:
Actually your wrong. I dont have roughly 5266mb available.

In this example I only have roughly 3320mb available (in the new screen shot its less as I have some apps open and and was only to take screen shot) so what your saying is total nonsense.

Even on the 'very high' setting which uses 4096 I can't run because I DONT HAVE ENOUGH MEMORY!

How you expect me to use 5266mb (using the custom setting) is beyond me as I would never have that much free memory to use.

just set it to use MAX memory and it will stress your cpu the best.....i have on occasion also set it to high priority in the task manager before starting the test and it will be listed as linpack (i believe) in the task manager...people like myself have to set it to use on 9216 since burn test has a bug and wont test correctly above a certain memory amount is the only reason i and zoson don't use the max setting.

fyi: zoson has a slightly abrasive personality but he really knows what hes doing:D
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Or, you know, you could reboot in diagnostic mode if you have a million services starting(which also invalidates your result completely). Start -> run -> msconfig -> diagnostic mode -> reboot -> test
Seriously, cut the nonsense and actually read the thread.

just set it to use MAX memory and it will stress your cpu the best.....i have on occasion also set it to high priority in the task manager before starting the test and it will be listed as linpack (i believe) in the task manager...people like myself have to set it to use on 9216 since burn test has a bug and wont test correctly above a certain memory amount is the only reason i and zoson don't use the max setting.

fyi: zason has a slightly abrasive personality but he really knows what hes doing:D

I told him exactly what he needed to do and he ignored it, then came back with a ridiculous response. That's trolling.
5120mb is 5.12GB, you have sufficient memory free as seen in your screenshot. You allocated 1024 and have 4242 free(1024 + 4242 = *GASP* 5266).

Your wrong about this point, the test isn't running (in the screen shot is the message at the end of the test) and the memory is only allocated when the test is running, so in his screen shot he only actually has 4242 free, IBT doesn't deduct the setting from your available memory so you can't add on the imaginary 1024 that the test will allocate when it's running.
Your wrong about this point, the test isn't running (in the screen shot is the message at the end of the test) and the memory is only allocated when the test is running, so in his screen shot he only actually has 4242 free, IBT doesn't deduct the setting from your available memory so you can't add on the imaginary 1024 that the test will allocate when it's running.

Ah, figured IBT would be smart enough to tell you, but I guess that's just another reaosn why LinX is better. It still doesn't change the fact that he's not actually stress testing his CPU and that he hasn't actually verified anything though.
Ah, figured IBT would be smart enough to tell you, but I guess that's just another reaosn why LinX is better. It still doesn't change the fact that he's not actually stress testing his CPU and that he hasn't actually verified anything though.

Um, LinX doesn't do that either, physical memory available doesn't change depending on how much is allocated until the test is actually running. IBT does exactly the same thing, available ram does update once the test is running on both, but only then.
Well I didn't find it in there. Makes no sense. I've got 0803 and it was added 0602 version:confused:
I mean the latest BIOS will have everything from previous versions right?
Gonzo, have you cleared your CMOS since flashing to that bios version?
Um, LinX doesn't do that either, physical memory available doesn't change depending on how much is allocated until the test is actually running. IBT does exactly the same thing, available ram does update once the test is running on both, but only then.

I must be confused about exactly what you guys are debating, but i would think just setting it to max (sometimes you have to start over since it trying to use to much the first time and gives that error message about not having enough ram) but its always worked good for me in the past just setting it to max (of course us with 12 gigs set it to 9216mb since we have been told that was the max it could use properly) according to zoson, but it makes sense the way he explains that part

but it wouldn't be the first time i was confused what people were talking about;)
Gonzo, have you cleared your CMOS since flashing to that bios version?

I've had this BIOS for years. I have cleared CMOS earlier this summer when I swapped out my i7 for my Xeon.
But no I haven't done that in the last week since my ram disappeared. I'll try that tomorrow as well when I take a magnified look into the socket itself