
  1. 9

    Zotac 3060 Twin Edge Diagnosis

    Hi guys I purchase batches of broken stuff, I repair around 50% and have am continuing to learn .. I have a Zotac 3060 Twin edge 12GB .. This would be the first Ampere card I would have repaired , though I hit a roadblock I made a video , since it seemed easier to elaborate on the faults...
  2. M

    PC Malfunctioning after RAM and PSU change

    Hi, this is my first post on any hardware related forum, which may indicate my helplessness with a problem that I've encountered a few days ago. So lately I've been thinking of upgrading my GPU since I've recently bought a nice 2k monitor and my good old 1070 just isn't enough anymore. To...
  3. M

    Computer faulty?

    Hi, I've just bought the computer with the below Hard Faults/sec, does it mean there's a fault with it? The Resource Monitor also froze most of the time and had to be forcefully shut down.