
  1. Bense

    i7-7800x Delidding Catastrophe? Resoldering micro resistors?

    After wussing out on following through with the delidding of my i7-7800x (socket 2066), Saturday night I pulled out the delid tool that has sat in my desk drawer since August, and I gave it a go. I was nervous and very careful. I read several of the guides that I'd found online, and watched a...
  2. hotdun

    FS: ITX MB's - SFX PSU's - 3770K - 4770K's

    Pictures: Link Heatware: hotdun ========================================================= All Sold ========================================================= SOLD 1. Asus P8Z77-M micro ATX Motherboard 2. Intel 4770K 3. Intel 3770K 4. Asus P8Z77-I Deluxe mini ITX Motherboard with...
  3. VanGoghComplex

    WARNING: Delidded CPU + Monoblock = poor mating!

    I've moved this post from the Watercooling sub for visibility's sake. Guys, I've got a big problem. My 7700K is relidded, having used superglue on the IHS edges as suggested by the maker of Rockit88's delid tool. The result is a lower Z-height on the IHS, and as a result, smaller gap between...
  4. N

    8600k Delidded OC to 5.0ghz not stable?

    Hello everyone I'm new to the forums! I have gotten my 8600k delidded from silicon lottery and they did a great job. I managed to get it to 4.9ghz clock with 4.3cache but at a 1.385v with temps going to 62c. Whenever i try pushing it to 5.0ghz even at 1.4v, it crashes at prime95 shortly after...
  5. Reality

    FS: Delidded 3770k + Biostar Z77 TXE4 + 16GB "Wonder Ram"

    3770k runs at 4.8 stable @ 1.39v. Has Cool Laboratory Liquid Pro (Not Ultra) on die & IHS. Cleaning IHS will be left to the buyer unless asked. Samsung memory is 4x4GB, can run stable at 1866 or 2000mhz, depending on the timings. $320 for whole kit. Not currently looking to part out. PM...